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Date: _____________
Unit 3: The Dynamic Crust
Continental Drift (pg 239 - 242)
Wegener’s Hypothesis
1. State Wegener’s hypothesis: _________________________________________________
2. How long ago did Pangaea begin to break apart? ________________________________
3. Explain how fossil evidence supports Wegener’s hypothesis. _______________________
4. Two types of geologic evidence for continental drift are:
a. _______________________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________________
5. State two kinds of climatic evidence for continental drift:
a. _______________________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________________
6. Why did many scientists reject Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift?
Mid-Ocean Ridges
7. Mid-ocean ridges are ________________________________________________________
8. Scientists discovered that the rocks closer to the ridge are _________________________
than the rocks farther from the ridge.
9. How does the age of the ocean floor compare to that of the continental rock? ___________
10. Label the diagram below:
Date: _____________
Unit 3: The Dynamic Crust
Continental Drift (pg 243 – 246)
Sea-Floor Spreading
1. According to your class notes, what type of rock makes up the ocean floor? ____________
What can you infer from this observation? _________________________________________
2. Complete the chain of events chart below (in words and/or pictures) to describe the steps in
sea-floor spreading:
3. Why is the hypothesis of sea floor spreading important? ____________________________
4. As magma solidifies, iron-rich minerals in the magma ______________________________
5. Over time, Earth’s magnetic field has undergone many reversals. Rocks with normal polarity
point ___________________ and rocks with reversed polarity point ________________
6. What makes materials magnetic? _______________________________________________
7. Describe the patterns of magnetism and the age of the rocks with respect to a mid-ocean
ridge. _________________________________________________________________
8. How are the magnetic patterns in sea-floor rock evidence of sea-floor spreading?
9. How does sea-floor spreading support the hypothesis of continental drift? ______________
Date: _____________
Unit 3: The Dynamic Crust
The Theory of Plate Tectonics (pg. 247 – 254)
1. Plate Tectonics is the theory that explains _______________________________________
How Continents Move
2. The aesthenosphere is considered to be a layer of “plastic rock”. What does this mean?
3. Describe:
a. oceanic crust ________________________________________________________
b. continental crust ______________________________________________________
Tectonic Plates
4. What is the Ring of Fire? __________________________________________________
5. How do scientists identify locations of plate boundaries? _____________________________
Types of Plate Boundaries
6. What happens at a divergent boundary? _______________________________________
7. Use arrows to show this motion in the box to the right.
8. What kind of geologic feature forms at a divergent boundary? ________________________
9. What happens at a convergent boundary? ______________________________________
10. Use arrows to show this motion in the box to the right
11. Why does oceanic crust subduct under continental crust? _________________________
12. When two oceanic plates collide, one plate subducts under another forming a __________
_____________________________. Magma rises to the surface forming an
____________________________. An example would be ______________________
13. A transform boundary occurs where two plates __________________________________
Two places where transform boundaries occur are _____________________________
14. Use arrows to show this motion in the box to the right.
Causes of Plate Motion
15. What is convection? ________________________________________________________
On a diagram below, LABEL the divergent and convergent boundaries and draw
convection cells.
Date: _____________
Unit 3: The Dynamic Crust
How Rock Deforms (pg. 273 – 278)
1. Draw arrows in the box to illustrate compression.
2. At which type of plate boundary does compression occur? __________________________
3. Draw arrows to illustrate tension.
4. At which type of plate boundary does tension occur? _____________________________
5. Draw a diagram to illustrate shear stress.
6. At which type of plate boundary does shear stress occur? ___________________________
7. What is a fold? __________________________________________________________
8. In the diagram below, label the anticline and the syncline.
9. A break in a rock with no movement is called a ___________________. When movement
occurs, the break is called a _______________________.
10. The force that causes a normal fault is __________________________
11. The force that causes reverse and thrust faults is ____________________________
12. In the box to the right, draw a diagram
illustrating a strike-slip fault.
13. Where do strike-slip faults occur? _____________________________________________
Date: _____________
Unit 3: The Dynamic Crust
How Mountains Form (pg. 279– 284)
Plate Tectonics and Mountains
1. The major mountain belts are located on __________________ plate boundaries.
2. In your own words, explain how mountains form at subduction zones. ________________
3. An example of a mountain range at a continental-oceanic boundary is the _____________
4. In your own words, explain the formation of the Himalaya Mountains. _________________
Types of Mountains
Examples of folded mountains are the _________________________________________
6. The Sierra Nevada range is an example of _________________________ mountains.
7. Dome mountains form when __________________________________________________
8. A volcanic mountain range in the United States is the _____________________________
Date: _____________
Unit 3: The Dynamic Crust
How and Where Earthquakes Happen (pg. 295 – 296)
Why Earthquakes Happen
1. What is meant by an earthquake? _____________________________________________
2. Earthquakes occur when _____________________________________________________
3. Describe fully the elastic-rebound theory. _______________________________________
Depth of Earthquakes
4. The focus of an earthquake is _________________________________________________
5. The epicenter is ____________________________________________________________
6. What type of plate boundary has the deepest earthquakes? _________________________
7. In the diagram to the right,
label the epicenter, the focus
and the location of a fault.
Date: _____________
Unit 3: The Dynamic Crust
How and Where Earthquakes Happen (pg. 296 – 300)
Seismic Waves
1. P-waves are also known as ________________ or ____________________ waves.
Describe their motion. ____________________________________________________
2. P-waves can travel through ___________________________________________________
3. S-waves are also known as ________________ or _______________________ waves
Describe their motion. ____________________________________________________
4. S-waves can travel through __________________________________________________
5. How do surface waves differ from P- waves and S-waves? _________________________
Seismic Waves and Earth’s Interior
6. What are shadow zones? ____________________________________________________
7. What causes the speed of seismic waves to change as they move through Earth’s interior?
8. How can the S-wave shadow zone be explained? _________________________________
Date: _____________
Unit 3: The Dynamic Crust
Studying Earthquakes (pg 301 - 303)
Recording Earthquakes
1. What is a seismograph? ____________________________________________________
2. The tracing produced by a seismograph is called a _________________________________
3. What kind of wave arrives at a seismograph station first? ____________________________
Locating an Earthquake
4. What is the significance of the lag time between the arrival times of P and S waves?
Earthquake Measurement
5. What is meant by the magnitude of an earthquake? _______________________________
6. What scale is used to measure earthquake magnitude? _____________________________
7. What is meant by the intensity of an earthquake? _________________________________
8. What scale is used to measure earthquake intensity? ______________________________
9. According to the chart on pg. 304, what are the effects of an earthquake with intensity VII?
Date: _____________
Unit 3: The Dynamic Crust
Earthquakes and Safety (pg 305 - 308)
1. What causes a tsunami? _____________________________________________________
2. A second cause of a tsunami is ________________________________________________
Destruction to Buildings and Property
3. List three factors that contribute to damaged buildings during an earthquake.
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________
Earthquake Safety
4. What would you do to prepare for an earthquake? _______________________________
5. How can you remain safe during an earthquake? ________________________________
6. In the space below, choose one method of earthquake prediction, describe it and decide
whether you think it would be effective. Explain your decision.
Date: _____________
Unit 3: The Dynamic Crust
Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics (pg 319 - 330)
1. Magma rises upward because _______________________________________________
Major Volcanic Zones
2. Where do most volcanoes occur? ______________________________________________
How does an island arc form? ________________________________________________
4. Why is Iceland volcanically active? ______________________________________________
5. Volcanic eruptions within the interiors of lithospheric plates result from __________________
where columns of hot material, called _____________________ reach the lithosphere.
Types of Eruptions
6. How are felsic magmas different from mafic magmas? _____________________________
7. How are the types of eruptions related to the type of lava? __________________________
8. ____________________ lava tends to explode and throw ___________________________
into the air.
9. How is pyroclastic material classified? _________________________________________
Types of Volcanoes
10. How does a crater form? ____________________________________________________
11. How does a caldera form? _________________________________________________
Predicting Volcanic Eruptions
12. How does earthquake activity signal a possible volcanic eruption? _________________
13. What patterns do scientists look for to predict an eruption? ______________________