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Review over Respiratory System
_____________________ - exchange of air between the atmosphere and the bloodstream
_____________________ - exchange of air between the bloodstream and cells of the body
_____________________ - the use of O2 by cells to produce energy in the form of ATP
The purpose of the cilia in the trachea - _________________________________________
The lungs are located in the _____________ cavity
_______________ fluid secreted by the pleural membranes functions to _______________
____________________ - major site of gas exchange in the lungs
The trachea is kept open by _____________________________________
How many lobes are in the right lung? ______
left lung? ______
What causes air to move into the lungs?
What causes air to move out of the lungs?
_________________ - movement of substances from a higher concentration to a lower
Vocal cords are located in the _____________
During inspiration, what happens to the diaphragm? __________________
expiration? __________________
Tiny air sacs in the lungs - _______________
They are covered with ___________________, which is where ________________
takes place
Name 2 functions of the respiratory system: 1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
The most important gas regulating the rate of respiration is ___________
_______________ - the double membrane that covers the surface of the lungs
__________________ - inflammation of this membrane
Trace the pathway of air through the respiratory system:
Nose 
Most of the carbon dioxide in the blood is transported as _________________________
_________________ - prevents food from entering the respiratory passageway when
____________________ - the fluid that keeps alveoli from collapsing
Oxygen in the blood is transported by the iron-containing protein - ___________________
How do you change the pitch of your voice?
How do you increase the loudness of our voice?
Explain why it is impossible for a person to commit suicide by holding their breath.
List the 3 ways that carbon dioxide is transported in the bloodstream:
1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
Describe the process of inspiration, making sure you identify:
a. which muscles contract or relax?
b. volume change in thoracic cavity?
c. pressure changes in thoracic cavity?
Researchers have determined that cigarette smoking paralyzes the cilia in the trachea.
Knowing this, explain why smokers often suffer from severe bouts of coughing.
How long is the trachea? _____________
Location of external respiration - ________________
How many alveoli are in each lung? ___________________
Most adults have _____________ respiratory cycles per minute (at rest)
Name 2 ways oxygen is transported in the bloodstream:
1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
Write the chemical equation for the conversion of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate ions:
What part of the brain controls the rate and rhythm of your breathing? _________________
Abnormalities of the respiratory system:
bronchioles of the lungs become constricted - _______________
inflammation of bronchi - ____________________
walls of alveoli rupture leaving less area for gas exchange - _________________
Genetic disease that produces excessive mucus in lungs - ____________________
collapsed lung - __________________
malignant growth of cells in lungs - ___________________________