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Name: _______________________________________ Date: __________ Period: _______
Please read the following and answer in note-taking form on the back of your planetary
chart sheet. If you misplaced your planetary chart, please answer these on separate piece
of paper.
Additional Information
Read p. 154-159 and answer the following about Mercury:
1. When was Mercury identified as a planet?
2. When can it be seen in our sky?
3. When was Mariner 10 launched?
4. Describe Mercury’s characteristics.
Read p. 170-173 and answer the following about Venus:
1. Except for the Sun and Moon, ______________ is the brightest object in our
night sky.
2. Thick clouds surround Venus. What are they made of and what color?
3. Describe the “greenhouse effect” that exists on Venus.
4. How hot does it get on Venus?
5. Describe characteristics of Venus such as its atmospheric pressure, winds,
and volcanism.
Read p. 281-288 and answer the following about Earth:
1. What sets Earth apart from other planets? List 6 characteristics.
Read p. 194-199 about Mars:
1. Describe characteristics of Mars including its color and landforms.
2. Mars used to have a magnetic field, why is this significant?
3. Mars is the only other planet in our solar system where what is possible?
Read p. 210-215 and answer the following:
1. What is the Great Red Spot and how big is it relative to the size of the
2. How far below the clouds is Jupiter’s solid surface?
3. How many rings does Jupiter have?
4. What causes Jupiter’s swirling cloud patterns?
Read p. 231-243 and answer the following:
1. How did Saturn’s rings form?
2. Describe the density of Saturn.
Read p. 231-243 and answer the following:
1. What causes the greenish color of its atmosphere?
2. Describe Uranus’ tilt.
3. How many moons total does Uranus have?
Read p. 231-243 and answer the following:
1. What color is Neptune?
2. How fast are the winds on Neptune?
3. Describe Voyager’s discovery.
Read p. 260-265 and answer the following:
1. How big is Pluto relative to Earth?
2. What makes Pluto different from the gaseous planets that are in the outer
part of the solar system?