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Study Guide: Chapter 13/14 The Middle Ages Chapter 13: pp. 353-369 Chapter 14: pp. 382-385, p. 387, pp. 389-390 and pp. 391-392 Key Terms: Most are on #29 plus #33 - #36 Middle Ages Germanic Tribes Franks Monasteries Convents Secular Mayor of the Palace Battle of Tours Counts Treaty of Verdun Vikings Feudalism Lord Fief Vassal Knights Serfs Vernacular Manor Tithe Crusade Reconquista Inquisition Three-Field System University Key People: Most are on #29 plus #33 - #36 Clovis Benedict Scholastica Pope Gregory I Charles Martel Charlemagne Louis the Pius Leif Ericson Pope Urban II Richard the Lion-Hearted Saladin Ferdinand and Isabella Key Ideas: Effects of the Germanic Invasions on Western Europe- see BW= 12/3: Mult-flow map and #32 Difference between Roman Government an Germanic Tribes #32 Importance of the Conversion of Clovis for the Church #32/33 Importance of Monasteries/Convents to Education/Learning #33 SAD cycle chart BW 12/7 Gregory I and the Expansion of Papal Power #33 SAD cycle chart BW 12/7 Importance of Charles Martel/Battle of Tours #33 SAD cycle for Charlemagne’s Empire #33 Test Date: Wed. Dec. How the Viking and other invasions led to 16th Feudalism #34 See my Jeopardy Review on Feudalism/ Draw the Feudal Pyramid #34 my I-Learn Site to help How Manorialism Works #34 with your studying Life of the nobles vs. peasants #35 Goals of the Crusades#36 Importance/Basic Facts of the First, Second and Third Crusades #36 Effects of the Crusades #36 Importance of Horses and the Three-Field System BW 12/14 Importance of the Muslim World to the Revival of Learning in Europe #36 Growth of Universities and the use of the Vernacular #36