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World History & Geography 2009-2010, S-2
Unit 7
Ancient Rome and Early Christianity
Pages: 152-185
Chapter 6, Section 1
1. Romulus & Remus ®
2. the Forum ®
3. republic
4. patricians
5. consuls
6. Tribal Assemblies ®
7. legions
8. Punic Wars
Section 2
9. Tiberius & Gaius
Gracchus ®
10. Octavian (Augustus) ®
Section 3
11. Jesus ®
12. Diaspora
13. Constantine ®
14. Nicene Creed ®
Section 4
15. Mercenaries
16. Diocletian ®
17. Constantinople ®
18. Attila ®
Section 5
19. Pompeii ®
20. Colosseum ®
® Indicates that the term will not be found in the glossary, but in the reading for that section.
Chapter 6, Section 1
1. How does Rome’s geography make it an ideal location for a city? Hint: Be sure to include names of
geographic features and thoughts from Livy in this answer.
2. How did the Etruscans impact the development of Roman civilization in the areas of writing and
3. Who were the plebeians AND what was the purpose for having tribunes?
4. What were the Twelve Tables AND how did free Roman citizens benefit from them?
5. The neighboring Latins had full citizenship and the people from outer territories had citizenship except the
vote. Explain the relationship Rome had with its allies AND whether this agreement had a positive or
negative impact on the Roman Empire.
6. Who was Hannibal AND what strategy or tactics, including animals, did he use to try to defeat the Romans?
Section 2. The Roman Empire
7. How did the widening gap between the rich and poor lead to problems (civil war) within the Republic? How
did individual military generals gain power?
8. Where did Julius Caesar have his military successes? What did the people think of Caesar when he
returned to Rome?
9. List important reforms made by Julius Caesar while he governed as an absolute ruler.
10. Why was the civil service so important during the Pax Romana?
11. How did the denarius, Roman navy, and roads contribute to the economic prosperity of Rome?
12. List the traditional qualities that would be expected of a Roman person. Give examples from your life that
show that you have some of these same qualities.
13. Who were enslaved AND how were they used?
14. What was the relationship between religion and government in Rome?
15. What was the purpose for government providing daily rations of grain AND entertainment events?
Section 3. The Rise of Christianity
16. How did the emphasis Jesus placed on God’s personal relationship to each human contrast to the worship
of Roman gods?
17. What happened to Paul so that he became an apostle, AND why was he so important in spreading
18. Why AND in what ways, were the Christians persecuted? Why were the Christians seen as martyrs?
19. Why did Christianity appeal to millions of people, especially the poor?
20. Why was the Edict of Milan a great relief for Christians?
21. What was Augustine’s message about the grace of God?
Section 4. The Fall of the Roman Empire
22. What caused the Romans to have a problem with inflation?
23. What were the causes of the loss of the loyalty that was once such a mark of the Roman culture?
24. What steps did Diocletian take to reform the Empire?
25. Why would Constantine choose the site of Byzantium for his new capital city?
26. What was the original relationship between the German groups and the Romans in Europe, at least until
around A.D. 370? What happened to change this?
27. What was the direct impact of the Huns on the Roman Empire?
28. What date is noted for the end of the Western Empire AND how much longer did the Eastern half
Section 5. Rome and the Roots of Western Civilization
29. What culture was a great influence on the Romans?
30. What did Virgil believe to be Rome’s most important contribution to civilization?
31. (p. 180) Why have the ancient Greek and Roman cultures had such a lasting influence on Western
32. List the Romance languages? How has Latin affected the English language?
33. List the five most important principles of Roman law that are given. How do these affect us in the U.S.?
34. What did R.H. Barrow say about Rome? Do you agree with him? Why or why not?
Mon. April 12: Unit 6 Map Work and begin video, Roman Village. Read Section 1 and do objectives.
Tues. April 13: Myth Writing Project is due today. Finish the video Roman Village. Start writing your
Response Paper.
Wed. April 14: We will do a “Show and Tell” about Roman Military Equipment, body armor, tactics etc. Read
Section 2 and do objectives.
Thurs. April 15: We will continue with Roman military by using the ballista and showing scenes from Gladiator,
Ben Hur, and Battlefield Britain.
Fri. April 16: Turn in Response Paper. Finish any material on the military and do some coverage of “Bread
and Circuses, using Spartacus and Ben Hur. Read Section 3 and do objectives.
Mon. April 19: Discuss the Roman Government, the rise of the Empire and the Pax Romana. Read Section 4
and do Objectives.
Tues. April 20: Discuss the rise of Christianity. Discuss the following: Was Christianity good for the Roman
Empire? Was the Roman Empire good for Christianity? Read Section 5 and do Objectives.
Wed. April 21: Turn in paragraph. Turn our attention to the Fall of Rome.
Thurs. April 22: Take the Map Test for Unit 7. Wrap up the Unit. Discuss the Roman Legacy.
Fri. April 23: Chapter 7 Test, covers objectives, vocabulary, and classroom notes. Start Unit 8 and prepare to
design and build a Castle.
You are to respond to the Roman Village movie by placing yourself back into Gaul at this time. You know that
the Romans are moving into your area. You have heard some information about them, what they are like
and what life is like under them and you have to decide what you are going to do. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of joining and resisting them? You have to make a choice based on this
and tell why you made this choice and what you expect to be the outcome. This paper is to be typed
using size 12 Times New Roman Font, with one-inch margins, and double-spaced. It should be no
longer than one page.