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THE IMPACT OF HEADPHONES AND EARPHONES ON HEARING OF USERS P. Obdržálek, [email protected], M. Rod, [email protected], Praha INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT By inserting the earphones into the human ear canal the excitation conditions are changed (change of impedance). Consecutively, the transfer function of the ear canal changes too: its resonance peaks are shifted and highly emphasized, which can lead to hearing losses at these frequencies. For objective measurements we were using frequency response type Sweep (sampling rate: 96.000 kHz, recording time: 1.4 s, frequency weighting – white) in program EASERA (http://easera.afmg.eu/). Measurements were performed on a mannequin, respectively on the artificial ear. At the end of ear canal was placed a microphone. We can´t use our own head because in our ears, we haven’t got a place to put a microphone and of course we don’t want to get hearing loss, ´cause if we want accurate results, we must use high level of acoustic pressure (90-110 dB). Fig. 1. Acoustic horn - closed x opened SUBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT To verify the simulation we used subjective measurements – audiograms. We used Békésy’s measuring method [1] another methods you can find in Measurement of Hearing Protector Attenuation [2]. Measurements were carried on the person, who records if he/she heard or didn’t hear a sound. If we interconnect these points and unzig – zag this line, we obtain the resultant graph. In our audiogram hearing threshold was measured at earphones and headphones, at each type at least 3 representatives. In fig. 2, you can notice the area around 6 kHz, where the headphones (Philips) don’t playing. This is probably caused by inverter in the headphones. Fig. 2. Audiogram of headphones Fig. 3. Frequency response – Earphones Koss MEASURED DEVICES For measuring we use our headphones or earphones, also we use headphones (earphones) from CVUT. We measured 6 headphones and 4 earphones, further details are at Table 1. TAB. 1. Table of measured devices Audiogram Frequency analyse Model Type Bayer k.55 Koss Koss (Lenka) Philips Sennheiser Koss Creative MX Nokia noname Headphones Headphones Headphones Headphones Headphones Headphones Earphones Earphones Earphones Earphones CONCLUSIONS Fig. 4. Headphones vs. earphones COMPARISON OF SUBJECTIVE AND OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT For the purpose of the comparison we set the Koss headphones as reference. In Fig. 5. is comparison between MX (earphones) and Phillips (headphones) with both kinds of measurements. Red thick line (frequency response) should correlate with a thin red line (audiogram), the same goes for the blue lines. The artificial ear is not suitable for measuring earphones. Thus the measured values achieve the distortion in values of tens of decibels (maximum is 23 dB). Given that the most companies test their earphones on artificial models, we can conclude that the misunderstanding or using these measured results to optimize the headphones can lead to ill-configured earphones and thus damage hearing of their users. To build proper artificial model we would need to use living tissue, or substance that has similar properties, the existing models are sufficient for the measurement of headphones, not for earphones. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are very grateful for the cooperation and interest of Ing. František Rund, Ph.D., who was our advisor. It wouldn´t have been possible without his help. This project was created in cooperation with the Department of Radioelectronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague with the support of the project Cesta k vědě. REFERENCES 1. Nováček, J.: Application of the Signal Processor for Analysis of Sound Signals Perception (In Poster 2007 – Prague). 2. T. Baráth: Measurement of Hearing Protector Attenuation (Bc. Thesis, in Slovak CTU FEL 2011) 3. http://www.itu.int/ITUT/worksem/qos/200606/presentations/s3paperrasmussen.pdf 4. Ing. F. Rund: Modeling of Sound Transfer into Inner Ear Fig. 5. Comparison of measurement: MX vs. Phillips (audiogram vs. frequency response) As you can see, the premise for the red line has been confirmed - audiogram correlates with frequency response. However, the blue lines correlate only in certain parts of the graph. In the 500 Hz to 3000 Hz, which is crucial for the perception of human speech, the lines don´t resemble - function trend is opposite. You can also notice that in this area, a thin blue line correlates with red ones. This effect is caused by impedance change of, which will also move the resonance peaks and their amplification. The human ear reflects these changes so you can hear the sound, while the artificial ear can´t satisfactorily mimic the characteristics of the human ear, and this is reflected in the frequency response as a low noise level for stretch 500 Hz - 3000 Hz. Evropský sociální fond Praha & EU: Investujeme do vaší budoucnosti