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NAME: ____________________________ BLOCK: ______ DATE: _______
Earth Science—2nd Nine-Weeks (Mid-Term Exam) Study Guide
1. What do hachure marks represent on a topographic map? (pg. 166)
2. How can a planet be distinguished from a star as they are seen in the night sky? (astronomy notes)
3. What is unique about Earth’s position in the Solar System as it relates to water, and why is this important?
(astronomy notes)
4. What causes days and nights? (23, 661)
5. About how long does it take the Earth to make one complete rotation on its axis? (23, 661)
6. In what season is the northern hemisphere tilted toward the sun (23, 664)
7. The Southern Hemisphere is warmer in January than in July because— (23, 664)
8. Ranked in order of distance from the Sun, Earth is in what position compared to the other planets? (p.698)
9. Processes on Mars are very similar to the processes on Earth. The presence of shifting sand dunes on mars
would indicate the existence of what phenomenon on Mars? (Infer from p. 700)
10. Which planet in the Solar System has an orbit so eccentric that it crosses the orbit of another planet? (pg.
11. A star might be much brighter than it appears to be. This is called the star’s absolute magnitude. The
difference in apparent magnitude and absolute magnitude is due primarily to the star’s— (25, 726)
12. A light-year measures— (25, 727)
13. Parallax can be used to measure a star’s— (25, 727)
14. What element is the main component of most stars? (What does a star require for nuclear fusion?) (736)
15. What powers stars? (25, 735-736)
16. How are stars distributed in space? (astronomy notes)
17. Density of a mineral is determined by mass and – (measurements notes, p. 46)
18. List the four/five things all minerals have in common. (mineral notes, p.62)
19. Minerals are made of one or more – (p. 62)
20. Each mineral has a unique crystal shape because of the— (3, 63)
21. On what basis are minerals usually grouped together? (mineral notes, p.66)
22. What is the largest mineral group? (3, 66)
23. Which mineral is often mistaken for gold? What is this mineral also called? (mineral notes and p. 68)
24. What is the Moh’s hardness scale, and how is it used? (3, p. 69)
25. What mineral property is related to its colored powder resulting from rubbing a mineral against a harder
surface (porcelain plate)? (minerals notes, p. 71)
26. What property of minerals allows them to be cut “cleanly” and polished so they can be made into
gemstones? (hint: think of the distinguishing property of diamond….p.76)
27. The major rock-forming minerals are (90)
28. What mineral can be used to manufacture glass? (minerals notes)
29. Which mineral is the most closely related to glass chemically? (mineral notes)
30. By looking at the Rock Cycle, what processes must be undergone for the formation of sediment? (4, 91)
31. What processes can transform igneous rocks into sedimentary rocks?- (4, 91)
32. What does the rock cycle describe? (p. 91)
33. What processes are responsible for the formation of igneous rocks? (4, 94)
34. Define igneous intrusion. Remember that these can form metamorphic rocks around them when the
surrounding rock comes in contact with the hot magma.- (4, 95)
35. What determines the grain sizes of igneous rocks? (4, 95)
36. What would an intrusive igneous rock with very slow cooling look like? –(4, 95)
37. Why do extrusive igneous rocks contain small crystals? (4, 95)
38. Why is the Igneous rock Obsidian a glassy rock? (4, 96)
39. What type of rock is granite (intrusive or extrusive)? (chart on p.96)
40. List all characteristics of metamorphic rocks. – (4, 99-101)
41. Define foliated metamorphic rock.- (4, 101)
42. The cementing of weathered material would form what type of rock? (rocks notes and p.103)
43. What rock type will fossils most likely be found? (4, 103)
44. What two things are used for determining how a rock was formed?- (rocks notes)
45. What provides the best evidence of the environment in which an igneous rock formed? (rocks notes)
46. What is the major problem with depending on fossil fuels as major energy sources?(resource notes,p.120)
47. List 3 examples of Fossil fuels.- (120)
48. List 4 non-renewable resources.- (120)
49. List 4 renewable energy sources.- (130-135)
50. Which energy source has the least harmful environmental effects? (resource notes, p.130)
51. What are some disadvantages to using hydroelectric power? (resources notes, p. 132)
52. What would be an advantage to using dams to produce electrical energy?- (5, 132)
53. What would be the greatest disadvantage to using wood-burning stoves?- (5, 134)
54. What metal is lightweight and strong and can be recycled with the greatest success?- (141)
55. What are some major mineral resources found in Virginia? (resources notes)
56. List three ways that mineral resources of Virginia can be conserved? – (3 R’s, p.586))
57. What is crushed stone used for?- (resources notes)
58. Limestone can be used to produce? (resources notes)
59. South America splitting away from Africa, the formation of the mid-Atlantic ridge, and the collision of
India with Asia all occurred after what major geologic event? (plate tectonics notes, p. 272)
60. What are the types of evidence that support the theory of continental drift? (plate tect. notes, p.272-274)
61. What is Pangaea? (Plate tectonics notes, p. 272)
62. What is the force (motion) behind Convergent boundaries?-(287)
63. At a convergent boundary where one plate subducts under another, where would most of the earthquakes
occur? Where would metamorphic rocks most likely be found? (plate tectonics notes, and infer from p.287
and 302)
64. Where are most earthquakes and volcanoes located?- (plate tectonics notes)
65. If a cross-section of the Earth showed rock layers being pushed upward from opposite directions to form
mountains, what type of tectonic boundary would be inferred? (notes, p.283-284)
66. What happens at a continental to continental convergent boundary?-(notes, 283)
67. What causes an earthquake?- (301)
68. What type of pressure or force creates folds in rock layers? (p. 302)
69. What type of fault is located in California?(plate tectonics notes, 303)
70. Define the term Focus.- (304)
71. What travels faster – P or S waves and why?(307-308)
72. If two different locations recorded seismic waves generated by the same earthquake, how would the
seismographs indicate which location was closer to the earthquake? (Infer from 307-308 and notes)
73. What is the FEWEST number of seismograph stations that must record P and S waves in order to locate the
epicenter?- (308)
74. Why is the Earth’s inner core a solid?-(notes,309)