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World History
Part One: Vocabulary Terms
Twelve Tables
Chapter 11 and 12 Study Guide
The Roman Empire
Directions: Match the vocabulary terms word with the correct definition.
Pax Romana
Battle of Actium
Romulus and Remus
Second Punic War
1. What was the modern city of Istanbul called during the last days of the Western Roman
2. What title did Octavian take? ___Augustus
3. According to traditional legend, who founded the city of Rome?__ Romulus and Remus
4. Rome’s first written laws were the: ____Twelve Tables
5. Most of these people were poor, slaves, criminals, or prisoners of war: Gladiators
6. The U.S. Capitol Building has a dome that is supported by the Roman inspired: __Arches
7. He was one of the “five good emperors,” who introduced land reforms that helped the poor:
8. Anthony and Cleopatra were defeated at the: Battle of Actium___
9. Augustus paved the way for 200 years of peace and prosperity also known as: ___Pax Romana
10. When Carthage attacked Rome in 218 B.C. this started the: ___Second Punic War
11. This person held a high post in the Roman government: ___Odoacer
12. When Roman coins lost their value in the A.D. 200s the price of goods increased which was
inflation, which caused Romans to: Barter
Part Two: Chapter Review Directions: Use your book, Chapter 11 and 12 outline notes, and vocabulary definitions to
answer the following questions or statements below:
1. Who benefited the most from the Roman Empire’s prosperity?: Merchants and skilled workers
2. Why did the Visigoths rebel against the Romans? They were badly treated by the Romans
3. In 509 B. C. Romans overthrew Tarquin the Proud and: The Roman Republic began
4. When Diocletian took power in A.D. 284, he: He divided the empire into four parts, each
with its own ruler
5. What were features of the Roman government? Representative government, instituted rule
of law and separation of powers
6. The Vandals attacked Roman land, northern Africa and: Spain
7. What happened to Julius Caesar on March 15, 44 B.C.? He was killed by his enemies
8. How did early Christianity impact the Roman Empire? The empire changed to a monotheistic
belief system, the empire identified Jesus as the son of God, the apostles as Peter and Paul
helped to spread the religion throughout the empire
9. The spread and influence of the Latin language on the Western civilization included areas as:
literature, science and medicine
10. When do many historians date the fall of Rome? In A.D. 476 when Odoacer took control
11. What did Romans in cities build to protect themselves from raiding Germanic tribes and
Persians armies? They built walls to protect themselves
12. What events, under Augustus’s leadership, led to Rome becoming an empire? Augustus
established a permanent and professional army, Augustus’s legions conquered large
territories in northern Europe, Augustus appointed proconsuls to help rule the empire
13 What structure in Roman society helped to promote their trade? A common system of money
and roads
14. How did Romans honor their gods and goddesses? By praying and offering food
15. What were some of the reasons for the gradual decline of the Western Roman Empire?
Overdependence on slavery which lead to many revolts, Germanic attacks on the Roman
frontiers, weak economy, civil wars and weak government
16. Women who were not rich had: less freedom because Patrician women managed the
household while plebian women did all of their own household chores and sometimes
helped their husbands
17. Many historians believe that Rome was founded around what time period? Between 800 B.C.
and 700 B.C
18. What action did the Roman emperors take when the empire grew weak? They paid soldiers to
protect them
19. What is an example of cultural diffusion?
The Romans worshipping the same gods and goddesses as the Greeks.
20. Compare the children of patricians to children of plebeians: Children of patricians were able
to attend school while plebeian children were taught in the home
21. Compare life in the Roman Republic to life in Roman Empire: In the republic Romans
admired Greek statues, buildings and ideas while the empire created aqueducts, bridges
and spread Greek ideas throughout
22. Describe the condition of enslaved people in Roman society: Many enslaved Greeks were well
educated while most people lived a miserable life
Short Response Question: In what way is our legal system similar to that of the Romans?