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SOTA Biology/Health
Cell Analogy Project: Due January 16th, 2014
Learning Goal: I can describe the essential function(s) of organelles within eukaryotic cells.
Your task is to create an analogy between a biotic cell and an abiotic system of your choice. To meet standard for this project, all
your analogies must be a part of one system, such as a school, kitchen, computer, etc. Please do not use an example that was used in
A: Visual Biotic Cell
1. Illustrate a diagram of a plant or an animal cell. Label your diagram accurately as either a plant or animal cell.
2. Accurately label a minimum of ten (10) cell organelles on your diagram.
Choose a minimum of 10 cell organelles from the following list. Choose the 10 you will use by circling them:
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
Golgi apparatus
Pores/gated channels
Cell membrane
Cell wall
B: Written Analogies
Explain the abiotic analogy for your cell (example: Cell as a Factory). For each cell structure / organelle, identify its function
and explain how it is analogous to a part of your comparison system. Your analogy must include the name of the cell part
and the name of the everyday object, the FUNCTION of the cell part and the reason your analogy works!
Example: The mitochondria of a cell are like the power generators in a factory. The mitochondrion in a cell convert stored
energy into useable energy. In a similar method, the power generator uses fuel to create useable energy for the factory to
C: Visual Analogous System
Create a visual representation of your abiotic analogous cell system. Title your visual with the common them that unites all
the analogies. Example: “The Cell as a Factory”. Label each analogy with both the abiotic object and the analogous cell part.
Example: “ Control room = Nucleus”. Your written analogies can be a part of your visual or on a separate piece of paper.
SOTA Biology/Health
Cell Analogy Project: Due January 16th, 2014
Learning Goal: I can describe the essential function(s) of structures within cells
A: Visual
Diagram of Cell
Most of the requirements are
not met. The diagram
appears messy and/or
One of the requirements
is not met. Diagram
may be difficult to
1) Diagram is illustrated by YOU.
2) Is accurately identified as plant
or animal cell.
3) Diagram is neat, in color, and
easy to read.
4) Ten (10) cell organelles are
labeled correctly.
No Work = No Evidence
B: Written
Most of the analogies are
missing and/or incomplete.
No Work = No Evidence
C: Visual
of Analogous
Visual is mostly unfinished. It
shows a lack of understanding
of cell analogies.
No Work = No Evidence
Fewer than 10 accurate
analogies. Some
analogies missing or
One of the requirements
is not met. Visual
appears unfinished or is
difficult to understand.
Ten (10) accurate analogies within a
system are present which include:
1) the name of the cell part
2) name of the everyday object
3) the FUNCTION of the cell part
4) how the functions are similar
1) Visual has a clear title indicating
analogous system.
2) Visual is neat and in color.
3) Ten (10) analogous structures
are depicted and clearly labeled as
the abiotic structure and the cell
part it is analogous to.
Includes all meeting requirements
plus the drawing has a high level of
neatness and detail.
More than 10 cell organelles are
labeled correctly.
Has the power to wow the viewer.
Includes all meeting requirements,
plus writing is detailed and easy to
read understand.
Includes a paragraph/diagram
explaining the relationship among
the functions of various organelles.
Includes all meeting requirements
plus the drawing has a high level of
neatness and detail.
More than 10 analogous structures
are present.
Has the power to wow the viewer.