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Grade _Sports Medicine ___ Batavia City School District
First Quarter
Date of most recent update __7/15/04_____________
Second Quarter
Weeks 1-5 Sept-Oct.
Weeks 6-10 Oct-Nov
Weeks 11-15
Nov - Dec
Weeks 16-20
Dec - Jan
Introductions: Mission statement
cut & paste, Ropes Course
Life skill 1: Goal setting,
character education.
Periodization, baseline muscular
Modalities: Cardiovascular, free
weight resistance training,
selectorized training, Isometric,
isokinetic, circuit
Plyometric training, Olympic
weight training, Fichter training,
Speed training, CPR, AED, Muscle
anatomy (skeletal) Muscle
ultrastructure, Portfolio update.
Lifeskill: career search
Physiology of muscle contraction.
Rigor mortis. Muscle fiber types.
Integration of muscle action.
Optimal muscle tension versus
length. Project.
UNIT 2: Nutrition
Lifeskill: philanthropy
UNIT 2 continued:
Carbohydrates, lipids, protein,
calorie, vitamins, minerals, water,
Supplementation: anabolic
steroids, androstenedione, human
growth hormone, DHEA,
Lifeskill: resumes
Understandings –
Big Ideas
We are a team! Train in cycles.
Let’s get stronger and faster.
The heart is the most vital
muscle. There are many ways to
train your muscles.
Explosive training. Muscle
recruitment. Muscles have
various fibrous wrappings for
strength. Different technologies
reveal the muscles
ultrastructure. Portfolios
organize & showcase important
Muscles have the ability to
elongate and contract to
accomplish locomotion. There are
3 different muscle fibers types.
Extensors, flexors, agonists
antagonists, fixators,
To improve muscularity, one
needs to determine optimal
muscle tension and length.
Carbs are a reliable energy
source for the body.
Essential Qs
How do I devise a proper training
cycle for my sport? (Garlapow)
How can I test myself to ensure
strength improvements? What
are the benefits and liabilities of
the varying modalities?
How do I perform these lifts?
What are the benefits and
liabilities of these movements?
How do I perform CPR? How do I
utilize an AED? How does
understanding muscle anatomy
correlate with proper training
How does a muscle contract and
lengthen chemically and
mechanically? What are the 3
muscle fibers humans possess?
How is full movement at a joint
Where is your optimal muscle
length/tension training point?
What is the molecular structure
of a carbohydrate? How will the
Lipids are crucial to optimal
health, but in the correct
amounts and correct types.
Amino acids are the building
block of protein. Protein is used
for hormone, enzyme, and muscle
building. Counting calories is not
easy, but it is necessary!
Vitamins, minerals, and water are
vital to physiologic wellbeing.
Supplementation is poorly
understood, poorly tested, and
dangerous to your health.
What values of HDL, LDL,
cholesterol, triglyceride, are
appropriate for an individual. How
much protein do we need in our
body t properly build muscle and
enzymes? Why are vitamins,
minerals, and water so vital?
What does anabolic mean?
Catabolic? Why do people take
steroids when they know they are
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body utilize a carbohydrate for
Goals: complete a skills packet.
Mission statement: cut and paste
motto in front of room.
Periodization plan will be
demonstrated by guest speaker.
Bigger, faster, stronger program
will be baseline foundation. Use
of Cardiovascular equipment will
be demonstrated. Auscultation.
Pulse. Target heart range
calculation. ECG readings
Demonstrate basic lifting with
free weight and dumbbells for all
muscle groups. Create 3 isometric
exercises. Utilize an isokinetic
device at a PT clinic. Complete a
Demonstrate each of the
modalities above. Students will
begin to add a variety of exercise
modalities to there wellness plan.
Colorplates will be completed to
reinforce anatomy lessons. (44,
Completion of colorplates:
Portfolio development.
Isometric exercise laboratory.
Student will log all data regarding
muscular development. Student
will create a spreadsheet for
daily training. Student will
compile a 10 month training
program including short and long
term goals, that will be part of
there portfolio.
Students will begin to show
knowledge of various modalities
and they will be documented in
there spreadsheet and compiled
into there portfolio.
The musculature anatomy
be tested via multiple choice,
constructed response and
colorplate questions.
Project: Students will begin to
organize a training plan for a
member of the faculty and staff.
This plan will include many of the
training modalities the students
have learned. They will meet the
client, develop goals, baseline
assess, orient the client to the
wellness center, monitor there
progress by teaching the faculty
member how to log data. This will
be an ongoing project for most of
the winter months. This is
intended to take the content
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harmful? What is a steroid? How
does andro work? Is it legal?
Why do doctors utilize hGH?
Why would a competitive lifter
want hGH?
Colorplates: 130, 137
Skin fold caliper and
circumference testing. Calorie
conversion wheel. (proper balance
of macromolecules for each
individual) Build a carbohydrate,
protein, lipid molecule.
Pick a food consumed and
calculate the carbohydrates,
protein, and lipid that were in the
food source. Log one days food
consumption. Tally the grams and
calories for each macromolecule.
Establish a baseline of your
dietary habits. This will become
part of your training project and
Various articles will be read
regarding supplementation. The
student will research a
supplement and create a
learned and to correlate it to an
occupation of the health
Musculature anatomy will be
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multimedia presentation on its
medicinal purposes and its
Third Quarter
Weeks 21-25 Feb.-March
Understandings –
Big Ideas
Essential Qs
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Fourth Quarter
Weeks 26-30 March- April
Weeks 31-35
Weeks 36-40