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Subject: Biology II – Content Map
Topic: Protozoa – Chapter 26
Instructor: J. Valentine
Grade: 10-12
Key Learning(s): The kingdom Protista contains a diverse collection of
eukaryotic organisms. All protists are eukaryotic and lack tissue
differentiation. The phyla of protozoa are distinguished by their form of
locomotion and each group contains a number of parasites that cause
serious human diseases.
Unit Essential Question(s):
-What characteristics set protozoa apart from other kingdoms?
-What are the differences between the 5 phyla of protozoa?
-Name and describe some human diseases caused by protists.
Vocabulary review
Guided reading
Laboratory exercises
Jeopardy review
Characteristics of Protozoa
Protozoan Phyla
3.1.B.A1: Compare and contrast the cellular structures
and degrees of complexity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic
3.1.B.A5: Relate the structure of cell organelles to their
3.1.B.B2: Illustrate that the sorting and recombining of
genes in sexual reproduction results in a great variety of
possible gene combinations in offspring.
3.1.10.A3: Compare and contrast the life cycles of different
3.1.10.A8: Investigate the spatial relationships of
organisms’ anatomical features using specimens, models,
or computer programs.
-What kind of organisms are found in the
kingdom Protista? What characteristics do
they share?
-How do protozoa reproduce?
-What is a cyst? Under what conditions might
certain protozoa form cysts?
-What are pseudopodia? What function do they
serve in sarcodines?
-What is conjugation? How is this process
advantageous for ciliates, such as Paramecium?
-What kinds of disease can zooflagellates cause in
-Describe the life cycle of Plasmodium, the
sporozoan that causes malaria. What features
typical of sporozoans does this life cycle exhibit?
7. ameboid movement
18. micronucleus
8. anal pore
19. mouth pore
9. contractile vacuole
20. oral groove
10. cytoplasmic streaming 21. pellicle
11. ectoplasm
22. pseudopodium
12. endoplasm
23. radiolarian
13. foraminiferan
24. sporozoite
14. gametocyte
25. test
15. gullet
16. macronucleus
17. merozoite
1. conjugation
2. cyst
3. eyespot
4 .food vacuole
5.multiple fission
6. zooplankton