Download ISLAM Founder: in Mecca in Mecca, Arabia by Muhammad (ad 570

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Founder: in Mecca in Mecca, Arabia by Muhammad (ad 570–632), considered the
greatest man who ever lived and the last of more than 124,000 messengers sent by
Allah (God). Muhammad is the final “seal” of many prophets sent by Allah (God).
The Islamic calendar began in AD 622 when Muhammad fled Mecca.
Main types:
1.) Sunni (“people of the tradition”),
2.) Shi’a (“party of Ali”), Sufi (mystics).
Writing: The Holy Qur’an (Koran), revealed to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel.
Essential commentaries are found in the Sunnah (“tradition”), composed of Hadith
(“narrative”) and Sirah (“journey”). The Qur’an affirms the biblical:
1.) Torah,
2.) Psalms, and
3.) Gospels, but
4.) Jews and Christians have corrupted the original texts
God: Allah is One and absolutely unique. He cannot be known. The greatest sin in
Islam is shirk, or associating anything with Allah. Human qualities like fatherhood
cannot be attributed to Allah. Many Muslims think that Christians believe in three
gods and are therefore guilty of shirk.
Jesus: Jesus (Isa in Arabic) was not God or the Son of God. His virgin birth is
likened to Adam’s creation. He was sinless, a worker of miracles, and one of the most
respected prophets sent by Allah. He was not crucified or resurrected. He, not
Muhammad, will return to play a special role before the future judgment day, perhaps
turning Christians to Islam.
Holy Spirit: “Holy spirit” can refer to Allah, to the angel Gabriel, or to a spirit used by
Allah to give life to man and inspire the prophets.
Salvation: Humans are basically good, but fallible and need guidance. The balance
between good and bad deeds determines one’s destiny in paradise or hell. Allah may
tip the balances toward heaven. One should always live with the fear of Allah and
judgment day.
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Death: Belief in bodily resurrection. One may pray for and seek favor for the dead
before judgment day. Paradise includes a garden populated with houris, maidens
designed by Allah to provide sexual pleasure to righteous men.
Other Beliefs: Muslims meet in mosques for prayers, sermons, counsel Emphasis
on hospitality, developing a sense of community, and maintaining honor (or avoiding
shame). Shari’a (Islamic law) governs all aspects of life in places where it is
enforced. Jihad (“fight”) may be used to refer either to one’s inner struggle to obey
God or to literal warfare. Muslims who convert to Christianity or other religions face
persecution and possible death.
Sunni: Over 1 billion worldwide
Shi’a: Estimated 170 million, primarily in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Bahrain
Sunni: Muhammad’s successors (called caliphs) should ideally be chosen by
consensus/election. The first was Abu Bakr (c. ad 573–634), and over the
centuries many others followed. No new caliphs since 1924.
Shi’a: Muhammad’s successors (called imams) should be from his family and
descendants (Ahl al-Bayt). The first of these was his cousin and son-in-law,
Ali (c. ad 600–661), and thereafter all imams were bloodline descendants
from Fatimah (Muhammad’s daughter and Ali’s wife). No new imams since
a.d. 869.
Sunni: The Qur’an, plus an emphasis on Hadith and other sayings attributed to
companions of Muhammad such as Abu Bakr, Umar, and Aisha.
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Shi’a: The Qur’an, plus an emphasis on Hadith and other sayings attributed to
members of Muhammad’s family and their supporters.
Five Pillars (or duties):
1.) Profession of Faith (shahadah);
2.) Prayers (salat);
3.) Almsgiving (zakat);
4.) Fasting during Ramadan (sawm);
5.) Pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj).
Six Beliefs in:
1.) Allah
2.) Prophets and Messengers
3.) Angels
4.) Holy Books
5.) The Day of Judgment and the Resurrection
6.) The Decree (destiny/fate)
Ten Central Practices:
1.) Profession of Faith (shahadah);
2.) Prayers (salat);
3.) Almsgiving (zakat);
4.) One-Fifth Tax (khums);
5.) Fasting during Ramadan (sawm);
6.) Pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj);
7.) Religious War (jihad);
8.) Enjoining to Do Good (amr-bil-ma’ruf);
9.) Exhortation to Desist from Evil (nahi-anil-munkar);
10.) Loving the Ahl al-Bayt and their followers (tawalla); Disassociation
from the Enemies of the Ahl al-Bayt (tabarra)
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Five Principles:
1.) Oneness (tawhid);
2.) Justice (adl);
3.) Prophethood (nubuwwah);
4.) Leadership (imamah);
5.) Day of Resurrection (yawm al qiyyamah)
Sunni: Four “schools of law” (Madh’hab):
1.) Hanafi
2.) Maliki
3.) Hanbali
4.) Shafi’i
Shi’a: Three branches:
1.) Majority “Twelvers” (Jafari), who believe in a succession of twelve
infallible, divinely ordained imams.
2.) “Seveners” (Ismaili)
3.) “Fivers” (Zaidi).
Sunni: Majority believe that a figure known as the Mahdi (“guided one”), from
Muhammad’s family, will appear with Jesus before the final judgment.
Shi’a: Majority believe in a series of twelve imams serving as Muhammad’s
spiritual and political successors. The final one, Muhammad al-Mahdi (b.
ad 869), is alive but hidden (in “occultation”) since ad 874; at the proper
time he will appear with Jesus.
FOUNDER: Wallace D. Fard (1891–?). Founded 1930 in Detroit, but led by Elijah
Muhammad (1897–1975) since 1934. Current head is Louis Farrakhan (b. 1933).
Headquarters in Chicago, Illinois.
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WRITING: Publicly, the Holy Qur’an is authoritative and the Bible is quoted often, but
Message to the Blackman in America, Our Saviour Has Arrived, and other books by
Elijah Muhammad supply its distinctive views. Current teachings are in The Final Call
newspaper and speeches of Minister Farrakhan.
GOD: Officially, there is one God, Allah, as described in the Qur’an. But Elijah
Muhammad’s teachings are also true: God is a black man, millions of Allahs have
lived and died since creation, collectively the black race is God, and Master Fard is
the Supreme Allah and Saviour.
JESUS: Officially, Jesus is a sinless prophet of Allah. Privately, Jesus was born from
adultery between Mary and Joseph, who was already married to another woman.
Jesus was not crucified, but stabbed in the heart by a police officer. He is still buried
in Jerusalem. Prophecies of Jesus’ return refer to Master Fard, Elijah Muhammad, or
to Louis Farrakhan.
HOLY SPIRIT: The Holy Spirit is not significant to their belief, but is generally
regarded as the power of God or as the angel Gabriel who spoke to the prophet
SALVATION: People sin, but are not born sinful; salvation is through submission to
Allah and good works. Older beliefs still held: Fard is the saviour, salvation comes
from knowledge of self and realizing that the white race are devils who displaced the
black race.
Death: There is no consciousness or any spiritual existence after death. Heaven and
hell are symbols. Statements about the resurrection refer to awakening “mentally
dead” people by bringing them true teachings.
Farrakhan’s public messages coexist with earlier, esoteric doctrines. Elijah
Muhammad’s older views (such as polytheism, God as the black race,
OTHER BELIEFS: Master Fard as Allah incarnate, whites as devils bred to cause
harm) are still distributed, but public preaching now focuses on Islamic themes (one
eternal God, non-racial emphasis) with frequent use of the Bible.
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