Mimi Sheller. Citizenship from Below
... O. Nigel Bolland, Richard Hart, Janet Momsen, Jean Stubbs, and the other scs stalwarts who took me into the fold. Some sections of this work also draw on research that was supported by the British Academy (1999) and the Arts and Humanities Research Board (2001), which extended a sabbatical from Lanc ...
... O. Nigel Bolland, Richard Hart, Janet Momsen, Jean Stubbs, and the other scs stalwarts who took me into the fold. Some sections of this work also draw on research that was supported by the British Academy (1999) and the Arts and Humanities Research Board (2001), which extended a sabbatical from Lanc ...
Week 3 activity
... There is a difference of opinion on whether to treat conflictive types of happenings such as wars, riots and civil disturbances, terrorist attacks and hostage takings, and massacres and pogroms as instances of disasters. The dominant view among researchers in the area is that such happenings differ ...
... There is a difference of opinion on whether to treat conflictive types of happenings such as wars, riots and civil disturbances, terrorist attacks and hostage takings, and massacres and pogroms as instances of disasters. The dominant view among researchers in the area is that such happenings differ ...
this article - International Journal of Mass Emergencies
... exercise of power and the relative marginalization of certain groups. Intermediate or ‘dynamic’ level pressures (including epidemic disease, urbanization, conflict, foreign debt, certain economic policies and environmental degradation) translate, so to speak, the root causes into particular forms of ...
... exercise of power and the relative marginalization of certain groups. Intermediate or ‘dynamic’ level pressures (including epidemic disease, urbanization, conflict, foreign debt, certain economic policies and environmental degradation) translate, so to speak, the root causes into particular forms of ...
From knowledge to wisdom: the need for an
... There is the sustained and profound injustice of immense differences of wealth across the globe, the industrially advanced first world of North America, Europe and elsewhere experiencing unprecedented wealth while hundreds of millions of people live in conditions of poverty in the developing world, ...
... There is the sustained and profound injustice of immense differences of wealth across the globe, the industrially advanced first world of North America, Europe and elsewhere experiencing unprecedented wealth while hundreds of millions of people live in conditions of poverty in the developing world, ...
The Enlightenment, Popper and Einstein
... In order to enhance the quality of human life, make progress towards an enlightened world, the problems we need to solve are, fundamentally, problems of living, problems of action, not problems of knowledge. Even where new knowledge and technology are needed, as in agriculture or medicine for exampl ...
... In order to enhance the quality of human life, make progress towards an enlightened world, the problems we need to solve are, fundamentally, problems of living, problems of action, not problems of knowledge. Even where new knowledge and technology are needed, as in agriculture or medicine for exampl ...
The Enlightenment, Popper and Einstein - Philsci
... In order to enhance the quality of human life, make progress towards an enlightened world, the problems we need to solve are, fundamentally, problems of living, problems of action, not problems of knowledge. Even where new knowledge and technology are needed, as in agriculture or medicine for examp ...
... In order to enhance the quality of human life, make progress towards an enlightened world, the problems we need to solve are, fundamentally, problems of living, problems of action, not problems of knowledge. Even where new knowledge and technology are needed, as in agriculture or medicine for examp ...
From Knowledge to Wisdom - Society for Research into Higher
... phenomenon of political apathy: the problems of humanity seem so immense, so remorseless, so utterly beyond human control, and each one of us, a mere individual, seems wholly impotent before the juggernaut of history. The new global economy can seem like a monster out of control, with human beings h ...
... phenomenon of political apathy: the problems of humanity seem so immense, so remorseless, so utterly beyond human control, and each one of us, a mere individual, seems wholly impotent before the juggernaut of history. The new global economy can seem like a monster out of control, with human beings h ...
Nicholas Maxwell
... phenomenon of political apathy: the problems of humanity seem so immense, so remorseless, so utterly beyond human control, and each one of us, a mere individual, seems wholly impotent before the juggernaut of history. The new global economy can seem like a monster out of control, with human beings h ...
... phenomenon of political apathy: the problems of humanity seem so immense, so remorseless, so utterly beyond human control, and each one of us, a mere individual, seems wholly impotent before the juggernaut of history. The new global economy can seem like a monster out of control, with human beings h ...
22 - Lewis-Clark State College
... what the LCSC catalog says your Gen Ed courses are designed to do. "General education is intended to nurture the development of literate, well-informed graduates who are competent life-long learners. This is the basis of LCSC's mission. General education "connects learning to life" by providing stud ...
... what the LCSC catalog says your Gen Ed courses are designed to do. "General education is intended to nurture the development of literate, well-informed graduates who are competent life-long learners. This is the basis of LCSC's mission. General education "connects learning to life" by providing stud ...
Draft Exam 2016 - Edward R. Murrow High School
... potatoes in the fields. To say that everything burned is not enough. It seemed as if the earth itself emitted fire and smoke, flames that writhed up and erupted from underground. The sky was dark, the ground was scarlet loomed ominously over the people, who ran about like so many ants seeking to esc ...
... potatoes in the fields. To say that everything burned is not enough. It seemed as if the earth itself emitted fire and smoke, flames that writhed up and erupted from underground. The sky was dark, the ground was scarlet loomed ominously over the people, who ran about like so many ants seeking to esc ...
... Sabine and other traditional writers attached great importance historical approach. “A political theory” according to Sabine is always advanced in reference to a pretty specific situation”. It is therefore essential to understand “the time, place and circumstances in which it was produced”. ...
... Sabine and other traditional writers attached great importance historical approach. “A political theory” according to Sabine is always advanced in reference to a pretty specific situation”. It is therefore essential to understand “the time, place and circumstances in which it was produced”. ...
Wisdom: Object of Study or Basic Aim of Inquiry
... dissociated from a more fundamental concern to help humanity resolve problems of living in increasingly cooperatively rational ways. Again, the problem is not too much reason, but not enough. Scientific rationality, so-called, is actually a species of damaging irrationality masquerading as rationali ...
... dissociated from a more fundamental concern to help humanity resolve problems of living in increasingly cooperatively rational ways. Again, the problem is not too much reason, but not enough. Scientific rationality, so-called, is actually a species of damaging irrationality masquerading as rationali ...
towards objective international social inquiry: social science as
... power and knowledge on a world scale. The power-knowledge nexus has received considerable scrutiny in the discipline of IR in recent decades, from critical postpositivist perspectives. To date most of the attention has focused on knowledge as a social product, and the inherent relationships between ...
... power and knowledge on a world scale. The power-knowledge nexus has received considerable scrutiny in the discipline of IR in recent decades, from critical postpositivist perspectives. To date most of the attention has focused on knowledge as a social product, and the inherent relationships between ...
Paper - The Cambridge Social Ontology Group
... power and knowledge on a world scale. The power-knowledge nexus has received considerable scrutiny in the discipline of IR in recent decades, from critical postpositivist perspectives. To date most of the attention has focused on knowledge as a social product, and the inherent relationships between ...
... power and knowledge on a world scale. The power-knowledge nexus has received considerable scrutiny in the discipline of IR in recent decades, from critical postpositivist perspectives. To date most of the attention has focused on knowledge as a social product, and the inherent relationships between ...
The naturalization of humans - laral
... Neural networks naturalize the mind in the sense that they don’t assume there is something – the mind – that should be studied with concepts intrinsically different from the concepts of the natural sciences. But they do not “eliminate” the mind or, more precisely, mental life. Most animals have only ...
... Neural networks naturalize the mind in the sense that they don’t assume there is something – the mind – that should be studied with concepts intrinsically different from the concepts of the natural sciences. But they do not “eliminate” the mind or, more precisely, mental life. Most animals have only ...
II. Disciplines of musicology
... scholarship of the second category, although it sometimes tends to deny the legitimacy of the first, depends on as accurate a historical record as the actual state of the discipline can provide (see also Historiography). This essay will also emphasize theory, yet the continuing importance of positiv ...
... scholarship of the second category, although it sometimes tends to deny the legitimacy of the first, depends on as accurate a historical record as the actual state of the discipline can provide (see also Historiography). This essay will also emphasize theory, yet the continuing importance of positiv ...
Introduction to Anthropology
... on the ground. Through excavation and laboratory analysis of these material remains, prehistoric archaeologists reconstruct the way people lived in ancient times and trace how human cultures have changed over the centuries. In fact, research conducted by prehistoric archaeologists provides our main ...
... on the ground. Through excavation and laboratory analysis of these material remains, prehistoric archaeologists reconstruct the way people lived in ancient times and trace how human cultures have changed over the centuries. In fact, research conducted by prehistoric archaeologists provides our main ...
historical materialism k
... Palmer '96 - Canada Research Chair in Canadian Labour History and Canadian Studies @ Trent University (Bryan D., "Old Positions/New Necessities: History, Class, and Marxist Metanarrative," in "In Defense of History," Ed. by E. Meiskins Wood & John Foster, p.65-72, RG) It is worth reiterating the obv ...
... Palmer '96 - Canada Research Chair in Canadian Labour History and Canadian Studies @ Trent University (Bryan D., "Old Positions/New Necessities: History, Class, and Marxist Metanarrative," in "In Defense of History," Ed. by E. Meiskins Wood & John Foster, p.65-72, RG) It is worth reiterating the obv ...
Social Networks Analysis of the Landscape of the City for
... cultural tourism. It will also help society to understand the importance of the material patrimony as an opportunity to preserve and recover the memory and identity of the past so that future generations can experience them. Keywords: Memory, Identity, Analysis of Social Networks, Cultural Tourism ...
... cultural tourism. It will also help society to understand the importance of the material patrimony as an opportunity to preserve and recover the memory and identity of the past so that future generations can experience them. Keywords: Memory, Identity, Analysis of Social Networks, Cultural Tourism ...
Containment or Emergence? A Theory of American Literature
... and engage the reader, but which are, in the end, reintegrated into the reaffirmation of a social hierarchy legitimized now by history.6 Seen in this way, the historical novel presents a highly instructive case for the gradual liberation of elements of imaginary self-empowerment in the history of th ...
... and engage the reader, but which are, in the end, reintegrated into the reaffirmation of a social hierarchy legitimized now by history.6 Seen in this way, the historical novel presents a highly instructive case for the gradual liberation of elements of imaginary self-empowerment in the history of th ...
History and sociology in Britain: a review article
... But it overflows with commentaries on the Continental classics. Anthony Giddens, the most prominent theorist in British sociology today, made his most influential contributions largely through synthesizing and commenting on Continental European social theory.13 Others have done the same for modern A ...
... But it overflows with commentaries on the Continental classics. Anthony Giddens, the most prominent theorist in British sociology today, made his most influential contributions largely through synthesizing and commenting on Continental European social theory.13 Others have done the same for modern A ...
13_1 _Autosaved_
... monitoring the fenced and unfenced area, you can determine the deer’s effect on the grass. ...
... monitoring the fenced and unfenced area, you can determine the deer’s effect on the grass. ...
knowledge, sociology of
... Contemporary sociology of knowledge addresses a related but different set of concerns than those posed by its founders, and its subject matter extends beyond the problem of relativism and the social location of ideas and ideologies. Prominent among its current themes are the ‘‘local’’ features of kn ...
... Contemporary sociology of knowledge addresses a related but different set of concerns than those posed by its founders, and its subject matter extends beyond the problem of relativism and the social location of ideas and ideologies. Prominent among its current themes are the ‘‘local’’ features of kn ...
The Theory of Functional Differentiation and the History of Modern
... should be no substantial possibility for governments to master the crisis caused by increasing inflation and rising oil-prices (Geyer 2007, 79). But it is not only the German intellectual tradition to juxtapose ›state‹ and ›bourgeois society‹ which has blocked further reception of a theory that posi ...
... should be no substantial possibility for governments to master the crisis caused by increasing inflation and rising oil-prices (Geyer 2007, 79). But it is not only the German intellectual tradition to juxtapose ›state‹ and ›bourgeois society‹ which has blocked further reception of a theory that posi ...
The Journal of Social Studies Research An Old Fad of Great
... engagement due to established knowledge or interest, but often these experiences are distinct from “normal” history days. A chronological progression may employ primary documents that fail to engage students if they are not connected to student experiences, interests, or prior knowledge, which is mo ...
... engagement due to established knowledge or interest, but often these experiences are distinct from “normal” history days. A chronological progression may employ primary documents that fail to engage students if they are not connected to student experiences, interests, or prior knowledge, which is mo ...
History (from Greek ἱστορία, historia, meaning ""inquiry, knowledge acquired by investigation"") is the study of the past, particularly how it relates to humans. It is an umbrella term that relates to past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of information about these events. Scholars who write about history are called historians. Events occurring prior to written record are considered prehistory.History can also refer to the academic discipline which uses a narrative to examine and analyse a sequence of past events, and objectively determine the patterns of cause and effect that determine them. Historians sometimes debate the nature of history and its usefulness by discussing the study of the discipline as an end in itself and as a way of providing ""perspective"" on the problems of the present.Stories common to a particular culture, but not supported by external sources (such as the tales surrounding King Arthur), are usually classified as cultural heritage or legends, because they do not show the ""disinterested investigation"" required of the discipline of history. Herodotus, a 5th-century BCE Greek historian is considered within the Western tradition to be the ""father of history"", and, along with his contemporary Thucydides, helped form the foundations for the modern study of human history. Their works continue to be read today, and the gap between the culture-focused Herodotus and the military-focused Thucydides remains a point of contention or approach in modern historical writing. In Asia, a state chronicle, the Spring and Autumn Annals was known to be compiled from as early as 722 BCE although only 2nd century BCE texts survived.Ancient influences have helped spawn variant interpretations of the nature of history which have evolved over the centuries and continue to change today. The modern study of history is wide-ranging, and includes the study of specific regions and the study of certain topical or thematical elements of historical investigation. Often history is taught as part of primary and secondary education, and the academic study of history is a major discipline in university studies.