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(Faseeh Ahmed)General Secretary
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: 12/58,Model Colony Karachi-75100
The Senior Scientific Officer
The Enquirey Officer
Syed Asim Rehan Kazmi
(Grain Storage Research Institute)
Pakistan Agricultural Research Council
Tropical Agricultural Research Centre
Karachi University Campus,Karachi
P A K I S T A N.
Food Poisoning
General term for symptoms caused by the ingestion of toxins that
are present in Foods.
Causes of Food Poisoning
Detrimental Bacteria
Various forms of Detrimental Bacteria can contaminate foods
which may not visibly appear to be spoiled.
Many species of the Clostridium genus of Detrimental
Bacteria are implicated in Food Poisoning:
Clostridium botulinum causes Botulism.
Clostridium fringens causes Food Poisoning.
Clostridium welchii causes Intestinal Food Poisoning that
manifests as Diarrhoea and abdominal pain.
Salmonella Bacteria (sometimes present in Eggs, Meats and Milk)
are responsible for many cases of Food Poisoning.
Fungi - Detrimental
The Ergot fungus is responsible for a form of Food Poisoning
known as Ergotism.
Food Processing Techniques
Cans that are swollen, rusted, or badly dented can harbour
substances that cause Food Poisoning.
Swollen frozen foods or frozen foods containing ice crystals
can harbour substances that cause Food Poisoning.
Do not handle cooked and uncooked Meats at the same time
as this practice increases the risk of Food Poisoning.
Food Toxins
The various types of Food Toxins are often responsible for Food
Food Toxins are especially involved in Food Poisoning
following the consumption of Fish, Mushrooms and Shellfish.
Minerals - Toxic Heavy Metals
Foods that contain excessive amounts of the various types of
Detrimental Minerals are common causes of Food Poisoning.
General Symptoms of Food Poisoning
The symptoms of Food Poisoning vary according to the underlying
cause of the Food Poisoning.
Digestive System
Loss of Appetite can be caused by Food Poisoning.
Diarrhoea can be caused by Food Poisoning.
Gastroenteritis can be caused by Food Poisoning.
Nausea can be caused by Food Poisoning.
Vomiting can be caused by Food Poisoning.
Nervous System
Convulsions can be caused by Mushroom Poisoning.
These Substances Alleviate Food Poisoning
Fatty Acids
Lipoic Acid is a very effective antidote for Food Poisoning caused
by toxic Mushrooms.
These Techniques Prevent Food Poisoning
Food Processing Techniques
Most Food Preserving Methods help to prevent Food Poisoning by
inhibiting or killing the microorganisms that are responsible for
Food Poisoning.
Types of Food Poisoning:
Type of Food Poisoning that, although rare, is fatal in 65% of
Causes of Botulism
Bacteria - Detrimental
Botulism is caused by extremely virulent Exotoxins released
by the detrimental Bacteria - Clostridium botulinum.
These Substances Prevent Botulism
Food Preservatives
Nitrites (including Potassium Nitrite and Sodium Nitrite) kill
the Clostridium botulinum Bacteria that cause Botulism [caution:
Nitrites are involved in the production of toxic Nitrosamines].
Clostridium botulinum
Clostridium botulinum
Species of detrimental Clostridium bacteria.
Toxic Effects of Clostridium botulinum
Digestive System
Clostridium botulinum releases a virulent (1 gram can kill
100,000 people) exotoxin that is responsible for the type of Food
Poisoning called Botulism:
Botulism, although rare, is fatal in 65% of cases.
These Substances Kill Clostridium botulinum
Food Preservatives
Nitrites (e.g. Potassium Nitrite and Sodium Nitrite) when
used as food preservatives kill Clostridium botulinum
Dietary Sources of Clostridium botulinum
Bee Products: Honey occasionally contains spores of
Clostridium botulinum.
Inadequately processed Animal Foods are susceptible to
contamination with Clostridium botulinum.
Type of Food Poisoning.
These Substances Cause Ergotism
Detrimental Yeasts
Ergotism is caused exclusively by the Ergot toxin.
See Also:
Food Poisoning
Copyright 1995 In-Tele-Health
Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning
Tropical Fish Poisoning
See Also:
Detrimental Bacteria
Digestive System Ailments
Food Toxins
Type of Food Poisoning that, although rare, is fatal in 65% of
Causes of Botulism
Bacteria - Detrimental
Botulism is caused by extremely virulent Exotoxins released
by the detrimental Bacteria - Clostridium botulinum.
These Substances Prevent Botulism
Food Preservatives
Nitrites (including Potassium Nitrite and Sodium Nitrite) kill
the Clostridium botulinum Bacteria that cause Botulism [caution:
Nitrites are involved in the production of toxic Nitrosamines].
See Also:
Clostridium botulinum
Food Poisoning
Copyright 1995 In-Tele-Health
Clostridium botulinum
Species of detrimental Clostridium bacteria.
Toxic Effects of Clostridium botulinum
Digestive System
Clostridium botulinum releases a virulent (1 gram can kill
100,000 people) exotoxin that is responsible for the type of Food
Poisoning called Botulism:
Botulism, although rare, is fatal in 65% of cases.
These Substances Kill Clostridium botulinum
Food Preservatives
Nitrites (e.g. Potassium Nitrite and Sodium Nitrite) when
used as food preservatives kill Clostridium botulinum
Dietary Sources of Clostridium botulinum
Bee Products: Honey occasionally contains spores of
Clostridium botulinum.
Inadequately processed Animal Foods are susceptible to
contamination with Clostridium botulinum.
See Also:
Food Poisoning
Genus of Detrimental Bacteria.
Toxic Effects of Clostridium Bacteria
Digestive System
Several types of Clostridium are implicated in Food
Immune System
Several types of Clostridium are implicated in Wound
Infections and some can also cause Gangrene if they infect
Wounds (Gangrene caused by Clostridium Bacteria is known as
Gas Gangrene).
Types of Clostridium Bacteria:
Clostridium botulinum
Clostridium difficile
Clostridium fringens
Clostridium histolyticum
Clostridium oedematiens
Clostridium septicum
Clostridium tetani
Clostridium welchii
See Also:
Detrimental Bacteria
Type of Food Poisoning.
These Substances Cause Ergotism
Detrimental Yeasts
Ergotism is caused exclusively by the Ergot toxin.
See Also:
Food Poisoning
Type of Mycotoxin produced by the Detrimental Funghus Claviceps purpurea.
Toxic Effects of Ergot
Digestive System
Ergot is directly responsible for a type of Food Poisoning
called Ergotism.
Dietary Sources of Ergot
Cereal Grains
Bread made from Rye, Triticale or Wheat that has been
attacked by the Ergot toxin.
Ergot is Used in the Manufacture of these Synthetic Drugs
Pharmaceutical Drugs - Ergot Alkaloids
Ergometrine is manufactured from Ergot.
Ergotamine is manufactured from Ergot.
Recreational Drugs
LSD is manufactured from Ergot.
Smart Drugs
Bromocriptine is manufactured from Ergot.
Hydergine is manufactured from Ergot.
See Also:
Detrimental Fungi
Ergot Derivative Smart Drugs
Also known as: D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
Ilicit Recreational Hallucinogenic Drug derived from the Ergot
Chemically, LSD is classified as an Indole Alkaloid.
Toxic Effects of LSD
Cardiovascular System
LSD causes Anxiety in some users.
LSD increases Blood Pressure.
Nervous System
LSD is a potent initiator of Hallucinations - often known
colloquially as "bad trips".
LSD blocks the 5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptors of the
Cholinergic Neurons in the Brain, preventing Serotonin from
inhibiting the Stimulatory Neurotransmitter - Acetylcholine.
LSD Interferes with these Substances
LSD causes its Hallucinatory effects by functioning as a
general 5-HT Antagonist, blocking 5-Hydroxytryptamine
(Serotonin) Receptors, thereby totally inhibiting Serotonin's
Inhibitory Neurotransmitter functions - and consequently allowing
Acetylcholine to cause excessive stimulatory functions.
LSD causes the release (and destruction) of Vasopressin
within the body.
These Substances Reduce the Detrimental Effects of LSD
Smart Drugs
Diapid counteracts the Vasopressin deficiency encountered
by LSD users [scientific research - humans]
The Nicotinic Acid form of Vitamin B3 terminates the
Hallucinations associated with LSD usage [scientific research humans: 1-3 grams of Nicotinic Acid will terminate the bad trip
associated with LSD usage within 1 hour].
See Also:
5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptors
Indole Alkaloids
Recreational Drugs
Copyright 1995 In-Tele-Health
Recreational Drugs
Drugs commonly consumed purely for their effect on Mental
Function or for the avoidance of the temporary ill-effects of
withdrawing from the use of these substances.
These Substances Assist the Treatment of Recreational Drug
Smart Drugs
Diapid alleviates the delayed long term after-effects of
Recreational Drug abuse [scientific observation - physician treated
"burn-out" victim of 60s drug culture who suffered memory loss,
anxiety and confusion with Diapid which resulted in marked
improvement within 48 hours].
Dilantin alleviates the withdrawal symptoms of many
Recreational Drugs [scientific research - humans].
Ondansetron is presently being investigated as a treatment for
Recreational Drug withdrawal.
Zatosetron is under investigation as a treatment for
Recreational Drug withdrawal.
Types of Recreational Drugs:
See Also:
Also known as: Ethanol; Ethyl Alcohol
Alcohol is the common name given to Ethanol (a Primary
Alcohol)- the type of volatile, liquid Alcohol that is present in
Alcoholic Beverages.
Chemical Structure: C2H5OH
Ethanol is both water and fat soluble.
Toxic Effects of excessive Alcohol (Ethanol) consumption
Due to the prevalence of excessive Alcohol consumption in the
modern Western World, if the sum total of harm associated was
added up, the adverse effects of all other drugs combined would
pale into insignificance.
Alcohol-Related Disorders
Alcohol is responsible for Hangovers.
Cardiovascular System
Excessive consumption of Alcohol causes Cardiomyopathy
[scientific research - humans].
Excessive consumption of Alcohol can damage the Heart:
Alcohol elevates Blood Pressure in Hypertension sufferers
and continual excessive consumption of Alcohol can cause
Hypertension [however small amounts of Alcohol paradoxically
reduce blood pressure].
Excessive consumption of Alcohol increases the risk of
Stroke [scientific research - humans].
Alcohol dissolves in and fluidizes Cell Membranes.
Alcohol causes the production of endogenous Cholesterol
within the Cell Membranes in order to revert the Cell Membranes
to a less fluid state. This additional Cholesterol is later ejected
from the Cell Membranes via the bloodstream to the Liver for
conversion to Bile Acids, thereby elevating total serum Cholesterol
Alcohol contributes 2 carbon Acetic Acid chains toward the
manufacture of endogenous Cholesterol.
Digestive System
Excessive Alcohol consumption can cause Gastritis (by
causing irritation of the lining of the Stomach).
Alcohol causes Heartburn (by relaxing the lower
Oesophageal Sphincter and decreasing peristaltic force).
Excessive consumption of Alcohol can cause irritation and
Inflammation of the Gastric Mucosa.
Excessive consumption of Alcohol can cause irritation and
inflammation of the Intestines.
Excessive consumption of Alcohol can cause Pancreatitis.
Alcohol irritates the lining of the Stomach.
Excretory System
Excessive consumption of Alcohol can cause Foot Odour.
Immune System
Excessive consumption of Alcohol increases the risk of many
types of Cancer including:
Breast Cancer
Colon Cancer
Larynx Cancer
Liver Cancer
Mouth Cancer
Oesophagus Cancer
Alcohol increases the risk of Pancreas Cancer by 100%.
Pharynx Cancer
Alcohol increases the risk of the malignant Melanoma form
of Skin Cancer [scientific research - females who consume 2 or
more alcoholic beverages per day have a 250% greater risk of
Stomach Cancer
Chronic Alcohol consumption causes Cirrhosis of the Liver.
Alcohol can cause reactive Hypoglycaemia [scientific
Alcohol is one of the most prevalent causes of Liver
Alcohol increases the production of Low Density
Lipoproteins (LDLs).
Alcohol increases the body's production of Triglycerides Liver Cells eliminate the excess Hydrogen formed from the
breakdown of Alcohol by utilizing it to form
Alphaglycerophosphates and Fatty Acids (the precursors of
Musculoskeletal System
Alcohol increases the risk of Gout (due to it decreasing Uric
Acid excretion, leading to increased Lactic Acid production).
Alcohol increases the risk of Osteoporosis.
Alcohol accelerates the formation of Wrinkles on the Skin.
Nervous System
Long term or excessive usage of Alcohol can cause Anxiety
(due to Alcohol damaging the Benzodiazepine Receptors within
the Brain).
Alcohol consumption during Pregnancy can cause Attention
Deficit Disorder (ADD) in offspring [scientific research - humans].
Excessive consumption or long term usage of Alcohol
damages the Benzodiazepine Receptors in the Brain.
Alcohol depresses the centres of the Brain that are
responsible for Behaviour and Coordination.
Excessive consumption of Alcohol causes Delirium tremens
Alcohol can cause Depression.
Excessive consumption of Alcohol damages the
Hippocampus of the Brain.
Alcohol is a common trigger for Migraines.
Alcohol can produce total and permanent Paralysis of the
limbs, even in very small amounts if it is introduced into the Spinal
Fluids from accidents [scientific research - animals].
Oxidation & Free Radicals
Alcohol is a potent precursor for the production of Free
Radicals (via Acetaldehyde).
Alcohol accelerates the Peroxidation of Lipids, causing the
production of Peroxidized Fats.
Sexual System - Female
Excessive Alcohol consumption can cause Female Infertility.
Sexual System - Male
Excessive Alcohol consumption can cause Male Infertility.
Excessive Alcohol increases male levels of Oestrogens by
impairing the Liver's ability to eliminate excess Oestrogen.
Alcohol increases the production of Prolactin.
Excessive Alcohol consumption causes the Testicles of males
to shrink to up to half of their normal size (by decreasing
male Testosterone levels).
Alcohol is oxidized within the Liver to form Acetaldehyde
which is responsible for the majority of the toxic effects of
consumption of Alcoholic Beverages.
Alcohol inhibits the desirable oxidation (breakdown) of toxic
Alcohol (via Acetaldehyde) reacts with some
Neurotransmitters within the Brain to form harmful, addictive
endogenous Isoquinoline Alkaloids.
These Substances Counteract the Toxic Effects of Alcohol
Amino Acids
Glutathione combats much of the damage induced by
Alcohol (usually after incorporation into the Glutathione
Peroxidase enzyme).
S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM) inhibits the damage caused by
Alcohol to the Liver.
Alcohol Dehydrogenase enzyme enhances the metabolism
(breakdown) of Alcohol within the Liver.
Cytochrome P-450 enzyme breaks down the Acetaldehyde
that is metabolized within the body from Alcohol.
Glutathione Peroxidase enzyme inhibits the Peroxidation of
endogenous Fats by Alcohol.
Amino Acids
Carnitine protects the Liver from Alcohol damage.
Citrulline helps to detoxify Alcohol within the body.
Cysteine protects the Liver & Brain from Alcohol induced
Glutathione combats Alcohol poisoning.
Fatty Acids
Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) protects the Liver from
Alcohol damage.
Manganese facilitates the detoxification of Alcohol (by
acting as a cofactor for the conversion of Vitamin B1 to
Zinc is involved in the detoxification of Alcohol (due to its
role as a precursor for the Alcohol Dehydrogenase enzyme).
Polyphenols & Bioflavonoids
Catechin protects the Liver from Alcohol damage.
Silymarin protects the Liver from the toxic effects of Alcohol
[scientific research - animals].
Smart Drugs
Diapid counteracts the Vasopressin deficiency associated
with excessive consumption of Alcohol [scientific research humans].
Hydergine protects the Liver against the toxic effects of
Nimodipine prevents the Convulsions that can occur as a
result of excessive Alcohol consumption [scientific research animals].
Piracetam counteracts the inefficient utilization of Oxygen
associated with Alcohol consumption.
Pyroglutamate counteracts the Memory loss that occurs as a
result of excessive consumption of Alcohol [scientific research animals].
Vincamine normalizes the impaired brain-wave patterns
caused by excessive consumption of Alcohol [scientific research humans].
Vitamin B1 counteracts many of the toxic effects of Alcohol
and Acetaldehyde (by metabolizing Alcohol by converting it to
Carbon Dioxide and Water and by protecting Neurons against the
oxidizing effects of Alcohol).
Vitamin B5 protects the Liver from the toxic effects of
Vitamin C (when combined with Cysteine & Vitamin B1)
prevented the death of rats given lethal doses of Alcohol [scientific
research - animals].
These Herbs Reduce the Toxic Effects of Alcohol
Ginsengs protects the Liver from Alcohol damage by accelerating
Alcohol clearance from the Blood [scientific research - humans].
Tea (especially Green Tea) protects the Liver from the toxic effects
of Alcohol.
Alcohol Interferes with these Substances
Excessive consumption of Alcohol prevents the endogenous
manufacture of the Delta-6-Desaturase enzyme.
Excessive consumption of Alcohol increases the body's
production of Prolactin (by interfering with the Gamma
Aminobutyric Acid Receptors in the Brain).
Excessive consumption of Alcohol reduces the number of
receptor sites within the Brain for Gamma Aminobutyric Acid
Alcohol prevents the release of Vasopressin in the Brain.
Organic Acids
Alcohol increases the production of endogenous Lactic Acid.
Alcohol decreases the body's excretion of Uric Acid.
Sexual Steroid Hormones
Excessive consumption of Alcohol decreases the production
of Testosterone in males.
Alcohol increases the body's excretion of Rutin.
Alcohol decreases the body's tolerance of Galactose.
Alcohol reduces the body's absorption of Calcium.
Alcohol decreases the absorption of and increases the
excretion of Magnesium.
Alcohol causes the excretion of the body's Potassium
Alcoholics are often deficient in Selenium.
Alcoholics are often deficient in Zinc.
Alcoholics are often deficient in Quinones.
Alcohol destroys Biotin.
Alcohol destroys Choline.
Alcohol destroys Folic Acid.
Alcohol destroys Inositol.
Alcohol destroys Para Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA).
Alcohol increases the excretion of Vitamin A.
Alcohol increases the excretion of Vitamin B1.
Alcohol increases the excretion of Vitamin B2.
Alcohol destroys Vitamin B6.
Alcohol increases the excretion of Vitamin B12.
Alcohol (via Acetaldehyde) destroys Vitamin C [scientific
research - 91% of Alcoholics are deficient in Vitamin C].
Alcohol causes depletion of Vitamin D.
Alcohol destroys Vitamin E.
Alcohol destroys Vitamin K.
Alcohol Should Not be Consumed in Conjunction with these
Amino Acids
Taurine can potentiate Alcohol's depressant effects on the
Central Nervous System.
Do not consume Tryptophan with Alcohol as Tryptophan
increases the Aggressiveness associated with Alcohol
Do not consume Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) in
conjunction with Alcohol as BHT intensifies Alcohol's effects.
Caffeine potentiates the effects of Alcohol [contrary to
popular opinion].
Pharmaceutical Drugs
Do not consume Alcohol in conjunction with Aspirin.
Alcohol intensifies the effects of Barbiturates.
Alcohol should never be consumed in conjunction with
Minor Tranquillizers.
Smart Drugs
Do not consume Alcohol in conjunction with GammaHydroxybutyric Acid (GHB) as GHB potentiates the depressant
effects of Alcohol on the Central Nervous System.
Alcohol Should Not be Consumed in Conjunction with these Herbs
Do not consume Valerian at the same time as Alcohol.
Alcohol has these Beneficial Effects on the Body
Health Benefits are derived from Alcohol only when it is
consumed in small, non-toxic amounts - up to 40 grams per day.
Cardiovascular System
Alcohol (only in small non-toxic amounts) lower Blood
Pressure in Hypertension sufferers [caution: excessive
consumption of Alcohol increases Blood Pressure ].
Digestive System
Alcohol (only in small non-toxic amounts) helps to prevent
Alcohol (only in small non-toxic amounts) raises HDL
Cholesterol levels.
Nervous System
Alcohol temporarily dulls the sense of Pain (by increasing the
release of Endorphins).
Alcohol is readily absorbed from the Stomach and Intestines
into the bloodstream where it is gradually metabolized by the Liver
(which oxidizes it to toxic Acetaldehyde), but at only a fixed rate
which varies between individuals:
Fructose is the only known substance which can speed up the
rate of Alcohol clearance from the Blood.
Approximately 5% of Alcohol consumed is absorbed directly
from the Stomach into the bloodstream - Alcohol consumed on an
empty Stomach enters the bloodstream far more rapidly than when
Food is present in the Stomach.
The remaining 95% of Alcohol consumed passes through the
Pyloric Sphincter before entering the Small Intestine where it is
absorbed into the bloodstream.
After Alcohol enters the bloodstream it travels rapidly
through the entire body including the Brain, Cell Membranes,
Heart, Liver, Lungs and Spinal Chord.
Excretion of Alcohol
3% of Alcohol ingested is excreted via the Urine.
5% of Alcohol ingested is excreted via Perspiration and
90% of Alcohol ingested is oxidized in the Liver.
See Also:
Alcohol-Related Disorders
Alcoholic Beverages
Primary Alcohols
Recreational Drugs