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Chapter 3: The Constitution
1. Colonies became states. Each state created a government and most were
2. Each state had a governor who carried out _________.
3. The first constitution of the United States was the
4. The 13 states refused to give the Confederation Congress two important powers:
ab5. Congress could ______ states for money but could not demand it.
6. _____________ could not require states to do anything.
7. The _____________________________ established a system of land surveying
and settlement that we still use today. This is how west of the Appalachian
Mountains was divided.
8. The ______________________________ laid the basis for organizing new
territory governments and set a precedent for the method of admitting new states
to the Union.
9. Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation:
a. Congress could not collect ________________.
b. Congress could not regulate _________________.
c. Congress could not enforce ___________.
d. There was no national ______________.
10. States and Congress faced _____________ due to the American Revolution.
11. Citizens were taxed so heavily that __________________ were driven out of
business. Imported goods were taxed heavily _______________ trade.
12. __________________, a farmer who suffered from debt due to heavy state taxes,
led a rebellion of 1200 farmers in an attack on a federal arsenal. He believed he
should not loose his farm as a result of a problem created by the states. Although
________________________ was quickly stopped, it sent out a very loud
message- the states need a ______________________________________.
13. Delegates from each state met to revise the ____________________________.
However, Rhode Island was not there because they opposed a ______________
central government.
14. ________________________ presided over the Convention which eventually
became known as the ____________________ Convention.
15. _______________ the Articles was impossible so the delegates started from
scratch and began creating a new plan of government.
16. Two plans were developed at the Convention:
17. The Virginia Plan called for a congress with ________ houses and representation
based on ______________________. (Virginia is bigger!)
18. The New Jersey Plan called for a congress that included a _____-house
legislature and ____________ representation.
19. Roger Sherman’s Compromise of the two plans was known as the
20. The Great Compromise called for ________ houses, a ___________ and a
_______________________. The Senate would allow states ___________
representation and the House of Representatives would be based on population.
21. The ______________________ allowed __________ out of five slaves to be
counted as free persons for determining ______________________ in Congress.
22. The ____________________________ chooses the President and the Vice
President. Voters in each state choose the electors.
23. When at least ________ of the 13 states had ratified it, the Constitution would
become the __________________________________.
24. Those who supported the Constitution were known as the _________________.
25. Federalists believed that the government needed a ______________ central
26. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay wrote a series of essays called
_______________________, in which they argued for a strong central
government and the Constitution.
27. Those who opposed the Constitution were known as the ____________________.
28. The Anti-Federalists believed their rights would be __________ if there was a
strong national government. They agreed to support the Constitution if a
________________________ was added.
29. The _____________ is the introduction of the constitution that states the goals
and purposes of the government.
30. The _______________________ provides a framework for government and it is
the highest authority in the nation.
31. Following the Preamble, the Constitution has _________ articles.
a. Article Ib. Article IIc. Article III32. How many times has the Constitution been changed?
33. Amending the Constitution involves 2 steps:
a. ______________
i. ________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________
b. _______________
i. _________________________________________________
34. ________________________ allows Congress to carry out duties that are not
specifically written in the constitution.
35. Necessary and Proper Clause = ________________________________
36. The ____________________________ has the final authority of interpreting the
37. The ______________________ impeaches (accuse federal officials of
wrongdoing). The _________________ determines the person’s guilt or
38. What gives the President his powers?
39. Five Fundamental principles of government:
a. __________________________
b. __________________________
c. __________________________
d. __________________________
e. __________________________
40. _______________ means a representative democracy, where the power belongs
to the people.
41. The _____________ of the people is expressed through elections.
42. Popular sovereignty is belief that government should draw their powers “from the
consent of the ___________________” (people).
43. Rule of law says that the law applies to ________________. This idea comes
from the _______________________.
44. Montesquieu’s idea of Separation of Powers was to divide the power of
government into _ branches, which is what the US has done.
45. ____________________________ requires that each branch of government limit
the power of the other branches.
46. Under _____________________, power is shared by the national and _______
47. List the three types of powers:
a. _____________________b. _____________________c. _____________________48. According to the Supremacy Clause, the ______________________ is the highest
law of the land. States cannot go against the federal laws.