Primitivism, Transgression, and other Myths: The Philosophical Anthropology of Georges Bataille
... Part I: Bataille’s primitivism to bring the same stylistic, textual, and representational concerns of fiction to bear on empirical writings about existing societies and cultures. This critique could prove disconcerting for an older Anglo-American tradition which sees ethnography as a thoroughly mod ...
... Part I: Bataille’s primitivism to bring the same stylistic, textual, and representational concerns of fiction to bear on empirical writings about existing societies and cultures. This critique could prove disconcerting for an older Anglo-American tradition which sees ethnography as a thoroughly mod ...
The Four-Field Model
... is because anthropologists were concerned with the things people made in addition to their institutions; things people made were part of the learned experience of living in society, which was culture. That concept of culture, and cultural evolution in the 19th century, appears to have fit better wit ...
... is because anthropologists were concerned with the things people made in addition to their institutions; things people made were part of the learned experience of living in society, which was culture. That concept of culture, and cultural evolution in the 19th century, appears to have fit better wit ...
The meanings of monuments and memorials: toward a
... accepted and often resulted in heated political discussion, social tension and conflict2. The controversies around the meanings of monuments in post-socialist cities first show that monuments are not neutral urban decorations, but rather important sources of cultural identity and memory. Moreover, t ...
... accepted and often resulted in heated political discussion, social tension and conflict2. The controversies around the meanings of monuments in post-socialist cities first show that monuments are not neutral urban decorations, but rather important sources of cultural identity and memory. Moreover, t ...
Notes on Heritage, Quetzil Castañeda
... both “seen” as objects and in locations where heritage is not and, in other places, remain invisible to the naked eye even when heritage is in fact there. 2 This somewhat puzzling and contradictory situation that I have sketched, and to which I return below, allows me to draw out some crucial chara ...
... both “seen” as objects and in locations where heritage is not and, in other places, remain invisible to the naked eye even when heritage is in fact there. 2 This somewhat puzzling and contradictory situation that I have sketched, and to which I return below, allows me to draw out some crucial chara ...
ibn khaldun`s conception of dynastic cycles and
... ideas about the transition from badawa to hadara help to expand their works. However, not only Marxist but indeed Realists also compare Ibn Khaldun’s importance for International Relations with prominent thinkers of the school such as Thucydides and Machiavelli. All of these schools which study powe ...
... ideas about the transition from badawa to hadara help to expand their works. However, not only Marxist but indeed Realists also compare Ibn Khaldun’s importance for International Relations with prominent thinkers of the school such as Thucydides and Machiavelli. All of these schools which study powe ...
Does accounting history matter
... “narrow” often fail to appreciate that research positioning accounting as a local, timespecific practice in the life and times of the period of study may, at the same time, provide more general and time-independent insights, for example into how accounting emerges from, and impacts upon, its setting ...
... “narrow” often fail to appreciate that research positioning accounting as a local, timespecific practice in the life and times of the period of study may, at the same time, provide more general and time-independent insights, for example into how accounting emerges from, and impacts upon, its setting ...
Editor`s Introduction: Civilization (Critical Concepts in
... in life; above all, they began to cultivate philosophy or the arts and sciences’.4 Thus, it is in society, and as members of society, that human beings were afforded the necessities of life that allowed them to engage in the very activities that are the outward expression of civilization; the arts C ...
... in life; above all, they began to cultivate philosophy or the arts and sciences’.4 Thus, it is in society, and as members of society, that human beings were afforded the necessities of life that allowed them to engage in the very activities that are the outward expression of civilization; the arts C ...
Critical Approaches to Fieldwork : Contemporary and
... What emerges from this, though, is a division between the fieldworkers and the intellectual elite, which more or less reproduces the same division between the person who collected the material and the museum or individual who commissioned the expedition. In Britain, much of the fieldwork in the latter ...
... What emerges from this, though, is a division between the fieldworkers and the intellectual elite, which more or less reproduces the same division between the person who collected the material and the museum or individual who commissioned the expedition. In Britain, much of the fieldwork in the latter ...
Fundamental Assumptions in Narrative Analysis
... abstract or among their key words. Our exploration revealed no strong and stable distinctions in the use of the terms narrative analysis, narrative approach or narrative research. On these bases, several dozen studies were selected initially over time and through snowballing technique, we gathered s ...
... abstract or among their key words. Our exploration revealed no strong and stable distinctions in the use of the terms narrative analysis, narrative approach or narrative research. On these bases, several dozen studies were selected initially over time and through snowballing technique, we gathered s ...
A Bazaar Sustaining the Funetion for 400 Years: Spiee Bazaar
... the foreground than the social aspects. But in sustainability policies, although the "economic va!ue" of a historical building is important, it also ofTers that not to describe the building or the area as sacrifice goods or potentials for high economic benefits. In relation to the history, these cul ...
... the foreground than the social aspects. But in sustainability policies, although the "economic va!ue" of a historical building is important, it also ofTers that not to describe the building or the area as sacrifice goods or potentials for high economic benefits. In relation to the history, these cul ...
A modern outlook reviewing its history: Karl Kautsky and the French
... thorough studies of, among other subjects, Thomas More, German social relations at the time of the reformation and peasant wars, as well as early Christianity, not to mention the analysis of the French Revolution to which we shall return below.17 This leads to an explicit, principled distinction in ...
... thorough studies of, among other subjects, Thomas More, German social relations at the time of the reformation and peasant wars, as well as early Christianity, not to mention the analysis of the French Revolution to which we shall return below.17 This leads to an explicit, principled distinction in ...
Historicism Versus Falibilism Alfredo Marcos | fyl.uva.es
... democratic ideals such as those of the Athens of Pericles. Modern historicism, on the other hand, is progressive. It supposes that history goes forward to a better future, spirited on by the struggle of nations, races or classes. If the science of history manages to discover the law controlling the ...
... democratic ideals such as those of the Athens of Pericles. Modern historicism, on the other hand, is progressive. It supposes that history goes forward to a better future, spirited on by the struggle of nations, races or classes. If the science of history manages to discover the law controlling the ...
The Return of Civilization—and of Arnold Toynbee?
... While “culture” and “cultures” are sometimes the terms within which this global story is told, it is as common to encounter “civilization” and “civilizations.” A work such as World Civilizations, written for undergraduate courses by Peter Stearns and others (2011), can stand as a representative exam ...
... While “culture” and “cultures” are sometimes the terms within which this global story is told, it is as common to encounter “civilization” and “civilizations.” A work such as World Civilizations, written for undergraduate courses by Peter Stearns and others (2011), can stand as a representative exam ...
... with the end of communism - but already this sketches a quite different 'knowledge' from the way modernism is 'known' through the citation of major works of art or artists. Rather than pursue a description of this kind, however, we need to see how postmodernism is first of all a name for the series ...
... with the end of communism - but already this sketches a quite different 'knowledge' from the way modernism is 'known' through the citation of major works of art or artists. Rather than pursue a description of this kind, however, we need to see how postmodernism is first of all a name for the series ...
AP World History Curriculum Framework
... regions. The key concepts help teachers and their students understand, organize, and prioritize historical developments within each period. The course’s organization around a limited number of key concepts allows students to spend more time learning essential concepts and developing the historical t ...
... regions. The key concepts help teachers and their students understand, organize, and prioritize historical developments within each period. The course’s organization around a limited number of key concepts allows students to spend more time learning essential concepts and developing the historical t ...
The Positive Philosophy Auguste Comte Batoche Books
... definition of life could be founded on nothing else than a general view of phenomena proper to living bodies, so far fell under the influence of the old philosophy as to call life a struggle between dead nature and living nature. The irrationality of this conception consists especially in its suppre ...
... definition of life could be founded on nothing else than a general view of phenomena proper to living bodies, so far fell under the influence of the old philosophy as to call life a struggle between dead nature and living nature. The irrationality of this conception consists especially in its suppre ...
Shanks Tilley 1987
... argues that it needs to become fully self-reflexive, aware of itself as political practice. We do not think it either possible or desirable to attempt to achieve a fresh unification of archaeological theory within one all-encompassing framework. The only essential unity we propose is that all archae ...
... argues that it needs to become fully self-reflexive, aware of itself as political practice. We do not think it either possible or desirable to attempt to achieve a fresh unification of archaeological theory within one all-encompassing framework. The only essential unity we propose is that all archae ...
Historical responsibility: Assessing the past in international climate
... model projections, in turn, inform international negotiations on the potential consequences of our various response measures to climate change (cf. Demeritt, 2001). However, international climate negotiations also struggle over how to construct history, an essential part of the negotiations that has ...
... model projections, in turn, inform international negotiations on the potential consequences of our various response measures to climate change (cf. Demeritt, 2001). However, international climate negotiations also struggle over how to construct history, an essential part of the negotiations that has ...
... understand not only the significance archaeology has played in specific social realities throughout history, but also in the definition of the theoretical direction archaeology should take in the future. Walter Taylor in his comprehensive analysis A Study of Archeology (Taylor 1948) expressed the ne ...
... understand not only the significance archaeology has played in specific social realities throughout history, but also in the definition of the theoretical direction archaeology should take in the future. Walter Taylor in his comprehensive analysis A Study of Archeology (Taylor 1948) expressed the ne ...
in Bengali Literature and Cinema - Centre for the Study of Culture
... desire and its value implicates the film romance within a set of ongoing conflicts and thereby uses the cultural object as a locus for redefining modern nexus of community values. The following discussion will focus in detail on the narrative elaboration of romantic aura and identify how such repres ...
... desire and its value implicates the film romance within a set of ongoing conflicts and thereby uses the cultural object as a locus for redefining modern nexus of community values. The following discussion will focus in detail on the narrative elaboration of romantic aura and identify how such repres ...
The Meanings of Social Life: A Cultural Sociology
... My colleagues were right about the present and the past of our discipline, but events did not prove them prescient about its future. In the last fifteen years, a new and specifically cultural approach to sociology has come into existence. It never existed before—not in the discipline’s first hundred an ...
... My colleagues were right about the present and the past of our discipline, but events did not prove them prescient about its future. In the last fifteen years, a new and specifically cultural approach to sociology has come into existence. It never existed before—not in the discipline’s first hundred an ...
Research Methods for Cultural Studies
... courses in cultural as well as media and communication studies require students to undertake a research project, usually in their third year, as a culminating point of their work in these fields. It is no longer sufficient to fall back on some generalised notion of ‘ways of reading’ as the means for un ...
... courses in cultural as well as media and communication studies require students to undertake a research project, usually in their third year, as a culminating point of their work in these fields. It is no longer sufficient to fall back on some generalised notion of ‘ways of reading’ as the means for un ...
Jean Baudrillard
... morality. Thus, as an idea in which a whole civilization recognizes itself, modernity assumes a regulatory cultural function and thereby surreptitiously rejoins tradition. Genesis of Modernity The history of the adjective 'modern' is longer than that of `modernity . In any cultural context, the 'anc ...
... morality. Thus, as an idea in which a whole civilization recognizes itself, modernity assumes a regulatory cultural function and thereby surreptitiously rejoins tradition. Genesis of Modernity The history of the adjective 'modern' is longer than that of `modernity . In any cultural context, the 'anc ...
Ideology and Utopia in Mannheim
... work with the subject matter of this socalled “marginalized” discipline; and 7-Revivers, those who have, in recent years, considered it vital to revive the explicit concerns of the subdiscipline, though in the context of contemporary intellectual and scholarly interests. What strikes a reader of tex ...
... work with the subject matter of this socalled “marginalized” discipline; and 7-Revivers, those who have, in recent years, considered it vital to revive the explicit concerns of the subdiscipline, though in the context of contemporary intellectual and scholarly interests. What strikes a reader of tex ...
Hegel`s Theory of History
... examination into their comparative importance, their nearer or more remote relation to it. A history without such aim and such criticism would be only an imbecile mental divagation, not as good as a fairy tale, for even children expect a motif in their stories, a purpose at least dimply surmiseable ...
... examination into their comparative importance, their nearer or more remote relation to it. A history without such aim and such criticism would be only an imbecile mental divagation, not as good as a fairy tale, for even children expect a motif in their stories, a purpose at least dimply surmiseable ...
History (from Greek ἱστορία, historia, meaning ""inquiry, knowledge acquired by investigation"") is the study of the past, particularly how it relates to humans. It is an umbrella term that relates to past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of information about these events. Scholars who write about history are called historians. Events occurring prior to written record are considered prehistory.History can also refer to the academic discipline which uses a narrative to examine and analyse a sequence of past events, and objectively determine the patterns of cause and effect that determine them. Historians sometimes debate the nature of history and its usefulness by discussing the study of the discipline as an end in itself and as a way of providing ""perspective"" on the problems of the present.Stories common to a particular culture, but not supported by external sources (such as the tales surrounding King Arthur), are usually classified as cultural heritage or legends, because they do not show the ""disinterested investigation"" required of the discipline of history. Herodotus, a 5th-century BCE Greek historian is considered within the Western tradition to be the ""father of history"", and, along with his contemporary Thucydides, helped form the foundations for the modern study of human history. Their works continue to be read today, and the gap between the culture-focused Herodotus and the military-focused Thucydides remains a point of contention or approach in modern historical writing. In Asia, a state chronicle, the Spring and Autumn Annals was known to be compiled from as early as 722 BCE although only 2nd century BCE texts survived.Ancient influences have helped spawn variant interpretations of the nature of history which have evolved over the centuries and continue to change today. The modern study of history is wide-ranging, and includes the study of specific regions and the study of certain topical or thematical elements of historical investigation. Often history is taught as part of primary and secondary education, and the academic study of history is a major discipline in university studies.