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Name: ____________________
World History Mid-Term
The first recorded event in history is known as __________?
Human society characterized by cities, specialized labor, government, arts and science, religious beliefs, and written
language is known as _______________?
The “Land between the Rivers” is known as ________________?
The belief in many gods is known as _________________?
The Sumerians created the earliest form of writing which used a wedged-shaped stylus to make impressions onto tables of
wet clay which were then baked. This form is writing is known as ________________?
Civilizations usually developed near what geographical feature? ________________
The Sumerian temple was known as a __________________?
The first established empire was the _______________ Empire.
Mesopotamia was united under the rule of _______________.
Who united the two lands of Upper and Lower Egypt? ________________
Egyptian people considered this person to a god in human form. ___________________
The Egyptians learned bronze metallurgy and the art of war from which people? _________________
The period of Egyptian history in which Egypt became a world power was known as the _____________________
Egyptians developed a form of picture writing known as _____________________
Which Pharaoh was known as the “Napoleon of Egypt” because under his rule, the Egyptian armies conquered Palestine
and Syria, extending Egyptian rule all the way to the Euphrates River: ______________________________________
This artifact contained inscriptions in Greek, demotic, and hieroglyphics and was instrumental in deciphering Egyptian
Hieroglyphics. ____________________
This civilization was not ruled by priests or gods, but rather a king and excelled in the production of iron.
Which civilization developed the first primitive form of an alphabet? __________________
Who was the pagan god of the Canaanites? ______________
What is known as the “Crossroads of Civilizations” ___________________
Which language became the common language of the region and was probably the language which Jesus and his disciples
spoke? _________________
Who was given a promise by God to bless and multiply his descendants into a great nation? ____________________
Who conquered the city of Tyre? _________________________________
Under this leader, the Israelites began to conquer the land of Canaan. _________________
The belief in one God is known as ______________________.
Draw the social structure pyramid of Ancient Egypt
The earliest known Greek civilization was ___________ in 2000 B.C.
Which Greek civilization went to war with Troy?
29. The period between 1150 – 750 B.C. where the Greeks neglected their great fortresses, and adopted a simpler life in
villages was known as: ______________
A. The Intermediate Period
B. The Greek Golden Age
C. The Greek Dark Age
D. None of the above
Who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey?
According to Greek mythology, who was the “king of gods and man” who lived on top of Mount Olympus?
32. What does the word “Polis” mean?
Rule by one is known as:
Rule by force is known as:
Which Greek city-state focused on the military, training boys at the age of 7?
Which Greek city-state nurtured independence and democracy/
Which Persian king died before he could conquer the city-states of Greece in the Persian Wars?
Xerxes I
Xerxes II
Darius I
Alexander the Great
Which Persian king renewed the struggle carried out by his father and faced the Greeks at Thermopylae and Salamis?
Xerxes I
Xerxes II
Darius I
Alexander the Great
39. After the Persian Wars, the Greeks formed a defensive alliance of city-states to guard against further Persian attack known
A. Delian League
B. Periclean League
C. Peloponnesian League
D. League of Three
Who led Athens during her “Golden Age”?
Following the Greek Golden Age, what war broke out between Athens and Sparta?
Persian War
Peloponnesian War
The War of the City-States
Pericles’ War
What was the result of the above war?
Athens emerged victorious by crushing Sparta
It was a draw
Sparta emerged victorious by allying with Persia
None of the above
43. Who took the Macedonian throne at 20 and almost conquered the entire known ancient world before dying unexpectedly of
a fever?
A. Philip II
B. Achilles
Alexander the Great
Darius III
What is the name of the raised hill that still stands in Greece today?
45. What is the name of the temple used for worshipping the goddess Athena which still stands on the above hill?
A. Acropolis
B. Pantheon
C. Parthenon
D. Apocrypha
46. What term means “Greek-like” and is used to describe Greek culture, language, and architecture?
A. Helots
B. Hellenic
C. Greekine
D. Doric
47. According to the legend of the founding of Rome, what happened between twin brothers Romulus and Remus?
48. In early Roman society, who was the sole authority and had the power of life and death over the family?
A. Caesar
B. Mother
C. Father
D. Senate
49. The wealthy upper class was called the _____________, while the lower class were called __________________.
50. What was the Roman symbol of the imperium?
A. Chariots
B. Coliseum
C. Silver Coins
D. Fasces
51. Finish the saying, “All roads lead to ____________”.
52. In 509 B.C. the Romans overthrew the Etruscan monarchy and established a __________________.
A. Oligarchy
B. Republic
C. Democracy
D. Tyranny
53. What was the most powerful body in the above government? (It contained about 500 of the wealthy upper class)
A. Assembly
B. Forum
C. Senate
D. Centurion
54. What was the law of Rome that hung in the forum called?
55. How many Punic Wars were there?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
56. Who crossed the Alps in the dead of winter with battle elephants and infantry to invade Northern Italy?
A. Hannibal
B. Scipio
C. Julius Caesar
D. Pompey
57. Why was Tiberius Gracchus beaten to death with the legs of chairs in 123 B.C.?
58. Who won the First Civil War and declared himself dictator?
A. Marius
B. Pompey
C. Sulla
D. Julius Caesar
59. Following the first Civil War, Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar formed an alliance known as the
60. Who emerged victorious and declared himself dictator for life over Rome following the victory over Pompey?
A. Crassus
B. Julius Caesar
C. Diocletian
D. Constantine
61. Describe the assassination of Julius Caesar on the “ides of March”:
62. Who won the Third Civil War in the battle of Actium?
A. Octavian
B. Mark Antony
C. Brutus
D. None of the above
63. What was the major significance of the Third Civil War?
64. What is the Pax Romana? _____________________________________________________________________
65. Who were the people who fought to the death in the Colosseum?
66. Who washed his hands after sentencing Jesus Christ to death?
A. Tiberius
B. Pontius Pilate
C. Caesar Augustus
D. Abenader
67. Who was the first Christian martyr?
A. Peter
B. Paul
C. Stephen
D. Matthew
68. Who was converted to Christianity after being blinded on the way to Damascus? _______________
A. Thomas
B. Saul
C. Constantine
D. Peter
69. In what year was Jerusalem destroyed?
A. 60 A.D.
B. 70 A.D.
C. 75 A.D.
D. 80 A.D.
70. What does A.D. mean?
A. After Death
B. Anno Domini
C. In the Year of our Lord
D. B & C
71. Describe at least two ways the Christians were persecuted under Nero:
72. Who saw a cross shining in the sky and painted crosses on all his soldier’s shields in preparation for battle?
A. Diocletian
B. Domitian
C. Constantine
D. Augustus
73. Which edict made Christianity legal in the Roman Empire after 300 years of persecution?
74. Where was the scripture canonized by the Roman Empire?
A. Council of Constantine
B. Council of Tricea
C. Council of Nicaea
D. Council of Lycena
75. Under which emperor did Christianity become both the official and exclusive religion of the Roman Empire?
A. Constantine
B. Theodosius
C. Augustulus
D. Diocletian
76. Give three reasons why the Roman Empire began to decline:
77. The Roman Empire was split into two parts with the Western Empire’s capital at _________________, and the Eastern
Empire’s capital at ______________________.
78. Which barbaric peoples did the Roman let live inside of the city until they rebelled against Rome?
A. Huns
B. Vandals
C. Franks
D. Visigoths
79. Who raided and pillaged Rome effectively ending the Roman Empire?
A. Huns
B. Vandals
C. Franks
D. Visigoths
80. Which Byzantine city was called “New Rome”?
A. Jerusalem
B. Damascus
C. Antioch
D. Constantinople
81. Which Byzantine emperor wanted to restore the glories of Rome to its empire?
A. Alexius I
B. Justinian
C. Urban II
D. Charlemagne
82. What revolt threatened the Byzantine emperor’s reign?
A. Nina Revolt
B. Nike Revolt
C. Nika Revolt
D. None of the Above
83. What was the name of the Byzantine law code that was simplified from tens of thousands to 4000 laws?
84. What is the finest example of Byzantine architecture? (Hint: It is known for its dome of 40 windows)
85. Name one factor that led to the Great Schism of 1054:
86. Which of Abraham’s sons does the Arab lineage travel through?
A. Isaac
B. Ishmael
C. Cain
D. Abel
87. Who was the prophet that started Islam after he received revelations from the angel Gabriel?
A. Abu-Bakr
B. Ibn Al-Shuttar
C. Allah
D. Muhammad
88. What name do Muslims give to God? _______________________
89. What is the name of the sacred shrine in Mecca that houses the Black Stone? ______________________
90. What is the name of the Islamic holy book? __________________
91. What is the name of the Islamic place of worship? ______________________
92. What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
93. What does the word Muslim mean? __________________________________________________________________
94. Which faction of Islam believes that Ali should have been the rightful successor to Muhammad?
A. Sunni
B. Shia
C. Al-Qaeda
D. None of the Above
95. Which faction of Islam believed that Abu-Bakr was the appropriate choice to succeed Muhammad?
A. Sunni
B. Shia
C. Al-Qaeda
D. None of the Above
96. Define the word Caliph: ______________________________________________
97. Who was the first Caliph? __________________________________________________________________
98. What was a major characteristic of “The Rashidun?”
99. Which caliphate created a hereditary dynasty, ending the practice of selecting the caliph from among the close friends of
A. Abbasid Caliphate
B. Umayyad Caliphate
C. Ottoman Caliphate
D. Rashidun Caliphate
100. Which caliphate marks the peak of the Muslim Empire?
A. Abbasid Caliphate
B. Umayyad Caliphate
C. Ottoman Caliphate
D. Rashidun Caliphate
101. Which group of Turkish warriors took Jerusalem through conquest and threatened Constantinople and the Byzantine
Empire? __________________________________________________________________
102. What was the name given to the “holy wars” between Christianity and Islam over Jerusalem?
103. What was the result of the First Crusade?
104. Explain how Constantinople would eventually fall to the Ottoman Turks:
105. Hinduism is based off of which sacred texts? (Circle all that apply)
A. Analects
B. Rig Veda
C. Upanishads
D. Bhagavad Gita
106. India is divided into rigid social groups known as ____________.
A. Tribes
B. Clans
C. Hindus
D. Castes
108. Which group is at the very bottom of the above System?
A. Priests
B. Untouchables
C. Rulers and Warriors
D. Merchants and Traders
E. Servants and Serfs
109. Which group is at the very top of the above system?
A. Priests
B. Untouchables
C. Rulers and Warriors
D. Merchants and Traders
E. Servants and Serfs
110. What is the oldest religion in the world?
111. Hindus believe in a great god which permeates the universe known as ___________.
A. Upanishad
B. Brahman
C. Sudra
D. Kshatriya
112. The ultimate purpose and goal of man according to Hinduism is to reunite with the ___________
A. World Soul
B. Nirvana
C. Ancestors
D. Confucius
113. The process by which a man’s soul passes through many rebirths before it escapes the physical world and reunites with
Brahman is known as: _________________
A. Rebirth
B. Transfiguration
C. Reincarnation
D. Purgatory
114. True or False: You can move up the Hindu caste system during your lifetime.
115. True or False: India was the birthplace of both Hinduism and Buddhism.
116. Siddhartha Gautama founded which religion?
A. Hinduism
B. Buddhism
C. Islam
D. Shintoism
117. Central to Gautama’s teaching are his ____________ and ______________.
A. Five Noble Truths and Six-fold Path
B. Four Noble Truths and Six-fold Path
C. Six Noble Truths and Five-fold Path
D. Four Noble Truths and Eight-Fold Path
118. Write the Four Noble Truths:
119. According to Buddhism, once a man frees himself from the cycle of birth/rebirth, he will enter a state of absolute peace and
harmony known as ______________.
A. Paradise
B. Nirvana
C. Heaven
D. Karma
120. Define the word Karma:
121. In Hinduism, appropriate living by adhering to religious/moral laws is called:
A. Artha
B. Dharma
C. Karma
D. Moksha
122. Which is NOT one of the four daily duties of the Hindu?
A. Revere the deities
B. Forsake Ancestors
C. Respect all beings
D. Honor all humankind
123. What is the Middle Path that Buddhists are called to follow?
124. In Buddhism, the continuous cycle of birth, life, death, and re-birth is called:
A. Wheel of Life
B. Wheel of Dharma
C. Circle of Life
D. Circle of Dharma
125. Who unified northern India and created the first empire in India?
A. Asoka
B. Kalidasa
C. Chandragupta
D. Chandragupta II
126. What was the name of the first empire in India?
A. Gupta Empire
B. Mauryan Empire
C. Abbasid Empire
D. Vedic Empire
127. Who was the famous Indian ruler who converted to Buddhism and built stupas all around his empire?
A. Kalidasa
B. Kautilya
C. Asoka
D. Chandragupta Maurya
128. Which empire was the golden age of India?
A. Gupta Empire
B. Mauryan Empire
C. Abbasid Empire
D. Vedic Empire
129. What was the major commodity being exported during the golden age?
A. Horses
B. Silk
C. Spices
D. Gold & Ivory
130. Who was the greatest of the Indian poets who fused strong emotion and religion and religion into his poetry?
A. Kalidasa
B. Shakespeare
C. Ibn Buttar
D. Marco Polo
131. Name three major advancements/inventions during the golden age of India:
132. The collections of Confucius’ sayings are written in what book?
A. Sayings of Kung Fuzi
B. Wisdom of the Ages
C. Analects
D. Rig Vedas
133. Define Filial Piety:
134. True or False: Jesus was the first person to quote the Golden Rule.
135. Who created the religion of Taoism?
A. Confucius
B. Shih Huang Ti
C. Laozi
D. Kung Tao
136. True or False: In Taoism, the way to act is harmony is to interfere with the natural order of things.
137. True or False: Confucianism teaches that it is the duty of human beings to work hard to improve life here on earth.
138. Many Chinese houses contains an altar before which the Chinese burned incense to honor the spirits of the dead. This is a
practice called
A. Meditation
B. Ancestor Worship
C. Haka-Shiri
D. Bushido
139. Chinese writing consists of some 65,000 __________ that make up their language.
A. Lines
B. Numbers
C. Letters
D. Characters
140. The Chinese, and later the Japanese developed ______________________ to choose the most qualified leaders for government
A. Strength and Agility Tests
B. Religious Exams
C. Civil Service Exams
D. Character Exams
141. This dynasty was one of the earliest known Chinese dynasties:
A. Chou
B. Shang
C. Ch’in
D. Tang
E. Han
F. Sung
142. Confucianism and Taoism were introduced during this dynasty:
A. Chou
B. Shang
C. Ch’in
D. Tang
E. Han
F. Sung
143. The Great Wall was built during this dynasty, and a strong centralized government was created:
A. Chou
B. Shang
C. Ch’in
D. Tang
E. Han
F. Sung
144. This dynasty was the golden age of China.
A. Chou
B. Shang
C. Ch’in
D. Tang
E. Han
F. Sung
145. This dynasty was politically weak, but excelled in porcelain making.
A. Chou
B. Shang
C. Ch’in
D. Tang
E. Han
F. Sung
146. During this dynasty, the “Silk Road” was opened for trade with western civilizations.
A. Chou
B. Shang
C. Ch’in
D. Tang
E. Han
F. Sung
147. Explain the Japanese myth of the creation of Japan:
148. In early Japanese society, land was divided amongst warring __________, which were groups of families that descended from a
common ancestor.
A. Guilds
B. Joint-Families
C. Clans
D. Clubs
149. In 5th Century A.D. which of the above groups dominated all the others?
A. Morimoto
B. Fujiwara
C. Yamato
D. Bushido
150. Who was the first emperor of Japan who claimed to be a direct descendent of the sun goddess?
A. Hideki Tojo
B. Jimmu Tenno
C. Prince Shotoku
D. None of the Above
151. What was Japan’s native religion?
A. Buddhism
B. Hinduism
C. Islam
D. Shintoism
152. True or False: Prince Shotoku made Hinduism the favored religion of Japan during his rule.
153. In the 7th century, the leaders of Japan wanted to limit the power of the chieftains and extend the rule of the emperor. This was
called the ________________.
A. Great Reform
B. Taika Reform
C. Shoka Reform
D. Shinto Reform
154. Who was the leader of the Minamoto clan, who became the supreme military leader of Japan when he defeated the only
remaining powerful clan.
A. Prince Shotoku
B. Yoritomo
C. Bushido
D. Jimmu Tenno
155. The Japanese warrior was called:
A. Samurai
B. Hara-Kiri
C. Shinto
D. Assassin
156. The unwritten military code of Japan which was the “the way of the warrior” was known as:
A. Bushido
B. Hara-Kiri
C. Kamikaze
D. Shinto
157. What was a ceremonial practice whereby a Japanese warrior could commit suicide to avoid disgrace of capture, or to atone for
deeds of misconduct.
A. Bushido
B. Hara-Kiri
C. Kamikaze
D. None of the Above
158. The early medieval church was called __________ meaning “universal” or “encompassing all”
159. Which is not a part of the Roman Sacramental System?
The Holy Eucharist
160. During this “mystery”, Catholics believe the Priest transforms the bread and wine into the actual body and blood of Christ.
A. Transconfiguration
B. Transubstantiation
C. Transformation
D. The Mystery of Christ
161. The most powerful of the Germanic tribes who established many independent kingdoms and ruled most of Gaul.
A. Franks
B. Vikings
C. Slavs
D. Visigoths
162. Known as “King of the Franks”, _________ cried out to God in battle vowing to believe and be baptized in His name if he
emerged victorious?
A. Pepin II
B. Charles Martel
C. Clovis
D. Charlemagne
163. Which house was known as the “Do-nothing kings”
A. Merovingian
B. Carolingian
C. Charlamingian
D. Pepinine
164. Who actually supervised the king’s household, and had authority over the financial, military, and administrative functions of the
A. King
B. Mayor of the House
C. Mayor of the Palace
D. Pope
165. Explain why the “Do-nothing” kings were aptly named by that title:
166. Who was the best remembered of all the mayors when he stopped the advance of the Muslims into Europe. He was given the
nickname, “The Hammer”
A. Pepin II
B. Pepin the Short
C. Charles Martel
D. Charlemagne
167. Which mayor was given the crown when he appealed to the pope to be granted king. The pope responded, “the one who wielded
the power should be king”.
A. Pepin II
B. Pepin the Short
C. Clovis
D. Charles Martel
168. Who was the greatest of the Carolingian kings and was eventually crowned emperor on 800 A.D. by the Pope.
A. Caroline I
B. Charlemagne
C. Charles I
D. Clovis
169. During this treaty, the three brothers decided to split Charlemagne’s empire into three separate kingdoms.
A. Treaty of Versailles
B. Treaty of Paris
C. Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle
D. Treaty of Verdun
170. True or False: Feudalism, or the Feudal System, was the political system which allowed local rulers to offer people protection in
return for their services.
171. What was the basis of power and wealth during the Feudal Age?
A. Knighthood
B. The Church
C. Land
D. Gold
172. Who were the landholding nobles who the King offered property to?
A. Vassals
B. Lords
C. Serfs
D. Aristocrats
173. A land grant given by the King was known as a ______
A. Fiat
B. Donation
C. Fief
D. Gift of the King
174. True or False: Through the process of Subinfeudation, a land grant could be partitioned out until it could no longer be divided.
175. During this ceremony, a man became a Vassal and was eligible to receive a land grant by the King.
A. Homage
B. Mass
C. Knighthood Ceremony
D. Purification
176. What was the center of life for the nobility, and usually contained the jail, treasury, armory, the court, and the seat of
A. Church
B. Manor
C. Sanctum
D. Castle
177. According to this decree from the church, the church forbade the pillage of her property and extended protection to all
noncombatants in society.
A. Truce of God
B. Peace of God
C. Decree of God
D. Law of God
178. According to this decree from the church, the church limited fighting from Wednesday evening to Monday morning.
A. Truce of God
B. Peace of God
C. Decree of God
D. Law of God
179. Knights would compete in a mock war called a ___________, which contained the joust and the melee.
A. Match
B. Hostile
C. Battle
D. Tournament
180. This was the land set aside for the lord, usually 1/6 th to 1/3rd of the land.
A. Chivalry
B. Missi Dominici
C. Desmesne
D. Dequesne
181. During this system of farming, villagers would plant crops on half of the cultivated land and leave the other half to be fallow for a
year to regain its fertility.
A. One-Field System
B. Two-Field System
C. Three-Field System
D. Four-Field System
182. What was the most common system used during the Medieval Period?
A. One-Field System
B. Two-Field System
C. Three-Field System
D. Four-Field System
183. The peasants or slaves of the middle ages were known as:
A. Serfs/Wenches
B. Freemen
C. Lords
D. Vassals
184. The strict code of behavior that knights lived by was known as:
A. Benedictine Rule
B. Heraldry
C. Calvary
D. Chivalry
185. A competition between two knights on horseback wielding lances is called:
A. Melee
B. Jousting
C. Fencing
D. None of the above
186. True or False: Women were allowed to speak freely out in the open, and commonly did so.
187. List the Medieval social order pyramid from top to bottom:
188. List the Catholic Church clergy ladder from top to bottom:
189. Who was known as the first pope of the Catholic Church?
A. Leo I
B. Gregory I
C. Urban I
D. Ignatius I
190. Explain the Catholic idea of purgatory:
191-196: List the 7 Sacraments of the Catholic Church:
Bonus: 196-200: What have you liked the most about this class so far?