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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫جامعــــة فيــالدلفيـــا‬
‫كلية اآلداب‬
ِFaculty of
‫قسم اللغة اإلنجليزية وآدابها‬
Department of English
Examination Sheet
Form A
PART 1 :
A : Information
Student's Full name:
Tutor's Name:Dr. Khalil Nofal
Mark (
√ Second Mark (
Mark (
Student's No. :
Academic year :
Module Title:Syntax
Date: /
Module No:120325
B -Guidelines
-The exam consists of four categories and the total mark is ( 20 ) .
- Each question has its own mark beside it.
-The answer must be written clearly.
- Student must not talk or cheat during the exam or he / she will be subject to penalty
C. Exam Questions, Grades and Time Allocated for Each Question:
Total point
Points Earned
D- Student Comments on the Questions ( If any )
Syntax (1)
Second Exam
Form A
Question ( 1 ):
Directions: On the ANSWER SHEET, mark (X) in the square that stands for the most appropriate
choice of the four given after each of the following sentences:
1- In the verb phrase and the prepositional phrase, the________ element cannot replace the whole
a. permanent
b. dominant
c. continuant
d. efficient
2- The element that gives its name to a noun phrase, adjective phrase, or adverb phrase is called the
______ of the phrase.
a. head
b. complement
c. determiner
d. modifier
3- The noun phrase martial court contains a ___________ modifier.
a. selective
b. specifying
c. descriptive
d. classifying
4- In the sentence" Richard was driving faster than 150 k.p.h.," the underlined constituent is a:
a. postmodifying prepositional phrase
b. postrnodifying reduced clause
c. discontinuous modifier
d. constituent of the sentence
5- In the sentence The committee recommends that the candidate submit a proposal, the
is in the __________ mood.
a. indicative
b. imperative
c. subjunctive
d. superlative
verb submit
6- In the sentence "The actor appeared from behind the curtains", the prepositional phrase behind the
curtains functions as a:
a. modifier
b. constituent of the sentence
c. predicator complement
d. prepositional complement
7- In the sentence "The news he had spread shocked Peter", the underlined word isa
a. reciprocal
b. relative
c. demonstrative
d. returning
8- The function postmodifier in adverb phrases can be realized by a ___________ clause.
a. relative
b. comparative
c. non-finite
d. verbless
9- In the sentence"The main theme of the conference was women‘s rights", the underlined
_______ genitive.
a. specifying
b. descriptive
c. denying
d. classifying
word is a
10- The rumor is that he hid the treasure in a _______ box.
a. Chinese wooden round beautiful
b. wooden Chinese beautiful round
c. round beautiful wooden Chinese
d. beautiful round wooden Chinese
11- In the sentence "Margaret read the first two pages of the report", the underlined word is a:
a. central determiner
b. predeterminer
c. postdeterminer
d. cardinal determiner
12- Which of the following sentences has the correct word order?
a. His campaign is too expensive for the party to finance it.
b. His campaign is expensive for the party to finance it too.
c. His campaign is for the party to finance it expensive.
d. His campaign is too expensive to finance it for the party.
13- In which of the following sentences is the verb phrase grammatically correct?
a. This poem must be writing by Keats.
b. This poem must have been writing by Keats.
c. This poem must have been written by Keats.
d. This poem must be having written by Keats.
14- In the sentence "We have given the personal officer your application", the underlined
phrase functions as a/an:
a. benefactive object b. indirect object c. direct object d. predicator complement
15- Which of the following noun phrases contains a postmodifying noun phrase?
a. a new radio telephone
b. a city the size of Amman
c. two miles down the road
d. the building behind the car
16- The only adverb phrase that can postmodi1 an adjective is:
a. too
. b. enough
c. so
d. ever
17- In the sentence "Oddly, she remained silent", the underlined word is a/an:
a. adjunct
b. conjunct
c. disjunct
d. subordinator
18- In the sentence "The road ahead is closed to all vehicles", the underlined word functions as a/an:
a. head of an adverb phrase
b. adverb phrase postmodifying ,the head noun
c. conjunct
d. adverb phrase postmodifying the head adverb
19- In the noun phrase a wooden door, the underlined word is a/an _______ adjective.
a. descriptive
b. classifying
c. predicative
d. comparative
20- Which of the following phrases is a noun phrase?
a. too difficult to solve
b. as strong a horse as yours
c. as strong as a horse
d. cheaper than your jacket
21- In the phrase the exact amount due for payment, the head is:
a. due
b. payment
c. amount
d. exact
22- In the sentence "I am glad that you have returned", the underlined that-clause functions as a/an:
a. apposition
b. postmodifier
c. direct object
d. predicator complement
23- Which of the following phrases contains a discontinuous modifier?
a. a similar shirt to yours
b. a shirt similar to yours
c. a man as tall as Peter
d. the mere absence of the teacher
24- In the sentence "We are completely satisfied with what he said", the underlined clause
functions as a/an:
a. prepositional complement
b. predicator complement
c. subject attribute
d. object attribute
25- the sentence "The news made her very happy", the underlined phrase is an:
a. adverb phrase functioning as a predicator complement
b. adjective phrase functioning as an object attribute
c. adjective phrase functioning as a subject attribute
d. adverb phrase functioning as a postmodifier of the head her
26- In the sentence "They appeared glad to meet us", the underlined phrase is a/an:
a. adjective phrase functioning as a subject attribute
b. adjective phrase functioning as a predicator complement
c. non-finite clause functioning as a predicator complement.
d. non-finite clause functioning as a postmoditier in the adjective phrase
27- An example of a noun phrase with two central determiners is:
a. every his article b. his every article
c. the every article
d. this every article
28- In the sentence "Our teacher works harder than all your teachers", the underlined
comparative clause functions as a/an:
a. predicator complement
b. subject attribute
c. postmodifier of the head adverb harder
d. adjunct
29- In the sentence "Mary will make a good wife", the underlined noun phrase functions as a/an:
a. direct object b. predicator complement
c. subject attribute d. indirect object
30- The constituents of the verb phrase are:
a. verbs
b. finite verbs
c. auxiliary verbs
d. transitive verbs
31- The internal structure of an adjective phrase is:
a. a modifier and a head
b. a determiner and a head
c. a determiner, a premodifier and a head
d. an adverb, a determiner, and a head
32- The structure of the prepositional phrase is determined by:
a. a determiner and a preposition
b. a preposition and a adjectival head
c. a preposition and a prepositional complement d. a prepositional complement
33- The words all, both, double. and half are:
a. predeterminers
b. central determiners
c. postdeterminers
d. prepositions
34 Cardinal and ordinal numbers are:
a. predeterminers
b. central determiners
c. postdeterminers
d. prepositions
35- Non-finite verb phrases are:
a. participles and infiniti’es
c. Infinitives and gerunds
b. participles and gerunds
d. gerunds and present participles
36- In the sentence "The professor, John Lynn ,was killed in the accident", the underlined phrase is a/an:
a. appov.iticw! b. dijmct c discontinuous modifier d. a restrictive relative clause
37- In the finite verb phrases, tense is:
a. obligatory
c. always marked on the first verbal form
b. divided into past and present
d. all of the above
38-Concord in the finite verb phrases is agreement between:
a. subject and object
b. subject and complement
c. subject and verb
d. verb and object
39. The sentence "The chair on the other side of the desk has been taken", the subject
noun phrase is:
a. the chair
b. the chair on the other side
c. the chair on the other side of the desk
d. the other side of the desk
40- In the sentence "Henry passed the time by examining the manager’s office", the constituent
examining the manager’s office is a:
a. non-finite clause functioning as prepositional complement
b. finite clause functioning as a prepositional complement
d. non-finite clause functioning as a postmodifier
41- In the sentence "Water in the Dead Sea is too saky to drink", the underlined phrase consists of:
a- a premodifier, a postmodifier, and a head
a discontinuous modifier and a head
c- a premodifier and a head
d- a postmodifier and a head
42 - The function ‘determiner’ can be only realized in:
a- the noun phrase and the adjective phrase
b- the verb phrase
c- the noun phrase
d- the adjective phrase
43- In the sentence "He weighs 6O pounds", the noun phrase 60 pounds functions as a/an:
a- object attribute
b- subject attribute
c- predicator complement
d- direct object
44- An example of an adjective phrase in which a noun phrase functions as a premoditier
a- years ago
b- two pounds heavier
c- one yard behind me
d- the road ahead
45- In the sentence "This is a possibility open to everybody", the constituent open to everybody is:
a- a verb phrase b- a prepositional phrase c- an adjective phrase d- a finite clause
46- In the phrase, the house just beyond the hill, the underlined constituent is:
a- a noun phrase in which the head noun is premodified by an adverb phrase
b- an adverb phrase in which the head adverb is postmodified by a noun phrase
c- an adverb phrase in which the head adverb is premodified by an adverb phrase
d- a prepositional phl:ase in which the preposition is premodified by an adverb phrase
47- In the sentence I tried to be nice to him, however, the adverbial however is a/an:
a- adjunct
b- disjunct
c- conjunct
d- complement
48. In the interrogative sentence" Is John ready?", the constituent ready functions as a/an:
a- object attribute
b- predicator complement
c- discontinuous modifier
d- subject attribute
49- An example of a verb phrase which is finite, perfective, progressive, and passive is:
a- must have been investigated
b- - must have been being investigated
c- must be investigated
. d- must have been investigating
50- Ml- A non-finite verb phrase is not marked for the categories of:
a- tense, concord, and mood
b- tense, mood, and aspect
c- mood, concord, and voice
d- tense, voice, and mood