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Psychology 28, Section 02
Review Sheet for Exam 2
Here is a list of topics that we have covered since exam 1. Please remember that all information, including
that from your book, notes, lectures, class discussion, and videos, are fair game for a test, unless it is
explicitly stated otherwise. The test will consist of multiple choice, fill in the blank, and short answer
questions. I will not try to “trick” you with insignificant details, minor points on graphs in the book, etc.
Instead, I have framed some questions below that hopefully will guide you in studying for this test. Please
come by or email with any questions.
Exam 2 Part I (June 17th, 11:30 am)
Motives and the Dynamics of Personality: Chapter 8
 Murray’s organization of needs: his definitions and understanding of “needs,” motives, and press
 The Process of Personality according to Murray: be able to diagram this and recognize its
components from a case example
 How did Murray measure needs?
 Be able to discuss the four most researched needs/motives
 Maslow’s understanding of needs
 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: Know not only his “pyramid”, but also be able to discuss why the
needs are organized in this way, the differences between the higher and lower needs, etc.
 Rogers’ main beliefs: be able to interpret a case study based on Rogers’ views of positive regard,
conditions of worth, self-concept including ideal, actual, and real selves, congruence versus
incongruence of self, and defense mechanisms
 Components of client-centered therapy
Traits and Trait Taxonomies: Chapter 9
 Be able to describe trait theory and the methods used to discover personality traits
 Be able to discuss Allport’s trait theory
 Know Raymond Cattell’s trait theory of personality
 Understand Eysenck’s theory of personality, particularly his idea of “supertraits”
 Know the Five Factors of personality and be able to describe them
Learning Theory: Class Notes
 Describe the process of classical conditioning, and be able to apply it to case examples using the
appropriate terminology (UCS, UR, CS, CR).
 Describe the process of higher-order conditioning.
 Describe the process of instrumental/operant conditioning.
 Explain the concepts of reinforcement and punishment and the positive/negative forms of each.
 Describe schedules of reinforcement and the effects of continuous and partial reinforcement.
 Discuss discrimination, generalization, extinction, and shaping in classical and operant
 Explain how irrational behavior can develop through learning and discuss behavior modification.
Social-Cognitive Learning Theories: Class Notes and Chapter 12 (pg. 370-378)
 Describe social reinforcement and the concept of self-reinforcement.
 Explain vicarious emotional arousal and vicarious reinforcement and how they influence people.
 Describe the effects of expectancies on behavior and more specifically, the concepts of selfefficacy, locus-of-control, and learned helplessness.
 Discuss and differentiate the explanatory style/attributional dimensions of internal/external,
stable/unstable, and global/specific. Discuss the key elements of optimistic and pessimistic
explanatory styles.
 Define observational learning and discuss the processes involved.
 Contrast acquisition of behavior (i.e., aggression) and performance of behavior via observational
Exam 2 Part II (June 23rd, 11:30 am)
Cognitive-Behavioral Model and Stress Management: Class Notes
 Describe the components of the Cognitive-Behavioral Model, including the “Cognitive Equation.”
 Describe the possible strategies that can be used to manage stress at each step in the cognitive
equation – events, thoughts, emotions, body sensations, and behaviors.
 Be familiar with the content of the handouts regarding the cognitive and behavioral strategies.
 Be able to apply these strategies and components to a case study.
Personality Disorders: Chapter 19
 Define the key components of a psychological disorder, including what constitutes a personality
 Be able to describe the key features of all 10 personality disorders and identify them in case
examples (paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, avoidant, dependant, obsessive-compulsive,
narcissistic, histrionic, antisocial and borderline).
 Describe the concepts of “egosyntonic” versus “egodystonic” in the understanding and treatment
of personality disorders.
Comparing Personality Theories: Somewhat cumulative
 Approximately 50% of exam 2 part II will consist of comparing personality theories within
the context of case studies. The following theories may be covered in this section:
Psychodymanic theory, Evolutionary theory, Adler’s theory, Erikson’s theory, Humanistic
theories, Learning theories, and Cognitive-Behavioral Theory.