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EXAM I 2015
TA Name
Lab Day & Time
Negative Points
Positive Points
Page 1
11 pts
Page 2
16 pts
Page 3
15 pts
Page 4
8 pts
50 pts
B. Matching Question. Write the letter identifying a cell function with the appropriate cell structure.
A cell function may be used for more than one structure. And a cell structure may have more than
one function. Further, a cell function may not apply to any structure, if so, write an “X” next to
the cell structure.
(1 pt. each)
Eukaryotic Cell Stucture
Function or Characteristic
A. synthesizes protein
_______ Golgi Body
B. 9+2 array of microtubules
_______ Chloroplast
C. contains peptidoglycan
_______ Nucleolus
D. organelle containing digestive enzymes
_______ Ribosome
E. uses oxygen and produces ATP
F. circular hereditary material of prokaryotes
G. synthesizes ribosomes
________Cell Wall
H. fluid storage reservoir
________Plasma membrane
I. carries chlorophyll
________ Vacuole
J. composed of cellulose in plants
________ Smooth ER
K. storage organelle for carbohydrate
L. Network of internal membranes with
ribosomes attached
X. No appropriate function
C. Definition Questions. Define the following terms or phrase giving an example and answer
the follow up question. Do not be superficial in your responses; give details. Use the back of this paper
if you need more space (4 pts. each)
1. Hardy-Weinberg principle (explain this in words, not the equation)
In this equation p2 + 2pq + q2, what does the q2 stand for?
2. Vestigial Structure
How do Creationists explain such structures?
3. Molecular clock
What method is used to calibrate the clock; i.e. to know the real time when two species have separated?
4. Translation (as used in molecular biology)
What role do codons play in this process?
D. Short Answer Questions (3 pts each) State whether the statement is true or false and then give the evidence
supporting your claim
1. Mutations in genes which lead to a stop codon typically lead to a non-functional gene.
2. A silent mutation is one that does not lead to a protein
3. It is possible to test if the radiometric dates of the earth are correct.
4. The critical feature of the scientific method that separates it from everyday reasoning is that it makes
5. Both the genotype of an individual and phenotype of an individual cannot change over the lifetime of an
D. Long Question (Do not be superficial in your answer; this is worth 8 points. Notice you have a lot of
space to answer the question; this means it is important to give detail.) Use complete sentences in your
The concept of consilience plays a big role in our acceptance of the theory of evolution. First, define
consilience. Second, tell the main steps in Darwin’s version of the theory. Third, give three examples of where
consilience is seen in the acceptance of theory of evolution. And when you give your examples be sure to
explain exactly how this discovery advanced our acceptance of the idea.