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Exam on the United States Constitution
(SSCG1, SSCG2, SSCG3, SSCG4, SSCG12, SSCG13, and SSCG19)
Name: ______________________________
May 15, 2009
Founders _________
Separation of Powers _________
State of Nature ________
Checks and Balances _______
Unalienable Rights ______
Natural Rights ______
7. Great Compromise ______
8. Electoral College ______
9. Proportional Representation _____
10. Equal Representation _______
11. Supremacy Clause _______
12. Federal System
Live, liberty, and property
Can not be take away, given by God
No government and laws
Political leaders of American colonies
Preventing one branch of government from becoming too strong
Distributing powers between three branches of government
A. Delegates based on states population
B. Powers shared between the state and national government
C. States have same amount delegates
D. An agreement between Large States and Small States
E. People who elect the President
F. No state laws are above the U.S. Constitution
13. An agreement to create a government and follow its laws is known as a
a. Natural agreement
b. Constitution
c. Social Contract
d. Declaration of intent
14. The system of check and balances was established to
a. prevent political parties from being created.
b. provide government officials with unlimited powers.
c. prevent branches of government from abusing power.
d. guarantee that people’s rights are never limited.
15. The purpose of government as described in the Declaration of Independence is to
a. protect the people’s natural rights.
b. prevent attacks by foreign countries.
c. make agreements with other nations.
d. serve as a check on special interest groups.
16. The Declaration of Independence was
a. the peace treaty that ended the American Revolution.
b. an explanation of the colonists’ revolt against Britain.
c. the first U.S. Constitution.
d. the first ten amendments to the Constitution.
17. Giving states with larger populations a greater number of representatives in Congress is called
a. equal representation.
b. adequate representation.
c. proportional representation.
d. legislative representation.
18. The decision to divide Congress into two houses, with equal representation in one and proportional representation
in the other was called the
a. Great Compromise.
b. Virginia Plan.
c. New Jersey Plan.
d. New York Compromise.
19. The Constitution grants the president the power to
a. make laws that Congress refuses to make.
b. veto laws passed by Congress.
c. declare war.
d. put people in jail without a trial.
20. A system of government in which power is shared by the national government, the state government, and the
people is called a
a. unitary system.
b. totalitarian system.
c. federal system.
d. confederation system.
21. “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States. . . .shall be the supreme Law of the Land” means that
a. only the laws of the U.S. Constitution must be obeyed.
b. the Constitution may not be changed.
c. the laws of the U.S. government may not be changed.
d. federal law will prevail over state laws if the two conflict.
22. The Framers were the
a. people who opposed the Articles of Confederation.
b. political leaders who developed the U.S. Constitution.
c. committee that wrote the Declaration of Independence.
d. people who supported the king.
Fill-in the Blanks below with these three choices: {Executive;
23. The _______________ branch of government makes the laws.
24. The _______________ branch of government declares if the laws are constitutional or not.
25. The _______________ branch of government enforces the laws.
Write a three to four sentence response to BOTH essay questions!!!!! (Four points each)
a. How did the Magna Carta, Petition of Rights, and English Bill of Rights influenced how the Americans
created their state and National governments and constitutions?
b. In the Declaration of Independence, how did Thomas Jefferson justified the American Revolution and their
political independence from England