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INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Yvette Sharrow
Email: [email protected]
On-line Textbook:
TEXTBOOK: Life iScience, Glencoe
COURSE DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVE: Life Science is a full year course that involves the study of
living things, their composition, how they grow, how they function and how they interact with other living
organisms and their environment. Many different techniques are used to investigate and study Life
Science. Some of these techniques include discussion, note taking, making observations, conducting
experiments, forming hypotheses and theories, working with scientific instruments, dissecting and making
deductions and drawing conclusions.
DETERMINATION OF GRADES: Grades are based on notebook checks, class assignments, homework
assignments, quizzes, tests, and participation coupons. There will be no extra credit, instead you can use
participation coupons to improve your grade. For a detailed explanation of my grading system as well as my
policy on work that was missed due to absence from school please refer to the “Grading System” sheet in
your child’s Life Science notebook.
TIME AVAILABLE TO PROVIDE HELP: I’m available during Enrichment or Flex period, as well as
After student dismissal until 3:00. I can also be
reached between 12:50-1:20 for parental contact.
IMPORTANT WEBSITES: On my website listed above you will find downloadable copies of vocabulary,
worksheets, drawings, powerpoints, notes, outlines, etc. As well as directions to register for the online book
and a flash card app of your i-devices. Also I list the Life Science and Ecology homework weekly.
PowerSchool at is a wonderful way to keep up to date on your
grades and upcoming assignments. You can use the calendar option to have your assignments sent to your
electronic calendar.
Students will…
1. Complete all classwork and homework.
2. Raise their hand and be recognized before speaking.
3. Be on time for class.
4. Ask permission before leaving their seat.
5. Inquire about and complete all assignments when absent from class.
6. Bring all required materials to class. (textbook, pencil, and notebook)
7. Abide by and obey all rules and policies in the student handbook.
Note: Cheating - as mentioned in the student handbook, will result in a zero, whether it is
homework or a test. There will be no makeup work. If you are copying someone’s homework
both of you will be given a zero.
Second Offense – You will receive a zero on the assignment or test, and your parents will be
notified as well as Mr. DeAngelo and/or Dr. McGalla and you will be given a detention.
Third Offense – will be handled by the principal and the school district.
HOMEWORK HELP: When a student misses 3 assignments their name will be posted on the Homework Help
board on Monday and will have until Wednesday at 2:00 to make up their missed assignments. If the
assignments are not made up you will be assigned to Homework Help on Thursday 2:14 to 2:45.
REQUIRED MATERIALS: Life Science Notebook and paper are provided at the beginning of the
course; a pencil will be needed as well. The Life iScience textbook will be
needed on days that the Book sign is posted. A pen and Crayola colored
pencils (12 pk) are recommended.
(Please note this timetable is subject to change)
Nature of Science - Scientific Explanations
3 weeks
Understanding Science, Measurement and Scientific Tools
Chapter 1 – Classifying and Exploring Life
3 weeks
Characteristics of Life, Classifying Organisms, and Exploring Life
Chapter 2 – Cell Structure and Function
3.5 weeks
Cells and Life, the Cell, Moving Cellular Material, Cells and Energy
Chapter 3 – From a Cell to an Organism
1.5 weeks
The Cell Cycle and Cell Division and Levels of Organization
Chapter 4 – Reproduction of Organisms
2 weeks
Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis, Asexual Reproduction
Chapter 5 – Genetics
4 weeks
Mendel and His Peas, Understanding Inheritance, DNA and Genetics
Chapter 6 – The Environment and Change Over Time
1 week
Fossil Evidence of Evolution, Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, and
Biological Evidence of Evolution
Chapter 7 – Bacteria and Viruses
2 weeks
What are Bacteria, Bacteria in Nature, and What are Viruses
Chapter 8 – Protists and Fungi
2 weeks
What are Protists and What are Fungi
Chapter 11 – Animal Diversity
2.5 weeks
What defines an animal, Invertebrate Phyla, and Phylum Chordata
Chapter 12 – Animal Structure and Function
2.5 weeks
Support, Control, and Movement, Circulation, and Gas Exchange, Digestion and
Chapter 13 – Animal Behavior and Reproduction
2.5 weeks
Types of Behavior, Interacting with Others, Animal Reproduction and Development
Review for Final
** There is a mid-term and final exam for this course.
1 week
Life Science
Mrs. Sharrow
I have read and understand the above information. I realize that my child is responsible for missed work
due to an absence, educational trip, field trip, band or chorus practice, a sports event, or any other activity
as outlined in the Life Science “Grading System”.
Please choose one of the following options.
_____ We do have internet access at home and I will use the Parent Portal to PowerSchool to monitor my
child’s progress in Life Science.
_____ We do not have internet access at home and I will monitor my child’s progress in Life Science by
contacting Mrs. Sharrow on a weekly basis.
Parent Signature _________________________________________
Student Signature ________________________________________