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Outline of American History
This outline contains almost everything you need to know about American History.
European Colonization of the Americas
Causes of Exploration:
"Demand for spices for food preservation increased after the crusades
"Greater world view and broader learning as a result of the Renaissance
"Creation of nation-states under strong monarchs
"Technological innovation: astrolabe, ship design, guns
"Expansion of trade and capital allowed for supply of capital to fund expeditions
Columbian Exchange:
To Americas: Foods - wheat, rice, sugar cane, coffee, bananas, Animals - horses, pigs, sheep, goats, Disease - smallpox, measles,
influenza, Others: the wheel, firearms
To Europe: Foods - corn, potatoes, yams, peanuts, pumpkins, beans, tomatoes, Animals - turkeys, llamas, Other - tobacco
"National wealth measured in precious metals (gold and silver)
"Achieve a favorable balance of trade
"Acquire colonies to provide raw materials and markets
"Forbid colonial manufacturing
"Prohibit colonies from trading with any other country
Political development of the English Colonies
"Magna Carta (1215) - noblemen began to limit absolutism
"The English Bill of Rights (1689) limited the power of the British monarchy and established the supremacy of Parliament
"House of Burgesses (1619) first representative body of the Virginia colony; governed local matters; made laws for the colony
(subject to the king of England)
"Mayflower Compact (1620) signed by the Pilgrim men aboard the Mayflower; recognized the people as the source of power (in
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European Enlightenment
"Influenced colonial political thought
"John Locke - Two Treaties of Government - if the government doesn't meet the needs of the people, the people have the right to
over-throw the government
"Rousseau - the Social Contract, people give up some of their natural rights to become part of society
Events leading to the Revolutions
French and Indian War: Victory over the French gave the English a larger empire - The cost of the war and administering the new
colonies became a burden to England - Parliament decided that the colonies should pay more of the cost through taxes - Ended
years of "salutary neglect" by Great Britain
Democratic and undemocratic aspects of Colonial Rule
French and Indian War
Great Awakening
Sugar Act
Stamp Act
Quartering Act
Townshend Act
Samuel Adams
Patrick Henry
The American Revolution
Causes of the American Revolution:
1- Proclamation of 1763 stops colonists from moving west
2- Parliament taxes colonies to pay British war debt
Effects of the American Revolution:
1- Colonies declare independence
2- British surrender Yorktown
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3- British recognize American Independence
4- United States borders extend to Florida and Mississippi River
5- United States Constitution is adopted
Declaration of Independence
Common Sense by Thomas Paine
Lexington and Concord
Advantages for the Colonists:
1- Knew the land
2- Fighting for their homes
3- Had the motivation
Disadvantages for the Colonists:
1- Lack of trained militia
2- Lack of a Navy
3- Volunteers often deserted
4- Lack of supplies
Advantages for the British:
1- Had a standing army and navy
2- Had money and supplies from Britain
Disadvantages for the British:
1- Were fighting in foreign land
2- Troops lacked motivation
3- Didn't know the land
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Treaty of Paris (1783)
The Constitution
Articles of Confederation
1- Power belonged in the hands of the states
2- No power to tax
3- No power to create an army or navy
4- Had to rely on states to supply local militia if the need arose
5- No power to create a common currency
6- Any amending of the constitution required 9/13 vote
United States Constitution
Changes from the Article:
1- Stronger central government
2- Congress had the power to tax
3- Power to create a common currency
4- Created a national army and navy
Constitutional Convention:
Inspired by Enlightenment Thinkers:
John Locke - Natural Rights, Social Contract - right to revolt
Voltaire - Religious toleration, free speech
Montesquieu - separation of powers
Rousseau - consent of the governed - anti - divine right of kings
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Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)
3/5 Compromise
Slave Trade
Presidency Compromise - electoral College
Bill of Rights - First 10 Amendments to the Constitution -ensure civil liberties
Federalism - Division of Powers between the Federal and state governments
-concurrent powers - powers held by the federal and state governments
-delegated powers - powers held by the federal government only
-reserved powers - powers held by the state government only
Americans are citizens under two governments - state and federal
Loose constructionists - follow the constitution loosely (reading between the lines)
Strict constructionists - follow the constitution strictly
"Elastic Clause" - congress shall make laws "necessary and proper"
Separation of Powers
Article I - Legislative Branch - Congress - the House of Representatives and the Senate
Article II - Executive - The President - indirectly elected - Electoral College - winner takes all - Each states has electoral votes
(based on the # of representatives and 2 senators) - Majority wins - 270 votes (A candidate can win the popular vote and lose the
election - i.e. Al Gore 2000 election)
Article III - Judicial Branch - The Supreme Court
Judicial Review - Power of the Supreme Court to determine if a local, state or federal law violates the constitution. Can declare a
law unconstitutional.
Case - Marbury v. Madison - John Marshall overturned part of the Judiciary Act of 1789 - established Judicial review
Case - McCulloch v. Maryland - Upheld the constitutionality of the Bank of the United States - Maryland could not tax a federal
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Case - Gibbons v. Ogden - The Federal government had authority over interstate trade
Lobbying - groups and individuals can pressure officials to see their side of an issue.
(Early on - would approach the congressmen in the LOBBY of the Capitol Building)
National Bank - Federalists v. Democratic-Republicans - Hamilton (a federalist) argued that the establishment of a national bank
could be done under the "elastic clause" of the constitution - Implied powers of congress
(Aside: The Bank of the United States becomes the Federal Reserve Bank)
Foreign Policy
Washington's Farewell Address
Policy of Neutrality - nation is economically and militarily weak
Proclamation of Neutrality 1793
Louisiana Purchase
Jefferson - bought it for $15 million from Napoleon
Not written in the constitution
Jefferson was a strict constructionist
Monroe Doctrine
No NEW European colonization in America - if they tried they would have to deal with the U.S.
America remained neutral in European affairs
The Constitution Tested
Political Parties - traditionally there have always been two major political parties - part of the unwritten constitution
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Federalists (Hamilton and John Adams) loose constructionist, strong central government, central control of the economy,
supported a national bank and protective tariffs, supporters - wealthy merchants and manufacturers, Pro- British
Democratic- Republicans (Jefferson and Madison) strict constructionists, stronger state governments, less control over the
economy, against the national bank, supporters - small farmers, city-laborers and frontiersmen, pro-French
Whiskey rebellion - Farmers and distillers refused to pay the tax on whiskey, Said it was unfair - Washington sent federal troops
to put down the rebellion
Tariff Controversy
1828 - high protective tariff (the South called it the Tariff of Abominations) - protected northern industries - in the south it could
ruin their economy
Calhoun - V.P. - declared that states could declare a federal tariff "null and void" - nullification
President Jackson - all states must obey all federal laws - If they didn't - the federal government could use force
Henry Clay - Compromise Tariff - reduce the tariff over time
Second Bank of the United States (1st bank - stopped 1811 - 2nd bank - created 1816)
Constitutionality of the Bank was declared in McCulloch v. Maryland
Jackson hated the bank - believed it created privileges for the rich - he was a man of the people - vetoed the bill to recharter the
2nd Bank
Manifest Destiny - right given by God to spread democracy and expand the United States
Texas - declared its independence from Mexico - became the Republic of Texas - Sam Houston, 1836 - 48 - becomes the 28th
Oregon - shared with Britain - Latitude 54-40 or fight! - Compromise - 49th parallel
Sectionalism - North - South and West
Missouri Compromise - Missouri - Slave , Maine - Free, 36 - 30 banned slavery North or that line
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Compromise 1850 - California - free, new territories from Mexican Cession - "popular sovereignty" (people decide)
Fugitive Slave Law - escaped slaves must be returned to their owners
Kansas-Nebraska Act - "popular sovereignty" - 5 years of fighting over the slavery question - pro and anti-slave supporters rushed
in (Bleeding Kansas)
Dred Scott v. Sanford - slaves were property
John Brown's Raid - failed attempt at a slave revolt
Civil War
Lincoln - seen as an abolitionist, his goal was to preserve the Union, he didn't want to interfere with slavery where it existed
South Carolina Secession - occurred after Lincoln was elected
Emancipation Proclamation - declared all slaves in the territories that had seceded were free - It didn't free a single slave - It gave
a moral cause for the war - end slavery!
Lincoln's Plan - South shouldn't be treated harshly - Any southerner that took a loyalty oath would be pardoned - 10 % plan - if 10
% of the voters in the 1860 election took a loyalty oath then the state would be readmitted to the union - High ranking
confederates could not vote
Lincoln is assassinated by John Booth
Wade-Davis Bill - vetoed - Congress attempted to control Reconstruction - temporary military occupation - provisional
government in the south
Johnson's Plan (Lincoln's V.P. - was a democrat from the south ) - followed Lincoln's plan - granted amnesty to Southerners who
took a loyalty oath - new state constitutions must prohibit slavery and ratify the 13th Amendment
Johnson was 1 vote away from being impeached by congress.
Black Codes - segregationist employment contracts and legal status restrictions
Radical Republicans - South should be treated harshly - democracy in the south - voting and civil rights to all African Americans
- redistribute land to give some to African Americans - Military control over the South - former slaves could vote in States
Tenure in Office Act - impeachment of Johnson - Congress - silenced and restricted the President
Carpetbaggers - Northerners who came south to help in reconstruction - often took advantage of the opportunity for their own
political gain
Scalawags - white southerners who took part in the new governments under reconstruction
Civil War Amendments:
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13th amendment - abolished slavery
14th amendment - African Americans were citizens
15th amendment - can't deny the right to vote on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude.
Southerner's Response:
Violence was used to keep African Americans from voting
Poll taxes - pay a tax to vote
Literacy tests
Grandfather Clauses - exempted whites whose grandfathers had been eligible to vote before the Civil War - exempting them from
literacy tests
Jim Crow Laws - formalized segregation
End of Reconstruction - election of Rutherford B. Hayes - neither candidate won the votes needed in the electoral college Democrats agreed to support Hayes if Republicans removed the troops from the South - they agreed - this ended Reconstruction
and reversed the progress made
Civil Rights Cases
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) - Supreme Court ruling established "separate but equal" - establishments for blacks and whites can be
separate but they must be equal
Booker T. Washington - African American - believed that African Americans should receive vocational training and become
members of common labor - once they get economic and property rights - then political equality will follow
William DuBois - African American - Education for African Americans must go beyond vocational - must be militant if
necessary to secure immediate equal voting and economic rights - must end segregation
Boss Tweed - political party boss in New York City - corruption - embezzled close to 200 million dollars - was brought down by
political cartoons in newspapers
Industrialism - started in Great Britain - plans for factories were smuggled out to America and Germany. Eventually American
and Germany will take the lead in Industrialization
Positives - production faster, produce more, cost less
Negatives - poor working conditions, low wages, long hours, child labor, pollution
Immigrants - supply of cheap labor to work in the factories
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Capitalism - people will invest money to make a profit - a free market economy is based on producers and consumers (supply and
laissez-faire - "Let do" or “hands off” - open competition
Pools - similar companies in the same industry enter into agreements to break competition
Mergers - combination of companies
Trusts - form of combination
Monopolies - one company controls the market
Captains of Industry v. Robber Barons
Carnegie - Steel
Rockefeller - Oil
J.P. Morgan - Banking and Money
Henry Ford - Automobiles
Interstate Commerce Act - regulate railroad rates and prohibit pools, federal regulation of interstate commerce
Unions Formed - Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor
Homestead Strike - (1892) - protest pay cuts, state militia was called in to put down the violence
Pullman Boycott (1894) - workers were protesting wage cuts - the boycott stopped delivery of the mail - Federal government
stepped in to end the boycott
Gilded Age
President Ulysses S. Grant - war hero - administration was mired in corruption - Credit Mobilier, Salary Grab, Whiskey Ring
Social Darwinism - wealth goes to the most capable - "survival of the fittest"
Carnegie- The Gospel of Wealth - the wealthy should help those who are less fortunate
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Working class - one paycheck away from poverty
Middle Class - had disposable income - purchased books, magazines, appliances etc.
"Yellow Journalism" - used sensationalism - increased readership - Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst (newspaper
Progressive Movement
Goal - to reform the problems that developed as a result of industrialism
Women's Rights Movement - Seneca Falls Convention - Declaration of Sentiments - Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott,
Susan B. Anthony
Women suffrage - Susan B. Anthony and Lucy Stone
19th Amendment - women gain the right to vote
Muckrakers - articles and novels to call the government to action
Upton Sinclair - The Jungle - reform the meat-packing industry - Results - Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act
Jacob Riis - How the Other Half Lives - the horrible life of immigrants living in tenements
Lincoln Steffens - The Shame of Cities - corruption in city politics
Jane Addams - Hull House - to help immigrants coming into the United States - settlement house
Theodore Roosevelt
trust-busting , conservation (national parks), Panama Canal (motivated by Capt. Alfred Mahan - naval domination - U.S. needs a
fast way to get its navy from one coast to the other)
Manifest Destiny - U.S. - "From sea to shining sea"
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Japan - Matthew Perry (no - he wasn't on Friends)- opened up Japan to the U.S.
China - Spheres of influence - Boxer Rebellion (Chinese attempt to get foreigners out) Open Door Policy - Foreigners Forced
China to Open its doors
Hawaii - Queen Liliuokalani - lost her kingdom to U.S. investors
Spanish-American War
Causes: harsh treatment of Cubans, American investors lost agricultural trade, yellow journalism - sensationalism (Explosion on
the U.S.S. Maine- newspapers blamed Spain - it was actually caused by an explosion in the ship)
Results : Spain gave up Cuba, gives Puerto Rico and Guam to the United States and the United States pays $20 million for the
United States Empire - Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines
Monroe Doctrine - no more colonization by European countries in the Americas or else, the U.S. will have minimal involvement
in European affairs
Roosevelt Corollary - United States - international police in Latin America - Roosevelt's "Big Stick" Policy - keep Europe out and
keep Latin American countries in-line with the United States
Taft's Dollar Diplomacy - use military force to protect U.S. investment in Latin America
World War I
Causes: imperialism, nationalism, militarism and entangled alliances
Events leading to the outbreak of WW I - Serbian nationalist assassinated Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, Austria declares war on
Serbia, Russia declares war on Austria (Pan Slavism), Germany declares war on Russia, Germany invade Belgium, France and
England declare war on Germany
New methods of warfare
Sinking of the Lusitania - British Cruise Liner - German U-Boat attacked the ship because it believed that it contained supplies
from the U.S. (it did) - 1,000 people were killed - 128 Americans
Sussex Pledge - Germany would halt attacking merchant ships; it didn't last long
Zimmerman Note - Germany promised land to Mexico if they attacked the United States; the United States intercepted the
telegram before it got to Mexico
Selective Service Act - military conscription and draft laws
Case - Schenck v. the United States - Civil Rights during wartime are limited - freedom of speech is limited if it presents a "clear
and present danger" to the United States
Red Scare - Russia withdraws from the war - Bolshevik (Russian) Revolution - Whites v. the Reds - Wilson supports the Whites The Reds win and Lenin comes to power
Wilson's 14 Points -believed that Germany shouldn't be harshly punished for the war- Creation of a League of Nations; President
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can create treaties but the Senate must ratify the treaty - the senate rejects this treaty - they fear that the United States would have
to be more involved in World Affairs - huge embarrassment for Wilson
Treaty of Versailles : Wilson, Lloyd George, Clemenceau and Orlando - Blame Germany for the war and forced to pay war
Kellogg-Briand Pact - attempt to outlaw aggression among nations
Roaring 20's
Harlem Renaissance - Langston Hughes - African American writer/poet
Jazz Age
Consumerism - Middle Class - disposable income - buy magazines, newspapers, appliances and cars
Warren Harding - passive president - Teapot Dome - bribes were taken to lease government oil reserves to private oil companies
Great Depression
Stock Market - Bull Market - people were buying stocks on margin (pay only a fraction of what they were worth) - Banks loaned
people money to buy stocks - the stocks were overvalued
Farms - World War I created a need for food; farmers mortgaged their farms to buy new machinery
Stock Market Crash - October, 1929
Dust Bowl - Drought destroyed farms
Banks couldn't collect on their loans and had to close down; people lost their jobs and their entire life's savings
Hoover believed in laissez-faire - he wanted to give the economy time to recover on its own; he was quoted as saying "success is
just around the corner" - Hoovervilles were being created by the homeless
Franklin Delano Roosevelt - F.D.R. - The New Deal - Hoover's response didn't do enough
Relief - stop economic decline
Recover - get the economy going
Reform - make changes so it doesn't happen again
Pump-priming - government should take actions that would make the public secure and optimistic.
New Deal Programs/Reforms
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Social Security Act
Tennessee Valley Authority - built dams
Civilian Conservation Corp. - natural resources
FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - all savings in banks are insured up to $100,000
S.E.C - Security Exchange Commission - watches over the stock market
F.D.R's court-packing plan -name additional federal judges for those over 70 years old who refused retirement; he tried to make
the court friendly to his New Deal programs - people saw it as a threat to checks and balances - the plan was rejected.
Dust Bowl - drought destroyed farmers - "Okies" and "Arkies" moved west to find work - The Grapes of Wrath by John
Steinbeck brought attention to their struggles
Problems in Europe
World-wide Depression
Rise of Nazis in Germany - Adolf Hitler
Rise of Fascism in Italy - Benito Mussolini
Foreign Policy
U.S. remained isolated after W.W.I - returned to the precedent set by Washington in his Farewell Address - Neutrality Act of
1935 - 1939
F.D.R's - Good Neighbor Policy - helped to improve America's relations with Latin America
F.D.R - diplomatic recognition of the U.S.S.R. (Communists under Josef Stalin)
Spanish Civil War - Italy and Germany backed Franco and established a fascist dictatorship - was an opportunity for Hitler to try
out his new weapons
WW II - Hitler invades Czechoslovakia, Poland; Italy invades Ethiopia; Japan invades China
Lend-Lease Act: U.S. would lend and transfer arms and war supplied to Britain and other "victims of aggression" - ant-isolation
- was extended to the U.S.S.R. when Hitler invaded the Soviet Union
Pearl Harbor - Japanese launched a "surprise" attack on Pearl Harbor - U.S. declares war on Japan :"December 7, 1941 - a date
that will live in infamy"
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The United States entered WW II
Japanese Internment (West Coast) - anti-Japanese feelings - fear of sabotage and espionage - War Relocation Authority relocated 100,000 Japanese-Americans to 10 relocation centers
Case - Korematsu v. United States - Supreme Court upheld this government action citing military urgency - 1919 - Schenck v.
United States - "clear and present danger"
War Time Economy
Industry - War Production Board - stop production of non-essential goods - auto manufacturers created tanks, jeeps and planes
Draft - 14 million were drafted
Women - "Rosie the Riveter" - Patriotic Posters - 17 million entered the workforce
Yalta Conference: end of the war - Stalin promised to hold free elections in Soviet controlled territories - they all agreed that a
United Nations should be created
Germany - Post WW II - divided among the Soviets, British, French and Americans and becomes East Germany - Soviets
(Communist) and West Germany - British, French and America (Democratic)
Atomic Bomb - Truman decides to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki
G.I. Bill of Rights - Servicemen's Readjustment Act
United Nations - replaces the League of Nations - FDR proclaims that it needs the support of the United States or it will suffer the
same fate as the League of Nations - The Security Council is made up of - Britain, China, France, United States and Russia - they
have veto power - Role of the U.N. is humanitarian as well as to keep the peace
Cold War Begins
After WW II - two nations emerged stronger - the U.S. and the U.S.S.R - they both became superpowers
Battle over ideologies - Democracy v. Communism
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Stalin in Eastern Europe sets up communist governments after a time of military occupation. He wanted a buffer zone to prevent
another invasion - these countries are called satellite nations
Truman Doctrine - Truman gives aid to Greece and Turkey so they don't fall to communism - sets up the policy of containment
Containment - keep communism where it is and not allow it to spread
Marshall Plan - U.S. gives $13 million in aid to help rebuild Europe - aid is offered to the satellite countries of the Soviet Union
but Stalin doesn't allow them to accept
Berlin Blockade - Stalin cuts-off supply lines to West Berlin
Berlin Airlift - Truman flies in supplies on airplanes to keep the city alive - Stalin eventually lifts the roadblocks
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization - Western Europe, Canada and the U.S. (all democracies) - collective security - an
attack on one is an attack on all
Warsaw Pact - Eastern Europe - Stalin's response to NATO
Korean War
Korea was divided after WW II - North Korea was controlled by the Soviet Union and became communist. South Korea was
controlled by the U.S. and was a democracy. North Korea invaded South Korea. U.N. and U.S. forces pushed back the North
McCarthyism - anti-communist - wanted to rid the country and government of all communists - The end for him was when he
declared that communists had infiltrated the Army - The hearing was on TV and he couldn't back-up his claims - he was seen as a
man on a witch-hunt.
Rosenberg Case - Ethel and Julius were accused of arranging to pass atomic secrets to the U.S.S.R - they were found guilty of
treason and were sentenced to death
Eisenhower - 1953 - 1961 Ended the Korean War
Dulles Diplomacy - brinkmanship, massive retaliation
Domino Theory
Eisenhower Doctrine - containment in the Middle East
Warren Court
Judicial Activism - not only interpreted the Constitution but changed American Life
Case - Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka (segregation), Miranda V. Arizona ("due process")
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Civil Rights
Brown v. the Board of Education - separate but NOT equal - end segregation
Rosa Parks
Little Rock Arkansas - Eisenhower sent in troops to escort African-American students to school
"New Frontier" - space, civil rights, workers etc.
Foreign Policy - Bay of Pigs invasion, Cuban Missile Crisis, Nuclear test Ban Treaty - can't test nuclear weapons in the
atmosphere must be underwater or in outer space
Lyndon Johnson
"Great Society" - poverty, illiteracy, hunger and racial injustice
i.e.. - 24th amendment banned all poll taxes
Project Head Start for the disabled and low income
Medicare - health insurance for elderly
Civil Rights
NAACP - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - W.E.B. Dubois
Martin Luther King Jr.
"I have a dream” speech
March on Washington
Use of "soul force" - civil disobedience
Vietnam War
North - Communist
South - Anti-communist
Domino Theory - one nation falls to communism - others will fall
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Tonkin Gulf Resolution: allows the President to "take all necessary action to protect American interest" in the region- 500,000
troops were sent to the region
Tet Offensive - an attack on South Vietnam by the North and the Viet Cong (those in the south that supported the North)
Pentagon Papers: misleading and dishonest statements made by the military during the war - Nixon went to the Supreme Court to
stop the publication of the papers (NY Times Corp. v. the United States - Nixon loses)
Vietnamization: shift responsibility for the war to the South Vietnamese - United States and the North call a cease fire - South
soon falls to communism - Cambodia soon follows
War Powers Act: President must tell Congress within 48 hours of sending troops anywhere - Congress has 60 days to vote on
whether to continue or not
Nixon Doctrine : United States will honor its treaty obligations in Asia - combat troops would be provided by the nation involved
China - Nixon becomes the first president to go there
Soviet Union - Nixon was the first president to there
Détente - easing of tensions
Watergate - Nixon resigns
Gerald Ford - only man not elected to office to become president - pardons Nixon
Jimmy Carter - Oil Crisis in 1973 - Camp David Accord - between Egypt and Israel - ended hostilities between the two
Ronald Reagan - Iran-Contra Affair - United States sold weapons to Iran - used the money to give aid to the Contras (anticommunists in Nicaragua)
Supply-side Economics - "trickle down" economics - Give tax breaks to businesses and the wealthy and prosperity will trickle
down to everyone else
Cold War
Budget Deficits - record deficits - arms race with the Soviets
George H.W. Bush Sr. - Persian Gulf War
Bill Clinton - NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) - impeachment - Sent troops to the Balkans to deal with the
"ethnic cleansing" done by Slobodan Milosevic
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