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Ch 6 Notes Periodic Table
Chem I
p. 181; # 28, 33, 43
p. 185; # 2 - 5
Chem IH
p. 158; # 3,4; p. 162; 11,12;
p. 176; #83-86; p. 177; 1-10
The Periodic Table - elements are arranged in groups based on
Dmitri Mendeleev arranged the elements according to atomic
mass and used the arrangements to predict the properties of
missing elements.
The modern periodic table is arranged in order of increasing
atomic number.
The atomic number is the total number of protons in the
The electron mostly determines the properties of an element.
Indium: ______ protons ______ electrons
old 1A - 8A
PERIODS - horizontal - rows
new 1 - 18
Magnesium is in the same group as calcium.
Magnesium is in the same period as phosphorus.
Three classes of elements are metals, nonmetals, and
Metals include the majority of the elements.
Pt is a metal. Si is a metalloid. Kr is a nonmetal.
Metals are shiny, malleable (hammered into sheets), ductile
(drawn into wires), solid at room temperature, and good
conductors of electricity.
Nonmetals are poor conductors of electricity, often gases at
room temperature, and brittle if solid.
Metalloids have some properties of metals and nonmetals.
Group 1A - alkali metals
Group 2A - alkaline earth metals
Group 7A - halogens
Group 8A - noble gases
Groups 1A through 7A - representative elements
Group B - transition metals
Aluminum is a representative element.
Copper is a transition metal.
Na is an _______________________ alkali metal
Mg is an _______________________ alkaline earth metal
F is a ________________________ halogen
Ne is a ______________________ noble gas
Ag is a ______________________ transition metal
There are 5 electrons in the valence level of an element in
Group 5A.
N, P, As, and Sb have the same number of electrons in their
valence levels.
The electron configuration for an element in the halogen group
should always end with ns2np5.
The electron configuration of the element chlorine ends in
Noble gases (inert gases) have their highest occupied s and p
sublevels filled.
Fe contains an electron in a d sublevel.
Atomic size
The atomic radius increases from top to bottom in a group in
the periodic table.
As you move down a group in the periodic table, atomic size
generally increases.
The atomic radius decreases from left to right across a period
in the periodic table.
Lithium has the largest atomic radius in the second period.
As the number of electrons added to the same energy level
increases, atomic size generally decreases.
List the symbols for sodium, sulfur, and cesium in order of
increasing atomic radii _____________________ S, Na, Cs
The largest atom in Group 1A is ______________ Fr
The smallest atom in Group 7A is ______________ F
Ions & Ionization
Ions form when electrons enter or leave atoms.
The charge of a cation is positive. Cations are smaller than the
original atom.
An anion has a negative charge. Anions are larger than the
original atom.
Removing one electron from an atom results in the formation of
an ion with a 1+ charge.
Ionization energy - energy required to move an electron out of
an atom
Ionization energy decreases from top to bottom and increases
from left to right on the periodic table.
Among Na, K, and Cs, which element has the lowest ionization
Which is larger, K or K+?
Which is smaller, Li, Li+, F, or F- ?
Electronegativity is the ability of an atom in a compound to
attract electrons.
Electronegativity values tend to decrease from top to bottom
and increase from left to right.
Which element in each pair has a higher electronegativity
Mg, Ne
Cl, F
C, N
As, Ca
Cs has one of the lowest electronegativity values.
Valence (outer) electrons may be transferred from one atom to
Valence elctrons
Lose 1
Lose 2
Lose 3
Gain 2
Gain 1
What charge would Na likely have in a compound? _______
What charge would Mg likely have in a compound? _______
What charge would Al likely have in a compound? _______
What charge would O likely have in a compound? _______
2What charge would F likely have in a compound? _______
Ch 6 Notes Periodic Table
Chem I
p. 181; # 28, 33, 43
p. 185; # 2 - 5
Chem IH
p. 158; # 3,4; p. 162; 11,12;
p. 176; #83-86; p. 177; 1-10
The Periodic Table - elements are arranged in groups based on
Dmitri Mendeleev arranged the elements according to _____ _____
and used the arrangements to predict the properties of missing
The modern periodic table is arranged in order of increasing
________________ _________________.
The atomic number is the total number of ___________in the nucleus.
The electron mostly determines the properties of an element.
Indium: ______ protons ______ electrons
PERIODS - _________________________- rows
old 1A - 8A new 1 - 18
Magnesium is in the same ______________ as calcium.
Magnesium is in the same __________________ as phosphorus.
Three classes of elements are_______________, ________________,
Metals include the _________________ of the elements.
Pt is a ___________. Si is a________________. Kr is a __________.
Metals are__________________, _________________ (hammered
into sheets), ____________________(drawn into wires), __________
at room temperature, and good ____________________ of electricity.
Nonmetals are poor ______________________of electricity, often
____________ at room temperature, and ______________ if solid.
Metalloids have some __________________ of metals and nonmetals.
Group 1A - _______________ ________________
Group 2A - ________________ ______________ ____________
Group 7A - __________________
Group 8A - ____________________ ____________
Groups 1A through 7A - ______________________ _____________
Group B - _______________________ ______________________
Aluminum is a ______________________ ____________________.
Copper is a _________________________ __________________.
Na is an _______________________
Mg is an _______________________
F is a ________________________
Ne is a ______________________
Ag is a ______________________
There are 5 electrons in the valence level of an element in Group ___.
N, P, As, and Sb have the same number of electrons in their
________________ ___________________.
The electron configuration for an element in the halogen group should
always end with ______________ .
The electron configuration of the element chlorine ends in _________.
Noble gases (inert gases) have their highest occupied s and p
sublevels ______________________.
Fe contains an electron in a _____ sublevel.
Atomic size
The atomic radius ______________ from top to bottom in a group in
the periodic table.
As you move down a group in the periodic table, atomic ______
generally ________________.
The atomic radius ______________________ from left to right across
a period in the periodic table.
Lithium has the _______________ atomic radius in the second period.
As the number of electrons added to the same energy level increases,
atomic size generally ________________________.
List the symbols for sodium, sulfur, and cesium in order of increasing
atomic radii _____________________
The largest atom in Group 1A is ______________
The smallest atom in Group 7A is ______________
Ions & Ionization
Ions form when electrons ___________ or ____________ atoms.
The charge of a cation is____________. Cations are __________ than
the original atom.
An anion has a ___________ charge. Anions are _________ than the
original atom.
Removing _______ _______________ from an atom results in the
formation of an ion with a 1+ charge.
___________________ __________- energy required to move an
electron out of an atom
Ionization energy ____________________ from top to bottom and
___________________from left to right on the periodic table.
Among Na, K, and Cs, which element has the lowest ionization energy?
Which is larger, K or K+?
Which is smaller, Li, Li+, F, or F- ?
Electronegativity is the ability of an atom in a compound to
__________________ ____________________.
Electronegativity values tend to ____________________from top to
bottom and __________________from left to right.
Which element in each pair has a higher electronegativity value?
Mg, Ne
Cl, F
C, N
As, Ca
Cs has one of the lowest ___________________________ values.
Valence (outer) electrons may be ________________from one atom
to another.
Valence elctrons
Lose 1
Lose 2
Lose 3
Gain 2
Gain 1
Resulting charge
What charge would Na likely have in a compound? _______
What charge would Mg likely have in a compound? _______
What charge would Al likely have in a compound? _______
What charge would O likely have in a compound? _______
What charge would F likely have in a compound? _______