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Valkyrie Astrology Daily Forecast
Discussions of emotionally-laden issues are likely, but your vision may be a bit blurry.
Nonetheless, Mercury Retrograde is a good time for rehashing and redefining past issues.
Just make sure you're considering all angles. If you're in a serious relationship, you're
probably thinking about areas that need improvement. As unique individuals, consider the
fact you may need a unique relationship that may not fit any of the existing molds. Decide
what your wants and needs really are and discuss them with an open mind and heart. Your
energy is likely to be a bit scattered today so don't expect to accomplish much, especially
since some unexpected event might disrupt your plans.
Relationship issues are still disrupting numerous lives and will continue to do so for a while
longer. Take this time to really consider what you want, define your expectations and dare
to be different. Consider what has worked and not worked in the past and remember the
old adage "if you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting what
you've always got."
Dreams and fantasies aren't all bad, they often give us the hope and escape we need. Watch
out for possible unexpected behavior from those closest to you. Guard your own temper
and be prepared to diffuse anger in those you encounter today as nerves are likely to be a
bit on edge.
Have you noticed that everything from your computer to traffic lights is just not
cooperating these days? Blame Mercury Retrograde and brace yourself for about two more
weeks of these frustrations and delays. Today you may be more introspective than usual,
considering your past experiences and where you are today. Remember you can't have a
new beginning without an ending so take the appropriate action if improvement is needed.
Just make sure your dreams are doable and not delusions. Once you figure that out, you
should have the determination you need to make the change.
Monday it is, but if things have seemed bogged down a bit at work lately, there should be
some relief coming.
That sometimes unfriendly dialog between your head and subconscious continues, some of
it unearthing somewhat unpleasant memories. Nonetheless, these things are surfacing for a
reason, i.e. for your consideration now that you are older and wiser so you can put them
away permanently in a safe place.
On the plus side, inspiration is high and your ability to express it in an artistic or otherwise
constructive way should be high with the possible exception of Virgos and Geminis who
are bogged down by Mercury Retrograde. Not to worry, in 12 days it will be over.
Any imperfections in your life may seem particularly hurtful at this time and your desire to
make changes will be strong. You probably will want to talk about these changes to the
individuals involved, but make sure you don't put them on the defensive and listen to them
with as much empathy as you expect them to listen to you. Remember that Mercury is
retrograde, which hinders understanding, especially for Virgos and Geminis. Nonetheless,
this is a good time to resolve old issues, so have at it. Realize, however, that some of your
ideas may not be based too firmly in reality, but might be the result of all that action you've
seen in your subconscious lately. Self-analysis can be a good thing, but don't expect the
entire world to change to accommodate your new view of life.
Mental activity is strong these days and sometimes you surprise even yourself with the
ideas you're coming up with. You're also starting to get a bit of a grip on those relationship
issues and while they're still not idyllic, you're finding something that just might work, one
way or another. That full moon/eclipse yesterday in Virgo had quite a punch and ushered
in some changes, some good, some not so good with work and health issues most affected.
Life isn't always easy but it does have its moments. Cling to the good stuff and learn from
the bad. That Pluto-Sun square combined with a retrograde Jupiter is still stirring up some
old issues that cause you to question some of the paradigms you've lived by for a long time.
You're older and wiser now, so question away. You just might like what you discover.
That green triangle you see is a Grand Air Trine and it's going to make for some interesting
Copyright © 2006 by Valkyrie Industries. None of this information may be copied or transmitted in any
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Valkyrie Astrology Daily Forecast
conversations. Expect them to run the entire spectrum of emotions and probably be out of
sync with reality, possibly in a big way. If you're a Gemini be particularly on guard since
your ruling planet is retrograde so your communication skills are doubly impaired. Libra
and Aquarius need to watch out, also, and above all just calm down. If your birthday is
today, you're in for a year of deep introspection and increased understanding of what you're
made of. Make the most of it. Surprising and possibly upsetting events are happening all
over. Guard your temper, tongue and common sense and just walk away if you smell
trouble. Male-female relationships are settling down a bit for those that got past the speed
bumps of the last month or so. Make the most of that making-up phase then make sure
your problems are really resolved, not just glossed over.
Your head and heart are likely to be arguing with one another today. Listen to both sides
and go with what feels the most comfortable. Surprises and the unexpected still abound
with computers and traffic issues still trying our patience. Listen to soothing music
whenever you can and don’t let those little things get under your skin. Introspection and
possibly obsessions are vying for our attention and being quite successful along with power
struggles with institutions and government in all forms. Watch the speed limit and review
any legal documents carefully before signing that dotted line. Those two retrograde planets
are getting a bit too friendly and will significantly confuse ethical and philosophical issues
under discussion at this time. If you’re involved in any kind of legal issues be especially on
the alert. You may have to dig quite deep to find the truth.
Mars is still at it, stirring up trouble with his partner in mischief, Uranus. Expect the
unexpected and keep both eyes open. This configuration is quite unfriendly as far as
accidents are concerned, especially with electronic and mechanical devices in a snit. On
the positive side, creative energy is strong so if you have a pet project that requires original
thought, you should have plenty of inspiration.. The potential is out there for some major
delusions and misunderstandings so listen carefully and read the fine print. Work is likely
to be busy and folks more emotional than usual. If you must criticize, remember the old
adage that you get more flies with honey than vinegar.
Saturn has been pretty lonely the past few days and may be messing with your sense of
responsibility. If your attitude in this area has significantly changed lately, if possible don’t
make any landmark decisions until tomorrow. If you have to decide today, weigh it
carefully and run it past someone you trust and respect first. If you’re fighting the urge to
buy something big and expensive, don’t give in. Mercury retrograde is NOT the time to
buy anything electronic or mechanical. If you absolutely MUST, make sure to read all
directions carefully and get the extended warranty. The male-female thing is still
somewhat friendly, but make sure you avoid promises you can’t keep and remember that
more problems arise from unrealistic expectations than from knowing the truth.
The Sun moves into Aries today, giving Rams an extra boost. There’s another one of those
pretty, green triangles, a.k.a. Grand Trine. The planets involved don’t get along very well,
however, and is likely to make for some very conflicting arguments with yourself or others
that involve ego, emotions and your sense of responsibility. After all, it is the first day of
spring and the urge to play is strong, especially with those male-female vibes being
prodded along by that Mars-Venus trine. Fantasies are strong as well, so enjoy them but
don’t mistake them for reality unless you want to pay a large price for them later. Creative
and innovative ideas are hopping, too, but be sure to write them down before you forget all
those glorious details that seem so obvious now.
Mars is a busy little fellow today, with six different aspects. Mars is energy and
aggression, plus yesterday the Sun moved into Aries, which is ruled by Mars. So, if you're
a Ram or have an Aries Moon or Ascendant, anything going on astrologically will hit you
harder than everyone else. We're still dealing with screwed-up communications and
unexpected events, including traffic jams and psychotic computers, but this should improve
after the 25th. Ideas are still coming at a fast pace, but make sure they're on solid ground
ethically and don't compromise your standards. If you're not sure or have to make excuses
Copyright © 2006 by Valkyrie Industries. None of this information may be copied or transmitted in any
form, including electronically, other than in brief reviews or references, without the permission of the
copyright owner.
Valkyrie Astrology Daily Forecast
for them, don't go there because they'll bite you later. We're still not understanding each
other too well, especially at work, and it's becoming more and more annoying. Arguments
are likely, but there will be no black and white answers, only more questions. Your
responsibilities may seem particularly heavy right now. With all the disruptions going on
you'll probably just want to spend a quiet evening with your sweetie and not discuss
anything controversial.
You may feel somewhat destabilized today, as if the ground is not quite as solid under your
feet as usual. You're likely to be more self-critical , your head and your heart arguing with
one another to no avail. Ideas and inspiration are still flowing, but don't forget that
deception can happen to the best of us. Check all references, read the fine print and listen
to your conscience. Whether it's work or relationships that are on your mind, there's not
going to be one single solution that answers all the mail. You know that changes need to be
made, but what they are continue to elude you. Those responsibilities may seem onerous at
times, but try to recognize the rewards they bring. Nonetheless, your emotional health is
important, too, so don't be a martyr. Seek for balance and be as objective as possible as you
sort out the facts. Male-female relationships are running smoothly on the surface, but you
can only sweep so much under the rug. Now is actually a pretty good time to rehash some
of that old baggage. Just make sure you really have the courage to make the needed
changes and don't make rash promises you can't keep.
The Moon is doing its thing, chugging through the signs at its usual clip. If there is
anything amiss at work or that doesn't meet your satisfaction it's likely to be even more
troubling today. There are still too many things to argue about and patience is thin. Mercury
will continue to misbehave for a few more days, then we should see an improvement in
communications of all sorts. Subconscious issues are most likely also in a murky miasma
that doesn't seem to be coming into focus. Don't give up, you'll figure it out, and will
probably be surprised when you do. Mental activity generally is high and many great ideas
are not being recognized as such. Those in authority have the advantage these days and
bureaucratic wheels are turning at their usual glacial speed. This will improve a bit in just
under two weeks when Saturn goes posigrade again. It's been Rx since November 23 and
everyone, especially Capricorns, are more than ready for it to get back on track.
If you've caught yourself daydreaming more than usual lately, you can blame it on Neptune
and Venus getting friendly in the Natural 11th House. You might even have the energy and
a bit of luck to pursue them, so keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities. It would do
your heart good to get excited about something again, particularly if you've been in the
slump so many have experienced lately. Nonetheless, you won't shirk your responsibilities
and may actually find yourself meeting them a little easier than usual lately. You're still
looking for answers in some areas, whether it's something you don't understand at work or
school or possibly events going on around you. This is partly because all the information
isn't available for one reason or another, plus Mercury Rx is skewing what little there is.
Hang in there and expect to be surprised that you never thought of it that way when
whatever it is finally comes to light. Spring is in the air with romantic thoughts often
impinging on our common sense. Enjoy it, but recognize it for what it is and don't get
pulled in too deep.
If you haven't already done so, today would be a good day to get your taxes together. You
should be able to concentrate on onerous tasks like that fairly well, thanks to Saturn and the
Sun, and Mercury is posigrade again. Get that done early in the day so you can make some
plans for tonight. Jupiter is definitely up to something, squaring a stellium comprising
Venus, Neptune and the Moon over in Aquarius. Squares usually aren't considered good,
but when it's Jupiter, it usually is. Anything that big boy touches seems to work quite
nicely. All in all, it looks like some seriously romantic potential to me with Mars throwing
additional energy that way. Mars Trine Venus usually bodes well for male-female
relationships and Mercury is cooperating again so communications should improve. Don't
let this one pass you by, grab your sweetie and enjoy a nice evening.
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form, including electronically, other than in brief reviews or references, without the permission of the
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Valkyrie Astrology Daily Forecast
I don't know about you, but I'm sure glad that Mercury Retrograde is over. All those
electronic and mechanical glitches were no longer amusing. Romantic inclinations are still
relatively strong but a surprise or two may be in the offing. Feelings and fantasies are in
high gear and have been for a while but don't make any rash decisions yet. There's
something stirring in your subconscious that's trying to tell you something so listen up. It
will surprise you a bit when you figure it out, but don't worry because it should be
something good. It's still a good time to work on tedious tasks that you absolutely have to
do like your taxes. The universe is giving you a bit of help here and you'd better take
advantage of it while it lasts since it will go away before the week is out.
If you're an Aries and feeling a bit overwhelmed, it's because the Sun is in your sign plus
your ruling planet, Mars, is actively engaged with numerous other planets scattered across
the Zodiac. Thus, these aspects are hitting you a bit harder than the general population.
Furthermore, the New Moon on Wednesday is in Aries, so expect a lively week. The
cosmic climate is still working various issues in your subconscious. This will continue for
a few more days but now that Mercury is posigrade again you may be able to move forward
at last, especially with the Moon and Jupiter lending a hand. All sorts of ideas and
scenarios at home and work are still circulating and a power struggle or confrontation is
likely so be prepared with a well thought out position backed up with the facts. Get those
taxes done this week while your powers of concentration are still high. If they're done,
throw that energy into developing a budget or financial plan for the months ahead.
Energy and imagination still rule in the relationship arena with positive vibes abounding,
especially with that extra boost from Jupiter. There are a few undertones, however, of a
power struggle so you may not be in synch with one another as much as it seems. Enjoy
the rose garden but look out for those thorns that might be hidden amongst the leaves. You
may find yourself remembering strange events from the past that bring new meaning with
more mature understanding or you may discover something previously hidden that affects
you deeply. Expect another week or so of a hectic pace with lots of little surprises or
changes of direction. These may be more mental or emotional that physical, but are the
universe's way of pushing you along in the right direction so pay attention. Once again,
get those taxes done and check your investments for proper placement while the Sun and
Saturn are in your favor.
Today's New Moon is also an eclipse, which means themes initiated now will be in force
until the next one on September 22. The general flavor of New Moons is new beginnings.
The specific area of your life it will affect depends on which House it's in and any aspects it
makes to your Chart. You might want to consider that your conversations with yourself
have been deeper than usual lately and some adjustments are due. Your opinion of yourself
needs to be based on your own reality, not someone else's, so feel free to dump some of that
baggage and look forward instead of back. If you're in a relationship make sure that you're
seeing things clearly and not setting yourself up to be used in a big way, either sexually or
financially and also do a sanity check on your friends for sincerity and motives to the
contrary. If there's something you've been wanting to do like pursue a new hobby or even
start a family, now is a good time to get your plans in order. If you're involved in
bureaucratic hassles of any kind think through your side of the story thoroughly then don't
hesitate to "play politics" and call in favors from those that could help.
If you have the urge to indulge in a spring cleaning frenzy, go for it, but while you're
cleaning out those closets, consider what else you may need to eliminate from your life,
whether it be credit card debt, a bad habit or perhaps a person or situation. This won't
necessarily be easy, but your thinking is clearer than ever these days and you know what
your head is trying to tell you. Something needs to be changed and there's no time like the
present. Nonetheless, in spite of the fact your brain may be working, your heart is making
a fair bit of noise these days as well. Those idealized views of what a relationship should
be are well and good, but remember this is real life, not the movies or a romance novel so
make sure you understand what's going on before doing something drastic.
Copyright © 2006 by Valkyrie Industries. None of this information may be copied or transmitted in any
form, including electronically, other than in brief reviews or references, without the permission of the
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Valkyrie Astrology Daily Forecast
Friday is likely to be a miasma of feelings with your heart taking you in one direction and
your head, perhaps vainly, trying to take you somewhere else. While you're trying to look
at those idealistic aspirations without the rose-colored glasses and you know that if
something seems too good to be true, it usually is, there's still this overwhelming emotion
trying to make you believe that there really is an Easter Bunny afterall. Your sense of
responsibility even seems to be temporarily suspended. You're dreamy and energized and
ready to make some much-needed changes, yet for the life of you, you haven't got a clue
what they are. Not to worry, it's Friday so just chill out with your friends or maybe your
sweetie, rent a movie and let your subconscious do the work. All that crap going on
elsewhere in your life isn't going anywhere until Monday at least.
April Fool's Day and the Moon is messing with Pluto, though that blue line isn't necessary
an ominous aspect. Rather it usually means having to defend something, which in this case
could be making a case for something you want that someone or something doesn't want
you to have. The Moon and Venus aren't on very good terms, either, and it looks like you
need to be careful what you wish for, especially if it's something unconventional that could
turn on you in some way. Mars is still luring Venus and Neptune into some kind of a
partnership that may look pretty but be responsible and lookout for something lurking in
the background that could bite you later. Things are still hopping with plans likely to be
disrupted, but innovation is high and the ability to capture and communicate it effectively
in good shape.
Delusions of grandeur, especially on the relationship scene, are still likely and that person
you're ogling in typical spring fever fashion probably appears to be a whole lot better than
he/she actually is. There could be some real surprises at the emotional level so be cautious
and try to summon all the common sense you can. That will most likely be easier said than
done, however, since Saturn is out there in la-la land, minding its own business, albeit in
disgust, while all this foolishness is going on. Bear in mind that your judgment is probably
quite impaired and what all this adds up to is you might not only hate yourself in the
morning but for a long time after that if you're not careful. In other words, make sure you
don't issue any "user's licenses" and open yourself up to being taken advantage of in a big
Pluto is messing with the Moon, Mars and Venus, which should stimulate some deep soulsearching about what you're looking for in a relationship. Whatever your friends are telling
you is probably not entirely accurate, however, since they don't have all the facts. The
general feeling between the two of you is likely to be positive, but try to use your head as
well as your heart. Conversations are favored, though, so you should be able to have some
fruitful discussions that may actually change how you feel about something which will
make a big difference in your life. Saturn is still being a loner, however, so its energy is
not being channeled through these other influences. This "missing link" could cause you to
discount some of the basics of responsibility and not give a flip about what others think,
which may not be a good thing, so don't make any big decisions just yet.
Saturn has been stationing for the past several days, preparing to go posigrade again. It's
been retrograde since November, which is typical. That ringed giant spends 4-5 months/yr
in that condition, stifling progress, causing general delays and possibly causing problems
with authorities of some sort depending on where and how it's aspecting your Natal and
Progressed charts. The fact it hasn't been aspecting anything lately is probably a good
thing, except it will still be felt according to its house placement in your personal chart.
The Sun is the loner now, which could cause a bit of confusion, particularly for Aries.
Surprises and relationships are still in the news, so to speak, with the possibility of
deception strong, though this could easily relate to your circle of friends or work. You're
still mulling over lots of things but don't expect to find many answers today.
Wednesday's transits look like a game of Alien Invaders, if you're old enough to remember
back that far. The Moon is really after some action so expect a rather emotional day,
perhaps relating to family issues. You may also encounter some head-heart conflicts. The
Copyright © 2006 by Valkyrie Industries. None of this information may be copied or transmitted in any
form, including electronically, other than in brief reviews or references, without the permission of the
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Valkyrie Astrology Daily Forecast
time may have come to defend some of those conclusions you've reached lately, relative to
what you're going to do with your life and whether or not they're realistic. Remember it's
better to reach for the stars and drag your feet in the treetops than to reach for the treetops
and drag your feet in the mud. As far as realism is concerned, everyone needs a dream and
if we let them die part of us goes with them. Stick to your guns and do what you need to
do. Tell 'em I said so.
If you're a Pisces you've probably been having some pretty interesting days lately. Venus
just moved into your sign, which will give you even more charm to deal with everything,
which is probably a lot, most of it unexpected. Misunderstandings are still afoot for just
about everyone, particularly related to people at work. Finding accurate information just
isn't happening and it seems like everyone has an entirely different story. With the Moon
getting cozy with Saturn, you are likely to have some strong feelings about your
responsibilities, especially if you're an Aquarius, Taurus, Leo or Scorpio. There are some
definite power plays going on so figure out how they affect you and what your best course
of action is.
That near-perfect opposition between Pluto and Mars coupled with the other aspects is
likely to trigger a host of things. Some serious mental/ philosophical discussions are
possible that could tie into a power play at work, most likely by someone who has a lot of
confidence in their ideas. Your reaction to all this will probably be a bit emotional,
especially if you have to defend your own turf. If you're traveling, be extra careful. Make
sure your car is in good repair and you have accurate directions; for air travel, get to the
airport plenty early, make sure you have proper ID and the right amount of luggage. If
you're involved in some kind of legal or institutional issue, be prepared for some surprises.
Looks like a pretty interesting day.
Today should be another interesting day with all the planetary action going on and caution
should still prevail. If there's something out there that you really, really want, you need to
come up with some pretty strong rationale before you put out the money, or you'll be sorry
later. Your sense of responsibility is arguing with your psyche, which is only looking for
some reassurance that dreams do come true. Big surprises are still occurring, not all of
them good, but all are part of life. There is still a lot of mental energy stirring things up,
especially for Gemini's born after June 15. The recurring theme persists to take a long,
hard look at yourself and decide if you like what you see. If you're still not sure what you
want out of life, find yourself a quiet corner sometime and write your own obituary. What
it says will probably surprise you.
The Moon is still throwing some emotional energy at all those changes and surprises we've
been seeing lately, some of which have been pretty big. It's also likely that you've been
more emotionally involved than usual lately with some of your responsibilities and you
may have to justify some of your priorities, to yourself if no one else. Besides that, that
Mars-Pluto duel in progress is less than friendly. Think about it, the God of War and the
God of the Underworld facing off. That can spell anything from paying some serious
consequences for past misdeeds to major disruptions in travel itineraries. When these two
planets get together it's seldom good. Communications will be colored with a bit more
cynicism than usual also. All of this will probably make the imperfections in the world
seem a bit heavier than usual and you may find yourself daydreaming of a much more
pleasant existence.
That big red triangle is called a T-square and is generally not particularly good since all the
aspects are negative. Yesterday we had the God of War and the God of the Underworld in
a duel, which has now been joined by Mercury, which presides over communications of all
sorts. With all the continued changes and unexpected events going on, if you have a
temper you will need to keep close guard on it for the next few days. Emotions are still in
high gear and there is a lot of confusion on top of it, all of which can easily combine to a
major brawl of one sort or another. Be extra careful driving, i.e., don't incite anyone to
road rage no matter how much they deserve that gesture, and if you're trying to get across
Copyright © 2006 by Valkyrie Industries. None of this information may be copied or transmitted in any
form, including electronically, other than in brief reviews or references, without the permission of the
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Valkyrie Astrology Daily Forecast
an idea that is controversial in any way, expect some serious opposition. This will
definitely be a Monday with a capital "M".
Even if you really don't have a clue how to read a transit chart, if you look at today's, with
that big, red square with an "X" in the middle, it's gotta be intuitively obviously that it's not
particularly good. That combination of aspects is called a Grand Cross and whether you
look at it as two back-to-back T-Squares or two oppositions and four squares, there simply
ain't much to be happy about. Fortunately, since one of the components is the Moon, it will
move out quickly. There are a few positive elements there, for example the investment
scene doesn't look bad and your idealistic musings are probably still cranking away. On the
somewhat neutral side, your need to do something more satisfying is still sparring with
your sense of responsibility. But back to all that red, expect your communications to be
aggressive, emotional, misunderstood and possibly somewhat cynical so make every effort
to stay cool and be a peacemaker if at all possible.
Whew! At least that Grand Cross has moved on, making that T-Square a little easier to
deal with. Communications, particularly those that have anything to do with aggressive,
new ideas or power trips, will still be somewhat hostile. Accidents are also very likely so
keep that situational awareness high. You will probably be thinking a lot about your
relationships and any changes that need to be made. Now is a good time to move forward
with changes of a positive nature, but anything that involves controversy or is not viewed
favorably by the other party is likely to trigger a rather heated and emotional confrontation.
Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better, but before you deliberately
provoke an argument, make sure you know what you really want.
Full Moon today. To see what specific affect it has for your sign, see our Monthly
Horoscope. Remember that a Full Moon often marks the end of something so use it to
your advantage. That Pluto-Mars-Mercury T-Square is still in effect so if you've been
barking at people or they've been barking at you, that is probably why. The climate among
the folks you hang with has been a bit emotional and you probably wish that they'd just
learn to get along. Facing reality is often easier said than done, but facing the truth about a
situation will usually bring less pain in the long run than wishful thinking based on fantasy.
Now is a good time to get to the bottom of a situation you've been wondering about and
find out what's really going on and how you feel about it once and for all.
You're probably feeling more affectionate today than you have in a while but various
responsibilities will probably get in the way of expressing them as you'd like. That nasty
T-square is still messing with our ability to communicate properly, but since Mars changed
signs into Cancer, those stubborn undertones should diminish a bit and the focus shift from
material things to people issues. If you really put your mind to it you should be able to
identify what the real problem is and what you need to do to mitigate it. Try not to be too
idealistic, no matter how good it may sound, because if the solution is not based on a solid
foundation of practicality then the problem will not go away but will simply come back
later in a different form.
You're probably tired of everyone being so grumpy and all the whining and complaining
going on to say nothing of an occasional argument or worse. The offending T-Square is a
persistent little beggar, but it's gradually getting out of orb and will be gone in a few more
days. All of this dissatisfaction has probably motivated you to reassess your life and look
at making some changes, possibly big ones like going back to school, legal action of one
kind or another or maybe moving far, far away. Change is all well and good and maybe it's
exactly what you need to do, but make sure you look at it from all angles and consider other
solutions before doing something rash. Your sense of responsibility might be a bit
ungrounded with Saturn out there all alone, so just remember you have bills to pay.
Happy Easter from the cosmos as after all the red we've seen the last week or so, we're
finally seeing some green that looks pretty inviting! That big, green triangle is a Grand Fire
Trine and is likely to provide a nice little energy boost we can all use. Saturn could put a
bit of a damper on it, but hopefully it will just infuse a bit of responsibility in there so you
Copyright © 2006 by Valkyrie Industries. None of this information may be copied or transmitted in any
form, including electronically, other than in brief reviews or references, without the permission of the
copyright owner.
Valkyrie Astrology Daily Forecast
won't do anything foolish since the other components are the emotion-ridden Moon and
com-giant, Mercury. This combo probably spells a rather enthusiastic and realistic plan
you feel good about after all your ruminating the past few weeks. You'll have to present
your case convincingly to the relevant parties, so make sure you've got your facts straight.
Nonetheless, the aspects are in favor of some positive changes and your confidence should
be strong enough to make it so.
I don't know about you, but I'm sure ready for that Mars/Pluto/ Mercury crap to go away.
All that soul searching has been painful but any kind of surgery usually is. Bad news of
one kind or another has been a little too pervasive for weeks, so let's hope those Trines do
us some good. That T-Square has been particularly bad because we're less likely to filter
those caustic thoughts to a more tactful form before they spill out of our mouths to bite us
later in the butt. That Venus/Uranus conjunction just keeps stirring the pot with one
surprise after another, most of them unpleasant. Jupiter is trying to give them a lucky spin,
but it IS retrograde plus the Moon is doing everything it can to provoke a strong emotional
reaction. As if that's not enough, don't take anyone's advice about financial matters right
now without being absolutely sure it's the right thing to do. At least you know it's the
planets and not you....
At least the T-square is gone, but Mars and Pluto are still at it and are now joined by the
Moon, collectively exhuming emotional baggage for everyone. About all you can do is
brace yourself or if you must, go outside and flag your nose at the heavens. There may be
some lucky or seemingly pleasant changes, but they're likely to not be what they seem so
don't get too excited. You may get some well-deserved recognition at work or come up
with some creative solutions that you'll actually be able to sell to management. However,
there are likely to be some unpleasant conversations on the homefront unless you can
harness that energy in a constructive way. It might be a good time to finish that spring
cleaning or make a trip to Home Depot for some plants and flowers.
Things are looking a bit better, but delusions are still possible along with more surprises
that cause you to think real hard about life, finances and what your philosophy of life really
is. Mars is still aggravating Mercury, meaning you'll have to watch what you say so that
you're not more aggressive and possibly tactless than necessary. I haven't said too much
about Pluto and Jupiter being retrograde since they're not quite as obvious as Mercury in
that state, but they still have their effect. When planets are retrograde it's time to think
about things. Jupiter wants you to think about how much you're willing to sacrifice for
what you want and Pluto is giving you pause relative to your home life and place in society.
Just make sure you take off those rose colored glasses and look real hard before making
any big decisions.
The Sun moves into Taurus today, so all that Aries energy will diminish. If you have a
sudden urge to work on your yard, even if it's no more than putting a few potted plants on
your windowsill, that is probably why. At long last that Pluto-Mars opposition is out of
orb. This in itself is cause for celebration. Those two always spell trouble when they get
together and there has certainly been enough of it the past month or more. Mars is still in
cahoots with Mercury, making our communications energetic on the positive side and
aggressive on the negative side, but Saturn has jumped in and will lend a bit more restraint
and common sense. Dealing with personal baggage is still an issue with lots of surprises in
what we're finding, but this type of thing is essential to the maturity process and selfimprovement, like it or not.
You'll probably feel a bit pensive and under the weather today wondering yet again if your
life is on track. There are opportunities for change all around, but as good as they may
appear remember the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Make sure
you're getting all the facts, listen to your instincts and don't take what your friends say carte
blanche. Authority figures might give you a bit of trouble or other responsibilities may get
in the way of what you'd really like to do. So what's new, right? Discussions of a personal
nature are likely to go well with friends, giving you a chance to gripe and offload some of
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Valkyrie Astrology Daily Forecast
that cumulative stress. Just make sure that any discontent at home is expressed with as
much tact and diplomacy as possible or you’re likely to have a rather unpleasant day.
Things are looking better all the time, though there is still plenty of change going on. In
most cases it will be good, or ultimately turn out that way if handled properly.
Daydreaming about what you'd really like your life to be like , particularly as far as your
social life is concerned, may be on your mind, but those responsibilities just seem to keep
getting in the way. If you have the irresistible urge to tell someone off, especially your
boss or that cop that pulled you over for an expired registration sticker, make sure you
show proper respect for their authority even if their premise is lame or you could be rather
unhappy with the result. If you must protest, take it through the proper channels and you'll
fare much better in the long run.
Jupiter and Mars are busy today but at least the prevailing color isn't red. Positive changes
or happy surprises (for a change) are likely and some of that self-discovery we've all been
going through lately might actually be good. Fixing up the house whether it's delayed
spring cleaning or yard work will give you a good sense of satisfaction, so get to it now
when the aspects are favorable and before it gets too hot. Communications are still a bit
testy so keep that tact in place, but that should improve soon. Delusions are still a bit
troublesome, particularly in the investment area, so read that prospectus carefully before
giving anyone your life savings. Along similar lines, consider any large purchases
carefully. Make sure you can really afford it and that it's a need, not a want, or it might bite
you later.
Some of that baggage may be back for a short visit today, but it IS Monday so take it for
what it's worth. Maybe you should have gone into business for yourself a decade ago, but
maybe it's still not too late. You ain't dead yet, right? Yeah, I know, you have bills to pay,
but where there's a will there's a way. The time will pass anyway and it's up to you what
you do between now and then. There is no time like the present to commit to positive
change. Our little communication giant, Mercury, is free-floating today, which could make
your efforts to communicate a bit distracted as well, so make sure you listen carefully and
read the fine print on anything important. Your energy level should be reasonably high
today so use it wisely.
Change, change, change. Has the last month been a trip or what? Those delusions, some of
them big ones, persist, so don't let your guard down just yet. You may have to defend some
of your recent revelations such as your plan for financial independence and world
domination, but you can do it! You're a responsible person and you'll meet your
obligations, even if they conflict with what you REALLY want to do. Today is a good day
to work around the house or yard to use some of that excess energy in a productive way.
There is no better time to think than when you're puttering, so go for it and pay attention.
You really do have the right to be happy but no one can make it so other than you. Beam
me up, Scotty just ain't reality.
If you've been having money problems lately maybe it's time to admit that it's not your
income but your outgo that's the problem. See where you can cut back and do the math.
That $3/day you spend on foo-foo coffee could be used to bring down those credit card
balances a lot quicker. Your intuition is likely to be strong today so be sure to use it,
particularly relative to any get-rich-quick schemes. You still are fairly ambitious around
the house, but your kids may be really demonstrating in spades why some animals eat their
young. Your creativity might not be doing too well these days and your love life probably
isn't too great, either. You can blame the planets all you want but make sure you
understand where your choices really fit in.
New Moon today. That usually means a new beginning, which we can all use from time to
time. Responsibilities versus pleasures are still duking it out yet there is a part of us that
wants to be happy and is willing to work for it. We're more sure of ourselves now that
we're willing to stand up for our rights, but a bit of doubt remains whether we really have
our ducks in a row or not. Positive change begins in our mind and it's finally starting to
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Valkyrie Astrology Daily Forecast
sink in. There still might be a few misconceptions out there that are probably associated
with "group think" and some of the people around us, but it might finally be time to move
on. Just be sure you don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. A positive change
doesn't always mean clearing the slate, just erasing parts here and there.
There's another one of those dreaded T-squares but fortunately one element is the Moon
which will quickly move on. Until it does expect to do some daydreaming of a much more
idyllic environment than you now enjoy. Question is what does it take to make it reality?
That Pluto-Venus thing is getting really old and it's definitely not helping relationships.
Pluto retrograde is similar to a backhoe excavating your past and rather than seeing things
through rose colored glasses it's more like night vision goggles with the scenery about as
pleasing as digging up a graveyard. Don't be too hard on yourself, however, or too quick to
turn your back on everything you've worked so hard to achieve. Pick through the rubble a
bit before trashing everything or you may find you got rid of the one thing worth keeping.
Relationship challenges and disappointments are still in the air, but positive change on the
homefront is, also. Change always starts deep inside us so you may need to look for it, but
it's there. Sometimes responsibilities can seem a bit onerous, but the real trick is to keep
them in proper perspective. If we did nothing but play all the time we'd get pretty bored.
The Sun and Jupiter are looking each other square in the eye which could mean an
opportunity is looking right at you. Take a good hard look and see what's out there.
There's a message there for you somewhere, even if it's your subconscious telling you to
listen to that bit of inspiration you keep telling to shut up.
That's a pretty busy looking chart but that big green triangle a.k,a. Grand Water Trine looks
like a good thing to me. There's actually more green out there than red for a change, so
maybe things are about to improve! Woo hoo! Looks to me like Mars/ Uranus/ Jupiter are
joining forces to precipitate a positive change. The energy is there (Mars), the growth is
there (Jupiter), the motivation is there (Uranus). Other than that, we also have vision
(Neptune), introspection (Pluto), and the emotional need (Moon) to move on. So what are
you waiting for? Saturn even had the good grace to step out of the way so you wouldn't get
all tangled up in your obligations when you make the decision that could change your life
for the better once and for all. So what are you waiting for dumbass?
I guess it wouldn't be a Monday if there weren't something out there that sucked. Thus, the
T-Square is back, but again involving the Moon so it will be of short duration. As you can
probably guess, it's messing with relationships, which, by the way, includes ALL
relationships, not just the romantic kind. So work or family could be targets as well,
though with Venus involved it implies people you care about. Deep and probing
conversation is likely and you may find out something you didn't know before. It's likely to
have an emotional impact, but the aspects are positive so hopefully it will make you feel
better. Sometimes our imagination is our own worst enemy and is always a larger vehicle
of deception than truth. That positive change Grand Water Trine is still there, which is a
good thing. Change takes energy, emotion and an opportunity and it looks like it's all there.
What we have today is rather nice for a change. Jupiter is still looking the Sun square in
the eye, which could mean a big opportunity is still under your nose in case you haven't
recognized it yet. The Grand Water Trine is still there which hopefully means those
changes are coming into your life. Another nice aspect out there today is that little green
triangle which is called a Sextile Pattern. It's not as strong at the Grand Trine but nice
nonetheless, particularly since the two of them have formed a kite. This will give those
changes even more focus and be especially strong if your birthday occurs roughly between
April 29 - May 5. Saturn is still minding his own business, which ain't a bad thing. Maybe
things are getting better after all.
That nice Grand Water Trine is still there as well as the Sextile Pattern that we talked about
yesterday. The Moon, Venus and Saturn are having a friendly conversation that will
probably bring about a variety of feelings related to the people in your life you care most
about and how they fit into your responsibilities. However, if you try to talk these out
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Valkyrie Astrology Daily Forecast
you're likely to not be able to make the other person understand what you're trying to say.
Venus and Pluto are squared off which could also throw a speed bump or two as you see a
few things you missed before and try to justify them, either to yourself or others. Neptune
is minding his own business, which should help minimize illusions. Overall it looks like a
pretty decent day.
Now that is what I call a really nice looking chart. The only red is that Sun-Jupiter
opposition, which is more than likely something good since our Jovian friend is usually a
benefic planet regardless of aspect. Those opportunities for change should have shown
themselves by now so you need to be thinking about them real hard. Pluto and Mercury are
in cahoots, which should help you get in touch with your subconscious while the Moon and
Saturn are neck in neck, helping put those responsibilities in the proper perspective.
Today's transits are really quite nice and you need to apply them the best you can. But
being a Capricorn, I need to tell you the bad news, i.e., they may be throwing aspects to
your own Natal or Progressed Chart that are not quite as friendly so if your day is less than
stellar it doesn't mean that the planets lied.
If you look closely you'll see that all that nice green is still there but the red is back from its
brief holiday and ready to mess with you. Neptune and the Moon are giving each other the
eye but what these two usually stir up is not necessarily reality so take it with a very large
grain of salt. This is exacerbated by the fact that Neptune is also square the Sun. What this
means to you is to not get your panties in a wad over events that really aren't as bad as they
may seem. Remember these are global transits that affect everyone, so if you overreact
you can bet your sweet bippy that the other party will reciprocate with an equal and
opposite reaction you may not like. In plain English, the overall theme for today is for
folks to react emotionally to issues that they're not seeing clearly. These are likely to
involve either a close family member or significant other, based on the Natural 5th House
placement of the Moon. So turn on your logic radar and use it.
It's Saturday at last and more than likely you don't have as much energy as you'd hoped for
today. You won't feel like tackling any Herculean projects but puttering around the house
is likely to make you feel good, especially if you take on some of those little repairs or
improvements you've been putting off. Not seeing things entirely as they really are is still
likely but at least Pluto is taking a bit of a vacation so you shouldn't be quite as pessimistic.
That Grand Water Trine is in very tight aspect today so those changes you've been
considering are likely to be vying for your attention. Keep your eyes open because the
Universe has a way of lighting the path for you if you just pay attention. If you haven't
done so for a while, call your mother. If you can't, at least think about some of the lessons
she taught you.
If you've been paying attention at all to that Grand Trine you'll notice that the Sextile
Pattern is now on another side. The Moon is at the center of a lot of activity and really
sending out energy in numerous directions. You may find that you are more emotionally
attached to something than you thought, which makes it even harder to change those things
you've been thinking about the last month or so. Your conversations with yourself and
others are likely to be on the serious side but your head and heart are trying to converge on
a decision. Your instincts aren't quite as vocal as you'd like, but at least Pluto is still
minding his own business and not playing devil's advocate. When all else fails make a
balance sheet of the pros and cons. Include the emotional impact, too. (That means you,
Earth Signs!)
If there's such a thing as a perfect world, it sure as hell wouldn't include Mondays. All our
planetary friends are in for a piece of the action today. That inner restlessness is still there,
tempting us to break away but before we do so entirely we need to take off those Neptune
induced rose-colored glasses. Who and what are you and what is your place in the
universe, anyway? Retrograde Pluto is homing in on your emotions and causing you to
question just about everything these days from your political ideologies to your career
choices to your partner or lack thereof to your need to get going on a fitness regime. More
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Valkyrie Astrology Daily Forecast
than likely you know someone who's graduating these days. What do you need to graduate
from? Think about it.
Here's another transit chart that looks like a game of alien invaders, though Pluto seems to
have dropped out again, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Jupiter seems to be at the
center of things today and you're likely to be feeling your oats and have no problem
expressing yourself regarding your feelings and wants. You really want to do the right
thing, yet you're less than enchanted with the self-sacrifice required. Neptune is throwing a
bit of idealism your way, which is not making it any easier to see reality. The Moon is in
the natural 7th House of relationships directly Opposite Venus and tied into Com-giant,
Mercury, as well, which should make for some interesting discussions relative to what
makes a relationship worth it and what tips the balance the other way.
Pluto is still a not-so-innocent bystander while Neptune couples with the Moon and Sun,
making for some energetic defense of your needs and beliefs of an emotional nature. If you
won't look out for yourself no one else will, yet you're likely to be just a tad egocentric.
Before you chuck too many boulders at the people in your life, whether at home or the
workplace, consider that maybe your demands are a little bit excessive. If you have a
creative streak, it's most likely blossoming right now and your determination to see it
through to completion is relatively high. Remember that creativity takes many forms but
ultimately relates to self-expression, which is required for a healthy psyche. Before you
blast those around you with a 20 kiloton nuclear bomb relative to what you "need", take
some time off for renewal via creative expression. You may not need as much from others
as you thought.
Jupiter is still where the action is with Uranus a close second. Emotions and energy are
still in high gear with most of it centered on your private life. If there's anything amiss in
that area your stress level has risen accordingly. With Pluto still minding his own business
you're more likely to take action than just obsess on it. This is all well and good, but
Neptune could throw a few considerations your way you don't want to hear, most likely
related to a perfect world you know does not exist. You may feel taken advantage of and
like no one gives a rodent's derriere about your side of the story. While that's probably not
entirely true, everyone is a little defensive these days and likely to be more egocentric than
Whoa! If you think you're seeing double, you're not alone. The Moon and Jupiter are
dancing today and really kicking up that Grand Water Trine a notch. They look pretty
outside as well, if you'd like to take a look. Water signs are already emotional enough but
throw the Moon into that mix and you have some serious emotional involvement. If you
haven't already taken the hint of what you need to be doing, this ought to give you that final
kick in the buttocks. Note the sextile pattern is back between Uranus (change/surprise
events), Mercury (communications), and Mars (energy/aggression). This with the double
Moon-Jupiter whammy ought to get you off dead center once and for all. Ego, emotion,
energy and a tad of responsibility toward your loved ones--do the math. Pluto is still
sitting on the sidelines which is good, but look out for that Neptune-Sun-Moon T-Square
that could be a bit too idealistic for this world. As Obi Wan Kenobi would say, Listen to
your feelings.....
It's Full Moon time again and there's no telling what this one will bring. What it does for
you will depend largely on which House Scorpio represents on your chart. The Grand
Trine is still there, but just about ready to slip away so if you haven't made your decision
yet the impetus may fade with it though that sextile pattern created by
Mars/Mercury/Uranus may give you the final nudge you need. That Sun/Moon/Neptune TSquare could be giving you ideas about buying something you've dreamed about for a long
time. Before you indulge yourself, make sure you can afford it and that it's not "comfort"
buying. Six months down the road those big fat payments may be a major pain. Saturn is
taking a break which will make it all the easier to make a frivolous purchase, so if you're
broke already, stay home and don't tempt yourself into a purchase that could bite you later.
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Our Grand Trine is gone and now we have a disorganized mess. Actually, the only thing
that dropped out was the energy boost, but it could make it harder to implement whatever
decision you've been struggling with the past month or so. All those blue lines are
quincunx aspects that usually mean you have to defend something. There are a bunch of
them with the Sun, Neptune, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Pluto involved. If any of those are
your ruling planet you'll feel the impact via a bit of resistance, either within or without. In
a nutshell, you're still doing some soul searching, are ready for some changes, have the
energy to make it so and whatever decision you're working on affects both your
work/career and personal life. Saturn is still on holiday, which could result in throwing
caution to the wind, but this is not always a bad thing.
There's a lot of black and blue out there, meaning you're going to really have to come up
with some good rationale for what you want to do. The convincing may be for yourself or
others, but you're going to feel that Pluto-Moon conjunction, particularly if you're a Scorpio
or Cancer. With both of them in Sagittarius, you're likely to be doing some serious soulsearching regarding whether what you want and feel is really the right thing to do. Pluto is
retrograde which means it's time to think and plan. Neptune is square both Mercury and the
Sun, you may have one foot in a dream world, especially with Saturn still on holiday.
Jupiter is also retrograde, so remember that those thoughts of change are still at the
consideration stage versus taking action.
If I were to summarize what's out there today in a single word it would probably be
justification. Most likely there's something you want to change or do but you just can't
seem to see the way to get there. Maybe there's something standing in the way that you
can't in good conscience cast aside. Maybe you're beating yourself up and thinking you
don't deserve it. Maybe you're being unrealistic. Maybe there's someone getting in your
face who really doesn't have your best interests at heart telling you to forget it. Maybe you
just can't express the entire concept in a way others can understand. Whatever it may be
holding you back, Uranus is still hooked up with Jupiter, which is going to make you view
the status quo with a critical eye. And the only one who can change it is you.
The Sun and Mercury are all lovey-dovey, making you want to be heard, with a bit of extra
incentive coming from the Moon and Pluto. None of the aspects are negative, but there
will be a significant emotional element involved as well as some old ideals that you feel
strongly about but others tend to discount. Neptune is probably feeding your opinions an
extra shot of idealism that you are likely to express with a bit more energy and emotion
than necessary. Homefront discussion with your significant other may be a little tense and
common sense may not be all that common with Saturn still off in la-la land. Those Big
Change/Surprise vibes are still there but could relate more to changes within yourself
versus anything material. On the other hand, Jupiter in the Natural 8th House isn't really a
bad thing. I'm not saying you might win the lotto, but if that aspect hit your natal chart just
right, you never know.
What you want to do versus what you should do may be facing off today. Your ability to
express yourself is heightened, but the rationale driving your thoughts could be perceived
as a little forceful and could turn off those who could possibly help. Rather than relying
too much on logic, make sure you express clearly why it's the right thing to do for all
concerned. Mars in the Natural 4th House makes getting your home environment exactly
where you want an urgent matter, but your efforts seem to be in vain. First of all, make
sure that your goals are realistic and shared by those you expect to help. Likewise,
recognize that Venus and Neptune in sextile could be throwing a bit of laziness into the
equation that is squared off against your ambitions. This, too, shall pass.
Thanks to that Sun/Mercury conjunction being tied in with Pluto, don't be surprised if you
have the urge to bare your soul today, perhaps to explain why you behave the way you do.
The Moon and Neptune are also conjoined and tied in with Mars, which will add a fair
amount of heartfelt idealism, and Venus, which may make you want to sing a few choruses
of "We are the World." Saturn is on holiday again, and most likely you'd prefer to be, too,
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with work and pleasure each vying for your attention. At least it's Friday so hopefully
you'll have a few days off to chill out and think about everything that's been going on the
last month or so. Rest assured it's not just you, the world has been pretty weirded-out
That Pisces Moon is an emotional one and throwing its influence in various directions
today. It's squaring that Sun-Mercury conjunction, which will definitely make
communications more emotional than usual. Topics could include purchases or something
to do with existing possessions, but expect a plethora of ideas that may make it difficult to
focus on the real issue. Mars and Venus are still squared-off, also, which usually doesn't
bode very well for male-female relationships of all sorts, though it can also relate to work/
ambition versus pleasure/ relaxation as well. At least Pluto, the king of obsessions, is
taking a break. Maybe you should, too. At least plan one soon so you have something to
look forward to.
The Sun moved into Gemini today and is dancing with Mercury in the Natural 3rd House,
stirring up all sorts of mental stimulation. That sextile link with Saturn will put a serious
spin on it, however, with the focus perhaps on whether your future is as secure as you'd
like. It's placement in the Natural 5th House could emphasize concern for your offspring,
whether literally or figuratively, i.e. either your children or creative endeavors. Mars is
busy as usual, throwing some extra energy at Venus, the Moon and Neptune, which taken
all together with the Sun and Mercury's antics, could be making you really think hard about
what you want to be when you grow up. At least Pluto is still staying out of it all so your
considerations should be unclouded by too much ruminating on past mistakes or being
motivated by power.
The entire Solar System is in for a piece of the action today and the aspects are
predominantly positive. Yeah, I know, it's about time, but it IS Monday, so how good can
it be? That Venus - Mars square is nearly exact so if there is any trouble afoot, that's
probably what's to blame. Venus in Aries, the Natural 1st House, will give a hankering for
attention, love and comfort while Mars in Cancer, the Natural 4th House, will conflict with
that by throwing some energy toward fixing up your home environment. Factor in a dose
of responsibility from Saturn and the Moon and you'll probably do something like mow the
lawn even though you'd rather be inside w/a cold beer. With Pluto and Neptune throwing
some deep, introspective idealism at Venus, you'll probably visualize landscaping with lots
of rocks or some other means to avoid all that drudgery.
That is what I call a short and sweet transit chart. The Moon is void of course, meaning it's
not aspecting anything, which usually means nothing will come to completion during that
time. Neptune is minding his own business so reality should be in fairly good focus,
perhaps too much so. There are so many projects you need to get started on you hardly
know where to begin. There are things to do around the house, activities with the kids, and
on top of that you really need to look at your finances. There are investment opportunities
out there that you're missing for lack of paying attention. It may be hard to concentrate on
any one thing today, but make a list while it's fresh in your mind. If that's all you
accomplish today you're really not doing too badly.
Pluto has really been messing with us lately, unearthing all sorts of trash and baggage from
our past that is really making us wonder if we have an ounce of sense. The good news is
that, while this is likely to continue for a while, the lessons learned from this 20:20
hindsight are really a good thing. If we don't learn from our mistakes we're doomed to
repeat them, so listen up. Therefore, if you meet someone who seems inordinately
charismatic, remember if you've been there before and act accordingly. Saturn and
Neptune are sitting this one out, which cuts back on the onerous sense of responsibility and
delusions, respectively. The male-female thing is still slightly out of kilter, but on the
positive side your brain should be working relatively well, even if you're the only one who
thinks so.
Looks like another game of Space Invaders with Neptune still minding his own business
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over there in the Natural 11th House. Everyone else, however, is really stirring the pot.
Don't be surprised if you have the sudden urge to spend some of your hard-earned money in
a big way on something you think you really, really want. However, good sense is likely to
jump in just in time. Work and pleasure are still not cooperating with one another and
some of that deep introspection into past deeds is likely to continue for a while longer. Just
remember that whatever you did, at the time you had a reason, even if it doesn't stand the
test of time. Find the lesson you need to learn to avoid an encore and move on.
Hopefully you got past yesterday's temptation to buy something big on credit that you
really thought you needed. If not, maybe it's still not too late to take it back. Those head
versus heart arguments are always a nuisance, but when money is involved you're usually
better off going with your head. Or ask one of your friendly Earth Signs for advice.
Expect some surprising news today, whether by learning something new and unexpected or
even seeing a side of yourself you didn't know was there. Retrograde Neptune is still going
solo in Aquarius, the Natural 11th House. This could cause some disconnected albeit
idealistic thoughts relative to your friends or workplace. If anything that seems like a good
idea but doesn't really make sense flits by, write it down. In a day or two it might be the
perfect solution.
The New Moon occurred in Gemini just after midnight this morning. This is the Natural
3rd House of intelligence and should sharpen your mental acumen, perhaps eliciting
something you hadn't thought of before. It's tied in with Saturn, so your bright idea may
have something to do with advancing your career or how to carry out a responsibility in a
different manner than in the past. You're still needing a break you haven't taken yet and
just about the time you decide to indulge yourself something is bound to come along that
will mess it up. You may encounter a challenge today from someone on a real power trip
such as an over-zealous cop or other authority figure. If you're an Aries or Scorpio make
an extra effort to guard your temper.
Pluto is really out for blood today, but what else would you expect from the god of the
underworld? That devious slimeball is messing with your emotions in a deep and probing
way that will be less than pleasant if any of your relationships are out of order. Your
communications with others are likely to be brilliant maybe even inspired, but possibly
more caustic than necessary, especially those of a philosophical nature. If you're traveling
make sure everything is in order BEFORE you leave and pay attention; definitely do NOT
do something stupid like driving under the influence on the deadliest holiday weekend of
the year. Power struggles on the homefront are also likely as well as some unexpected
Pluto is still misbehaving but in a slightly less emotional way than yesterday. Nonetheless,
since it's retrograde, it's more of a time to think and plan than take action, so don't expect
any resolution for a while. Neptune trining Mercury may trigger some interesting
conversations pertaining to your social circle, but as always when Neptune is involved,
don't lose touch with reality. No matter how nice it sounds if it's too idealistic it can cause
a lot of disappointment in the real world. That Mars - Venus square in the Natural 2nd and
4th houses could aggravate family matters of a monetary nature and could get emotional
before they're resolved. Resistance is futile if your position is flawed so just admit it and
do the right thing.
Whatever it is you'd like to be doing, most likely you're going to encounter a lot of
resistance. Obstacles are everywhere and frustrations abound. One moment you think your
hopes and dreams are alive and well, the next they're taking a real beating. Whatever you
do don't let them die. Try not to be too defensive or caustic in defending them, but trust in
your inalienable right to happiness. While your responsibilities may seem overwhelming
right now, there are solutions out there you haven't thought of yet. If you owe anyone
money you are likely to be reminded of it, possibly just about the time that tax refund you
filed at the last minute hits your mailbox.
Venus is taking several pot shots (actually squares) at Mars, the Moon, and Saturn which
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Valkyrie Astrology Daily Forecast
should definitely have some impact on your possessions coupled with home issues,
including the kids. It looks to me as if something of value that you care about could break
down or get broken so it might not be a good day to hand over the car keys to that teenaged
driver. Also make sure any rowdiness stays outside where it belongs. Pluto is in cahoots
with Mercury and Mars meaning your subconscious and conscious minds are likely to have
conflicting views today and you may discover something about yourself that takes you by
surprise. Also, new graduates could be a handful right now with arguments relative to
living at home and going to junior college versus going away to school. There are merits to
either so listen carefully to both sides before you decide who's on the power trip.
Even if you don't know squat about astrology you can probably tell those transits don't look
very friendly. The single, green trine is the only positive thing there and it's nearly out of
orb. The Sun is squaring Uranus, which could bring a few surprises your way, perhaps of a
mental or psychological nature or make you give some serious thought to some major
changes. Perhaps you'll finally see something you'd missed before or have a new insight
into a situation. That Moon opposite Neptune will contribute quite heavily to your thoughts
today by making you quite idealistic and giving even more punch to the emotional side of
things. Your communications are likely to be tainted with power struggles and there's
some serious potential for financial issues. All in all, it does not look like a very good day.
Just bear in mind that you're going to be inclined to overreact to just about everything so try
to remember that things may not be as bad as they seem.
Other than that T-square (red triangle) things look a little bit better than yesterday. Then
again, maybe not. It looks like there could be some problem relative to your possessions
that is going to cost you money. Possibly a lot, meaning you may be taking out a loan you
hadn't planned on. Communications are still tainted by Pluto which will make solving
those financial problems even more difficult. Thoughts of the past will be particularly
emotional and you're likely to be way too hard on yourself for any past mistakes. That itty
bitty green triangle is trying to improve things, but don't hold your breath since all it's really
doing it is throwing even more emotion your way coupled with a touch of Mars. My guess
is all this crap is going to hit on the homefront so calling in sick won't even help. You have
my sincerest condolences. Remember these transits hit us all, myself included! I just call
'em like I see 'em.
Ugh! As if the last few days haven't been bad enough, now we have TWO T-squares out
there. That Moon - Sun - Uranus one could be anything from some surprising news from
your parents to some innovative idea related to work or even an unexpected health issue.
At any rate, expect to be surprised by SOMETHING. The other one involves Venus Saturn and Jupiter and is still hanging around from yesterday. So if you escaped some big
crisis involving your belongings then it's still too soon to assume you dodged the bullet. If
you have a commission based job, however, it might be a good day because there will be
lots of folks out there shopping to replace the defunct item! Venus is trining that Virgo
Moon which should help shoppers find something they like and have an eye for detail,
which could help avoid further problems in the future.
Well, at least we got rid of that second T-square, but the persistence of that other one is
going to be felt. If your finances aren't going very well these days you can blame the
planets. They make rather good scapegoats and shaking your fist at them is much more
humane than kicking the poor dog. It's definitely not a perfect world, but all you can
control is your little corner of it. We really weren't born to be miserable and if you are then
changes may be in order. Just make sure you're factoring some logic into your decisions,
then look yourself square in the eye in the mirror and be honest with yourself. Do your
circumstances need to change or do you? Mars is taking it easy today which could
definitely contribute to a lazy day so take advantage of it to do some serious thinking about
where you want to be a year from now. Then remember every journey starts with a single
The stars and planets may not have been particularly friendly lately, but for those of you
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Valkyrie Astrology Daily Forecast
into stargazing that Mars/Saturn conjunction is visible with Mercury about to join them in a
little over a week. Go here for more information. That Uranus-Sun square may really
make you think hard about making some changes, either to your way of thinking or perhaps
deeper than that. That T-square we've been watching for several days now is generally
about money, but it could also relate to how you earn it. That coupled with some
motivation for change might be worth considering. The Sun is trining Neptune, which will
touch your thoughts with a bit of idealism and that Mercury - Moon square will make your
communications a tad more emotional than usual, especially on the homefront.
Whoa! Look at that date! Kinda makes me want to ignore it, like the 13th floor on a
building! Looks like the birthday for Rosemary's Baby, eh? Anyone born on this day in
1940 will really be throwing some 6's around, and I don't mean playing Yahtzee, either!
Ok, enough of the banter. But 6/6/06 only comes once a century so enjoy it while it lasts!
Our T-square is still hanging in there and since the subject planets move relatively slowly it
will be there a while longer. Hang onto your wallet, take care of your stuff and think about
whether the job you're in is right for you. On the positive side we have a nice Grand Air
Trine involving the Sun, Moon and Neptune. Air signs love to communicate but it looks
like this one could involve integrating something into your life that your head, heart and
ideals can all agree on. Maybe it involves a career change, a relationship or simply
deciding to appreciate what you have and take life less seriously. (It may not spell w-o-r-ld p-e-a-c-e but it could on a personal level and sounds better than Armageddon.)
Your money may still be burning a hole in your pocket, and whatever it is you want,
whether you need it or not, it's looking mighty good. Saturn is throwing a fair amount of
common sense at it, however, so think long and hard before you take on another debt.
When you think about it as just another bill to pay it may look a lot less appealing. An
attitude adjustment of some sort is probably in order, so listen to your intuition. That Libra
Moon is having a bit of a confrontation with Mars over there in Leo, which could seriously
impair your sense of fairness. That Moon - Pluto sextile will be short-lived but will
perhaps unearth something or someone from your past that will give you something to
think about. Just be sure you think hard enough to find the message before you dismiss it.
No, there's nothing wrong with your eyes or monitor, but it certainly looks like it. The
Moon and Jupiter are conjoining in Scorpio and throwing aspects in a big way. Mars and
Saturn are hooking up, too, and make for some nice stargazing. If you are in a serious
relationship and been thinking of popping the question, it looks like this would be a suitable
time. Pluto is even minding his own business, which can't hurt. Emotions are likely to be
running in high gear, Mercury is giving your communications an A-OK, and change,
possibly a big one, is definitely in the air. Your head may offer some resistance, but deep
inside you know what you need to do. As Obi Wan Kenobi used to say, "Listen to your
We have a Grand Water Trine out there today, even though it's a bit weak, i.e. the orbs are
pretty wide (that's what HE said...). Water trines are generally emotional and this one
implies a change, perhaps a big one, in how you present yourself, so it's actually somewhat
of a transformation, which is further reinforced by the Pluto - Sun trine, also a wide orb.
Thus, what we have are nudges compared to kicks in the butt, but aspects with these themes
have been coming at us for quite a while now. None of us is perfect and there's no one I
know that couldn't benefit from some well-placed change, whether in their attitude, habits,
circumstances, or environment. So what do you need to change about your life to be
happier? And what are you waiting for?
Now that's a mighty interesting looking chart. See the kite pattern? That's a pretty nice
aspect with our Grand Water Trine from the other day now combined with a sextile pattern.
If you just count the green lines versus the red you can see the good guys have the bad guys
outnumbered two to one! If you didn't pop the big question the other day, today is even
better since Venus is now in the loop. If this happens to be your wedding day (after all it IS
June...) it should be a really great day with even the heavens smiling on you! The Moon,
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Valkyrie Astrology Daily Forecast
Full Moon
which is on its way to being full tomorrow, is trining that Mars - Saturn conjunction which
will give you some serious determination toward your responsibilities. That Sun - Neptune
trine is nearly exact and should make for a great day with friends and family. There may be
a surprise or two and Pluto may unearth something from your past but overall it looks like a
really pleasant day.
Full Moon today, right about the time you're chilling out after lunch. It's mighty close to
Pluto which could throw some major introspection, guilt trips or other psychological
forensic activity your way. Security issues and feeling as if there just ain't quite enough to
get by on are likely, especially if you're still getting over (or perhaps indulged) that
urge/need to spend some money that was going around the other day. It might be a good
time to give your investments a sanity check with Jupiter in Scorpio (Natural 8th House
that includes other people's money) opposing Venus in Taurus (Natural 2nd House of
possessions). Unexpected events have abounded lately, not all of them pleasant. Up until
today the Sun has been squaring Uranus, in fact had it in the crosshairs, and chaos and
insanity was everywhere. I saw it, folks, but tried to be optimistic and didn't want to scare
you. Hopefully it's over, at least for a while.
That Grand Water Trine is still around dripping with change, loaded conversations and
possibly opportunity, though it could also bring news of some sort, hopefully of a positive
nature, especially with the Sun - Venus - Uranus sextile pattern. Neptune and Venus are
squared off, so make sure you don't believe everything you see or hear too readily. The
Sun and Pluto will be in opposition for the next week or so, which is likely to stir up some
more of the past, but with the Sun in Gemini hopefully you'll be able to find the lesson and
be done with it once and for all. Mars and Saturn are nearly conjoined, which you can
actually see if the sky is clear, but they could be revving up a bit of rebellion against
authority of some sort, whether it's your boss, your mortgage company or the IRS. Just
make sure you have your facts straight before you push too hard.
You're likely to get some surprising news today, hopefully of a positive nature. That Moon
trine Venus, which is nearly exact, should have a positive effect on relationships, with any
related conversations probably of a fairly practical nature. There's a chance of being too
idealistic and expecting too much, however, and the conversation could get emotional.
Reflecting on past mistakes is likely, thanks to Pluto, and I really don't like that double
square from Jupiter to that Mars - Saturn conjunction. That smells like some kind of major
breakdown or clash with authority to me that you're not going to like. Even though Jupiter
is usually friendly, the other two usually aren't, like Uranus has been lately, as evidenced by
the hectic and disruptive events we've seen the last week or so. Hopefully, whatever mess
is afoot, the ultimate outcome will be positive. Be vigilant and cross your fingers.
Try not to expect too much from the world these days or you're likely to be disappointed.
Idealism is nice in theory but seldom reality. The Moon is opposite that Mars - Saturn pair,
which in turn is squared off with Jupiter. Hopefully it won't be as bad as last week when
the Sun was squaring Uranus and kicking it hard, my own included. How many surprises
and train wrecks did you encounter? Mars and Saturn are equally malevolent if not more
so, and while things may be slightly less hectic, these aspects are NOT good. It looks like
major shakeups and your reaction will be much more emotional than necessary, probably
because you still haven't recovered from last week. Murphy's Law is written in the heavens
lately and declaring that anything than can go wrong will go wrong. Hang tight.
That's a rather nondescript looking chart but you'll notice that the red rather sneakily
outnumbers the green. Seems like that's been the story of our lives lately. Uranus has been
quite a pain the last week or so, but hopefully this time it will be good news. The Moon is
converging with Neptune in the Natural 11th House of friends, hopes and wishes. This will
most likely highlight some memorable events, but that square they're throwing to Venus
concerns me just a bit. The Moon and both planets tend toward the emotional but they're
usually not malefic, but it looks like it could result in some kind of disagreement or choice
regarding who you hang with. Pluto and the Sun are going to be looking each other in the
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Valkyrie Astrology Daily Forecast
eye for another week or so, which will be dredging up the past and possibly events or
people you'd prefer to forget. That Mars - Saturn conjunction could mean a clash with
authority of some sort, especially if you're trying to borrow money. Just remember what
your grandmother used to tell you about getting more flies with honey than vinegar.
The Moon is void of course, which means that most likely nothing of any import is going to
come to fruition today. That Sun - Pluto opposition is exact for all intents and purposes, so
expect some cerebral regurgitation, particularly with Pluto retrograde. Whatever you failed
to learn in the past is giving you a second chance and the sooner you figure it out the better.
That Mars - Saturn conjunction is mighty close and squaring Jupiter, which is probably
challenging your view of the world, who's in charge, where you're headed and what it's all
about. Clashes with authority figures are likely. Venus, Neptune and Mercury are in kind
of a weird configuration. If you're viewing a relationship thru rose-colored glasses it's
probably time to talk about it.
Not much has changed since yesterday except the Moon and Uranus are in pretty close
quarters and as much fun as I could have with that one, I'll leave it alone. Uranus has been
a real cosmic hemorrhoid lately and an encounter with the Moon is likely to make you
moody and unpredictable, especially if you're a Cancer or Aquarius, so be on the lookout
for meltdowns today, either you own or others. That Sun - Pluto opposition will be
exhuming something from your past for the next week or so. Pluto transits, especially
when it's retrograde, are grueling at best and excruciating at worst. If your birthday is
around June 11-21 this unenviable aspect will be in your Solar Return chart and effective
all year. All I can say is brace yourself for a psychological autopsy.
Uh, oh. That red triangle, known as a T-square, is not a pretty sight. The Sun (your ego),
the Moon (your emotions) and Pluto (either a power trip or those things inside you really
rather not face) are at war today. Delusions or dissatisfaction of some sort relative to a
relationship are likely and most likely you'll be trying to justify your position, to yourself if
no one else. Pluto is likely to force you to face the truth, however, which may not be what
you want to hear. Saturn and Mars are still in cahoots with one another and squared off
with Jupiter, which means a clash between ambition and responsibility may be escalating as
well. The good news is that Uranus is sitting this one out and that pitiful little green sextile
may at least help you talk it out.
That blue pointer is called a Yod and usually means a choice needs to be made. It could
mean anything from deciding between two relationships to whether to buy that big leather
chair versus an HDTV. That opposition down the middle gives it a bit more snap that may
cloud the entire issue with rumbles from the past. Both Uranus and Neptune are loners
today, which will help bring out the facts clear and simply without embellishment. The
Moon is trining that Saturn - Mars pair in Leo, which could make it easier to commit
emotionally to whatever responsibility you've decided to take on. That square to Jupiter
implies it might require some funding, however, so do your homework and then follow
your instincts.
That Yod is still there and in fairly close orb. It will be there a while longer so if it hasn't
manifested itself yet, give it time. You're deciding something that relates to your comfort,
how your express yourself, particularly in your home environment and your past is
weighing in quite heavily. The Moon is aspecting both the Sun and Pluto, which will give
it some additional punch in the emotions, and that square to Mercury could make it hard to
communicate what you're thinking/feeling. Uranus started stationing to go retrograde on
the 16th and is responsible for all those unexpected events and surprises lately. These will
most likely continue for a LONG time, i.e. November, but probably not quite so
dramatically. At any rate, expect the unexpected.
The Sun slipped into Cancer today, which will bring some emphasis to 4th House issues,
i.e. your home environment. Communications relative to your relationships and perhaps
any purchases should go fairly well. That Yod which is still in effect is probably pointing
toward a choice you need to make and Pluto is still dragging out incidents from your past.
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Valkyrie Astrology Daily Forecast
Reminiscing is well and good, but make sure you find the lesson in whatever comes to the
surface, especially anything that may have been less than pleasant. That nearly exact
double T-square with the Moon, the Saturn-Mars conjunction (which is visible in the west
just after sunset, by the way) and Jupiter is likely to bring about a definitely shift in how
you view your place in the Sun. There are responsibilities of numerous varieties and you
need to think really hard about which ones are most important.
Issues relative to your past, particularly emotionally charged ones, are likely to be on your
mind today and you'll probably find yourself talking about things you thought you'd
forgotten long ago. These will most likely relate to relationships, either to your family or
past lovers. The real question is what purpose did they serve in your life and where are you
headed now? Making mistakes is only human and the difference between wisdom and
stupidity is what you learn from them. Be honest, how many times have you repeated
them? Your philosophy of life may not be in harmony with the world at large but that's OK
as long as you know WHY. Matters of the heart are trying to get your attention but they
keep tripping on your past. What are you missing here?
You may find yourself questioning paradigms you grew up with which seem incredibly
flawed now that you're older and wiser. Who and what are you and do you like what you
see? Do you really agree with everything that was crammed into your head when you were
a kid? Or is it just a habit, perhaps a bad one? If you keep on doing what you've always
done, you'll keep on getting what you've always got. If you're not happy with your life, job,
or relationships, you can probably find the energy necessary to confront them once and for
all and do something about them. Uranus and Neptune are quietly minding their own
business and they're both retrograde, which means their energies are turned inward. Thus,
it's time to reevaluate your ideals and how they relate to changes you really need to be
making. Now.
What better time than summer to remember your childhood? Whether it was good or bad,
usually summers had something worth remembering. Whether or not you'd go back if your
could is a moot point; your past is part of you and irrefutably ingrained in your character.
If you're all grown up, or would like to think you are, you no longer have any excuse for
being different that you know you should be. Blaming other flawed human beings for your
own mistakes is a cop out when you now understand things you didn't at the time. We all
evolve with time and if we're not getting better we have no one to blame but ourselves.
What do you need to change? A job? A relationship? A bad habit? Is it really that much
fun being miserable? Would it really hurt to admit you made a mistake? The Sun is in the
natural 4th House of home environment this month so there's no better time to make some
positive changes.
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