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Study Guide: Rome Chapter 10
Section 1: Geography and Rise of Rome
Can you describe the geography of Italy? Part of the test includes identifying places on a map.
1. Rivers:
2. Mountain Ranges:
3. Location of cities of Rome and Carthage:
4. Location and names of the islands:
What are some of the legends and history about how Rome began?
1. Who is Aeneas and where did his journey begin?
2. Who are Romulus and Remus? Make sure to distinguish between the two.
3. Etruscans: What were their contributions to Rome?
What type of government did Rome create in its early stages?
1. Republic (define):
2. Dictators (define, give circumstances & name example)
3. Plebeians (define & what role do they play in society?)
4. Patricians (define & what role do they play in society?)
Section 2: Government and Society
Tell who comprises this part of the republic, explain their responsibilities, and give term of office.
1. Magistrates/ Consuls
 Who?
Term of office?
 What?
2. Senate
 Who?
 What?
3. Assemblies and Tribunes
 Who?
 What?
 Who wanted this branch? Why?
Term of office?
Term of office?
4. Veto Power:
5. Tripartite:
6. Checks and Balances
 Purpose:
 Examples from Rome:
7. Civic Duty
 Definition:
 Examples from Rome
8. Forum:
10.Why did some Romans want their laws written down? How did they bring about this change?
11.What was the first written law code called?
12. Be able to compare the government of the Roman Republic with the U.S. government including
the type of government, the branches, the checks and balances, civic duty and the military. This
will be in the form of extended response. Practice space is on page 2 of the study guide.
Section 3: The Late Republic, Growth of Territory:
1. Gauls & impact on growth. How might Rome be different if treated differently by the Gauls?
2. Roman legions: What are they and what advantage do they give the Roman army by the
300’s BC?
3. What caused the Romans to expand their trade network?
4. Rome Grows Beyond Italy:
 Punic Wars (who fought in them / what led to them?):
Problems in Rome:
 Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus (brothers): How did their deaths change
Roman politics?
5. Why do you think the Romans borrowed many ideas from Greek culture?
Practice question 12: Make 4 specific comparisons between the Roman Republic and the US gov’t.