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Date 01/2/2011
email [email protected]
Essay on Magnetics 8678 WORDS
This is a new concept describing magnetic attraction. The concept suggests the
origin of magnetic force could be the same force that generates the waves
maintaining electrons in trajectories within all atomic structures. These positive
biased waves radiating from all Protons are randomly aligned through all bodies
of matter attracting all negative atomic and sub-atomic particles including
Photons in the more negative phase of all electromagnetic waves at any
frequency. Some of these electron trajectories can be re-aligned if subject to
external forces, such as moving electrons, magnetic fields, shock, vibration, or
raised temperature.
The force generating the electron trajectories from within the nucleus of all
Protons is extremely strong at short range guaranteeing the capture and
retention of an electron.
This force if aligned into a semi-polarised state with other atomic structures
would result in an extremely high attractive force at close range, attracting all
polarised waveforms dependant on the direction of polarity, plus all negative
atomic particles.
This aligned force would be directional and with similarly aligned forces, will
attract strongly at close range in one direction and repel them in the other.
The following articles cover many of the aspects involved in this concept, at
present no other theories clearly describe the attractive and repulsive force of
Magnetism. That is not to say current theories are incorrect in any way, but that
the theories may be founded on false assumptions regarding the cause of
magnetic attraction.
Though the concept is simple in its description the manner in which gravity
exerts its force becomes quite complex, and when gravity waves become
polarized the resultant what appears to be magnetic force becomes even more
complex in its interactions.
This article examines how the forces generated by both gravitational attraction
and magnetic attraction could be similar, and differ only in the manner by which
their force is applied, i.e. random orientation or polarised. Most of the Gravity
in our solar system is generated as waves of force from within all protons
producing the trajectories that maintain and guarantee the electrons in their
atomic shell structures. The exception to this conventional form of gravity is
that generated by Neutron Stars where a high density of Neutrons with no
Protons generates gravity waves with a negative potential bias. This form of
gravity still interacts with gravity meters to produce a mass readout in the same
manner as conventional gravity. All gravity waves are disrupted by interference
into what appears to be a monopole force of attraction emanating from all
bodies of matter with a positive potential bias. Gravity exerts its force in all
directions, randomly yet evenly distributed throughout all bodies of matter it is
a weak force over comparatively large distances.
These gravitational pulses attract all negative elementary particles, electrons,
down quarks, neutrons, and photons in the more negative phase of all
electromagnetic waves at any frequency. Magnetic force is directional, bi-polar,
and comparatively strong at short distances. Magnetic properties can be
chemically engineered by the alignment of structured chemical zones to
increase magnetic strength into a common polarised direction. This is
chemically restructuring the molecules to align into a common direction thus
aligning much of their force. Magnetic properties can be externally induced into
such an order by electrical induction moving free electrons with their associated
spin helix during acceleration, either anti-clockwise, or clockwise in the
direction of movement, dependant upon negative or positive motivating
potential, this acts at 90 degrees to charge direction. This causes free electrons
in an adjacent conductor to be repelled at 90 degrees to primary current
inducing some associated electron trajectories to change direction.
An electrical conductor can be so affected to exhibit magnetic properties during
induction by electrical current. It is the force that projects and maintains
electrons in trajectories that can be temporarily polarised into a common
direction increasing its overall attractive force for electrons, but most
importantly producing an attractive temporarily cohesive force repelling or
attracting similar polarised waveforms.
In naturally occurring magnetic type materials the d and f trajectories are
sometimes utilised with the d trajectory almost fully occupied, and the f
trajectory almost empty. These d and f shell trajectories can occupy any angle
through 360 degrees. Ferromagnetic materials e.g. iron have 8 electrons in
immovable trajectories and 16 electrons in moveable trajectories.
If an applied charge through induction coils were to induce these trajectories to
move into a common direction then these trajectories could be polarised into a
common direction. The polarised position would be maintained as long as the
charge was being applied. If the charge were to be removed then the polarised
position would revert to the original position.
If the density of residual charge is sufficiently high, when the charge for
polarisation is removed the remaining charge density within the body of matter
could maintain these new polarised states. This polarization of gravity waves
from Protons does not affect the overall gravitational attraction of the particular
body of matter.
Electron Spin Helical Movement
Free electrons exist in any body of matter eg. a wire conductor having ends
labeled A and B. If a charge were applied to end A with a potential less than the
free electrons in the conductor, i.e. with what we refer to as a positive potential.
The free electrons would accelerate toward that end of the conductor in a helical
anticlockwise rotation (pulled) in the direction of movement, during
Free electrons exist in any body of matter e.g. a wire conductor having ends
labeled A and B. If a magnetic force were constantly moved ( stroked ) along
the conductor from B to A, the free electrons would move ( accelerate ) pushed
towards end A.
The free electrons would accelerate toward that end of the conductor in a helical
clockwise rotation ( pushed ) in the direction of movement, during acceleration.
Magnetism does not require naturally occurring magnetic material, it can be
produced either by the movement and acceleration of electrons, or generated by
the very force that maintains electrons within any conductor.
When electrons are pulled out of a conductor, for instance when the conductor
is connected to a positive connection.
The accelerating electrons spin or gyrate in a helical anticlockwise rotation,
pulled in the direction of movement towards the positive connection during
When electrons are pushed through a conductor, eg when induced to accelerate
by a moving magnetic field as in a dynamo. The electrons spin in a helical
clockwise rotation pushed in the direction of movement, pushed from behind,
during acceleration.
In both cases above the application of induced force takes effect at 90 degrees to
the applied force, due to the helical motion of electrons.
This becomes more understandable when considering the spin helical mobility
of electrons and how they transfer / induce their force. It seems that electrons
may be composed of two or more charge particles, when an electron is induced
to accelerate it spins or gyrates about a helical trajectory suggesting imbalance
of charge.
Recent visual research may suggest that the core of the electron charge moves in
the direction of applied force, either pushed or pulled, and the surrounding
charge gyrates behind the direction of movement, though this still needs to be
Charge and mobility
Electrons are our source of electrical power we move them through resistive,
inductive and capacitive equipment to produce heat, light, motive power etc.
We move them in generators, pulling them through the grid from equipment in
domestic and industrial establishments discharging them back to earth. The
generators use the attractive and repulsive force generated from within its
electro-magnetic coils, to comb through the conductors pushing or pulling free
electrons through conductors we call this generating electrical power. In atomic
elementary structures, many electrons are bound by an attractive force into a
strong, inescapable attraction within each proton of every atom of all
elementary materials. It does not take too much imagination to consider that this
same force if polarised would constitute the very force we have termed
magnetic attraction. If some of the many forces generating electron trajectories
were polarised then the accumulated polarised force of attraction or repulsion
for similarly polarised waves would be considerable and extremely strong over
short distances.
This section considers many aspects of magnetic force and how it is observed.
Present understanding has produced excellent detailed formulations explaining
how its force is generated and how it interacts with other magnetic materials.
The problem still exists however in understanding how that magnetic force is
imposed immediately at 90 degrees to an adjacent flow of electrons in an
electrical current.
Current proofs and formulations are not in question, it is
our comprehension of the force of magnetic attraction and how it is generated
that needs to be considered.
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
Towards the end of the Big Bang Nucleo-synthesis with temperatures falling
from 10 43 degC cooling down to -200 deg C. Protium, Hydrogen, and
Helium evolved. These would later gather as gas clouds to form the gas stars
Stellar Nucleosynthesis
As the gas stars cooled and condensed with gravitational force increasing stellar
nucleo-sysnthesis began. And with temperatures falling from 10 32 deg C the
heavier elements, Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt were formed. Carbon Nanofoam,
Graphite, and Fullerines were formed with temperatures below -183 deg C,
Neodymium, was formed with Cobalt, Boron, and Samarium, at temperatures
below -200 deg C. The Big Bang was a process that followed a momentary
collapse of gravitation within a mass of Dark Matter, releasing infinite and
boundless energy in the form of Quark-Gluon Plasmas, Photons, and Up
Quarks, to become atomic and sub-atomic particles prior to their formation into
atomic elementary matter.
Big Bang nucleo-synthesis produced the elements from Proteum to Berillium
Massive gas stars were formed which ultimately condensed increasing gravity
to produce stellar nucleo-synthesis. The ferromagnetic materials were formed
towards the end of the Stellar Nucleosynthesis when temperatures had fallen
from 10 32C down to -200
Current understanding of Magnet
The magnetic behaviour of a material depends on its electron structure and
configuration and also on the temperature (at high temperatures, random motion
makes it more difficult for the electrons to maintain alignment / polarisation.
Ordinarily, the seemingly infinite number of electrons in elementary material,
are arranged such that their magnetic forces both orbital and intrinsic cancel
each other out. It is often the case that the individual electrons in the solid will
contribute magnetic forces that point in different, random directions, so that the
material will not be magnetic. Sometimes owing to an applied external magnetic
force each of the electron magnetic moments will be, on average, lined up /
polarised. Then the material produces a net total magnetic force which can be
quite strong. The magnetic behaviour of a material depends on its electron
structure, for the reasons mentioned above, and also on the temperature, high
temperatures, make it more difficult for electrons to maintain alignment.
Magnetic Force
The positive potential of gravity waves generated within all Protons with or
without an electron in trajectory guarantees that an electron can be inescapably
bound within that trajectory, such that only extremely high energy reactions can
break its attractive force. Electrons move with anticlockwise helical motion in
the direction of their travel towards a more positive potential. This radiates a
high frequency set of negative pulses anticlockwise at 90 degrees to the
direction of travel. This property is used to induce movement of free electrons
within adjacent conductors, as in transformers, primary, secondary coils,
electromagnets etc,
Earths Magnetic Field
Polarisation of electron trajectories occurs naturally in ferromagnetic materials,
and helps to produce the polar states of the Earths magnetic field.
The movement of the Suns gravity and electromagnetic fields through the earths
gravitational field produces a frame dragging effect also moving free electrons.
The Suns disrupted pulses of gravitation radially moves free electrons in the
Earths side facing the Sun clockwise around Earth, as the free electrons move
they move with anticlockwise helical rotation creating an extremely small force
for polarisation of some electron trajectories to generate a North / South polarity
as it is currently accepted and displayed.
This action also moves free electrons in the Earths side away from the Sun
anticlockwise around Earth, as the free electrons move they move with
anticlockwise helical rotation creating an extremely small force for polarisation
of some electron trajectories to generate a North / South polarity the reverse and
opposite to what it is currently accepted and displayed.
This is so small a force very little needs to change in order to switch polarity
from between North and South, there are also many other factors within the
Earth itself that affect this polarisation, e.g. axial tilt, electric currents within the
molten interior of Earths core, etc,
It is a delicate balance that determines the polarity of earth, and one which can
change as molten material within the core moves, all dependent upon the
continuing radial pulses of gravitation from the Sun moving through the Earth.
Electron Trajectories
Electron trajectories are directional with maximum positive potential to retain
an electron ( in a trajectory ) and a minimum negative potential to repulse an
electron into the generated electron trajectory. If these waves were disrupted by
interference they would still exhibit the same characteristic becoming
predominantly positive pulses of potential separated by much smaller negative
pulses emanating from the centre, appearing almost as a monopole force.
These pulses of disrupted gravitation will attract all negative charge and charge
particles. The attractive force of magnetism at close range could simply be
produced by a predominance of free electrons around the North polar region,
and a predominance of positive holes at the South polar region.
The movement of free electrons toward a more positive potential causes the
displacement of free electrons in magnetic type materials.
The retention of free electron displacement is caused by polarisation of some of
the electron trajectories that maintain the charge stress holding them in place.
Magnetic Force Summary
The waveforms generated within all protons have the positive potential capacity
to attract and maintain an electron inescapably in its trajectory. This is one of
two trajectories generated within the protons by the 2 Up Quarks and 1 Down
Quark oscillating by repulsion and attraction. These waveforms are randomly
orientated throughout all bodies of matter, and from within all atomic structures.
The electrons in trajectories are not mobile, they are bound inescapably to the
atom structure into which they have been attracted. Free electrons however
abound within the structure of all bodies of matter, they are mobile and can be
induced to move by external forces of potential charge. This moves free
electrons by attraction towards positive, by applying a positive charge, more
free electrons enter from a ground potential or neutral connection.
When free electrons move / accelerate towards a more positive potential, , they
move with a helical anti-clockwise rotation in the direction of travel.
This causes high frequency radial pulses of negative potential to be radiated
outwards at 90 degrees to the direction of movement. These pulses can be used
to induce free electrons in adjacent materials, conductors, or ferromagnetic
materials, to move in the same direction as these radial pulses. This is the
fundamental basis for electromagnetic induction. If the conductor is wound
radially around a ferromagnetic type material, then when free electrons flow
through the conductor with a helical anti-clockwise rotation they will induce
free electrons in the ferromagnetic core material to move in the same direction
as their radial pulses of negative potential.
The core material will exhibit North and South pole characteristics, but if it is a
ferromagnetic material, some of the trajectories, in the ( d ) and ( f ) trajectories
in particular, could become polarised towards the North pole.
When the potential supply is removed some of the magnetic, induced effects
will remain leaving a predominance of free electrons towards the North polar
end of the ferromagnetic material, with some of the electron trajectories aligned,
or polarised towards the North pole. This will not affect the overall Mass of the
ferromagnetic material, its active, passive, and inertial mass will stay the same.
However there will be a high frequency waveform with a positive potential
radiating from the North pole travelling by attraction towards the South pole.
Although the waveform has a low positive potential bias, it is interspaced with a
much smaller, insignificant negative phase. There are two factors involved in
the attractive effect of the waveform. The waveform retains its attraction for all
negative atomic and sub-atomic particles. It also has a cohesive attraction, or
repulsion for other similar waveforms, and it is directional. It will tend to attract
opposites, e.g. North Pole positive outgoing to South Pole negative incoming.
Our perception of charge needs to be inverted, for positive is the base charge of
the Up Quark, e.g. ( +2/3e = Up Quark ) and all other charge potentials are
energy increases above and beyond this base charge.
Waveforms can have direction, positive outgoing or incoming, and negative
outgoing and incoming, all dependent upon how they were synchronously
Perhaps these observations and concepts are difficult to comprehend, but better
to try than accept the mysteries, of a magnetic force or a gravitational force that
we just do not understand or comprehend. A fuller description of gravitation is
covered in the set of articles on Gravitation a new concept.
Electrical and Magnetic Properties.
The concept suggests that the force of magnetic attraction originates in the
nucleus of all atoms as waves of gravitation. The electrons in their trajectories
around the protons have a charge of ( -1e ). They are bound to that proton and
its atomic structure by the inescapable attraction from the waves of gravitation
generated by the 2 up quarks and 1 down quark oscillating within the proton.
This positive force of attraction from the two up quarks 2 * ( +2/3e ), guarantee
that the electron, charge ( -1e ) cannot escape from the proton.
The negative force of one down quark (-1/3e) guarantee that the electron will
be repulsed out into a trajectory.
The direction and distribution of these forces are random throughout all bodies
of matter, many atomic structures becoming more complex and unstable
generating higher charge potentials within the atom.
The electron has a clockwise spin helix when accelerating towards more
negative potentials ( being pushed with increasing energy level ), and an
anticlockwise spin helix when accelerating towards more positive potentials
( being pulled with decreasing energy level ). The electron has both spin and a
spin helical motion, whilst changing its energy state e.g. ( accelerating ).
During acceleration electrons will radiate a negative wave-set of pulses either
clockwise or anticlockwise dependent on the potential change in energy levels.
These pulses can induce free electrons to move in adjacent conductors by
The difficulty in comprehending the above is in understanding how free
electrons are empowered to accelerate through a conductor.
If electrons are pulled out of one end of a conductor it is equivalent to
connecting a positive power supply, and free electrons will accelerate towards
that end, anticlockwise in the direction of movement towards a lesser charge
An increasing North Polar attraction toward a conductor will have a smaller but
similar effect attracting electrons North with anticlockwise helix, having a
more positive wave potential.
If electrons are pushed into one end of a conductor it is equivalent to connecting
a more negative power supply, and free electrons will accelerate away from that
end, clockwise in the direction of movement towards a greater charge potential.
An increasing South Polar attraction toward a conductor will have a smaller but
similar effect repulsing electrons South with clockwise helix, having a more
negative wave potential.
Left / Right hand rules.
The following describe some of the more important features of
electromagnetism with a brief descriptive explanation based on this new
concept for magnetic force.
Note :-
Current in the above figures refers to the direction of conventional current
This is the reverse of the direction of Electron Flow.
Left Hand Rule motors
The First finger represents the direction of Field. (North to South)
The Second finger is direction of Current. not Electron Flow.
The Thumb represents the direction of the Thrust or resultant Motion.
The Electric motor
A horseshoe fixed magnet provides a field with North and South poles.
A conductor is wound as a coil rotating between the two poles, with switching
contacts on pick up brushes for power input.
This rotating coil produces a field through its core with North and South Poles
when the free electrons ( current ) flows, caused by the electrons anticlockwise
spin helix emitting high frequency negative pulses as waves whilst the free
electrons accelerate toward positive.
The rotor turns through the fixed magnetic field, the switching contacts
reversing the current in the rotor causing the next polar field to attract.
The rotor field is generated as the free electrons in the rotor accelerate with their
spin helical motion generating radial negative pulses.
This generates a field ( magnetic ) of pulses attracted by the fixed field.
Right Hand Rule generators
The First finger represents the direction of Field. (North to South)
The Second finger is direction of induced Current. not Electron Flow.
The Thumb represents the direction of the Thrust or resultant Motion.
AC Generator
When a loop of wire is rotated in a magnetic field through North and South
polar fields free electrons in the loop of wire flow from North to South , this
induced electron flow reverses with each half turn generating an alternating
current. An increasing North Polar attraction toward a conductor has the effect
of attracting electrons, North having a more positive wave potential.
An increasing South Polar attraction toward a conductor has the effect of
repulsing electrons, South having a more negative wave potential.
Multiple switched rotator coils can simulate a dc current by switching the
rotating coils as they pass through the fixed field.
New Concept
An increasing North Polar attraction toward a conductor has the effect of
attracting electrons, North having a more positive wave potential.
An increasing South Polar attraction toward a conductor has the effect of
repulsing electrons, South having a more negative wave potential.
Free electrons in a rotating coiled conductor within a polar field will oscillate
between North and South potentials as the rotor revolves.
North pole attracts free electrons and South pole repels free electrons, as the
conductors are rotated through the magnetic field the electrons oscillate back
and forth through the conductor coils.
Curled right Hand Rule, Field direction.
With Thumb of right hand outstretched and the fingers curled.
When current accelerates in the direction of thumb, i.e. when electrons
accelerate opposite to direction of thumb, a magnetic field flows in direction of
curled fingers, e.g. the spin helix of the electrons is anticlockwise in the
direction of travel whilst accelerating.
This generates negative pulses radiating outwards from the conductor
Current in a conductor creates magnetic field
Single Conductor with electron flow accelerating.
Free electrons flowing through a conductor will accelerate with an
anticlockwise helical motion towards a more positive potential, and clockwise
towards a more negative potential. This helical motion produces radial negative
pulses around the conductor inducing free electrons in adjacent conductors to
move by repulsion. These radiating negative pulses can be observed with a
compass needle placed above and below the conductor.
These radiating negative pulses are referred to as magnetic field, their overall
charge would be considerably less than the charge on an electron.
Polar motion N or S To and From Coil = Electron Flow in Coil
North Pole towards a coiled conductor, back EMF induces anticlockwise
electron helix in the North pole of the magnet, this induces anticlockwise free
electrons in coil. North Pole away from coiled conductor, back EMF induces
clockwise electron helix in the North pole of the magnet, this induces clockwise
free electrons in coil.
South Pole towards a coiled conductor, back EMF induces clockwise electron
helix in the South pole of the magnet, this induces clockwise free electrons in
coil. South Pole away from coiled conductor, back EMF induces anticlockwise
electron helix in the South pole of the magnet, this induces anticlockwise free
electrons in coil.
This is because free electrons in the magnet are induced by back emf from free
electrons in the coil to increase or decrease their energy level.
Into Primary // To Core // To Secondary
Free electrons in primary accelerating towards positive connection
anticlockwise electron helix in direction of travel whilst accelerating.
Free electrons in core induced to accelerate by repulsion from negative waves
from primary coil, they migrate with anticlockwise spin helix in direction of
travel, creating a North Pole at the end of core, whilst the free electrons in the
primary coil are still accelerating.
Free electrons in a secondary coil are induced to accelerate by repulsion from
the negative helical waves from free electrons accelerating in core.
These free electron in the secondary coil travel with anticlockwise helix
whilst free electrons in the core are still accelerating.
Electromagnetic Induction
When free electrons accelerate they spin and move with a spin helix in the
direction of travel whilst accelerating . They travel with anticlockwise helix if
moving towards a more positive potential, they are being pulled, energy level is
decreasing, and clockwise, they are being pushed, energy levels are increasing,
if moving towards a more negative potential.
This movement of free electrons can be produce by magnetic induction, or by
potential attraction or repulsion, causing the free electrons to be either pulled
through the conductor or pushed through the conductor.
These radiating negative pulses generated by accelerating electrons are referred
to as magnetic field, their overall charge would be considerably less than the
charge on an electron.
Disc Generator // Homopolar // Faraday Paradox
With the disc generator, the fixed magnet provides a permanent magnetic field
through the rotatable disc. The presence of the fixed magnet initially causes
some free electrons to migrate towards the rim, these free electrons adopt a
balance of charge between the rim, the pickup point, and the axis.The concept
of the faraday disc is to energise electrons towards the rim, move either the disc,
the pick up point, or both to disturb the balance of charge and free electrons will
move until balance of charge is restored.
Disk Generator
Turn the magnetic fixed field no current change,
No change in Energy of Electrons at Rim of Disc
Turn the rotating disc current flows,
Energy increases in Electrons at Rim of Disc
Turn the shoe/indicator current flows,
Shoe moves through higher energy Electrons at Rim of Disc
Turn both disc and shoe indicator current flows
Energy increases in Electrons at Rim of Disc
The fixed magnetic field passes through the rotatable disc, rotating this fixed
magnetic field does not CHANGE the field through the rotor.
Rotating the rotor moves the free electrons in the rotor through the fixed magnet
field which restricts the movement of free electron in the rotor. These free
electrons migrate towards the rim of the rotor balancing the charge density
across the disc, where the charge at the rim begins to exceed the charge at the
axis. Electrons circulate towards the axis.
Rotating the brush metering device around the rim moves the brush through free
electrons in the rotor these free electrons migrate towards the axis where
electron density is less. i.e. more free electrons passing at the brush contact than
exist at the axis.
Rotating the rotor and the brush contact moves the free electrons in the rotor
through the fixed magnet field which restricts the movement of free electron in
the rotor. These free electrons migrate towards the rim of the rotor balancing the
charge density across the disc, where the charge at the rim begins to exceed the
charge at the axis. Electrons circulate towards the axis. at the same time the
brush moves through free electrons in the rotor where these free electrons
migrate towards the axis where electron density is less. i.e. more free electrons
passing at the brush contact than exist at the axis.
Induction Primary inside Secondary
Current flows in secondary
Power On // Off // Reversed
Move Primary In and Out
Power Unsteady
When free electrons are accelerating in primary they move with anticlockwise
spin helix towards positive connection.
This occurs when whilst power is switched on, switched off, or unsteady.
This also occurs with power switched on and moving primary either in or out of
secondary, energising or de-energising free electrons causing anticlockwise spin
helical movement.
This induces electron flow in secondary.
Electron accelerates toward positive // Anticlock Helix in direction of
movement. Electron energy level increasing.
Electron accelerates toward Negative // Clock Helix in direction of
movement. Electron energy level decreasing.
Primary plus secondary as transformer
Primary electrons accelerate with anti-clockwise spin helix in direction of
acceleration towards positive. Free core electrons are induced to accelerate by
negative pulses from primary coil electron helix, they move with anticlockwise
spin helix in direction of movement in the core material. Secondary free
electrons are induced to move by negative pulses from accelerating free core
electrons spin helix.
Primary plus secondary on a magnetic core
Primary electrons accelerate with anti-clockwise spin helix in direction of
acceleration towards positive. Free core electrons are induced to accelerate by
negative pulses from primary coil electron helix, they move with anticlockwise
spin helix in direction of movement in the core material. Secondary free
electrons are induced to move by negative pulses from free core electron spin
helix, they move with anticlockwise spin helix in direction of movement
Primary shoe magnet
Primary electrons accelerate with anti-clockwise spin helix in direction of
acceleration towards positive. Free core electrons are induced to accelerate by
negative pulses from primary coil electron helix, they move with anticlockwise
spin helix in direction of movement in the core material. Core exhibits magnetic
attractive properties because some of the electron trajectories in the core
become polarised by the force of free electrons moving and the spin helix of the
electrons in the Primary coil.
Transformer Primary and Secondary coils.
In the transformer diagram the primary current electrons will helically spin anti
clockwise in their direction of movement towards positive.
This will impose a repulsive force on the core causing free core electrons to
move in the same direction with anticlockwise electron spin helix.
These free electrons will also helically spin anti clockwise in the direction of
their movement through the core.
This imposes a repulsive force on free electrons in the secondary core inducing
them to move towards the secondary positive terminal.
Free Electron Spin Helix
A flow of free electrons in a conducting wire, move with anticlockwise helix in
the direction of their movement towards the positive terminal.
A ferromagnetic core at 90 deg to electron flow on one side of the current
carrying conductor will display a magnetic field of N to S
A ferromagnetic core at 90 deg to electron flow on the opposite side of the wire
conductor it will display a magnetic field of S to N
This is because the direction of the anticlockwise helix is reversed on the
opposite side of the conductor.
Bar magnet inducing current in conductor
The N pole of a bar magnet approaching the centre of a wire ring will cause a
flow of electrons in the wire anticlockwise in the direction of the magnets
movement. i.e. current clockwise Free electrons at the north pole of the magnet
will spin with helix anti-clockwise when increasing energy. ( pushed )
The N pole of a bar magnet moving away from the centre of a wire ring will
cause a flow of electrons in the wire clockwise in the direction of the magnets
movement. i.e. current anticlockwise Free electrons at the north pole of the
magnet will spin with helix clockwise on decreasing energy ( pulled )
The S pole of a bar magnet approaching the centre of a wire ring will cause a
flow of electrons in the wire clockwise in the direction of the magnets
movement. . i.e. current anticlockwise ( pulled )
Free electrons at the south pole of the magnet will spin with helix clockwise
when increasing energy
The S pole of a bar magnet moving away from the centre of a wire ring will
cause a flow of electrons in the wire anticlockwise in the direction of the
magnets movement. i.e. current clockwise . ( pushed )
Free electrons at the south pole of the magnet will spin with helix anticlockwise on decreasing energy
NOTE :- (pulled) or (pushed) refers to the free electrons in the Magent.
This implies that an approaching north pole increases the energy causing
anticlockwise spin in the direction of motion.
And that an approaching south pole decreases the energy causing a clcokwise
spin in the direction of motion.
Perhaps we should consider the spin helix of electrons throughout magnetic
material as polarised anti-clockwise towards North with increasing energy and
polarised clockwise towards North with decreasing energy, and stationary with
no change in energy. Electrons respond in this way to changes in their energy
levels. Is this how the Up Quarks and Down Quarks control the electrons in
their trajectories, by oscillating between two charge levels, the Up and Down
Quark oscillation patterns within the Atoms.
Primary secondary induction
With power switched on free electrons in the primary will accelerate towards
the positive terminal with anticlockwise helical rotation in the direction of
movement When current reaches maximum the electron will stop moving. With
power switched off the free electrons will redistribute back along the primary
with clockwise helical rotation With power switched on free electrons in the
primary will accelerate towards the positive terminal with anticlockwise helical
rotation in the direction of movement If the primary coil is inside the secondary
coil at this time the anticlockwise helical movement of the electrons in the
primary will induce the free electrons in the secondary coil to move by negative
repulsion they will move anticlockwise in the direction of movement.
When current reaches maximum all the electrons will stop moving
With power switched on free electrons in the primary will accelerate towards
the positive terminal with anticlockwise helical rotation in the direction of
movement they will stop when current reaches maximum
If the primary coil is then moved into the secondary coil free electrons in the
secondary coil will be induced to move whilst the primary coil is moving. This
is because as free electrons in the primary approach the near vicinity of free
electrons in the secondary the back emf causes the free electrons in the primary
to spin with anticlockwise helix whilst the primary is moving in the secondary
It seems whenever free electrons increase energy they spin with a helical
movement anticlockwise in the direction of travel towards positive.
Whenever free electrons decrease energy they spin with a helical movement
clockwise in the direction of travel.
If all electrons oscillate as waves then they would always emit multidirectional
negative pulses of high frequency waves.
If they spin with helical movement when energised or de-energised then this
could produce anticlockwise rotation or clockwise rotation dependant on the
direction and change in potential.
Faraday Disc Generator
This is the Faraday paradox. The Magnetic Flux of a magnet rotates.
The area behind the North pole of a magnet has a concentration of electrons
rotating when energised in anticlockwise direction.
That is clockwise when viewed from the face.
The immediate vicinity of the North pole-face emits a positive potential
waveform which in the new concept is derived from the Protons generating
Gravity waves prior to their disruption by interference.
Rotating the disk sweeps the electrons through the magnetic field in the disk.
These are picked off by the brush and through the current indicator
Configuration without a return path
A Faraday disk can also be operated with neither a galvanometer nor a return
path. When the disk spins, the electrons collect along the rim and leave a deficit
near the axis (or the other way around). It is possible in principle to measure the
distribution of charge, for example, through the electromotive force generated
between the rim and the axle (though not necessarily easy). This charge
separation will be proportional to the magnetic field and the rotational velocity
of the disk. The magnetic field will be independent of any rotation of the
magnet. In this configuration, the polarisation is determined by the absolute
rotation of the disk, that is, the rotation relative to an inertial frame. The relative
rotation of the disk and the magnet plays no role.
New Conceptual explanation
The disk generator constitutes a rotating electric conductor as a disk with its
axis fixed between the North and South poles of a magnet, with a similarly
mounted current path with indicator connected at one end to the axis and the
other to the rim of the conducting disc. When the magnet is rotated no current
flow is indicated because electrons in the disc are in a state of equilibrium
within the disc there is no path of least resistance for them and there is no
change in magnetic field. When the disc is rotated the electrons in the disk are
moved toward the brush of the indicator with increasing potential both by the
rotation of the disk and the attractive force of the magnetic field acting as a
comb through the disk.
The new concept for Faradays Paradox suggests that..........
All free electron migrate towards a more positive potential e.g. positive
holes or vacancies in all conductive bodies of matter
Free electrons maintain a state of charge equilibrium throughout all
bodies of matter
Free electrons in all bodies of matter will seek the path of least resistance
to stabilise charge equilibrium.
Gravitation, both as waves, and as disrupted pulses of waves attract all
electrons and free electrons in all bodies of matter.
Magnetic force energises, attracts or deflects free electrons in all bodies
of matter.
Electrons spin with helical radius anticlockwise in the direction of
movement when energised or pulled through a conductor by a more positive
Homopolar motor
A simple homopolar motor can be made with a woodscrew, alkaline battery
cell, wire, and neodymium disk magnet. The screw and magnet contact the
bottom of the battery cell and are held up by magnetic attraction. The screw and
magnet spin.A homopolar motor has a magnetic field along the axis of rotation
and an electric current that at some point is not parallel to the magentic field.
The name homopolar refers to the absence of polarity change.Homopolar
motors necessarily have a single-turn coil, which limits them to very low
voltages. This has restricted the practical application of this type of motor.
It is not necessary for the magnet to be electrically conductive, or to move. One
can attach the magnet to the battery and allow the wire to rotate freely while
closing the electric circuit even at the axis of rotation. Again, where at some
point along the electric loop the current in the wire is not parallel to the
magnetic field, there occurs a Lorentz Force that is perpendicular to both. This
Lorentz force is tangential and produces a torque in the wire, so that the wire
rotates.In contrast to other electrical motors, both the orientation and magnitude
of the magnetic field and the electric current do not change. Like most electromechanical machines a homopolar motor is reversible so that when electrical
energy of a suitable kind is put into its terminals, mechanical energy can be
obtained from its motion and vice versa, (see homopolar generator ) for details
on construction and theory of operation).
Sources of confusion
People are sometimes confused by the fact that there are no changes in the
magnetic field or electric current, and no recognizable North-South pole
interaction between the magnet and the electric circuit. People often think that
field lines cannot be used to understand homopolar machines, or that the field
lines rotate Faraday Paradox. Others refer to special relativity to explain the
homopolar motor. The homopolar motor also may seem to require a
conducting magnet. The homopolar motor can be well explained by the Faraday
model of lines of force, with a tangential force ( a torque) resulting where the
electric current makes an angle with the magnetic lines of force.
Lorentz Force Law
This is used to explain the machine's behavior. This law, discovered thirty years
after Faraday's death, states that the force on an electron is proportional to the
cross product of its velocity and the magnetic flux vector. In geometrical terms,
this means that the force is at right-angles to both the velocity (azimuthal) and
the magnetic flux (axial), which is therefore in a radial direction. The radial
movement of the electrons in the disc produces a charge separation between the
center of the disc and its rim, and if the circuit is completed an electric current
will be produced.
New Concept ( Homopolar Motor )
A flow of electrons accelerating from negative towards positive in a conductor
move with a spin helical rotation anticlockwise in the direction of travel, that
results in the emission of rota In a homopolar motor the electron flow towards
positive exists through the circuit around the battery with anticlockwise electron
helix. If the wire is fixed and the motor free to rotate. motor rotates clockwise If
the motor is fixed and the wire is free to rotate. wire rotates clockwise If both
wire and motor are free to rotate. both rotate clockwise If polarity is reversed
then rotation is reversed.
The electron flow direction towards positive, produces a weak magnetic force in
the direction of electron flow towards a north polar position.
North pole could be considered positive attracting electrons from South.
Electrons with increasing energy / accelerating, in a bar magnet will radiate high
frequency anticlockwise negative pulses as waves from the North pole-face and
at the same time, coordinated in the same relative radial direction high
frequency positive pulses as waves from the South pole-face. These radial
waves of pulses would appear rather like the curved long canes of a lobster pot
running from North to South Poles and rotating either clockwise or anticlockwise dependant on free electron energy levels.
This is identical to a conductor with electrons accelerating from B to A, where
A could be considered to be the North pole-face and B the South pole-face.
If these negative pulses radiate at high frequency from a conductor or magnet
when free electrons accelerate, then these same pulses can induce current in
adjacent conductors.
These pulses radiating from magnetic poles can be attracted by adjacent
conductors with electron flow.
These pulses radiating from magnetic poles can also be attracted to the apparent
monopole force of gravity.
If these pulses were being emitted or radiated from a magnetic body of matter
then that magnetic body would be attracted to move or rotate in that direction.
The continued force of magnetic attraction is generated by the polarisation of
some of the gravity waves being generated within all protons, particularly those
generated with ferromagnetic materials where a d or f shell is populated. These
shells can readily re-orientate into new directions if external forces are applied.
Magnetics Summary
Mobility of charge within electromagnetic waves appears as photons
Mobility of charge within matter appears as electrons.
If electrons decrease energy levels they emit photons.
If electrons increase energy levels they absorb photons.
Electrons are bound within Protons by the oscillations of 2 up quarks and 1
down quark generating 2 waves with a positive potential bias.
These waves (gravity) generated within all protons are of such intensity they
guarantee that the captured electron is retained in a trajectory, even when bound
into adjacent structures by strong molecular bonds. Gravitational attraction
appearing as a monopolar force can only be produced by interference between
gravity waves, resulting in disrupted waves of potential with a positive charge
bias emanating from the core.
If the generated waves from within some protons could be polarised
the captive force retaining electrons, plus the captive force from the unused
trajectory ( not retaining an electron ) would produce a concentrated attractive
force at close range for free electrons.
This force would be on a par with what we call magnetic attraction.
To the academic this concept may seem naive and over simplified.
The fact is that, what appears to be a monopole force of attraction from gravity,
can only be produced by the interference of waves.
The gravity wave itself is of such strength it guarantees capture and retention of
an electron, with a second gravity wave as yet unused.
These forces if polarised into a common direction would certainly match the
power of magnetic attractive force. The only way to generate a force at 90
degrees to a current is to have electrons generate a rotational helix of pulses of
negative potential in the direction of travel. This would induce current flow at
90 degrees to direction of the primary electrons travel.
The attraction of gravity is produced by gravity waves disrupted by interference
resulting in pulses of gravitation with a positive potential bias emanating
outwards from all bodies of matter, attracting all negative atomic and subatomic particles, by what appears to be a monopole force of attraction. These
pulses of gravitation are as numerous as there are Protons within that body of
Polarisation of some of these gravity waves produces a directional polarised
attraction for all negative atomic and sub-atomic charges in one direction, and
all positive atomic and sub-atomic charges in the opposite direction. This “
Magnetic “ force is at the atomic level, at very close range, and consists of as
many individual pulses as there are Protons across the emergent face of the
Polarised body of matter.
This polarisation results in an attraction for like polarised bodies to repel in one
direction and attract in the other direction of alignment.
Following a Big Bang nucleo-synthesis and the evolution of hydrogen, helium
up to beryllium, these gasses formed clouds of gas that condensed into vast star
systems. These ultimately collapsed into a stellar nucleo-synthesis, producing
the heavier elements including the ferromagnetic elements. These magnetic
materials have one of the highest binding energies of all elementary materials.
They also have d and f shells with d shell full and f shell nearly empty.
Both of these shells adopt a tyre like appearance with the ability to project a
trajectory almost throughout a 360 degree radius.
If subject to external electrical forces from moving electrons these trajectories
could temporarily be induced into a polarised direction.
It is this understanding which suggests that it is the polarisation of these
trajectories that creates the force we see as magnetic attraction, that also
generates the properties that we observe in magnetic materials.
To sustain polarized trajectories ( magnetization ) extremely high binding
energies are required within the atom structures, or high energies in adjacent
atom structures.
An electron, which is negatively charged, is attracted to the nucleus of an atom
because of the positive charge that is there. The amount of energy that is
required to be given to the electron to pull it away from this attractive
(Coulomb) force is called the binding energy. For the hydrogen atom, this is an
exactly solvable problem (both at the non-relativistic level -the Schrodinger
equation- and at the relativistic level -the Dirac equation). However, when more
than one electron is present in orbit around a nucleus one must further consider
the electrostatic repulsion which arises between the electrons. Because of this
additional repulsion, the energy one needs to give a certain electron to remove it
from the nucleus is now less than would be needed otherwise. This electronelectron repulsion makes the problem unsolvable analytically.
This concept suggests that it is not just a coulomb force that provides the
binding energy for electrons, but that it is a positive gravitational waveform,
that provides that force. It is a cyclical waveform produced by 2 Up Quarks
oscillating by repulsion and attraction with 1 Down Quark within all protons to
produce the binding energies for the Electrons in their trajectories.
These waveforms can be polarized into a common direction, this polarisation
can be retained if the binding energies in adjacent atomic structures are high
enough. Polarised trajectories, polarized gravity waves, produce a directional
wave attraction which we observe as magnetic attraction.
In the case of a simple bar magnet, some polarized gravity waves emerge from
the North pole-face and re-enter via the South pole-face.
A North pole will be attracted at close range to a South pole face, by the wave
cohesive attraction, and the attraction of predominant positive holes at the South
pole-face for the predominant negative free Electrons at the North pole-face.
There are many formula and proofs clearly defining electromagnetic forces
based on observations of electromagnetic phenomena, e.g. electromagnetic
waves, electromagnetic induction, magnetic force, lines of force, magnetic
induction, etc, etc,.
However it seems that man may not have fully comprehended the nature of the
magnetic field and how it is generated.
It certainly does not act at 90 degrees virtually as a point of energy transfer.
We need to consider how this force can be transferred through 90 degrees,
reversible dependent upon polarity.
The spin helix of the electron would answer these questions if we consider that
the spin helix reverses on reversal of polarity. The electron has negative charge,
it appears to be constructed of multiple negative charges around a central core.
If the electron were to spin it would radiate high frequency negative pulses
radially, clockwise or anti clockwise dependent upon polarity.
If the electron were to move with spin, and in a helical motion, it would radiate
the same high frequency negative pulses outwards from its conductive bounds
as it moves forward or backwards dependent upon polarity.
What moves the electron ? In a generator it is ( field ) lines of magnetic force
that propel the electrons, ( pushing ) them by repulsion through the conductive
coils within the generator.
In a conductor it is the application of a positive potential pulling them through
the conductor, or the application of a greater negative force pushing them
through the conductor.
Each time they move they move with helical forward motion with spin, causing
the emission of radial high frequency negative pulses. These radial pulses can
induce electrons to move by induction if placed adjacent to a secondary
conductor at 90 degrees.
As occurs if their conductor is wound around a central conductive core.
Electrons and Photons are the only mobile negative charge carriers
Magnetic force is produced when Electron trajectories within atomic elementary
matter become polarized into a common direction intensifying their force of
attraction for all negative charge and charge particles.
This produces an extremely strong force at close range which appears as a
bipolar force of attraction for negative at the North Polar face and for positive at
the South polar face.
It could also be explained as a polarising gravitational force.