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Name: ____________________ Date: ___________________ Class: _____________
Virtual Lab: Virtual Frog Dissection
Part I: Lab Report
1. If you come upon any terms that are unfamiliar to you, please refer to your
textbook for further explanation or search the word here: In this
exercise, you will be performing a virtual frog dissection. To begin, click on
the “Introduction” link on the opening page. Read through and listen to the
information presented to learn about the basics of dissection and animal
2. Once you are back to the opening page, click the “External Anatomy” button.
Read through, watch and listen to the information presented in these
segments. When you are finished, click the “Menu” button at the bottom of
the page to return to the opening page of the laboratory activity.
3. The last portion of this activity involves an examination of the internal
anatomy of a frog. To do this, click the “Internal Anatomy” button on the
opening page of the laboratory. Read through, watch and listen to all of the
information presented in these segments and actively participate where
required. You may have to do a virtual cut on the frog by dragging the
appropriate tool to the frog or label organs of the dissected frog by dragging
the appropriate organ names to the site on the opened frog. Please STOP
when you are through with each labeling step and be sure to fill in your final
answers on Figures 1 and 2 below.
4. When you are through opening all of the segments in the “Internal Anatomy”
section, you will have successfully completed the virtual dissection.
Virtual Lab Questions
A. Introduction
a. Natural History:
i. Define Dorsal: ___________
ii. What phylum are frogs in? ________________
iii. What subphylum? ____________________
iv. Define vertebrate:
b. Dissection Tools
i. List the dissection tools used in a frog dissection
B. External Anatomy
a. Introduction
i. What are the possible colors of the dorsal side of a frog?
ii. What is the underbelly of the frog called? ___________
iii. Name the five main parts of the frog:
b. Skin
i. Why is the frog’s skin slippery?
ii. What does skin aid in? How is this different from humans?
iii. List two reasons why there is mucus coating the frog’s
c. Head
i. Why is the location of the frog’s eyes important?
ii. What is the tympanic membrane for?
iii. Trace the path of sound in the frog
d. Cloaca
i. What three substances can be discharged from the cloaca?
ii. Where is the cloaca located?
e. Legs
i. Compare the frog’s forelimbs to the frog’s hind limbs:
ii. How many digits (toes) does each forelimb have? _______
C. Internal Anatomy
a. ** Initial Cut
i. How should the frog be placed when dissected?
ii. Where should the pins be placed in order to hold the frog
iii. How should the pins be inserted? ____________________
iv. On the frog below, indicate the placement of the five
initial incisions?
v. The first cut should only be through the _______________
vi. After the skin is cut, stabilize the skin with __________
vii. Why is the skin part of the respiratory system?
viii. Why is the muscle tissue cut?
ix. Where is the muscle tissue cut?
x. After the muscle is cute, stabilize with __________
b. **Digestive System
i. Why is the jaw cut?
ii. Where is the jaw cut?
iii. Name the two openings you see inside the frogs mouth.
Where is each located? What system do each involve?
iv. What are the tooth-like structures in the frogs mouth
called? ______________________________
v. Where are these structures located?
vi. Label the organs of the digestive tract below (Liver,
stomach, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine, pancreas,
large intestine, cloaca)
vii. Describe the size and structure of the liver:
viii. What is the purpose of the liver?
ix. What occurs in the stomach for the first time and what
two digestive organs does it connect?
x. What is the purpose of the gallbladder?
xi. What is the purpose of the pancreas?
xii. What is the purpose of the small intestine?
xiii. What is the purpose of the cloaca?
xiv. In the lab, the liver, stomach, pancreas and intestines will
be removed. Locate each organ and indicate the incisions
for this extraction on the diagram below.
c. Respiratory System
i. What two organs are involved in the respiratory system of
the frog?
ii. Trace the path of air from the atmosphere to the frogs
iii. How many lungs do amphibians have? ________________
d. **Circulatory System
i. What is the purpose of heart? The vessels?
ii. What is the smallest vessel:________________________
iii. What vessels do capillaries connect? _________________
iv. What is the purpose of arteries? Of veins?
v. Describe the structure of the frog’s heart.
vi. How does it differ from the human heart?
e. **Reproductive System
i. What is formed in testes? In ovaries?
ii. What is the purpose of fat bodies?
iii. Describe the structure of the testes:
iv. Describe the structure of the ova:
v. Trace the path of the egg from ova to fertilization:
f. Excretory
i. What is the purpose of the kidneys?
ii. Define ureters:
iv. Where does the waste from the kidneys exit from?
g. Nervous
i. What are the three main parts of the nervous system?
ii. What two parts are the brain separated into?
iii. What is the olfactory lobe responsible for?
iv. What part of the brain is located behind the olfactory lobe:
v. What are the optic nerves responsible for? ____________
vi. When dissecting to see the brain, where are the cuts
made? Indicate on the diagram below:
vii. How is the skull removed to access the brain?
h. Muscular
i. The muscles are attached to ________________ and
responsible for ______________.
ii. What muscles will be viewed in the lab?______________
The incision should be made according to diagram below
iii. Once the incision is made, list all instructions to get to the
iv. The muscles of the frog are organized in _______________
v. What do the muscles in the upper leg move? ___________
vi. What do the muscles in the lower leg move? ___________
i. Skeletal
i. What two regions does the skeletal region include:
ii. Where each of these regions located?
iii. How many bones does each region contain? Name one
bone in each region: