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Final Review
Concepts of Physics
Part I – Chapters 1-7
About Science
1) Which one of the following problems would NOT be a part of physics?
A) Identifying all the forces acting on a person who is walking uphill
B) Calculating the instantaneous velocity of an accelerating car
C) Identifying all the bones in a human body
D) Calculating the amount of energy a person uses while listening to a lecture
E) Calculating the average density of a person
2) To test a scientific hypothesis you would
A) set up an experiment and look at the results.
B) set up many experiments and look at the results.
C) perform any physics experiment and look at the results.
D) use the results of only the experiments that confirm the hypothesis.
E) find the best result and report only that result.
3) A rate is defined as
A) mass.
B) distance.
C) a charge for something.
D) time divided by a quantity.
E) a quantity divided by time.
v = d/t
a = v/t
4) Speed is
A) a measure of how fast something is moving,
B) the distance covered per unit time.
C) always measured in terms of a unit of distance divided by a unit of time.
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
5) One possible unit of speed is
A) miles per hour.
B) kilometers per hour.
C) light years per century.
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
6) When you look at the speedometer in a moving car, you can see the car’s
A) instantaneous speed.
B) average speed.
C) instantaneous acceleration.
D) average acceleration.
E) average distance traveled.
7) A car covers 120 km in 6 hours, your average speed is…
A) 960 km/h.
D) 2O km/h.
B) 480 km/h.
E) 60 km/h.
C) 240 km/h.
Final Review
Concepts of Physics
8) A ball is thrown straight up. At the top of its path its instantaneous speed is
A) 0 m/s.
B) about 5 m/s.
C) about 10 m/s.
D) about 20 m/s.
E) about 50 m/s.
9) A ball is thrown straight up. At the top of its path as acceleration is
A) 0 m/s/s.
B) about 5 m/s/s.
C) about 10 m/s/s.
D) about 20 m/s/s.
E) about 50 m/s/s.
10) If Acceleration is defined as the change in
A) distance divided by the time interval
B) velocity divided by the time interval.
C) time it takes to move from one speed to another speed.
D) time it takes so move from one place to another place.
E) velocity of an object.
11) Suppose an object is in free fall. Each second the object falls
A) with the same average speed.
B) with the same instantaneous speed.
C) the same distance as in the second before.
D) a larger distance than in the second before.
E) None of these are correct.
12) If you drop a feather and a coin at the same time in a vacuum tube, which will reach the
bottom of the tube first
A) The coin
B) The feather
C) Neither—they will both reach the bottom at the same time.
13) Friction
A) acts in a direction that opposes the motion of an object.
B) comes from microscopic bumps that act as obstructions to the objects motion.
C) is the name given to the force acting between surfaces sliding pass one another.
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
14) Galileo showed that if friction were not present, then
A) moving objects would slow down anyway.
B) balls rolling on a flat plane would slow down on their own.
C) balls moving horizontally would move forever.
D) Only a and b are correct
E) All of the above are correct.
Final Review
Concepts of Physics
15) Galileo found that a ball rolling down one inclined plane would roll how far up another
inclined plane?
A) To nearly twice the height as where it originally started
B) To the nearly the same height as where it originally started
C) To nearly half its original height
D) To about one quarter its original height
E) The ball would not roll up the other plane at all
16) The law of inertia applies to
A) moving objects.
B) objects that are not moving.
C) both moving, and nonmoving objects.
17) If you were in a space ship and fired a cannon ball into frictionless space, the amount of
force needed to keep it going would be
A) twice the force with which it was fired.
B) the same amount of force with which it was fired.
C) one half the force with which it was fired
D) one quarter the force with which it was tied.
E) zero, since no force is necessary to keep it moving.
18) Which has more mass, a kilogram of feathers or a kilogram of iron?
A) The feathers
B) The iron
C) Neither—they both have the same mass.
19) How much inertia would a 2 kg mass of feather have compared a 1 kg mass of iron?
A) Four times as much
B) Twice as much
C) The same
D) One half as much
E) One quarter as much
F = ma
Fg = mg
Force and Acceleration
20) Accelerations are produced by
A) velocities.
B) speeds.
C) forces.
D) masses.
E) None of the above
21) How does acceleration of an object change in relation to its mass? It is
A) directly proportional.
B) inversely proportional.
C) Acceleration doesn’t depend on mass at all.
Final Review
Concepts of Physics
22) The acceleration produced by a net force on an object is
A) directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force.
B) in the same direction as the net force.
C) inversely proportional to the mass of the object
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
23) A 10-N force and a 30-N force act in the same direction on an object. What is the net
force on the object?
A) 40N
B) 30 N
C) 20 N
D) 1O N
E) None of the above
24) What is the net force on the object above, if Fapp is 200 N, Ffrict is 160 N, and Fgrav is
equal to Fnorm?
A) 40N
B) 30N
C) 20N
D) 10 N
E) None of the above
25) If the force acting on a can doubles, what happens to the can’s acceleration?
A) It quadruples.
B) It doubles.
C) It halves.
D) It quarters
E) It stays the same.
26) Newton’s second law says that the
A) force on an object equals the product of its mass times its acceleration.
B) acceleration of an object equals the product of the force on it times its mass.
C) mass of an object equals the product of the force on it times its acceleration.
D) force on an object equals its acceleration divided by its mass.
E) mass of an object equals its acceleration divided by the force acting on it.
27) How much force is needed to give a 2-kg physics book an acceleration of 6 m/s/s?
A) 36 N
B) 12 N
C) 3 N
D) 0.33 N
E) 0 N
28) A girl whose weight is 200 N hangs from a bar supported by two strands of rope. What
is the tension in each strand?
A) 400 N
B) 300 N
C) 200 N
D) l00 N
E) 0 N
Action and Reaction
29) Whenever an object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts a force
of the same magnitude, but in the opposite direction to that of the first object.
A) Always true
B) Sometimes true
C) Always false
Final Review
Concepts of Physics
30) A high school student hits a nail with a hammer. During the collision, there is a force
A) on the hammer but not on the nail.
B) on the nail but not on the hammer.
F 1,2 = - F 2,1
C) on the nail and also on the hammer.
31) A woman weighing 500 N sits on the floor. She exerts a force on the floor of
A) 1000 N.
B) 500 N.
C) 250 N.
D) 50 N.
E) 5 N.
32) A 500 N woman sits on the floor, the floor exerts a force on her of
A) 1000 N.
B) 500 N.
C) 250 N.
D) 50 N.
E) 5 N.
33) Forces always occur
A) by themselves.
B) as single quantities.
C) in pairs.
D) in triplets.
34) if) A vector is a quantity that has
A) magnitude and time
B) magnitude and direction.
C) time and direction.
35) A scalar is a quantity that has
A) magnitude.
B) time.
C) direction.
D) color.
36) When representing a force as a vector.
A) the length of the arrow represents the size of the force.
B) the length of the arrow is drawn to a suitable scale
C) the direction of the arrow shows the direction of the force.
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
37) Suppose a small plane can fly at 200 km/h relative to the surrounding air.
Suppose also that there is a 40-km/h tailwind. How fast does the planes shadow move
across the ground?
A) 240 km/h B) 200 km/h C) 160 km/h
D) 40 km/h
E) 5 km/h
38) A barge is being pulled by two ropes that make equal angles with the direction in which
the barge is traveling. Assuming the two pulls on the barge arc equal, in what direction does
the barge move?
A) It oscillates back and forth between the two banks.
B) U moves straight ahead.
C) It moves in the direction of the resultant force on it
D) Both A and B
E) Both B and C
Final Review
Concepts of Physics
39) The weight of a person can be represented by a vector that acts
A) perpendicular to the ground underneath the person.
B) parallel to the ground.
C) straight down, even if the person is standing on a hill.
D) in a direction that depends on where the person is standing.
E) All of the above
40) Which of the following would NOT be considered a projectile?
A) A cannonball thrown through the air
B) A cannonball rolling down a slope
C) A cannonball thrown straight up
D) A cannonball rolling off the edge of a table
E) All of the above are projectiles
41) Equilibrium occurs when
A) all the forces acting on an object are balanced.
B) The sum of the + x forces on an object equals the sum of the – x forces.
C) The sum of the upward forces equals the sum of the downward forces
D) The net force on the object is zero
E) All of the above
42) The momentum of an object is defined as the objects
A) mass times it acceleration.
B) mass times its velocity.
C) force times its acceleration.
D) force times the time interval.
E) velocity times the time interval.
ρ = mv
43) Which has more momentum, a large truck moving at 30 miles per hour or a small truck
moving at 30 miles per hour?
A) The large truck
B) The small truck
C) Both have the same momentum.
44) Which has more momentum, a sports car moving at 30 miles per hour or the same sports
car moving at 60 miles per hour?
A) The car moving at 30 miles per hour
B) The car moving at 60 miles per hour
C) Both have the same momentum.
45) If the momentum of an object changes and its mass remains constant, what else is
happening to the object?
A) Its velocity is changing.
B) It is accelerating (or decelerating).
C) There is a force acting on it.
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
Final Review
Concepts of Physics
46) The momentum change of an object is equal to the
A) force acting on it
B) velocity change of the object
C) impulse acting on it
D) objects mass times the force acting on it
E) force acting on it times its velocity.
47) Momentum is conserved in all collisions where no external forces are acting, except
A) when heat is generated.
B) in elastic collisions.
C) in inelastic collision.
D) when an object is deformed.
E) In this case, there are no exceptions.
48) A moving Freight car runs into an identical car at rest on the track. The cars couple
together. Compared to the velocity of the first car before the collision, the velocity of the
combined cars after the collision is
A) twice as large.
B) the same.
C) one half as Large.
D) zero.
E) More information is needed to say.
49) Two gliders having the same mass and speeds move toward each other on art air track
and stick together. After the collision the velocity of the gliders is
A) twice the original velocity.
B) the same as the original velocity
C) one half the original velocity.
D) zero.
E) There is not enough information to say.
50) Momentum is defined as an object mass times its velocity. (T or F)
51) Impulse is defined as the force exerted on an object times the time it lasts. (T or F)
52) If the net external force acting on a system is zero, then the total momentum of the
system is always zero. (T or F)
53) When two objects collide and completely bounce apart with no lasting deformation or
generation of heat, the collision is said to be elastic. (T or F)
54) When two objects collide and completely stick together, the collision is said to be
inelastic. (T or F)