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World History Chapter 9 Test A
Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Beautifully styled writing that is a distinctive feature of Islamic art is called
a. arabesque.
c. script.
b. calligraphy.
d. minaret.
2. According to the map titled “Expansion of Islam, 632–760,” by 661 Islamic lands encompassed
a. only the area around Media and Mecca.
b. most of Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula, and Persia.
c. approximately half the Arabian Peninsula.
d. all of northern Africa, Spain, Persia, and the Arabian Peninsula.
3. According to the map titled “Expansion of Islam, 632–760,” Islam had spread to western Europe by
a. AD 632.
c. AD 661.
b. 705 BC.
d. AD 750.
4. According to the map titled “Expansion of Islam, 632–760,” which of the following was part of Islamic territory
by 661?
a. Constantinople
c. Cairo
b. Córdoba
d. Kabul
5. The economy of the Muslim community depended largely on
a. commerce.
c. the banking industry.
b. subsistence agriculture.
d. manufacturing.
6. Who wrote the Rubaiyat?
a. Jalal ad-Din Rumi
c. Omar Khayyam
b. Ibn Rushd
d. Muhammad
7. People who accepted the Umayyad rulers were known as
a. Meccans.
c. Shia.
b. Sunnis.
d. Sufis.
8. Islam spread to places such as West Africa and Southeast Asia because
a. escaped Umayyad princes set up dynasties there.
c. the Abbasids conquered those lands.
b. Muslims fought major battles there.
d. Muslim traders traveled there.
9. Which of the following groups ended the Abbasid caliphate?
a. the Fatimids
c. the Mamluks
b. the Seljuk Turks
d. the Mongols
10. When did Muslim women lose status?
a. at the time of Muhammad
c. during the Abbasid dynasty
b. during the Umayyad dynasty
d. when Islam split into three groups
11. During Ramadan, Muslims are required to
a. read the Qur’an.
c. make a pilgrimage to Mecca.
b. follow the lessons in the Sunna.
d. go without food or drink from dawn to dusk.
12. At the time of Muhammad’s birth, what brought religious pilgrims to Mecca?
a. the House of Wisdom
c. the Dome of the Rock
b. the Kaaba
d. the variety of mosques
13. The martyrdom of Husayn was significant because it
a. led to the emergence of the Sufis.
b. marked the first time the Shia and Sunnis cooperated.
c. ended the expansion of the Umayyad dynasty.
d. resulted in the split between the Sunni and Shia becoming permanent.
14. Some were unhappy with Umayyad rule because the Umayyads
a. extended privileges to non-Muslims.
c. did not extend the empire.
b. favored the Shia.
d. ruled contrary to the Muslim ideal of equality.
15. Muslim society remained distinct even after the fall of the Abbasid caliphate because
a. Islam remained the state religion in all areas.
c. only Arabs were Muslims.
b. Islam affected nearly all aspects of daily life.
d. by that time, all Muslims were Sunnis.
16. Which of the following established a powerful dynasty in Egypt in 969?
a. the Seljuk Turks
c. the Mamluks
b. the Fatimids
d. the Mongols
“Do not argue with the followers of earlier revelation otherwise than in a most kindly manner–unless it be
such of them as are bent on evil-doing–and say: ‘We believe in that which has been bestowed from on high
upon us, as well as that which has been bestowed upon you; for our God and your God is one and the
--Qur’an 29:46
17. Read the passage from the Qur’an. The “followers of earlier revelation” are Jews and Christians, illustrating that
Muslims believe that
a. there is more than one true God.
c. Jews, Christians, and Muslims worship the same God.
b. Jews and Christians worship idols.
d. Jews and Christians worship a different God than Allah.
18. Some Meccans did not accept Muhammad’s teachings because he
a. had a career as a merchant.
c. refused to share the angel’s message.
b. criticized their belief in many gods.
d. chose to live in Yathrib.
19. Which of the following Muslim scholars wrote a history of the world and warned historians against having bias?
a. Ibn Sina
c. Ibn Khaldun
b. Ibn Rushd
d. Ibn Sufi
20. Muslim artists avoided using figures and instead painted
a. elaborate landscape scenes.
c. geometric patterns and floral designs.
b. colorful, abstract patterns.
d. birds, insects, and reptiles.
21. Muhammad left Mecca because
a. he believed Allah commanded him to do so.
b. he wanted to spread his message.
c. his teachings made it unsafe for him to stay there.
d. the Kaaba had been destroyed.
22. A Muslim who states, “There is no god but God [Allah], and Muhammad is the messenger of God,” has fulfilled the
a. first pillar of Islam.
c. pilgrimage to Mecca.
b. Ten Commandments.
d. giving of alms.
23. Where was Mecca located?
a. on the Arabian Peninsula near the Red Sea
c. at the mouth of the Nile River
b. in the largest oasis of the Sinai Desert
d. on the Arabian Peninsula near the Mediterranean Sea
24. The Muslim place of worship is called a
a. minaret.
c. Kaaba.
b. hadith.
d. mosque.
25. What was the result of Muslim scholars translating Greek texts into Arabic?
a. It kept the information from Europeans.
b. It limited what Muslim scholars studied.
c. The texts were then translated into Latin and used in European universities.
d. Everyone under Muslim rule was required to learn Greek and Arabic.
26. There are few figures in Islamic art because Muslims believe that
a. portraying people might tempt some to worship the images.
b. people are inherently sinful and not worthy of representation.
c. calligraphy is the only acceptable artistic style.
d. art should focus solely on religious topics.
Completion Select the word or phrase that best completes each statement.
27. Muslim scholars explored the field of ____________________, or the study of the objects in space.
a. caligraphy
c. biology
b. astrology
d. astronomy
28. Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to Medina came to be known as the ____________________.
a. yathrib
c. hijra
b. sharia
d. sunna
29. Muslims must face ____________________ during their five daily prayers, no matter where they are.
a. east
c. Medina
b. Mecca
d. Dome of the Rock
30. The ____________________ believed that God blessed Ali’s descendants because they were Muhammad’s true
a. Shia
c. Sufi
b. Sunni
d. Fatimids
31. ____________________ wrote the Rubaiyat, a collection of poems that show a man pondering deep questions
about God and other serious topics.
a. Omar Khayyam
c. Ibn Rushd
b. Abu Bakr
d. Ibn Sina
32. The Muslim faithful are called to prayer from tall towers in mosques called ____________________.
a. arabesque
c. caligraphy
b. minarets
d. bedouins
33. ____________________ is a popular Arabic literary work that tells how a beautiful young woman saved herself
from a murderous caliph.
a. Aladdin
c Ali Baba.
b. The Sunna
d. 1001 Arabian Nights
34. One requirement for the devout Muslim is ____________________, or “struggle for the faith.”
a. hijra
c. hajj
b. jihad
d. tawaaf
35. ____________________ was a Persian who mastered many fields of study.
a. al-Jabr
c. Husayn
b. Abu Bakr
d. Ibn Sina
36. ____________________ was chosen as the first successor to Muhammad.
a. al-Jabr
b. Abu Bakr
c. Husayn
d. Ibn Sina
37. The spread of Islam to West Africa and Southeast Asia was due to _________________.
a. trade.
c. art.
b. literature.
d. conquests.
38. The five basic acts of worship that are central to Islam are called the ______________________________.
a. Five Sacraments of Islam
c. Five Laws of Islam
b. Five Arabian Nights
d. Five Pillars of Islam
39. Muslims perfected the ____________________, an instrument for finding the positions and movements of stars
and planets.
a. sextant
b. autoclave
c. GPS
d. astrolabe
40. The main social unit in Muslim society was the ____________________.
a. family
b. tribe
c. clan
d. village
41. Muslims worship in a building called a ____________________.
a. mosque
c. synagogue
b. temple
d. church
42. ____________________ is the legal system that reflects the various rules by which all Muslims should live.
a. Shia
b. Sharia
c. Hijra
d. Sunna
43. A Muslim scholar named ____________________ practiced alchemy and formed the basis of modern chemistry.
a. Omar Khayyam
b. al-Razi
c. Ibn Rushd
d. Ibn Sina
44. The Shia believe that only ____________________ can interpret the Qur’an.
a. Imams
b. Martyrs
c. Muhammad
d. Sufis
45. The ____________________ contains hundreds of individual lessons or reports on Muhammad’s actions.
a. Qur’an
b. Sahria
c. Tawaaf
d. Sunna
46. The ____________________, moved the capitol of the caliphate to Baghdad.
a. Abbasids
b. Fatimids
c. Sufi
d. Seljuks
47. The sacred text of Islam is called the ____________________.
a. Qur’an
b. Sahria
c. Tawaaf
d. Sunna
48. The ____________________ defeated the Umayyads in a series of battles in the late 740s in Iran and Iraq.
a. Abbasids
b. Fatimids
c. Sufi
d. Seljuks
49. Small bands of ____________________, or nomadic Arab peoples, moved their herds between scattered oases on
the Arabian Peninsula.
a. hijra
b. berbers
c. imams
d. bedouins
50. A group of Muslims called ____________________ seek a mystical, personal connection with God.
a. Sunni
c. Sufi
b. Shia
d. Dervish
Matching Select the letter of the term, person, or place that matches each description. Not all answers will be used.
a. hadith
b. Caliphate
c. jihad
d. hegira (hijra)
e. astrolabe
51. “Struggle for the faith”
52. Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to Medina
53. Finds the position of stars and planets
54. Islamic empire
a. Sharia
b. hadith
c. harem
d. Sura
e. arabesque
55. floral images in an intricate, interwoven geometric design
56. Muslim legal system of rules
57. Secluded part of the palace where Abbasid women were confined
58. Individual report in the Sunna on Muhammad’s actions
a. Rubaiyat
b. Yathrib
c. Whirling Dervishes
d. Kaaba
e. caliph
Sufis who use music and dancing in their rituals
Sacred building in the center of Mecca
Came to be known as Medina, “the Prophet’s city”
A collection of poems in which the poet celebrates simple pleasures
True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. A for True, B for False on Scantron sheet
Muhammad considered Abraham, Moses, and Jesus to be messengers from God.
65. Muslim merchants expanded the use of coins and extended credit to buyers over long distances.
Under Muslim rule, Christians and Jews were forced to convert to Islam.
An astrolabe could point the direction toward Mecca for daily prayers.
68. Arabic numerals, the symbols 0 through 9, originated in India.
69. Under the Abbasids, Islam attracted people of many cultures.
70. Islam spread to West Africa and Southeast Asia because escaped Umayyad princes set up dynasties there.
71. The record of Muhammad’s behavior and teachings known as jihad provides Muslims with guidance in daily life.
72. In the first years after the death of Muhammad, the Muslim community was ruled by his sons.
73. The Muslim faithful are called to prayer from tall towers in mosques called arabesques.
74. Muslims believe that Allah is the same God as in the Jewish and Christian traditions.
75. Some Meccans did not accept Muhammad’s teachings because he told them that their idol worship was sinful.
Chapter 9 Answer Key A
1. B
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. D
9. D
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. D
14. D
15. B
16. B
17. C
18. B
19. C
20. C
21. C
22. A
23. A
24. D
25. C
26. A
27. D
28. C
29. B
30. A
31. A
32. B
33. D
34. B
35. D
36. B
37. A
38. D
39. D
40. A
41. A
42. B
43. B
44. A
45. D
46. A
47. A
48. A
49. D
50. C
51. C
52. D
53. E
54. B
55. E
56. A
57. C
58. B
59. C
60. E
61. D
62. B
63. A
64. T
65. T
66. F
67. T
68. T
69. T
70. F
71. F
72. F
73. F
74. T
75. T