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CPUSH (Unit 6, #3)
Name ___________________________
Date _______________ Pd _________
Reconstruction (1865—1877)
I. An Overview of Reconstruction (1865 to 1877)
A. Reconstruction is the era after the ________________________________ when the U.S. gov’t:
1. Brought the seceded Southern states __________________________________________________
2. Ended _____________________ & tried to protect newly emancipated slaves
3. ____________________ the nation after more than four years of fighting
B. Reconstruction occurred in 2 phases:
1. Presidential Reconstruction (1865-67) was _________________ in order to allow Southern states to _______________
rejoin the Union; It was initiated by President Lincoln but carried out by President _____________________________
2. Congressional Reconstruction (1867-77) was directed by Radical Republicans in Congress who wanted a ___________
plan that protected the rights of former ______________ & kept Confederate leaders from regaining power in the South
II. Reconstruction Plans
A. Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan (Proposed but never enacted)
1. Before the Civil War came to an end (& before his death), Lincoln proposed his ____________________________ Plan
2. This plan was very lenient & allowed former Confederate states could __________________ the Union when:
a. 10% of its population swore an _________________________________________ to the USA
b. States ratified the ____________________________________________________ ending slavery
3. Radical Republicans in Congress _________________ Lincoln’s plan because:
a. It did nothing to _____________ ex-slaves or to keep Confederate leaders from regaining __________ in the South
b. Wanted _________% of state populations to swear an oath of loyalty
4. When the Civil War ended & Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, there was no _______________________ plan in place
B. Presidential Reconstruction under Andrew Johnson (1865-1867)
1. When Lincoln was ____________________________ in 1865 VP Andrew Johnson tried to continue Lincoln’s policies:
a. His ___________________________________________________________ plan was lenient towards Southerners
b. States could come back into the USA once they ________________________ the 13th Amendment
2. Johnson’s Reconstruction plan hoped to ________________________________________ the nation
3. But, this plan did not require strict regulations to protect former slaves
a. Southern states passed _______________________ to keep African-Americans from gaining _____________, jobs,
____________________ rights, & protection under the law
b. Johnson ___________________________ 13,000 ex-Confederates
4. Led by _______________________________________, many “________________” Republicans in Congress opposed
Johnson’s plan & pushed for laws to _________________________ African-Americans:
a. The _________________________________________ was established in 1865 to offer assistance to former slaves
& protect their new citizenship:
i. Provided emergency ______________, housing, medical supplies
ii. Promised “40 ______________ & a _____________”
iii. Supervised labor contracts ( Many former abolitionists moved South to ______________ freedmen, called
“____________________________” by Southern Democrats)
iv. Created new _______________________ (The emphasis on education led to the creation of black universities,
such as ____________________________ College in Atlanta)
b. Congress feared Johnson would allow violations of civil rights so it drafted the _____________________________:
i. Clarified the idea of ______________________________ to include former slaves
ii. All citizens were entitled to ____________________________________ under the law & cannot be deprived
of life, liberty, property without due process of law
iii. ______________________________ was the only Southern state to accept the amendment
5. President Johnson ____________________ these new protections because he felt it would ___________ reconstruction:
a. Johnson ___________ the Freedman’s Bureau bill & encouraged Southern states to not support the 14th Amendment
b. This backfired when Republicans increased their __________________________ of Congress in the 1866 elections
C. Congressional Reconstruction (1867-1877)
1. With a dominance in Congress, moderate & “radical” Republicans took control & began “________________________
Reconstruction” in 1867:
a. Did not ____________________________ the state gov’ts approved under Johnson’s Plan
b. Made Reconstruction more ___________________
2. The Reconstruction Act of 1867 required that any Confederate state that wanted to re-enter the Union had to:
a. Ratify the ___________________________________
b. Allow African-American men the right to ____________ in their ______________
c. Keep ______________________________________________ from returning to power
d. Created 5 ___________________________________________ to protect former slaves & to enforce reconstruction
D. President Andrew Johnson’s Impeachment (1868)
1. President Johnson __________________________ Congressional Reconstruction:
a. He _________________ military generals appointed by Congress to oversee Southern military zones
b. He violated a new law called the ___________________________________________ Act when he tried to fire his
Secretary of War who supported Congress’ plan
2. Radical Republicans used this as an opportunity to _________________________ the president
a. To impeach is to formally __________________ an elected official of wrongdoing
b. The House of Representatives voted 126-47 to impeach Johnson
c. After an 11 week trial, the _________________ fell 1 vote short of __________________ the president from office
d. Johnson argued that removal could only occur due to “__________________________________ & misdemeanors”
but no “________________” had been committed
e. But, Johnson did promise to ________________________ Reconstruction for the remainder of his term & he did
E. The Presidency of Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877)
1. In 1868, Civil War hero Ulysses Grant won the presidency & worked with Congress to _________________ the South:
a. By 1868, most Confederate states had been __________________ to the Union under Congressional Reconstruction
b. Under Grant, the ________________ would re-enter
c. Because of Congressional Reconstruction, African-American men in the South could ___________ for the first time
2. In 1870, the ________________________________________ gave black men the right to vote
a. Prohibited any state from denying men the right to vote due to _____________
b. But…the amendment said nothing about _______________________, _______________, & property qualifications
III. Conclusions: As a result of Congressional Reconstruction (1867-1877):
A. All eleven __________________________________________ were re-admitted into the Union
B. The 13th, 14th, & 15th Amendments provided protection & opportunity for ______________________________ in the South
C. But, this was difficult to _______________ & sustain as __________________ slowly took back control of Southern s