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A.P. U.S. History Notes
Chapter 16: The Civil War
In 1860, after many years of disagreements several issues, the south seceded from the
United States of America following the election of Abraham Lincoln. Both President Lincoln
and The confederate President Jefferson Davis hoped for peace but this was not to be the case as
war broke out following the attack on union troops bringing supplies to Ft. Sumter.
Many new war tactics were first applied such as total war and fighting with ironclads. In
January of 1863 President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves in the
south. This war was also the first time African Americans were able to enlist and have whole
units of African American soldiers.
The south tried to get Europe to help them, but Europe failed to recognize The
Confederate States of America as an independent nation and did not believe they could win. For
a while it seemed the South would win but thing took a turn for the worst after the Battle of
Gettysburg .After 5 years of fighting in the Appomattox court house Confederate General Robert
E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant.
Important People:
Abraham Lincoln union president who’s election sparked the southern secession
Jefferson Davis President of the Confederacy
Confederates soldiers from the southern states of South Carolina, Mississippi , Alabama,
Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia , Arkansas , and Tennessee
Gen. Robert E. Lee Head of the confederate army
Edwin M. Staton Head of the war department by 1862
Gen. George B. McClellan first leader of Union troops; Democrat candidate for president in
Gen. Ulysses S. Grant Second leader of the union troops
Gen. Henry H. Sibley led confederate forces that occupied Albuquerque and Santa Fe
Commander Benjamin Butler Union commander who claimed escaped slaves were
“contraband” of war and the Fugitive Slave Law no longer applied
Elizabeth Keckley Former slave who formed Contraband Relief Association
Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman Union general who captured Atlanta, GA. He destroyed
everything in his path from Atlanta to Savannah GA.
Charles Dana Assistant secretary of war
Robert Fitzgerald A free black American who helped the union army and then served in it after
the Emancipation Proclamation
Fifth Massachusetts Calvary most famous 100 % African American regiment of the union
Clara Barton Former government clerk who formed the American Red Cross
Copperheads peace democrats led by Clement Vallandigham
Government girls Women who were a part of the confederate bureaucracy
Gen. Joseph “Fighting Joe” Hooker Union general
Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson Confederate general; was killed by his own men at
John Wilkes Booth Assassinated Pres. Lincoln
December, 20 1860
February, 1861
March 4, 1861
March !861
April 12, 1861
April/May 1861
June 1861
July 1861
December 1861
January 1862
February 1862
February 1862
March 1862
March 1862
March – August 1862
March 1862
Lincoln elected
South Carolina unanimously votes to secede
FL, MI, TX, GA, LA, AL also secede
Confederate States of America formed
Lincoln Inaugurated
Morrill Tariff Act
Fight for Ft. Sumter; Start of War
VA, NC, AR, TN joined the Confederacy
United States Sanitary Commission established
First Battle of Bull Run
French troops arrive in Mexico
British and Spanish forces arrive
Legal Tender Act
Battles of Ft. Henry and Ft. Donelson
Battle of Pea Ridge
Battle of the Monitor and the Merrimac (the Virginia)
McClellan’s Peninsular Campaign
Battle of Glorieta Pass
April 1862
April 1862
May 1862
June/July 1862
July 1862
July 1862
September 1862
January 1863
February 1863
April 1863
June 1863
July 1863
July 1863
July 1863
November 1863
March 1864
April 1864
September 1864
November 1864
April 1865
April 1865
April 14, 1865
Battle of Shiloh
Confederate Conscription Act
Homestead Act
Seven Days Battles
Railway Act
Morrill Land Grant Acts
Battle of Antietam
Emancipation Proclamation
National Bank Act
Richmond Bread Riot
French occupy Mexico City
Battle of Gettysburg
Surrender of Vicksburg
New York City Draft Riots
Union troops capture Brownville Texas
Grant becomes general in chief of Union forces
Ft. Pillow massacre
Fall of Atlanta
Lincoln reelected
Sherman’s March to the sea
Richmond falls
Robert E. Lee surrenders at Appomattox
Lincoln assassinated