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Student-Athlete Study Hall
Providence College wants you to succeed in the classroom and in your sport. The Office of Academic
Services offers the unique opportunity for student-athletes to study in an environment with many
resources. As a PC student-athlete, you can ensure that you maintain the privilege of using the Study
Hall by observing the following guidelines:
Study Hall Hours
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 am – 8:00 pm
Friday: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm**
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 4:00 pm – 9:00 pm
**Study Hall hours after 12:00pm counts toward next week’s total
Any Tutoring or Writing Center appointments will count towards your study hall total
Be purposeful when you come to the Study Hall.
Come with all necessary study materials, including books, notes, calculators, pens/pencils, etc. The
computers in the designated study areas are to be used for academic purposes. Please do not visit
social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Help us maintain a quiet atmosphere.
Study Hall is an academic environment, not a social club. Please keep your social and athletic
conversations to a minimum when you are here to study.
If you need to study in a group or talk through an assignment with a tutor, please ask the
study hall monitor to assist you in finding a private study room.
Listening to music is only appropriate with the use of earphones; your music should not be so
loud that it can be heard by others.
The use of cell phones in the Study Hall is not allowed. Please silence cell phones. Calls must
always be answered outside of the O.A.S.
Respect the Office of Academic Services and everyone
working here.
Use respectful language and a respectful tone when in the Study Hall; profanity will not be
Please dispose of your cups and water bottles before leaving Study Hall.
Please remember to log off the computers before you leave.
If you ever feel that you have concerns about Study Hall, you are encouraged to see the
Assistant Director for Student Athlete Services.