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Unit 3
The Renaissance in Northern Europe
 England
Annunciation by Jan van Eyck, 15… (Detail)
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. []
The Renaissance spanned roughly 3 centuries: 14th -16th
1300s – 1500s
Petrarch, the great Renaissance humanist – Italian poet and scholar of the fourteenthcentury, looked back at the preceding thousand years and saw only “dark ages”
extending from the collapse of the Roman Empire to his own time.
In Petrarch’s view history fell into three periods:
Petrarch and other humanists of his time (scholars) admired Classical world as a time of the highest
achievements of human spirit. The Italians were very proud of their own time, which they believed
was a revival of classical culture of ancient Greece and Rome.
As for the thousand years that separated these two distinguished periods, the Italian humanists called
them Dark Ages that had been marked by a decline of culture - a mere break in the history of human
Renaissance – *_
[What does this French word mean?]
The Renaissance was rebirth/revival of what?
Do you remember why the Middle Ages are called Middle?
I want you to remember that the Renaissance first emerged in the south of Europe - in ITALY!
This happened in the end of the 13th century (late1200s). Remember which historical period it was?
--- Right, it was the end of the Gothic time.
Yet, your textbook begins the Renaissance story in 15th century Northern Europe –in Germany,
Netherlands, France, etc. Why such a chronological leap?
--- The logic would be that the Renaissance in Northern Europe was closer connected to the medieval
culture and this provides us with a good stylistic transition - you will be able to trace emergence of a
new style within the previous Gothic frame.
Now let us open a new (and the last!) chapter in our course. Allow yourself enough time to study the
splendid art of the Renaissance époque.
Historical Background: Give a brief review of the most significant political, economic, and social
events that brought about and determined a ‘face’/character of a new era of the Renaissance.
Keep it short - “one event - one line”
Now, if you want, play a little bit with the timeline - locate the Renaissance period on it.
Here is how to do it: Place a cursor before the red tab Renaissance…, and move it to the right until it is
placed above the proper period on the timeline. [To move it just keep clicking on space bar]
Renaissance spanned about 300 years
15th century
Did you succeed? Good! If not, that’s okay. Just mark this period on the time line in your printed guide (circle).
Remember – it lasted about 300 years.
What were the two most significant areas in Europe where the Renaissance culture spread?
In the South of Europe -*
In the North of Europe - *
Find them on the map.
Flanders - *
[Territory of what present-day countries did Flanders occupy in the 15th century? ]
Southern Renaissance
2 streams
Northern Renaissance
Flanders, Germany et al.
Southern Renaissance Northern Renaissance
Stylistic characteristics
Which one was more influenced
by the Medieval traditions?
And which one had the stronger
Classical roots?
Subject matter
Naturalism / Realism
Which one exhibits more
“exactness” in depicting world?
Which one was more inclined to
Idealism of ancient Greeks and
Which one originated in
Which one was more religious
Which one more secular/
/worldly/ nonreligious?
Manuscript Illumination?
Which one is more laden
with symbols?
Attention: Flanders – Flemish
Flemish art
Flemish painting
15th century
It is not certain when the Gothic era ended and the Renaissance began.
Gothic art has been called a long overture to the Renaissance. This is particularly well seen in the
arts of Northern Europe.
FLEMISH PAINTING of the 15th century
Why the title of this section is called “Flemish Painting: From Page to Panel?”
Explain what the Flemish painting originated from.
Panel - *
[What kind of panel is meant when they talk about painting on panel?]
(Please google this term and try to answer as many questions as you can)
What is tempera made of? - *
What are the ground pigments (colors) mixed (“tempered”) with? - *
How far back does the use of tempera date? - *
When was the oil paint invented and where? - *
What kind of material/support for applying tempera came first - wood or canvas panel? - *
How did the artists prepare the surface before applying the paint? - *
Define the terms:
Ground - *
Gesso - *
Gilding - *
The Limbourg Brothers
A Book of Hours
When was this book created? - *
What was its purpose? - *
What scenes were usually rendered
on the calendar pages of such Books of Hours?
What is depicted on the page from your handbook? - *
How do you like this ornate festive of colors? It is very decorative, isn’t it.. .
Take a moment to carefully observe the beautiful details of this spectacular
entourage and enjoy all the glittering colors of their costumes etc.
International Style
Why such a name?”
When was it developed? - *
In some books on Art History you can find the International Style in the Gothic section,
in the others - in the early Renaissance period. Indeed, it was shaped on the border of two eras.
Symbolism - a very important concept when we speak of Northern Europe, as well as to Medieval.
Behind the most ordinary objects (e.g., like kettle or lilies) are hidden meanings. We can say that
these objects serve as symbols, or that they are symbols for…
What does the author of your textbook say about a challenge for us, modern day people, to
understanding symbolic art? Why are our chances not too high to fully comprehend the works of art
that came down to us from this and earlier times? - *
I like the thought though that we still can enjoy this art even though we can not receive the whole message?
Could you please write it down?.
Remember about this when you will be observing the Flemish paintings.
In a way it is true about all art (Medieval in particular) – even when we do not understand what the artist was
telling we still can feel an emotional depth in artwork - it has a clear appeal - it affects us emotionally and
Robert Campin
Date: *
[ro-BER cam-PAN …]
Merode Altarpiece
Let me explain why Campin is also called the Master of Flémalle.
In long time the scholars did not know that the author of this work was Robert Campin.
They used to identify the author as the Master of Flémalle, because the style of this altarpiece
was very similar to the painting panels that once came from the Abbey of Flémalle.
Annunciation is depicted in the central part of the altarpiece.
[Look up this word in Glossary, unless you know what this biblical event was about]
The Campin’s altarpiece shows a combination of realism and symbolism that is so typical
for the Northern Renaissance. Let us play experts and analyze this work of art.
Read thoroughly the paragraph and define what is realistic about this painting, and which objects refer
to its symbolic character.
Keep it one statement or one object – one line/cell.
Kettle - *
Clean room -*
White Lilies - *
Mouse trap - *
Snow white towel (your guess?) - *
Just imagine that each of the wildflowers had special symbolic significance regarding the Virgin Mary! This
proves how deeply symbolical the Northern art was. As you know now, it took this feature from medieval art.
Jan van Eyck - Arnolfini and His Bride.
Genre Painting
[Define the term]
What is depicted in this painting?
Symbolism: Though being secular (having no reference to religion) and very realistic in depicting
details, this painting is still a heir of Medieval art – hence it is full of symbols. Provide an example of
used symbols in this work of art.
Dog was a symbol of *
Oranges - *
[They look more like peaches to me; Fruits often symbolized fertility too]
Finial of the bedpost (carved figure of what saint) - *
Broom - *
Why the groom took his shoes off? - *
Oil painting (note before that moment we have talked about Tempera painting)
The Flemish artists, and particularly Jan van Eyck, were credited in the History of Art for
introducing the oil painting.
The Flemish artists are called the “fathers of modern painting”, for oil has been the painter’s basic
medium ever since.
What are the advantages of oil as a paint? - *
(see in your Glossary or online – oil painting and glossing)
What does the oil paint consist of? - *
Glazing - *
German Art
In what ways was German Art different from Flemish Art of this period?
a. *
b. *
Isenheim Altarpiece
- the most dramatic work of art during the Renaissance
The Crucifixion
This type of art is called expressionistic? Why? What do you think?
How does it affect the viewer? How would you describe the work?
Which details better convey the unsurpassed tension and exaltation?
Albrecht Durer
Adam and Eve
(Note – we are now in the next, 16th century)
Durer is the most famed artist of the Northern Renaissance. But he was not a typical one.
Can you tell that his art was deeply rooted in the Medieval traditions? Or was it more classical
oriented? Why is he called in your handbook “Italianate“ master?
How does Adam and Eve convey Durer’s passion for the Classical art?
How does he treat human body? Are figures idealized or rendered naturalistically like any of us, the
common mortals? Don’t they look like classical statues?
As you, of course, noticed this work is not a painting. This is the first time - in the history of art we
have covered so far – that we encounter this technique – “engraving.” Durer was a great master of this
new method, developed in the 15th century.
[define the term – look in the glossary or online]
Explain how an artist creates engraving print (on paper).
As always, I recommend reviewing the guide right after completion.
Then you can take QUIZ # 8.