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Progress and Uncertainty - WEEK THIRTEEN (MORE OR LESS) OVERVIEW (Unit 5)
Topics: Indo-China + Vietnam; Détente Superpower Agreements
*=Required Title
Falk: Student Workbook
157-163, 184-191
Howarth: The World Since 1900
First Edition
232-233 (Indo-China); 244-247;
Handout 2nd ed: p 231-245
Howarth: The World Since 1900
Second Ed
214-216; 225-228; 231-245
Demarco: The World This
196-199; 204-212 (skip Civil Rights);
Mitchner and Tuffs: Global
199-207; 238-244
Rundle: Int’l Affairs: 1939-1979
Browne: World History 2: 19001968
262-266 (skip Bandung sec)
Catchpole: Map History of the
Modern World
Vocabulary (For Reference – be familiar with these):
1. Indochina
2. Indochina War
3. Vietnam War
4. Ho Chi Minh
5. Dien Bien Phu
6. Geneva Agreement 1954
7. Viet Cong/NLF
8. Viet Minh
9. Ho Chi Minh Trail
10. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
11. Vietnamization
12. Richard Nixon
13. Henry Kissinger
14. Two Track (dual-track) Formula
15. Pathet Lao ("Lao Country”)
16. Khmer Rouge
17. Pol Pot
18. Cambodian Genocide
19. Boat People
20. Detente
21. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
22. SALT I
24. Helsinki Accords
25. Cruise Missile
26. Watergate Scandal
27. Strategic Defense Initiative
28. Ostpolitik
Essential Questions (25 Marks):
1. Explain the consequences within the USA of its involvement in the Vietnam War. That is,
how did the influence of public opinion/protest, including direct action by individual and
action by groups, change national government policy?
2. “After 1960, the U.S.A found it easier to increase its involvement in Vietnam than to
withdraw from the conflict.”
A) Why did the USA increase its involvement in Vietnam?
B) Why did the USA eventually withdraw from Vietnam?
3. Was the Vietnam War the USA’s Afghanistan? In others words, was what happened with
the USSR’s invasion of Afghanistan (1979/1980) the same as the USA’s invasion of
Vietnam? Why or why not? Explain your viewpoint. You must compare and contrast
these invasions.
4. Why could the fighting in Vietnam be considered a war of “National Liberation”? Why
this made the USA unable to win the Vietnam War.
5. To what extent did the USA and the USSR follow a policy of détente and attempted to
engage international cooperation in the post-war world? Speak to the various way détente
happened and did not happen for both nations.
6. How did the nuclear arms race impact society and the economy of the superpowers? That
is, what changed and what remained the same in regards to society and the economy in the
both the USA and the USSR?
Inquiry Essay Question = NONE this week
Progress and Uncertainty - WEEK FOURTEEN (MORE OR LESS) OVERVIEW (Unit 5)
Topics: Afghanistan; Poland; Hungary; Collapse of the USSR;
Fall of Berlin Wall and Reunification; End of Cold War; European Economic Cooperation +
European Union
*=Required Title
Falk: Student Workbook
176-177, 184-210, 213-215
Howarth: The World Since 1900
First Edition
not useful
Howarth: The World Since 1900
Second Ed
not useful
Demarco: The World This Century 176-178
Mitchner and Tuffs: Global Forces 272-277; 288-301
Rundle: Int’l Affairs: 1939-1979
Browne: World History 2: 19001968
not useful
Catchpole: Map History of the
Modern World
Vocabulary (For Reference – be familiar with these):
1. Solidarity
2. Lech Walesa
3. General Jaruzelski
4. Tadeusz Mazowiecki
5. Janos Kadar
6. Jozsef Natal
7. Erich Honecker
8. Eron Krenz
9. Helmut Kohl
10. Leonid Brezhnev
11. Apparatachiks
12. Mikhail Gorbachev
13. Boris Yeltsin
14. Glasnost
15. Perestroika
16. Commonwealth of Independent
17. Babrak Karmal
18. Mujahidin
19. Chernobyl
20. Autarky
Essential Questions (12 Marks):
Complete in point form (but be thorough) or complete in full sentences.
1. Gorbachev’s policies of Glasnost and Perestroika were critical steps in the ending of the
Cold War. How these policies helped to bring the Cold War to an end?
2. The Berlin Wall, a symbol of the Cold War since 1961, came crashing down in 1989.
A. Why was the Berlin Wall a symbol of the Cold War?
B. How did the events in Eastern Europe lead to the destruction of the Berlin Wall?
See the next page
3. In what ways was nationalism a cause of political change in Eastern Europe and the Soviet
Union between 1985 and 1991?
Inquiry Essay Question = NONE this week
Progress and Uncertainty - WEEK FIFTEEN (MORE OR LESS) OVERVIEW (Unit 5)
Topic: China
*=Required Title
Falk: Student Workbook
Howarth: The World Since 1900
First Edition
77-79; 222-223; 254-262
Howarth: The World Since 1900
Second Ed
73-74; 204-205; 246-254
Demarco: The World This Century
Mitchner and Tuffs: Global Forces
98-99; 247-267
Rundle: Int’l Affairs: 1939-1979
Browne: World History 2: 1900-1968 203-218
Catchpole: Map History of the
Modern World
100-101; 134-135
Vocabulary (8 Marks):
Chiang Kai-shek
Mao Zedong (Chairman Mao)
Chinese Communist Party
The Long March
People’s Liberation Army
Nationalist China/Taiwan
Great Leap Forward
Cultural Revolution
9. People’s Republic of China
10. Chou En-lai (Zhou Enlai)
11. The Sino-Soviet Split/Rift
12. Deng Xiaoping
13. Special Economic Zones
14. Tiananmen Square Massacre
15. Tibetan Genocide
16. Dalai Lama
Essential Questions (15 Marks):
Complete in point form (but be thorough) or complete in full sentences.
1. During the Cold War, China experienced hostile relations with each of the Superpowers.
A. Why were there hostile relations between China and the USA during the period
1949 to 1971?
B. Why were there hostile relations between China and the USSR after 1956?
2. The government of China, under Deng Xiaoping, allowed greater economic freedom but
restricted political freedom.
A. Describe the “economic freedoms” allowed by Deng Xiaoping.
B. Describe the political restrictions imposed by Deng Xiaoping.
C. How did economic and political change impact China?
See the next page
3. How did nationalism have an impact on the events of the late 20th Century (late 1900s) in
Inquiry Essay Question = NONE this week
Progress and Uncertainty - WEEK SIXTEEN (MORE OR LESS) OVERVIEW (Unit 5)
Topics: Indian Independence; Middle East: Israel/Palestine
*=Required Title
Falk: Student Workbook
59-62, 163-172
Howarth: The World Since 1900 First 70-72; 75-77; 220-222; 291-300
Howarth: The World Since 1900
Second Ed
64-67; 71-72; 202-204; 216; 219; 288298
Demarco: The World This Century
Mitchner and Tuffs: Global Forces
Rundle: Int’l Affairs: 1939-1979
Browne: World History 2: 1900-1968
135-148; 155-174
Catchpole: Map History of the
Modern World
96-99; 114-115; 154-157
Vocabulary (As A Small Group):
1. Balfour Declaration
2. Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms
3. Mohandas Gandhi
4. Jawaharlal Nehru
5. The Congress Party
6. The Muslim League
7. Ali Jinnah
8. Arab League
9. Sykes-Picot Agreement
10. Mustafa Kemal/Ataturk
11. Israel
12. Palestine
13. David Ben-Gurion
14. Palestinian War
15. Suez War
16. Gamal Abdal Nasser
17. Aswan Dam
18. El Fatah/Fatah
19. PLO
20. Six Day War
21. General Moshe Dayan
22. Anwar Sadat
23. Yom Kippur War
24. OPEC
25. Camp David Agreements/Accords,
26. Henry Kissinger
27. Zionists
28. Suez Canal
29. Golan Heights
30. Gaza Strip
31. West Bank
Essential Questions (15 Marks):
See the next page
Week 16 Essential Questions:
1. In 1947, the Indian subcontinent was partitioned.
A. List the reasons/causes for the partition of the Indian subcontinent.
B. Describe the effects/consequences of partition on the Indian subcontinent and its
C. Explain the role of Nationalism in the post-1945 decolonization of India.
2. “Since the creation of Israel in 1948, the USA has been its steadfast supporter.”
A. Why does the USA’s support of Israel?
B. Explain the role of the USA in the search for peace between Israelis/Jews and
3. What were the most important consequences of the Israeli victory in the 1967 Six Day
4. How did events in the Middle East influenced relations between the major world powers
after 1945?
5. To what extent did the Camp David Agreement reduce conflict in the Middle East after
Week 17 Essential Questions:
1. How did the Cold War impact the events in the Middle East after 1945?
2. Why did oil play such a prominent role in Middle Eastern conflicts between 1973 and
3. Why did the superpowers involve themselves in the Middle East from 1963 – 2003?
Among other points, speak to the invasions, the groups that they helped, and how did
these actions “backfire” on them.
4. How did fundamentalist Islam arise in the Middle East and what are the consequences of
this extreme form of the Muslim faith?
Focus Questions will be done as a combo between Week 16 and Week 17 and the Roundtable
will take place in Week 17
Progress and Uncertainty - WEEK SEVENTEEN (MORE OR LESS) OVERVIEW (Unit 5)
Topics: Middle East: Arab States; Iran-Iraq War; Persian Gulf War (1991); 9/11;
US invasion of Iraq (2003)
*=Required Title
Falk: Student Workbook
Howarth: The World Since 1900 First Edition
not useful
Howarth: The World Since 1900 Second Ed
not useful
Demarco: The World This Century
not useful
Mitchner and Tuffs: Global Forces
Rundle: Int’l Affairs: 1939-1979
not useful
Browne: World History 2: 1900-1968
not useful
Catchpole:Map History of the Modern World
not useful
Vocabulary (As A Small Group):
1. Islamic Fundamentalism
2. Iran
3. Iraq
4. Ayatollah Khomeini
5. Shiite Muslims
6. Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988
7. Saddam Hussein
8. Kuwait
9. The Persian Gulf War, 1990-1991
10. UN Coalition
11. George Bush (Senior)
12. George W. Bush
13. General Schwartzkopf
14. Operation Desert Storm
15. Weapons of Mass Destruction
16. 2003 US invasion of Iraq
17. Oslo Accords
18. Israelis
19. Palestinians
20. Phases of the Peace Process (between
Israel and the PLO (Palestinians))
21. Camp David 2000
22. September 11th Attacks (9/11)
23. Al Qaeda
24. Osama bin Laden
25. War on Terror
Essential Questions (15 Marks): See Week 16 = COMPLETE IN POINT FORM FOR