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Use the following information to answer the next question.
Use the following information to answer the next question.
124. The direction of the magnetic field at P due to the two bar magnets is
122. Given the magnetic fields illustrated above, the magnets will repel in diagrams
A. I and II only
B. II and III only
C. I and IV only
D. II and IV only
-----------------------------------------------------------------Use the following information to answer the next question.
-----------------------------------------------------------------Use the following information to answer the next question.
123. The two bar magnets cause the net magnetic field at P to be in the direction
A. east
B. west
C. north
D. south
125. The compass that correctly indicates the direction of the magnetic field produced
by a wire conducting electrons is numbered
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
126. An automobile’s battery delivers a steady DC current to a headlight. The
electric current in the wire produces a circular
Use the following information to answer the next question.
A. electric field around the wire
B. magnetic field around the wire
C. gravitational field around the wire
D. electromagnetic field around the wire
Use the following information to answer the next question.
127. What is the direction of the magnetic field at point P?
129. The wire mesh layer is necessary because the
A. Into the page
B. Out of the page
C. Toward the top of the page
D. Toward the bottom of the page
A. cable needs a rigid reinforcing layer
B. electric force inside a conductor is not zero
C. electrical signals need to be shielded from strong magnetic and electric fields
D. electrical signals will travel better if they have two different transmitting wires
128. In a certain experiment, the speed of a charged particle is made to increase as it
moves at right angles to a uniform magnetic field. A graph that represents the
relationship between magnetic force and speed is
Use the following information to answer the next question.
130. If the electron is deflected downward in each field, then field 1, field 2, and field 3
are, respectively,
A. electric, magnetic, and gravitational
B. gravitational, magnetic, and electric
C. magnetic, gravitational, and electric
D. magnetic, electric, and gravitational
131. The path followed by a moving proton in an external magnetic field is shown in
Use the following information to answer the next question.
132. The magnitude of the magnetic force exerted on a charged particle in a
magnetic field will be doubled by doubling any one of
A. the charge of the particle, or the speed of the particle, or the mass of the particle
B. the magnitude of the field or the angle of entry of the particle
C. the speed of the particle, or the mass of the particle, or the magnitude of the field
D. the charge of the particle, or the speed of the particle, or the magnitude of the
Use the following information to answer the next question.
134. The curved paths of the particles in the pair production diagram result from the
electron and positron moving through an external magnetic field. In this diagram, the
direction of the magnetic field causing these paths to curve is
A. into the page
B. out of the page
C. to the left
D. to the right
-----------------------------------------------------------------Use the following information to answer the next question.
133. The protons in the solar wind experience a magnetic force
A. into the plane of the page
B. out of the plane of the page
C. in the direction the solar wind is traveling
D. opposite to the direction the solar wind is traveling
Use the following information to answer the next question.
135. The coils that can produce a deflection toward the top of the screen are
A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 4
C. 1 and 2
D. 3 and 4
-----------------------------------------------------------------136. A 50.0 cm length of wire has a weight of 0.389 N and a current of 0.250 A. The
wire remains suspended when placed perpendicularly across a magnetic field. The
strength of the magnetic field is __________ T.
(Record your three-digit answer in the numerical-response section on the answer
137. A wire that is 75.0 cm long carries a current of 6.00 A. The wire is at right
angles to a uniform magnetic field and experiences a magnetic force of 0.350 N. The
magnitude of the magnetic field, expressed in scientific notation, is b 10–w T. The
value of b is __________.
139. During pair production, the speed of the electron or of the positron can be
calculated by measuring the radius of the circular path it travels within the magnetic
field. The speed of a charged particle moving in a circular path in a
uniform magnetic field is given by
(Record your three-digit answer in the numerical-response section on the answer
Use the following information to answer the next question.
-----------------------------------------------------------------Use your recorded answer from multiple choice #82 to answer the next question.
Use the following additiona information to answer the next question.
140. The strength of the magnetic field, expressed in scientific notation, is a.bc 10d T.
The values of a, b, c, and d are _____ , _____ , _____ , and _____ .
138. Assume that the velocity of the solar wind particles is perpendicular to the
magnetic field. The radius of the circular path that protons in a solar wind follow,
expressed in scientific notation, is a.bc x 10d m. The values of a, b, c, and d are ____,
____, ____, and ____.
(Record your four-digit answer in the numerical-response section on the answer
(Record your four-digit answer in the numerical response section on the answer
141. An alpha particle and a proton enter a magnetic field at the same speed. The
radius of the alpha particle’s path is
A. half the radius of the proton’s path
B. the same as the radius of the proton’s path
C. twice the radius of the proton’s path
D. four times the radius of the proton’s path
144. The current induced by the rod’s movement is
A. 0.104 A
B. 0.308 A
C. 10.4 A
D. 30.8 A
-----------------------------------------------------------------Use the following information to answer the next question.
142. A proton and an alpha particle have identical circular orbits in a magnetic field.
The proton has a speed of 4.4 105 m/s. The speed of the alpha particle is
A. 1.1 105 m/s
B. 2.2 105 m/s
C. 4.4 105 m/s
D. 8.8 105 m/s
Use your recorded answer from multiple choice #84 to answer the next question.
Use the following additional information to answer the next question.
145. The electric potential difference generated across the ends of the tether, expressed
in scientific notation, was a.bc 10d V. The values of a, b, c, and d are _____ , _____ ,
_____ , and _____ .
(Record all four digits of your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer
-----------------------------------------------------------------Use the following information to answer the next question.
143. The magnitude of the magnetic field used by Lawrence was
A. 6.3 10–1 T
B. 2.7 101 T
C. 2.4 106 T
D. 1.6 109 T
-----------------------------------------------------------------Use the following information to answer the next question.
146. If this device acts like an ideal AC transformer, then the ratio of the number of
turns in the primary coil to the number of turns in the secondary coil is
A. 1.7 x 10–4 : 1
B. 6.0 x 10–4 : 1
C. 1.7 x 103 : 1
D. 6.0 x 103 : 1
Use the following information to answer the next question.
153. Regions of the electromagnetic spectrum listed in order from largest to smallest
wavelength are
A. X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, radio
B. X-ray, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, radio
C. radio, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, X-ray
D. radio, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray
Use the following information to answer the next question.
147. The initial direct current supplied to an uncharged battery by 0.70 A of
household current is
A. 6.7 10–2 A
B. 8.9 10–2 A
C. 4.1 A
D. 5.5 A
-----------------------------------------------------------------148. A high-intensity halogen desk lamp operates at 1.25 A and 12.0 V AC. It has a
built-in transformer to step down the 110 V AC obtained from the wall outlet. If the
transformer is ideal, the current used from the wall outlet when the lamp is switched
on is
A. 0.0873 A
B. 0.136 A
C. 1.25 A
D. 11.5 A
149. Extra-high-voltage lines carrying 600 kV are used to transmit electrical energy.
A transformer must be used to reduce the voltage to 120 kV for use in a factory. If
there are 500 turns on the primary coil, the number of turns on the secondary coil
and the type of transformer used are, respectively,
154. When the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum listed above are arranged order
of increasing wavelength, this order is
A. III, I, V, II, IV
B. II, I, V, IV, III
C. III, IV, V, I, II
D. IV, V, III, I, II
-----------------------------------------------------------------155. X-rays are produced by
A. an alternating current of about 10 18 Hz
B. firing gamma rays at a tungsten electrode
C. varying the speed of electrons in a magnetic field
D. collisions between high-speed electrons and a metal target
Use the following information to answer the next question.
A. 100 turns, step up
B. 2 500 turns, step up
C. 100 turns, step down
D. 2 500 turns, step down
150. The effective voltage of an AC household outlet is 117 V. The maximum
voltage across a lamp connected to the outlet is
A. 82.7 V
B. 117 V
C. 165 V
D. 330 V
156. Match each of the sources of electromagnetic radiation with the type of
electromagnetic radiation it produces given below. Use each number only once.
151. Electromagnetic radiation is produced by charged particles that are moving
A. at the speed of light
B. with zero acceleration
C. with a changing velocity
D. parallel to a fixed magnetic field
(Record all four digits of your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer
152. Gamma radiation can be produced by
A. radioactive decay
B. incandescent solids
C. moving charges in a conductor
D. the acceleration of electrons in a television picture tube
157. An electromagnetic wave is sent from Earth to the Moon and reflected back to
Earth. If the total time taken is 2.48 s, then the distance from Earth to the Moon,
expressed in scientific notation, is b x 10w m. The value of b is __________.
(Record your three-digit answer in the numerical-response section on the answer
158. During the Second World War, to help aircraft avoid radar detection, metal-foil
strips cut to one-half of the radar’s wavelength were dropped from the aircraft. These
strips reduced the effectiveness of the radar. The 30.2 cm metal-foil strips were
designed for a radar frequency, expressed in scientific notation, of b x 10w Hz. The
value of b is __________.
Use the following information to answer the next question.
(Record your three-digit answer in the numerical-response section on the answer
159. Which of the following types of radiation has the longest period?
A. Radio waves
B. Infrared light
C. Ultraviolet light
D. Gamma radiation
160. Two microwave transmissions are sent at the same time on different routes to a
receiving station. One route is 2480 km longer than the other. The expected time
between receiving the first transmission and receiving the second transmission,
expressed in scientific notation, is b 10–w s. The value of b is __________.
(Record your three-digit answer in the numerical-response section on the answer
Use the following information to answer the next question.
161. The wavelength of an 18.0 GHz wave, expressed in scientific notation, is b
10–w m. The value of b is __________.
(Record your three-digit answer in the numerical-response section on the answer
-----------------------------------------------------------------Use the following information to answer the next question.
164. The frequency of the laser photons, expressed in scientific notation, is a.b 10cd
Hz. The values of a, b, c, and d are _____ , _____ , _____ , and _____ .
(Record your four-digit answer in the numerical-response section on the answer
-----------------------------------------------------------------Use the following information to answer the next question.
162. If the pulse takes 1.28 10–4 s to make the round trip, then the vertical height of
the aircraft is __________ km.
(Record your three-digit answer in the numerical-response section on the answer
-----------------------------------------------------------------163. Which of the following expressions that deal with electromagnetic waves has a
constant value?
A. 
B. f
C. f 
D. f / 
165. The wavelength of this electromagnetic wave is
A. 6.0 102 m
B. 1.2 103 m
C. 2.5 105 m
D. 7.5 1013 m
Use the following information to answer the next question.
Use the following information to answer the next three questions.
166. When a hydrogen atom is placed in a magnetic field with a strength of 0.80 T,
the EMR wavelength absorbed is __________ m.
(Record your two-digit answer in the numerical-response section on the answer
-----------------------------------------------------------------Use the following information to answer the next question.
169. The statements that describe the motion of the charged particle in diagram 1 are
167. The wavelength of the microwave radiation produced by the oven, expressed in
scientific notation, is a.bc 10–d m. The values of a, b, c, and d are _____ , _____ ,
_____ , and _____ .
A. I and III
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. II and IV
(Record all four digits of your answer in the numerical-response section on the
answer sheet.)
170. The statements that describe the motion of the charged particle in diagram 2 are
-----------------------------------------------------------------168. An ice rink is lit by a bluish light with a wavelength of 500 nm. The period of
the light is
A. 1.67 10–15 s
B. 8.33 10–13 s
C. 6.00 105 s
D. 6.00 1014 s
A. I and III
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. II and IV
171. The direction of the uniform magnetic field in diagram 2 is
A. toward the top of the page
B. toward the bottom of the page
C. to the left of the page
D. to the right of the page
Use the following information to answer the next question.
177. The power supplied by the primary coil is __________ W.
(Record your two-digit answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)
-----------------------------------------------------------------178. A microwave signal that has a wavelength of 6.25 × 10–3 m is created by an
oscillating current in a microwave generator. The period of this microwave, expressed
in scientific notation, is b × 10–w s. The value of b is __________.
172. The magnetic field induced around the rubber rod as it moves is represented by
(Record your three-digit answer in the numerical-response section on the answer
Use the following information to answer the next question.
179. A possible explanation for the deflection of the compass needle is that the
-----------------------------------------------------------------173. An alpha particle travels at 1.08 × 105 m/s perpendicularly through a magnetic
field of strength 1.12 × 10–3 T. The magnitude of the magnetic force on the alpha
particle is b × 10–w N. The value of b is __________.
(Record your three-digit answer in the numerical-response section on the answer
174. A copper wire is connected to a battery so that it has a current in it. A segment
of the wire is perpendicular to a horizontal 1.5 T magnetic field. The length of the
wire in the magnetic field is 3.0 cm, and the mass of the wire affected by the
magnetic field is 20 g. In order to suspend the segment of wire, the minimum current
in the wire must be
A. bottom of the filing cabinet is positively charged
B. bottom of the filing cabinet is negatively charged
C. induced magnetic polarity of the bottom of the filing cabinet is opposite to that at
the top of the filing cabinet
D. bottom of the filing cabinet is closer to Earth so it is more strongly magnetized than
the top of the filing cabinet
-----------------------------------------------------------------180. An ultraviolet source emits electromagnetic waves with a frequency of 2.47 × 10 15
Hz. Its wavelength, expressed in scientific notation, is b × 10–w m. The value of b is
(Record your three-digit answer in the numerical-response section on the answer
A. 0.044 A
B. 0.23 A
C. 4.4 A
D. 44 A
Use the following information to answer the next three questions.
175. If the transformer’s secondary coil has exactly 50 turns, then the number of
turns in the primary coil is
A. 7 turns
B. 40 turns
C. 50 turns
D. 2.0 × 103 turns
176. The current in the primary coil of the adapter is
A. 0.80 mA
B. 1.3 mA
C. 11 mA
D. 18 A
181. If the source of Earth’s magnetic field were a bar magnet, then the best diagram
to show this field would be
183. DRAO is located in a basin surrounded by mountains, which shield it from
manmade radio waves that interfere with astronomical signals. Manmade radio waves
are produced by
A. radioactive decay
B. electron transitions in atoms
C. oscillating charges in a linear antenna
D. high speed electrons stopped suddenly by a metal surface
-----------------------------------------------------------------Use the following information to answer the next question.
184. The ratio of radius of the alpha particle’s path to the radius of the proton’s path is
A. 1 : 1
B. 2 : 1
C. 4 : 1
D. 8 : 1
-----------------------------------------------------------------185. If certain X-rays have a frequency of 2.15 x 1020 Hz, then the period of these Xrays, expressed in scientific notation, is b x 10–w s. The value of b is __________.
(Record your three-digit answer in the numerical-response section on the answer
186. Maxwell’s work contained the new idea that
Use the following information to answer the next two questions.
A. an electric current in a wire produces a magnetic field that circles the wire
B. a current is induced in a conductor that moves across a magnetic field
C. an electric field that changes with time generates a magnetic field
D. two parallel, current-carrying wires exert a force on each other
182. The amount of time, in days, that it takes the radio waves detected by the
telescope to reach Earth is
A. 2.7 × 108 days
B. 6.5 × 109 days
C. 2.3 × 1013 days
D. 2.0 × 1018 days