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U.S. History EOC Review
Building a Nation (Colonization – 1877)
Colonization & Founding a New Nation (1600-1840)
 What were the reasons for colonization? Impact? Successes & failures of settlements in
North America?
 Religious development & religion’s significance in North America (religious settlements,
Great Awakening)
 Significant aspects of colonial society (religion, social structure, male/female roles,
slavery, education)
 Compare economic development of the various colonies. Impact of indentured
servitude & African slavery.
 Development of colonial governments
 What events led up to the American Revolution? Key turning points of the war.
 Purpose of the Constitutional Convention (limitations of power – Articles of
Confederation); why is it considered a “bundle of compromises?”
 How did Enlightened ideas influence the development of the American government &
Declaration of Independence.
o Explain the ideas expressed in the US Constitution.
o Explain development of Bill of Rights, what debates led to those amendments
 Course of political and territorial changes resulting from westward expansion up to
 Evaluate federal & state policies toward Indians 1800-1840
 Evaluate & be able to explain positions on development of U.S. foreign policy during
early 19th century (Embargo Act, Monroe Doctrine, etc.)
Antebellum America (1781-1860)
 Impact of the First Industrial Revolution (Lowell System, immigration, technology
advances, changes in transportation)
 Major events that promoted sectional conflicts & strained national cohesiveness
(slavery, states rights, Bleeding Kansas)
 Identify significant religious, philosophical, or social reform movements & impact on
 Major characteristics of the abolitionist movement (achievements, failures, Southern
 Analyze women’s rights, suffrage movement; women’s roles in other reform
 Compare/Contrast economic, social & cultural differences between the North and South
during this time period.
Civil War & Reconstruction (Ch 19-22)
 Analyze the technological, social & strategic aspects of the Civil War for the Union &
U.S. History EOC Review
What was Lincoln’s philosophy of the Union? What effect did his leadership and
executive actions affect the course of the war?
Basic provisions (what was each one about) & immediate impact of 13th, 14th & 15th
Most famous proposals for reconstruction? Official plan(s), any changes along the way.
Evaluate their social, economic, & political impact on the South
Evaluate the immediate & long-term influences/effects of Reconstruction on AfricanAmericans and U.S. society as a whole.
Rebuilding a Nation (Ch 23-29) (1877-1914)
Industrialization and Urbanization (Ch.23-26)
Impact of new inventions & technologies of the late 19th century
Evaluate influences on business and industry in late 19th & early 20th century
Identify labor/workforce issues of the late 19th century (including ownership’s
perspective & Social Darwinism)
Challenges faced by & contributions of immigrants of the late 19 th century
Causes and impact of urbanization in late 19th century
Compare/Contrast the experiences of African Americans in different regions of the
Evaluate the influences on the development of the American West
Significant events for Native American tribes & their responses to those events in the
late 19th century
Increasing Influence and Challenges (Ch 27-29)
What were the components and significant issues of the Populist movement & what was
its impact?
What were the origins and accomplishments of the Progressive Movement?
Efforts to achieve female suffrage in early 20th century
Causes/Consequences of Spanish American War
Factors influencing US Imperialism & ensuing debate over imperialism
Evaluate positions on various U.S. foreign policies in late 19th & 20th centuries
(isolationism, colonialism, Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine, Dollar Diplomacy
Changes at Home and Abroad (1914-1942)
The United States in a Changing World (Ch 30-34)
 Causes of & significant events of WWI, impact of those events; evaluate Treaty of
 Evaluate scientific & technological innovations of the 1920s
 Impact of new cultural movements on American society in 1920s (
U.S. History EOC Review
Characteristics of social conflict and social change in the early 1920s (nativism,
isolationism, etc.)
Economic factors leading to the stock market crash of 1929 & the Great Depression
o Economic, environmental, & social impact of the Great Depression on American
Evaluate the impact of the New Deal on various aspects of American society (social,
political, environmental, economic)
America Since World War II (1942-Present)
* Truman (1944-53), Eisenhower (‘53-61) Kennedy (‘61-63) Johnson (‘63-69), Nixon (’69-74)
Ford (’74-77) Carter (’77-81) Regan (’81-89) GHW Bush (’89-93) Clinton (’93-2001) Bush (’01-09)
Obama (’09-Present)
WWII & the Cold War (Ch 34-42)
 Circumstances abroad and at home before U.S. involvement in WWII
 Significant military & political aspects of WWII
 Analyze the aspects of the Holocaust and the Allies response to the Holocaust and war
 Social, political, & economic impacts of WWII on the home front.
 Evaluate major scientific & technological developments in America during & after WWII
 Analyze the social, cultural, & economic changes at the onset of the Cold War era
 Origins of the Cold War, foreign policy developments, major foreign policy events in the
administrations (Truman – Present)
 Describe and evaluate the political & social impact of the Vietnam War
Changes at Home (1945-Present) (Ch 34-42)
 Major domestic issues and responses from the administrations (Truman – Present)
 Impact of innovations in technology, communication, & travel on American society (TV,
computers, cell phones, internet, airline travel, interstate system, etc.)
 Events & influential individuals of the Civil Rights Movement (W.E.B. Du Bois, MLK,
Malcolm X, Rosa Parks) & Counter Culture movement (Jane Fonda, Timothy Leary,
Hippies) & assess their impact
 Evaluate the impact of the changes in the national economy on contemporary American
 Identify major contemporary social, environmental, & political issues (immigration,
global warming, terrorism)
 Assess increasing global interdependence, potential for conflict, & the U.S. role in world
events in the present and future.