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Homework # 1
DIRECTIONS: In the following sentences, underline all of the action verbs.
There may be more than one verb in the sentence.
1. David walked to first base and tripped on his shoelace.
2. Mr. Bryant loves exercise and loves Free Hug Friday.
3. Ava unpacks boxes of flip flops on the midnight shift at the toe-wear shop.
4. Sofia buried her toad when it croaked yesterday.
5. Devon writes smudgy love notes with her soft lead pencil.
6. James forgot his sunscreen, so he covered himself in whipped cream.
7. Mitch walked into the wall and fell backwards.
8. Kai dove into the swimming pool full of chocolate pudding.
9. Rebecca went to the hot dog stand to buy her jewelry.
10. Will knocked over the toddler as he leapt for the ball.
11. Thomas burned all of his Harry Potter books.
12. Matt bought the new Justin Bieber album.
13. Sam swallowed the fly that he caught with his hands.
DIRECTIONS: Take sentences 7 and 9 and replace the verbs with stronger verbs to
make the sentences more powerful.
7. ____________________________________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________________________________
Action Verb – tells what the subject is doing
Ex – push, pull, drive, carry, swing
Direct Object – receives the action of the verb
Ex – Claire buys the sweater.
Directions: In the sentences below, underline the action verb and then
circle the direct object.
1. Each contestant wants the most fabulous prize.
2. Paige and Maris enter the tunnel.
3. The dog bit the bone.
4. People eat dinner at Bertucci’s every night.
5. Kate brought cookies for the entire class.
6. Miss Henry played competitive kickball in college.
7. The turtles devoured the pellets after the long weekend.
8. Reagan dropped the stapler on her foot.
9. The elephant stomped Mr. Klass by accident.
10. Cavemen, like Sean, made fire with rocks and sticks.
Directions: Write 3 action verbs on the lines.
Write a sentence using each action verb. Make sure there is a direct object
to go along with it. Underline the direct object.
1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
Linking verb – Links the subject of a sentence to a noun or adjective in the
EXAMPLE: Lunch smells good.
Our meal is soup.
DIRECTIONS: In the following sentences, underline the linking verb and circle
the predicate noun or predicate adjective. Then draw an arrow from the
predicate noun or adjective to the subject it is linked to.
1. The largest ancient elephant was the wooly mammoth.
2. The answers were hard for Ava to figure out.
3. Mr. Veroneau is taller than Al.
4. The One Direction song Matt is playing seems loud.
5. Mr. Bryant looks much older than the ancient Egypt pyramids.
6. The daily edits are fun for the entire team!
7. The dance is the favorite part of Cami’s marking period.
8. Henry claimed those Five Guys cheeseburgers appeared delicious.
9. The dog’s hair feels coarse.
10. Dinosaurs have been extinct almost as long as Mr. Bryant has been
Helping Verb – comes before the main verb and helps to form some of the
Ex – Elizabeth did buy the paintball gun.
Charlie has driven go carts in the summer.
Directions: In the sentences below, circle the helping verb and then
underline the verb it helps.
1. Avery would bake a cake for Mrs. Holmes’s birthday.
2. That book did fall and knock Thomas in the head.
3. Natalie is running away from the imaginary monster.
4. I am wondering if there will be any snow days this week.
5. Sydney can display more rings and trophies than Pavel.
6. Andrew will put pepper on his steak.
7. Michael may bite if you get her angry enough.
8. Sean did take the lunch and hide it from Mr. Veroneau.
9. Her house will stand longer than the pyramids.
Miss Henry has sung in many groups.
The Flyers have won the Stanley Cup.
Dermott asked if he could throw the ball at Cate.
Cullen does draw lots of cartoons.
Ben told Grayce he must write more in his paper.
Holden shall buy cookies for Gianna’s birthday.
DIRECTIONS: Write the tense of the underlined verb in the sentence on the line
next to it. The tenses are past, present, future, past perfect, present
perfect, and future perfect.
1. Jack loves cats!
2. He enjoyed his birthday party very much.
3. Andre will like the movie a lot.
4. They will have saved their money for the trip.
5. Joey had preferred funny movies.
6. They both want to go to the hockey game.
7. I watched the sunset last night.
8. She has been speaking to me in the hall.
9. They will eat dinner after the football game.
10. Please drive me to the mall.
Write 3 action verbs on the lines. Do not repeat any verbs from above.
Use those three verbs to create a sentence in each of the tenses:
PAST - __________________________________________________________________
PRESENT - ______________________________________________________________
FUTURE - _______________________________________________________________
PAST PERFECT - __________________________________________________________
PRESENT PERFECT - _______________________________________________________
FUTURE PERFECT - _______________________________________________________