Download Name: Period: ______ Date: Atom Models Elements are made up of

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Name: _____________________________________ Period: ____________ Date: _______________
Atom Models
Elements are made up of atoms
Atoms are made up of:
o Neutrons
o Protons (+)
o Electrons (-)
Neutrons + Protons = Atomic Mass
Neutrons and Protons are located in the nucleus
Electrons are located at around the nucleus in energy levels
o There are a maximum of 2 electrons in the 1st energy level
o There are a maximum 8 electrons in the 2nd and 3rd energy level
1. You will be drawing the electrons, protons, and neutrons of a given element on the periodic table
Number of protons:
2. By looking at the atomic number, figure out how many protons it has
3. Draw those number of protons inside the nucleus
Number of neutrons:
4. Then, subtract the number of protons from the atomic mass (look on the periodic table) to find the
number of neutrons the atom contains
5. Draw those number of neutrons inside the nucleus
Number of electrons:
6. In this case, the number of electrons will be the same as the number of protons because the atom is
7. Draw those number of electrons in the correct energy levels
a. Start with the energy level closest the nucleus
b. If the atom has more than 2 electrons, then draw the remaining electrons in the 2nd energy
Also include:
- A fact about your element
- A picture that represents your element (ie: For gold you could draw a gold bar) **you may
not use this example!
- Must be colored
# of electrons:
Atomic #:
# of protons:
Atomic Mass:
# of neutrons: