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Chapter Summary
Chapter 11: Motivation
Theories of Motivation
LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1 Briefly explain each of the five major theories of motivation.
Several theories offer explanations for our motivation, but no single theory can explain all
our behaviour.
Instinct theory, which suggests that environmental cues stimulate inborn behavioural
instincts, best explains motivation that serves basic biological drives, such as eating,
drinking, and sex.
Drive-reduction theory suggests that internal homeostatic mechanisms produce balance
within the body by reducing arousal stemming from unmet basic biological needs.
Arousal theory explains why we sometimes seek to increase arousal levels. The YerkesDodson law proposes that task performance is best if our arousal level matches that needed
for a task.
Incentive learning produces extrinsic motivation to engage in experiences that do not fulfill
basic biological drives. Primary and secondary incentives may both be involved. Different
incentives motivate different people. Incentive motivation involves brain systems associated
with pleasure, incentive learning, and the neurochemical opiate dopamine.
Maslow proposed that we are motivated by a hierarchy of needs, in which basic survival
needs must be satisfied before higher-level needs for belonging, achievement, and selfactualization.
Biological Motivations: Hunger
LEARNING OBJECTIVE 2 Summarize the factors that affect our levels of hunger and our
eating behaviour.
Hunger, our motivation to eat, is created by the interaction of signals from our stomachs,
levels of food-related chemicals in our blood, and brain activity, particularly in the
Culture and individual differences interact with our basic biological need for food to
determine what foods we will eat, when and with whom we like to eat, and how much we
Obesity is a major public health problem in North America. It is usually caused by
overeating, which can result from an interaction between genes and the environment.
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which individuals believe they are fat and eat too
little. Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder in which people binge on food, then purge
themselves of the food before it can add weight to their bodies.
Biological Motivations: Sex
LEARNING OBJECTIVE 3 Describe factors that affect our sexual motivation and behaviour.
Sexual practices driven by sexual motivation vary widely as a result of cultural influences.
Research consistently shows much variety in normal sexual behaviour throughout healthy
Testosterone and other hormones affect our motivation toward sexual behaviour. Many parts
of our brains become active during sexual arousal and behaviour.
Four types of sexual problems that may affect human sexual behaviour are: sexual
dysfunctions, paraphilias, gender identity disorder, and medical problems.
Sex education programs for teens attempt to reduce their risks of sexually-transmitted
infections and pregnancy. Two approaches are comprehensive sex education and abstinence
Psychological Motivations: Affiliation and Achievement
LEARNING OBJECTIVE 4 Describe factors that influence our psychological motivations for
affiliation and achievement.
Affiliation represents our need to interact with others, not only for survival, but also for selfworth.
Isolation puts people at risk of psychological impairments.
Self-determination theory suggests that we need competence, relatedness, and autonomy to
realize our potential.
Achievement through intrinsic motivation does not involve incentives.
Individuals who are able to delay gratification can focus on goals and ignore distractions.