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Video: Life in a Drop of Water
Name: Answer Key
Directions: Answer the questions and complete statements from viewing the video.
1. Pond scum is usually filled with microorganisms.
2. The basic unit of which all living things are composed is called what? Cells
3. The nucleus is the control center of the cell.
4. The fluid in which many cell reactions occur is? Cytoplasm
5. All organisms on earth are made up of one or more cells.
6. Circle one: algae/bacteria is a plant like organism that appear in a variety of forms.
7. The process in which sunlight is converted into food is what? Photosynthesis
8. What propels organisms to move through water? Flagellum
9. Large masses of spirogyra forms what we call “pond scum”.
10. These are sometimes referred to as “Jewels of the Sea”: Diatoms
11. Protozoa means “first animals”.
12. The longest protozoon is called the Spirostomum.
13. Bursaria is the largest of the protozoa.
14. “Sharks” of the microscopic world: Didinium
15. Pseudopod means “false foot”. What does it enable an amoeba to do? Move
16. What does the Cyclops microcrustacean use its antennae for? Sensory organs and swimming.
17. What mircocrustacean is entirely enclosed in its shell? Seed shrimp
18. Algea are responsible for producing the air we breathe.
19. Protists can either provide us with oxygen or can be responsible for disease.
20. Single celled organisms can include bacteria, some algae and protozoa.
21. Multi-cellular organisms may include rotifers, daphnia, hydras, and many others.
Video: Life in a Drop of Water
Directions: Answer the questions and complete statements from viewing the video.
1. Pond scum is usually filled with microorganisms____.
2. The basic unit of which all living things are composed is called what? Cells
3. The nucleus is the control___ center___ of the cell.
4. The fluid in which many cell reactions occur is? Cytoplasm
5. All organisms___ on earth are made up of one or more cells.
6. Circle one: algae/bacteria is a plant like organism that appear in a variety of forms.
7. The process in which sunlight is converted into food is what? Photosynthesis
8. What propels organisms to move through water? Flagellum
9. Large masses of spirogyra___ forms what we call “pond scum”.
10. These are sometimes referred to as “Jewels of the Sea”: Diatoms
11. Protozoa___ means “first animals”.
12. The longest protozoon is called the Spirostomum___.
13. Bursaria___ is the largest of the protozoa.
14. “Sharks” of the microscopic world: Didinium
15. Pseudopod means “false___ foot___”. What does it enable an amoeba to do? Move
16. What does the Cyclops microcrustacean use its antennae for? Sensory organs and swimming.
17. What mircocrustacean is entirely enclosed in its shell? Seed shrimp
18. Algea___ are responsible for producing the air we breathe.
19. Protists can either provide us with oxygen___ or can be responsible for disease___.
20. Single celled organisms can include bacteria___, some___ algae___ and protozoa___.
21. Multi-cellular organisms may include rotifers___, daphnia___, hydras___, and many others.