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8th Grade Personal Finance
2014-2015 Classroom Syllabus
Cherryvale Middle-High School
Course Title: Personal Finance
Course Instructor: Ms. Hannah McClelland
Course Length: 90 hours (1 semester)
Textbooks: None, supplements used.
Required Materials:
Please Bring DAILY to class:
Spiral Notebook or 3-Ring Binder with Notebook Paper
Black/Blue Pen or Pencil
Course Description:
During this 1 semester course students will learn some of the basic skills needed to live on their own. At
the beginning of the semester we will review how to: manage their time wisely, research and find jobs,
budget and save for the future, rent an apartment, buy a car, shop wisely, choose and balance a checking
account, get a credit card, and fix credit. Then, we will continue the semester by learning how to: advance in
their careers through education, pay taxes, invest money, compare risks versus return, diversify, invest for
retirement, buy a home, and purchase and use insurance.
Course Outline:
I. Review of Previous Course Materials
II. Education and Advancement
III. Paying Your Taxes
IV. Intro. To Investing
V. Risk vs. Return
VI. Diversification
VII. Investing for Retirement
VIII. Buying a Home
IX. Insurance
X. New Career Project
Method of Teaching:
This class will primarily consist of discussions and classroom simulation exercises using Knowledge Matters
Business Personal Finance software. Other methods used might include group activities, research, and
independent work. Examples and assignments will come from a variety of supplemental material.
Grading Method:
In this course, students’ grades will be primarily based on their performance on hands-on activities and
simulation exercises that require students to apply the information introduced throughout the course.
Quarter grades will be determined by dividing total points earned by total points possible.
Letter Grades will be determined using the standard Cherryvale Middle-High School Grading Scale.
Students are expected to attend all classes. Material will be presented in class and most assignments are to
be completed in class. If a student is absent from class, they are required to visit with the instructor and
make proper arrangements to make up the class time/assignments missed. If a missed assignment is not
made up within one week, the student will not receive the points for the missed assignment.
Revised 2/4/2015