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Unit 5 - Chapter 15
True or false?
Alcohol is a stimulant that
speeds up the body
False – Alcohol is a
• Drug – is a chemical substance that is
taken to cause changes in a person’s
body or behavior
• Depressant – is a drug that slows
brain and body reactions
• In slowing the body’s
normal reactions,
alcohol may cause
–Decreased alertness
–Poor coordination
–Blurred vision
• Is for teens and others under the age
of 21
• Is a policy where students face stiff
consequences- tickets, court, jail,
community service
• Can happen the first time
What alcohol does
• Unlike food, alcohol does not have to be digested in the
stomach before it is absorbed into the blood
• Alcohol gets into a person’s bloodstream within minutes
of being consumed.
• Once in the blood, alcohol circulates throughout the
body, where it has widespread effects.
Effects of Intoxication
Nervous System
Cardiovascular System
• Heart rate and blood
pressure increase.
• More blood flows to the
skin’s surface.
• Core body temperature
Excretory System
• Kidneys increase
urine production.
• Drinker loses more
water from body
than usual.
• Brain activity slows down.
• Coordination becomes
• Sensations and perception
become less clear.
• Reflexes become sluggish.
Digestive System
• Too much alcohol in the
stomach may cause
Behavioral Effects
Drinkers lose judgment and self control
Natural fears are decreased
Increased risk of sexual activity/rape
Increased use of drugs
Angry or violent
Personality changes
Blood Alcohol Concentration
• is the amount of alcohol in a
person’s blood, expressed as
a percentage
• is a more reliable measure of
intoxication than the number
of drinks consumed
• The higher a person’s blood
alcohol concentration, the
more severe the physical and
behavioral effects
Complete Factors effect BAC in packet
- use page 382 in book
Factors effecting (BAC)
• Rate of consumption
– People who have a few drinks in one hour have a higher BAC than people
who drink the same amount over several hours
• Gender
– Males generally will have a lower BAC than females
• Body size
– Size In general, smaller people—by weight and height—feel the effects of
alcohol more than larger people
• Amount of food in stomach
– Drinking on an empty stomach increases the rate of alcohol absorption
into the bloodstream
Alcohol content
Milk jug activity
Page 383 – estimating BAC
Warning signs of alcohol poisoning
Cold, clammy, pale or bluish skin
Slow or irregular respiration
Vomiting while sleeping
Cannot be awakened
Complete vocabulary in the packet
Life-Threatening Effects
• Intoxication
increases the risks
– Motor accidents
– Alcohol overdose
– Interactions with other
– Sexual desire &
Jacquis story
Each year, crashes
and other injuries
related to underage
drinking kill about
5,000 youth in the
United States
Alcohol’s damage to the body
Brain Damage
• Long-term alcohol abuse destroys nerve cells in the brain.
• Destroyed nerve cells usually cannot grow again.
• The loss of many nerve cells causes permanent changes
that impair
• memory
• the ability to concentrate
• the ability to make sound judgments
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
• Fetal alcohol syndrome is a group of birth defects caused
by the effects of alcohol on an unborn child.
• Babies born with this syndrome may suffer from
• heart defects
• Malformed faces
• Delayed growth
• Poor motor development
• Mental retardation
• Brain and behavioral problems
• Even small amounts of alcohol consumed during
pregnancy can cause brain damage.
Liver Damage
• Alcohol interferes with the liver’s ability to metabolize, or
break down, fats.
• Fat-filled liver cells die, leaving behind useless scar
• This disease, called cirrhosis, may lead to liver failure and
Heart Disease
• Excessive drinking contributes to heart disease.
• Over time, alcohol causes
 Increased blood pressure
 Increased heart rate and irregular heart beat
 Build up of fatty deposits in the heart muscle
Digestive Problems
• Ongoing drinking irritates the tissues that line the digestive
• Repeated irritation increases the risk of
• cancers of the mouth, tongue, esophagus, and stomach
• recurring diarrhea
• chronic indigestion, heartburn, or ulcers
Drinking Levels among Youth
The 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Survey found that among high school
students, during the past 30 days
39% drank some amount of alcohol
22% binge drank
8% drove after drinking alcohol
24% rode with a driver who had been drinking alcohol
Stages of Alcoholism
•Stage 1 – Problem Drinking
•Stage 2 – Absolute Dependence
•Stage 3 – Late Stage of Alcoholism
Addiction Activity