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Study Guide for Rome Unit Test
Chap 13 sec 3, Chap 14, Chap 15, Chap 16 sec. 2
Vocabulary – See my website to make a print out and play the game
Be able to identify the Alps, Apennine Mountains, Tiber River, Po River, Arno River,
Mediterranean Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea, Adriatic Sea, Rome, Corsica, Sardinia, and Sicily on map
How were trade and military expansion affected by the geography of the area? Think about
mountains, rivers, seas etc
How did the mild climate of the Italian peninsula affect the people of Rome?
Time Line:
Know the significance of the following dates: 753 BCE, 509 BCE, 31 BCE, AND 476 CE
Roman Republic
1) Describe the government that the Romans establish in 509 BCE? Why was this government created?
2) How did the government of the Roman Republic become corrupt? What problems did they face at the
end of the Republic?
3) What is a triumvirate and who were the members of the first triumvirate?
4) What reforms does Caesar make while he is a dictator?
5) Why was Julius Caesar significant and well remembered in history?
Punic Wars: Rome vs. Carthage
1) Why did Rome and Carthage go to war?
2) What is a corvus and how did it help Rome win the first Punic War?
3) Who was Hannibal Barca and what made his attack on Rome unique?
4) Who was Cornelius Scipio and how did he beat Hannibal?
5) What happens to Carthage in the Third Punic War?
6) What were the effects of the Punic Wars on Rome?
a. Think about the changes in the rich vs. poor given the introduction of slavery.
b. Think about changes in agriculture
c. Think about changes in government
d. Think about changes in military power
Pax Romana
What are the major differences between the end of the republic and the start of the Empire?
Describe daily life in the Pax Romana. Be able to compare it to life today.
What changes did Augustus bring to Rome?
Be able to describe the life of gladiators. What was their purpose?
Understand the role of the military in the expansion of the empire. How did the military operate
Why were the following emperors important
a. Augustus
d. Trajan
b. Diocletian
e. Hadrian
c. Constantine I
f. Theodosius
Fall of Rome
1) Why did the Roman Empire spilt in two? How does this effect the empire?
2) Understand the complex relationship between Christianity and the Roman government.
Why did Christians and Romans dislike one another?
How did the Roman government help Christianity to spread?
3) What brought about the fall of Rome?