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BIO 210 Anatomy and Physiology
Homework #9: Chs. 24-25
DUE: _____________________________ (see course schedule)
Assignments not turned in at the beginning of class will be accepted.
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers
the question.
1) G cells of the stomach secrete
A) pepsin.
B) secretin.
C) gastrin.
D) enteropeptidase.
E) cholecystokinin.
2) The basic functional unit of the liver is the
A) hepatocyte.
B) lobule.
C) Kupffer cell.
D) portal area.
E) bile canaliculus.
Figure 24-1 The Stomach (dissected)
Use Figure 24-1 to answer the following questions:
3) Identify the structure labeled "7."
A) esophagus
B) cardia
C) lesser curvature
D) pylorus
E) greater curvature
4) Functions of teeth include
A) clipping.
B) cutting.
C) crushing.
D) tearing.
E) all of the above
5) The structure that marks the division between the right and left lobes of the liver is
A) greater omentum.
B) hepatic ligament.
C) ligamentum teres.
D) lesser omentum.
E) falciform ligament.
6) A blockage of the ducts from the parotid glands would
A) interfere with carbohydrate digestion in the mouth.
B) cause mumps-like swelling of the face.
C) reduce delivery of saliva.
D) A, B, and C
E) B and C only
7) A drug that blocks the action of carbonic anhydrase in parietal cells would result in
A) a lower pH during gastric digestion.
B) a higher pH during gastric digestion.
C) decreased gastrin production.
D) increased protein digestion in the stomach.
E) decreased production of pepsinogen by chief cells.
8) If the pancreatic duct was obstructed, you would expect to see elevated blood levels
A) cholecystokinin.
B) bilirubin.
C) amylase.
D) gastrin.
E) secretin.
9) A drug that blocks the action of the hormone cholecystokinin would affect
A) acid production by the stomach.
B) the delivery of bile.
C) the composition of pancreatic secretions.
D) B and C only
E) A, B, and C
10) The intestinal hormone that stimulates the pancreas to release a watery, bicarbonaterich fluid is
B) gastrin.
C) secretin.
D) cholecystokinin.
E) enterocrinin.
11) The hormone that stimulates secretion and contraction by the stomach is
A) gastrin.
B) cholecystokinin.
C) secretin.
E) enteropeptidase.
Figure 24-1 The Stomach (dissected)
Use Figure 24-1 to answer the following questions:
12) Identify the structure labeled "12."
A) cardia
B) greater curvature
C) pylorus
D) fundus
E) lesser curvature
13) Which of the following is greater?
A) the pH of the blood in gastric veins following a 24-hour fast
B) the pH of the blood in gastric veins during digestion of a large meal
C) Can be either.
D) Blood pH is constant because of buffering.
14) Which organ is responsible for dehydration and compaction of indigestible
A) large intestine
B) stomach
C) esophagus
D) anus
E) small intestine
15) Increased secretion by all the salivary glands results from
A) sympathetic stimulation.
B) parasympathetic stimulation.
C) hormonal stimulation.
D) hunger.
E) myenteric reflexes.
16) This organ is primarily responsible for water absorption.
A) esophagus
B) anus
C) stomach
D) large intestine
E) small intestine
17) Which of the following contains a remnant of the fetal umbilical vein?
A) falciform ligament
B) diaphragm
C) lesser omentum
D) mesentery proper
E) greater omentum
18) The greater omentum is
A) the entrance to the stomach.
B) attached to the stomach at the lesser curvature.
C) important in the digestion of fats.
D) a sheet of mesentery that attaches to the liver.
E) a fatty sheet that hangs like an apron over the abdominal viscera.
19) Which of these descriptions best matches the term gastrin?
A) stimulates pancreas to secrete bicarbonate-rich fluid
B) where pancreatic juice and bile enter duodenum
C) carries absorbed sugars and amino acids
D) causes gall bladder to contract
E) stimulates gastric secretion
20) At the splenic flexure, the colon becomes the
A) ascending colon.
B) transverse colon.
C) descending colon.
D) rectum.
E) sigmoid colon.
21) The region of the stomach that empties into the duodenum is the
A) cardia.
B) body.
C) fundus.
D) pylorus.
E) antrum.
22) The ________ supports all but 25 cm of the small intestine and provides stability and
limited movement.
A) falciform ligament
B) lesser omentum
C) diaphragm
D) mesentery proper
E) greater omentum
23) The portion of the stomach that is superior to the junction between the stomach and
the esophagus is the
A) cardia.
B) antrum.
C) pylorus.
D) fundus.
E) body.
24) The ________ are double sheets of peritoneal membrane that suspend the visceral
organs and carry nerves, lymphatics, and blood vessels.
A) fibrosa
B) serosa
C) adventitia
D) mesenteries
E) lamina propria
25) The double-layer sheets of serous membrane that support the viscera are called
A) the dorsal and ventral frenulums.
B) mesenteries.
C) the diaphragm.
D) ascites.
E) peritoneal sheets.
26) In the process of cellular respiration (glycolysis + oxidative), each molecule of
glucose that is metabolized yields enough energy to form ________ molecules of
A) 36
B) 2
C) 28
D) 72
E) 4
27) A disorder caused by the ingestion of excessive quantities of a fat-soluble vitamin is
known as
A) Kwashiorkor.
B) carbohydrate loading.
C) hypervitaminosis.
D) protein deficiency disease.
E) avitaminosis.
28) The major steps in oxidative phosphorylation include all of the following, except
A) the breaking of carbon-carbon covalent bonds.
B) ionization of hydrogen atoms.
C) increasing the energy level of electrons passing through the electron transport
D) removal of hydrogen atoms from a substrate molecule by coenzymes.
E) the acceptance of electrons by oxygen atoms.
29) When the temperature of the preoptic area of the hypothalamus exceeds its
thermostat setting,
A) peripheral vasoconstriction occurs.
B) skin blood flow increases.
C) tidal volume increases.
D) sweat glands are inhibited.
E) both B and C
30) The vitamin that is required for proper bone growth and for calcium absorption and
retention is vitamin
A) A.
B) B.
C) C.
D) D.
E) E.
31) N compounds include
A) amino acids.
B) pyrimidines.
C) creatine.
D) purines.
E) all of the above
32) All of the following are true of beta-oxidation, except that
A) it yields large amounts of ATP.
B) lipids are converted into glycogen molecules.
C) it requires coenzyme A, NAD, and FAD.
D) fatty acids break down into two-carbon fragments that enter the TCA cycle.
E) it occurs in the mitochondria.
33) The vitamin whose deficiency causes beriberi is
A) folic acid (folate).
B) cobalamin.
C) niacin.
D) thiamine.
E) riboflavin.
34) Someone with a total cholesterol level between 200 and 239 mg/dl should
A) have annual checkups.
B) lose weight if overweight.
C) modify their diet.
D) not worry if they are physically active.
E) A, B, and C
35) A malfunction of the thermoregulatory mechanisms caused by fluid loss in sweat is
known as
A) hydrosis.
B) dehydration reaction.
C) afebrile reaction.
D) heat exhaustion.
E) thermoneogenesis.
36) In order for glycolysis to proceed, which of the following need not be present?
A) acetyl-CoA
C) glucose
37) More than half the heat is lost from the body indoors through the process of
A) concentration.
B) conduction.
C) convection.
D) evaporation.
E) radiation.
38) The gastroileal reflex
A) empties the duodenum.
B) is relayed through the CNS.
C) moves some chyme to the colon.
D) decreases peristaltic activity.
E) promotes gastric secretion.
39) In response to the hormone cholecystokinin, the pancreas secretes a fluid
A) rich in enzymes.
B) rich in mucus.
C) rich in bile.
D) rich in bicarbonate.
E) that contains only amylase.
40) The fusion of the hepatic duct and the cystic duct forms the
A) porta hepatis.
B) bile canaliculus.
C) common pancreatic duct.
D) common bile duct.
E) hepatic portal vein.
41) If digestion of a carbohydrate results in equal amounts of glucose and galactose, this
carbohydrate is probably
A) cellulose.
B) lactose.
C) sucrose.
D) maltose.
E) glycogen.
42) An obstruction of the common bile duct often results in
A) undigested fat in the feces.
B) jaundice.
C) inability to digest protein.
D) A and B only
E) A, B, and C
43) Plicae circulares are
A) ridges in the wall of the stomach.
B) circumferential folds in the mucosa and submucosa of the small intestine.
C) abnormal structures formed by excessive pressure in the small intestine.
D) sacculations in the colon.
E) fingerlike projections on the surface of the mucosa of the small intestine.
44) An ion that is a necessary component of high-energy compounds and nucleic acids
and a structural component of bone is the ________ ion.
A) chloride
B) sulfate
C) iodide
D) bicarbonate
E) phosphate
Figure 25-1 The TCA Cycle
Use Figure 25-1 to answer the following questions:
45) Identify the molecule labeled "5."
A) fumaric acid
B) malic acid
C) 4-carbon molecule
D) citric acid
E) oxaloacetic acid
46) Which of the following is false regarding brown fat?
A) functions in nonshivering thermogenesis
B) is concentrated around visceral organs in the adult
C) is found in infants
D) is innervated by the sympathetic nervous system
E) contains a rich vascular supply
47) Functions of the stomach include all of the following, except
A) mechanical breakdown of food.
B) absorption of triglycerides.
C) storage of ingested food.
D) denaturation of proteins.
E) initiation of protein digestion.
48) A feature of the digestive epithelium that assists expansion of the organ is the
presence of
A) elastic cells.
B) plicae.
C) transitional cells.
D) rugae.
E) both B and D
49) Glucocorticoids have which of the following effects on general peripheral tissues?
A) They increase glycogenolysis.
B) They decrease the use of glucose.
C) They increase gluconeogenesis.
D) A and B only
E) A, B, and C
50) At the hepatic flexure, the colon becomes the
A) ascending colon.
B) transverse colon.
C) rectum.
D) descending colon.
E) sigmoid colon.