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Chapter 18 – Noninfectious Diseases
Lesson 1 – Disease and Disease
disease – any harmful change in the state of health of your body or mind
noninfectious disease – a disease that is not caused by a virus or a living organism.
symptom – is a feeling of pain or discomfort you have when you are sick (i.e. sore throat)
sign – something another person can see or measure (i.e. fever)
risk factor – characteristic or behavior that raises a person’s chances of getting a noninfectious
risky behavior – something you choose to do that increases your chances of getting a
noninfectious disease (i.e. smoking)
Relationship – Risk Factors & Noninfectious Diseases
-a risk factor is something that increases a person’s chances of getting a disease
-If a person has a lot of risk factors for a disease or if the person engages in a lot of risky
behaviors, the person is more likely to get a noninfectious disease.
3 Strategies of preventing noninfectious diseases
1. eating a nutritious diet
2. maintaining a healthy weight
3. avoiding tobacco
Lesson 2 – Hereditary Diseases
hereditary disease – a disease caused by defective genes inherited by a child from one or both
genes – control the activities of cells and determine a person’s physical characteristics. Genes
are passed from parents to offspring (children).
Genes related to hereditary diseases
-a disease caused by an abnormal chromosomes or by defective genes inherited by a child
from one or both parents.
Lesson 3 – Metabolic and Nutritional Diseases
metabolism – the process by which the body converts the energy in food into energy the body
can use. This process takes place after digestion, when your body metabolizes
carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins, and minerals.
nutrition – the result of all the processes, including digestion and metabolism, by which your
body takes in nutrients in food and uses the nutrients to maintain your health.
How is metabolism and nutrition related to disease?
-Nutrition is how the body uses the nutrients in food to maintain good health. Metabolism
is the process by which a body gets energy from food. Some diseases affect nutrition and
metabolism, where as, in some cases the problems may cause diseases.
Prevention = eat nutritious meals; choose foods low in fat, sugar, and salt; minimize television
watching; exercise 20-30 minutes every day.
Lesson 4 – Allergies & Autoimmune Diseases
allergy – an overreaction of the immune system to something in the environment that is harmless
to most people.
allergen – something that causes allergies.
autoimmune disease – a disease in which a person’s immune system attacks certain cells, tissues,
or organs, of the body.
Treatment – allergies and autoimmune diseases cause the body to respond as if it were being
attacked by something harmful. You can treat these diseases with medication or by
avoiding the allergens to which you are sensitive.
Lesson 5 – Cancer
cancer – a disease in which cells grow uncontrollably and invade and destroy healthy tissues.
tumor – a mass of abnormal cells
malignant – cancerous tumors that may be life threatening. They invade other tissues and organs
benign – non-cancerous tumors that are usually not life threatening. These tumors do not spread
to other tissues or organs.
Common Types of Cancer
1. skin cancer
2. lymphoma
3. breast cancer
4. lung cancer
5. colon and rectal cancer
6. leukemia
7. reproductive organ cancers
biopsy – a sample of tissue that is removed from the patient and that is sent to a specialist to see
if cancer cells are present.
1. surgery
2. chemotherapy
3. radiation
Cancer Warming Signs
1. Change in bowel or bladder habits
2. A sore that does not heal
3. Unusual bleeding or discharge
4. Thickening or lump anywhere
5. Indigestion or difficulty swallowing
6. Obvious change in a wart or mole
7. Nagging cough or hoarseness
Lesson 6 – Chemicals and Poisons
poison – something that causes illness or death on contact or if it is swallowed or inhaled
toxin – a poison produced by a living organism
Sources of Environmental Dangers
1. Bees; wasps; and stinging insects
2. Many common household chemicals, garden chemicals; and even medicines can
cause illness, injury, or death.
3. Water and air pollution
4. poison ivy
Lesson 7 – Accidents and Injuries
accident – any unexpected event that causes damage, injury, or death
traumatic injury – an injury caused by physical force
Strategies to Prevent accidents and minimizing injuries
1. do not drink alcoholic beverages
2. do not play with guns
3. always wear a well-fitting helmet
4. always wear appropriate and well-fitting safety gear when you play a sport
5. learn CPR
6. wear a seat belt every time you are in a car