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The Solar System Up Close
The best way to learn about planets and
their moons is to see them up close.
Spacecraft allow us to do this.
Read pages 409-410.
The sun orbits the galaxy once every 200
million years (a galactic year).
According to my calculations, the sun is
about 4.6 billion years old and will shine
for another 5 billion years. Then it will
swell to a red giant, lose its outer layers
to form a planetary nebula, and end its
life as a dwarf star.
Inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and
Mars) all have a “rocky” composition.
Outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
and Neptune) are similar because they all
have a gaseous composition.
Read the planet card on pages 412-415.
Answer questions on page 411 #1-7.
Mars Colony – Challenges of Space
Break Earths gravity
Keep equipment operating in the
extreme environment that is known as
Transport people safely
Environmental hazards
o Space is a vacuum
o Risk of being hit by debris or
o No air pressure
o Massive temperature variations
Psychological - long trips in a
confined living space
Body and microgravity –
gravitational force that act on mass
are reduced resulting in: loss of bone
mass and density. Heart doesn’t pump
as hard to circulate blood, which
decreases RBC production. Muscles
become weaker.
Space suit – self contained system
of air, water, heating, cooling, flexible
Water – needs to be recycled (can
only have a limited supply)
Life support – remove carbon
dioxide, produce oxygen, filter
microorganisms and dust from air.
Keep air pressure, temperature and
humidity stable.
What is the difference between a lunar
eclipse and a solar eclipse?
Can they be predicted?
Yes – via observation and mathematics.
Read pages 418-419
Page 419 #1-5