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World History Test Review – World War I and Russian Revolution
1. Describe the MAIN causes of World War I. How was each important? How did each
contribute to WWI
2. How did imperialism make the European conflict of WWI a real “world-wide” war?
3. What was the spark that sent Europe into war? What were the steps that led to war?
4. Who were the members of the Triple Alliance & Triple Entente?
5. Who were the members of the Central Powers & Allied Powers?
6. Describe the new military technology that was used in World War I. How did it create a
more destructive war?
7. What was the Schlieffen Plan? What does it have to do with a possible Western Front &
Eastern Front?
8. How did “trench warfare” develop along the Western Front? Why was World War I a
war of attrition?
9. What does Total War mean? Give some examples.
10.When and why did the United States enter WWI and what was the result?
11.How was the Great War different from previous wars?
12.How did the Great War affect peoples’ lives both in battle and on the home front?
13.How did Japan “win big” in WWI?
14.What was the Armenian Genocide in 1915?
15.What was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk? What were its provisions and why was it
16.How was Europe different after the WW1?
17.Describe the Paris Peace Conference & Big Four (who were they, what did each want?)
18.What were Wilson’s 14 Points (explain self-determination, League of Nations)
19.What were the main points of the Treaty of Versailles (three main things it did?)
20.What were the results of Treaty of Versailles?
21.What was Russia like prior to WWI? Who ruled?
22.Describe Bloody Sunday.
23.Who were the Bolsheviks and what did they want?
24.Describe Vladimir Lenin’s role in the Russian Revolution.
25.What was Stalin known for? What were The Great Purge and the Five Year Plans?
26.What were human rights like under Stalin?
27.What is Zionism? What event led Theodor Herzl to believe that Zionism was the only
viable option for European Jews?
28.What contributed most to the American victory in the American Revolution?
29.Results of the French and Indian War (Seven Years' War)?
30.What was the effect of the American Revolution on World History?
31.Similarities between the French and American Revolutions
32.Compare the consequences of the American and French revolutions
33.What was the role of the Enlightenment in the American Revolutionary War
34.What was the Glorious Revolution and how did it influence the American & French
Revolutionary Wars
35.How do people participate in supporting or changing their governments?
36.Who is John Locke?
37.What is Popular Sovereignty? Separation of Powers? What is Checks & Balances? What
are individual liberties?
39.Reign of Terror?
40.What are Estates
41.What role did the Enlightenment play in making political revolutions & rebellions
42.What groups of people did Enlightenment thinkers ignore or overlook?
43.Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
44.How did Nationalism contribute to Napoleon’s defeat?
45.What is bourgeoisie?
46.Which two developments impacted the 19th century?
47.How did Human lives change because of the factory system?
48.Where did the industrial revolution first begin? And why did it happen in this country?
49.What were the major effects of the factory system on women
50.Who was Karl Marx and why is he important
51.What is Social Darwinism
52.What is Laissez-faire
53.What is the White man’s burden
54.What is Communism
55.What contributed to the success of European imperialism in the late 1800s?
56.What happened as a result of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?
57.How did 17th and 18th century scientific revolution led to the Industrial Revolution
58. Who was Adam Smith? Why is the Wealth of Nations significant
59.What is free enterprise? How did it develop?
60.Identify the characteristics of the following political systems: theocracy, absolute
monarchy, democracy, republic, oligarchy, limited monarchy, and totalitarianism.