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Lesson 1 September 02nd, 2009
Hoy es miercoles 02 de septiembre del 2009
Learning Target:
I can understand the classroom’s rules.
I can follow instructions given by the teacher or on paper.
Haz Ahora:. Get each of the papers: Class rules & parents’ letters
Introduction of the teacher and students.
Introductions of the classroom rules, students need to sign it.
Showing where things are in the classroom.
 Read with your parents and sign the parents’ letter.
 Bring school materials
Quiz of the Week: N/A
Lesson 2 September 04th, 2009
Hoy es viernes 04 de septiembre del 2009
Learning Target:
I can understand the classroom’s rules.
I can follow instructions given by the teacher or on paper.
Haz Ahora:. Turn in the parents’ letter signed.
Answer questions for any clarification of the parents’ letter.
Review class rules
Get materials out and read the information of how to keep the binder organized and follow
Tarea: Bring any missed school materials no later than Tuesday 08, 2009
Quiz of the Week: N/A
Lesson 3 September 08th, 2009
Hoy es martes 08 de septiembre del 2009
Learning Target:
I can conjugate correctly regular verbs in present tense
I can substitute the personal pronouns in relation with the subject given in a sentence.
I can select the accurate verb (SER/ESTAR) in a sentence according to the rules.
I can conjugate Irregular verbs such as: Ser, Estar, Dar, Ir, Tener, & Venir.
Haz Ahora: Conjugate: correr, vivir, hablar in present tense.
Write the personal pronouns in order
o Who is 1st,2nd,3rd person singular and plural
o Difference between: usted & tu (formal and informal)
o Review:
 Why is the order of the pronouns important?
 Who is the plural of (say a singular pronoun or a name/s)?
 What is an infinitive verb?
 What is the stem of the verb?
 Song of regular verbs: ar-er-ir
Go over the irregular verbs rules to conjugate the verbs: Ser, Estar, Dar, Ir, Tener, & Venir.
When do we use Ser & Estar : tell the rules as a class.
Tarea: 2 flash cards, one for ser the other for estar,
-On one side: write the rules and a sentence showing the rule written. It will be 1 sentence per
-On the other side: the conjugation of the verb.
Quiz of the Week: Quiz # 1: Review.
 Conjugations of Regular verbs,
 Conjugations of irregular verbs such as: Ser, Estar, Dar, Ir, Tener, & Venir.
Rules for Ser & Estar.
 Personal pronouns.
Lesson 4 September 09th, 2009
Hoy es miercoles 09 de septiembre del 2009
Learning Target:
I can conjugate correctly regular verbs in present tense
I can substitute the personal pronouns in relation with the subject given in a sentence.
I can select the accurate verb (SER/ESTAR) in a sentence according to the rules.
I can conjugate Irregular verbs such as: Ser, Estar, Dar, Ir, Tener, & Venir.
Haz Ahora: Conjugate: Ser & Estar with the pronouns.
Check the rules for Ser & Estar again and give the examples from your homework.
Do the package given for Ser & Estar : Pay attention to the rules. You could use your references.
Tarea: Study for Friday quiz #1.
Quiz of the Week: Quiz # 1: Review.
 Conjugations of Regular verbs,
 Conjugations of irregular verbs such as: Ser, Estar, Dar, Ir, Tener, & Venir.
Rules for Ser & Estar.
Personal pronouns.
Lesson 5 September 11th, 2009
Hoy es viernes 11 de septiembre del 2009
Learning Target:
I can conjugate correctly regular verbs in present tense
I can substitute the personal pronouns in relation with the subject given in a sentence.
I can select the accurate verb (SER/ESTAR) in a sentence according to the rules.
I can conjugate Irregular verbs such as: Ser, Estar, Dar, Ir, Tener, & Venir.
Haz Ahora: Ask questions if you have any before quiz. Then, sit and get ready for quiz, get a pencil.
Do quiz #1
Introduction to new verbs and vocabulary use in a travel agency:
 Students will look at the list of the Spanish verbs and vocabulary and write the
meanings they know.
 Then, Compare the meanings written with the translated list given.
 Highlight the ones you don’t know.
Tarea: Study the meanings of the verbs and vocabulary: ‘Travel agency,’ for next week quiz. (This is just
a part of the quiz, the quiz will be longer)
Next week Friday Quiz # 2: Review.
 Progressive tense in present tense: Estar (conjugated) + stem of regular verbs + ending
o If the stem finishes in a vowel add ‘yendo’ instead.
o Other irregularities in the progressive T.
 Future tense using the conjugations of irregular: Ir + a + infinitive of the verb. Ex. Yo voy a
Meanings of the verbs & travel agency vocabulary.
Lesson 6 September 16h, 2009
Hoy es miercoles 16 de septiembre del 2009
Learning Target:
I can understand when to use progressive tense,
I can ask and answer questions using the progressive tense accurately.
I can write sentences using the write conjugation of: Ir + a + infinitive verb.
I can use the immediate future using the correct grammar structure: Ir + a + infinitive verb.
I can identify new verbs and vocabulary meanings use in a travel agency.
Haz Ahora:. Conjugate and follow the instructions from the package: Ir + a + infinitive verb
 Share the do now with the class.
o Find what is wrong on a sentence and why
 Introduction to Progressive Tense:
Only use conjugation of ESTAR
Progressive tense in present tense: Estar (conjugated) + stem of regular verbs +
ending ar=ando/ er/ir: iendo.
Some irregularities:
 If the stem finishes in a vowel add ‘yendo’ instead.
 Other irregularities in the progressive T.
Tarea: Practice the progressive tense using and following the instruction of the package given in class.
Quiz of the Week: Quiz # 2
Progressive tense in present tense: Estar (conjugated) + stem of regular verbs + ending
o If the stem finishes in a vowel add ‘yendo’ instead.
o Other irregularities in the progressive T.
Future tense using the conjugations of irregular: Ir + a + infinitive of the verb. Ex. Yo voy a
Meanings of the verbs & travel agency vocabulary.
Lesson 7 September 18th, 2009
Hoy es viernes 18 de septiembre del 2009
Learning Target:
I can understand when to use progressive tense,
I can ask and answer questions using the progressive tense accurately.
I can write sentences using the write conjugation of: Ir + a + infinitive verb.
I can use the immediate future using the correct grammar structure: Ir + a + infinitive verb.
I can identify new verbs and vocabulary meanings used in a travel agency.
Haz Ahora: Correct homework with your group and find and find the typical mistakes.
 What mistakes did your group found? What will be the correction and why?
 More exercise for progressive tense in Present Tense.
 Game: Matching game: progressive verbs given.
o Match the picture with the word in English using the gerund (ing) and say the sentence in
Spanish of what is the person doing.
Tarea: Study for Monday quiz #2.
Next Monday Quiz # 2 (Quiz will be move to Monday 21st because students were not present in class
Monday and Tuesday)
Progressive tense in present tense: Estar (conjugated) + stem of regular verbs + ending
o If the stem finishes in a vowel add ‘yendo’ instead.
o Other irregularities in the progressive T.
Future tense using the conjugations of irregular: Ir + a + infinitive of the verb. Ex. Yo voy a
Meanings of the verbs & travel agency vocabulary.
Lesson 8 September 21st, 2009
Hoy es lunes 21 de septiembre del 2009
Learning Target:
I can understand how to use the indirect object with verb ‘gustar’
I can say what do my friends and I like in a complete sentence.
I can ask and answer questions using the verb ‘gustar’ and other similar verbs.
I can understand when to use progressive tense,
Haz Ahora: Practice vocabulary and verb meanings with a partner.
 Do quiz #2
 Review verb: to like
o Why to use A mi, a ti, etc?
o Indirect Object pronoun: me, te,le,nos,os, les
o A mi + me + gusta + Infinitive verbr singular: article + noun
o A mi + me + gusta + Plural: article + noun
Tarea: Work in verb ‘gustar’ package.
Quiz of the Week: Quiz # 3: Indirect object pronouns + Verb to like conjugations, ‘gusta vs. gustan’,
Importance of A mi , a ti, etc. Besides, present progressive.(because students still get confuse with this
Lesson 9 September 22nd, 2009
Hoy es martes 22 de septiembre del 2009
Learning Target:
I can understand how to use the indirect object with verb ‘gustar’
I can say what do my friends and I like in a complete sentence.
I can ask and answer questions using the verb ‘gustar’ and other similar verbs.
I can understand when to use progressive tense,
Haz Ahora: With a partner, ask each other: what does he like to do after school, at school, during the
 Correct homework with the class.
o Clarifying questions about it.
 Checking Present progressive: Creating sentences and correcting them if necessary.
Tarea: Do the pancake more of ‘Gustar’
Quiz of the Week: Quiz # 3: Indirect object pronouns + Verb to like conjugations, ‘gusta vs. gustan’,
Importance of A mi , a ti, etc. Besides, present progressive.(because students still get confuse with this
Lesson 10 September 23rd 2009
Hoy es miércoles 23 de septiembre del 2009
Learning Target:
I can understand how to use the indirect object with verb ‘gustar’
I can say what do my friends and I like in a complete sentence.
I can ask and answer questions using the verb ‘gustar’ and other similar verbs.
I can understand when to use progressive tense,
Haz Ahora: Jornal: Do the reading and answer the questions.
 How does it work with other verbs? A mi me aburre, a mi me encanta, etc
o Answering questions like: ¿Que te encanta a ti?
 Correct homework with the class.
o Clarifying questions about it.
Tarea: study for Friday Quiz # 3
Quiz of the Week: Quiz # 3: Indirect object pronouns + Verb to like conjugations, ‘gusta vs. gustan’,
Importance of A mi , a ti, etc. Besides, present progressive.(because students still get confuse with this
Lesson 11 September 25th 2009
Hoy es viernes 25 de septiembre del 2009
Learning Target:
I can understand how to use the indirect object with verb ‘gustar’
I can say what do my friends and I like in a complete sentence.
I can ask and answer questions using the verb ‘gustar’ and other similar verbs.
I can understand when to use progressive tense,
Haz Ahora: In a flash card: Write two names of 2 Spansih speaking countries you will like to investigate
 Do Quiz #3
 Give students the information about what country they will be investigating.
 Project presentation (by the teacher) about Venezuela.
o Explain the idea of the project
o What is the purpose of it?
o Students write the Hw for the weekend due next Tuesday Sep, 29th
Tarea: Facts to look for: name of the country, capital, location, money, current president, etc,
ADD A LINK With information
TODAY’s Quiz # 3: Indirect object pronouns + Verb to like conjugations, ‘gusta vs. gustan’, Importance of
A mi , a ti, etc. Besides, present progressive.(because students still get confuse with this concept)
Lesson 12 September 29th 2009
Hoy es martes 29 de septiembre del 2009
Learning Target:
I can use the right vocabulary related with a travel agency.
I can write with a partner a dialoged.
I can speak fluently and with the correct pronunciation.
I can work well with a partner without conflict.
I can manage the time given.
Haz Ahora: Country facts: What facts did you find? We will work with this next week, so keep looking for
 Oral Presentation Rubric: Read your rubric, so you know what I will be evaluating the day of the
 Students will get a partner: one will be the client and the other the travel agent.
o Don’t forget to use all the W’ questions. (What, where, when, etc)
o Think like you are really that person and you need to answer all the typical questions
when you are buying a ticket.
 Time of flight
 Cost
 Does the client want a package: (hotel, car, etc)
 It’s by plane, train, etc.
o Talk about it & write it down. Create your first draft. The presentation will be this
upcoming Friday & Monday.
Tarea: Keep working in your dialogue.
Quiz of the week: ORAL Quiz: Travel agent dialogue. (Group of 2 people)
Lesson 13 September 30th 2009
Hoy es miércoles 30 de septiembre del 2009
Learning Target:
I can use the right vocabulary related with a travel agency.
I can write with a partner a dialoged.
I can speak fluently and with the correct pronunciation.
I can work well with a partner without conflict.
I can manage the time given.
Haz Ahora: Dialogue due today. I will return it today at the end of the day or tomorrow morning the latest.
Sit with your partner and work in your dialogue. If your dialogue is finish I will check it now.
 Continuing writing the dialogue.
 Students will get a partner: one will be the client and the other the travel agent.
o Don’t forget to use all the W’ questions.( what, where, when, etc)
o Think like you are really that person and you need to answer all the typical questions
when you are buying a ticket.
 Time of flight
 Cost
 Does the client want a package: (hotel, car, etc)
 It’s by plane, train, etc.
The presentation will be this upcoming Friday & Monday.
Tarea: Keep working in your dialogue.
Quiz of the week: ORAL Quiz #1: Travel agent dialogue. (Group of 2 people)