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10.1 Alcohol
*use is in decline; EXCEPT for teens/young adults. Still considered “normal” part of
growing up & not dangerous
* impairs judgment= rape, crime, accidents, std’s, death
* # 1 drug problems among teens/young adults.
A. What is Alcohol? GATEWAY DRUG
Psychoactive drug- depressant= slows down central nervous system
(judgement, reflexes, thinking, respiration & perception all affected)
Ethanol-type of alcohol for drinking=there are many types
Serving size= .06oz. alcohol (1 beer,1 glass wine or1 shot of liquor)
*type of alcohol consume DOES NOT determine intoxication
Types: Beer (3-5%), Wine (9-14%), Hard Liquor (proof=measure of alcohol)
80proof=40% alcohol
NO nutritional value:
large amt. of sugar
affects absorption. of vit/min/nutrition
B. Why Start
1. Social Pressure: friends (#1), be grown up 2. Stress: coping-forget prob.
3. Advertising: glamorous, socialize, fun time 4. Rebellion
C. CONSUMPTION AMOUNTS *copy red part only here
≤ One drink (1 oz.)
2 drinks
2 + p/day
Regular but moderate use
Coping mech.
special meals
Stop w/o difficulty
Difficult to limit
get togethers
Blackouts & withdrawl
See Chart. Pg.484
Effects on:
A. The Person:
Intoxication- alc. enters blood stream quickly, effects felt in @ 20min.
Process center in brain is affected 1st-sense of euphoria, happy, giddy
1. Brain
-decreases neuron activity: coordination, memory, LESS CONTROL
- inhibitions decrease: do things “normally” wouldn’t do
- loss of consciousness: body tries to self-preserve, breathing depressed/slow,vomitting
BINGE DRINKING: 5+drinks at a time=very dangerous (coma, death)
2. Reflexes:
slow, loss of coordination, fine motor skills (eye/hand coordination)
3. Body Fluids:
- ↑ urine output, dehydration hangover= severe dehydration
4. Temperature regulation: - blood vessels dialate, ↓ body temp., ↑thirst-lose body
heat faster
B. Measure of Intoxication
BAC- blood alcohol content: .02-.50 (.08 legally drunk)
C. Factors for Intoxication:
1. Drinker: weight, gender, mood, health, food on stomach
↑ drinking=↑tolerance: alcohol absorbs in fat=girls get drunk easier/faster
2. Rate of intake: how much/how fast: food/water slow absorption;
carbonation speeds up.
Binge drinking=alcohol poisoning, breathing/heart stop or choke on vomit
3. Rate of Elimination: 95% by liver-3hr/1oz; 5% by urine/sweat/breath
4. Other substances: other drugs/medication can multiply affect.
Long term Affects
A. Damage:
1. Brain: MOST Damg.- shrinks, cells die, IQ/memory↓, damg. starts early
2. Liver: fat accumulates, scarring=Cirrhosis(#1 cause of death for alcoholics)
3. Mouth/Throat: oral cancer, inflammation & bleeding in esophagus/stomach
4. Stomach: ↑ acid irritates lining, ulcers, absorption factor decreased
5. Heart: enlarges, scar tissue develops, weakens, (bp↑, stroke, ♥ attack)
Risk factors for alcoholism:
 Age: most important, the younger a person starts the risk increases
 Social Enviro: people who you “hang” with & their behaviors
 Genetics: alcoholism runs in families, genes have been id’ed
 Risk taking personality: impulsive, risk taker, denial of seriousness
Warning Signs:
 Lying & hiding drinking from nondrinking friends
 Drinking alone, always to intoxication & where at
 Change in friends, habits & interests
Sec. 10.2 Effects on Society/Family
A. Home:
-destroys trust -financial difficulties -violence
-care of self, family, & responsibilities become secondary to drinking
-2/3 of child abuse cases involve alcohol
Familes become enablers & codependent to alcoholic
B. Society:
-Accidents on jobs, murders, rapes, drowning, suicides, trouble w/schools
-Driving: DWI-driving while intoxicated: .08 or higher *can be arrested for
*16-24 yr olds account for more alcohol related traffic fatalities than any other
- 50% of all teenage deaths are alcohol related.
-Teen Pregnancy/STI’s increase * 2/3 of date rape cases involve alcohol
-Cost society $ due to medical treatment/social service/ jail cost for ppl
*Drunk driving costs the United States $132 billion a year
Driving under the influence of alcohol was associated with age in 2010. The rate was highest among
persons aged 21 to 25 (23.4 percent). An estimated 5.8 percent of 16 or 17 year olds and 15.1 percent of
18 to 20 year olds reported driving under the influence of alcohol in the past year. Beyond age 25, these
rates showed a general decline with increasing age.
In fatal crashes in 2010, the highest percentage of drunk drivers was for drivers ages 16 to 24 (34
percent), followed by ages 25 to 34 (30 percent) and 35 to 44 (25 percent).
C. Pregnancy:
There is no safe limit for a mother to consume during pregnancy:
Fetal Alcohol Effect: delayed/ stunted mental abilities, slower
development, learning disabilities
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: permanent physical, mental, emotional damage
done to child. Visible deformities, mental retardation
D. Recovering &getting help
* Drinker has to admit a problem:
1. Group support: Alcoholics Anonymous: support for drinker
Al-Anon: for family members/loved ones
Ala teen: helps teen deal with alcoholic family memb.
Sadd: students against DD Madd: mothers against DD
2. Inpatient or Outpatient medical program:
patient needs to Detox. (very dangerous)
3. Psychologist/Medications: therapy, possible medications
There is a difference between alcohol use, misuse and abuse.